Reality TV Shows That Were Axed Due To Controversy

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A producer of one of the most notorious  reality shows of all time is interested   in a potential reboot, but will it  ever make it to air? Chances are,   you'll never see any of these programs  that were undone by controversy. The 2005 reality series Who's Your Daddy?  may not exactly have been the best idea to   begin with. The show was hosted by Finola  Hughes and focused on a woman named TJ   Myers who didn't know who her biological  father was. She had to choose him from a   group of contestants in order to win  money. If a contestant could instead   deceptively convince her that he was her  father, then he would win a cash prize. Even before Who's Your Daddy? aired a single  episode on Fox, there were petitions to remove   it from the schedule by thousands of  people who wrote to the network. There   were also protests from adoptive parents  and adoption organizations. Adam Pertman,   the executive director of the Evan B. Donaldson  Adoption Institute, for one, wrote to Fox, "The very idea of taking such a deeply  personal, complex situation and turning it   into a money-grubbing game show is perverse,  destructive and insensitive to others." Fox initially defended their decision  to air Who's Your Daddy?, saying in a   statement that the "attention-grabbing"  title didn't necessarily capture what the   show would be about. Six episodes were  filmed, but Fox tried to just pass it   off as a one-episode special, with the  remaining five episodes never airing. Paula Deen was once a beloved Food Network  chef. But that was before controversy surfaced   in 2012 that led to the cancelation of her show  Paula Deen's Home Cooking. As reported by TMZ,   Deen was sued for racial discrimination by  a former manager of one of her restaurants.   And during the deposition, she admitted  to using a racial slur. That same lawsuit   also reportedly accused Deen's brother,  Earl "Bubba" Hiers, of sexual harassment,   specifically for watching porn in front of  other employees. Those revelations resulted in   Food Network canceling all Paula Deen-related  shows, but that wasn't the end of the story. In the same deposition, Deen reportedly confessed  to wanting the waiters at Hiers' upcoming wedding   to be Black men portraying slaves. The New  York Times spoke with one of Deen's employees,   who claimed that Deen asked another employee  to wear an Aunt Jemima-style outfit at work. On   top of that, there was also an outcry about  how Deen hid her diabetes after promoting   unhealthy foods on her shows, until she  landed a lucrative drug company deal. Deen attempted several apologies,  at one point saying in a statement, "Inappropriate, hurtful language is totally,   totally unacceptable. I’ve made  plenty of mistakes along the way" "My children, my team, my fans, my  partners, I beg for your forgiveness." But the damage was already done. Deen  was dropped from the Food Network,   as well as from companies she had  partnered with, like Walmart and Sears. Perhaps executives at CBS thought that Armed and  Famous could be a show so crazy that it just might   work. But it didn't quite work out that way, and  there's still debate around why it was dropped   by the network after just four episodes and  moved to VH1. The 2007 series followed a group   of out-of-work celebrities, including Jack  Osbourne, LaToya Jackson, and Erik Estrada,   as they worked on the police force in the  small town of Muncie, Indiana. Unsurprisingly,   the show was panned by critics, including  one from The Buffalo News who wrote, "I'd rather spend a month in Muncie or  be tasered than watch another episode." When CBS canceled Armed and Famous,   the network blamed a difficult time  slot. Spokesman Chris Ender claimed, "It came down to ratings. Going up against  American Idol was a tall task for the show." It also probably didn't help that the show was  hit with a $1 million lawsuit. Plaintiff Lyndsay   Clements alleged that Muncie police, along  with the cast and crew of Armed and Famous,   forcefully entered her apartment while looking  for a fugitive. Before realizing that they had   arrived at the wrong address, they  handcuffed her and looked through   her belongings. The incident left Clements  feeling "violated," with her lawyer claiming, "They ought to be held accountable. [...] If  you think of cops as clowns and want to give   them guns, you're putting everybody at risk.  This should not be entertainment television." The team at HGTV may have forgotten  to do a thorough enough background   check when they hired twins David and  Jason Benham to host Flip It Forward,   a 2014 show about families who want to  turn fixer-uppers into dream homes. But   as it turned out, the hosts were the  sons of an evangelical minister who   often spoke out against homosexuality and  abortion, as did the twins themselves. It was eventually discovered that both  Benhams had taken part in anti-gay rallies,   and at least David protested outside abortion  clinics. He was even recorded saying, "We have no-fault divorce; we  have pornography and perversion;   we have homosexuality and its agenda  that is attacking the nation." The network canceled the show  and announced in a statement, "HGTV is not moving forward with  the Benham Brothers' series at this   time. We're not commenting beyond this statement." It wasn't hard to read between  the lines and infer that the   cancellation was probably due to what  had surfaced about the Benhams. However,   the hosts claimed that the network knew about  their past. As David told ABC'S Nightline, "We explained it to them and we gave the proper   context for my statements. And they  looked behind our eyes and said,   'they don't have any hate in their hearts for  anyone, so we are going to give them a show.'" The brothers also announced in a statement, "If our faith costs us a  television show then so be it." "Jason and I are gonna finish the project with or   without the cameras. As a matter  of fact, without the cameras." MTV's 2013 reality series Buckwild followed  a group of young and wild friends living in   West Virginia. But it all ended on a tragic note  after one of the stars, 21-year-old Shain Gandee,   died from carbon monoxide poisoning while filming  the second season. He was found dead alongside his   friend Donald Robert Myers and his uncle David  Gandee, after the truck they were in got stuck   in the mud while they were off-roading,  an activity often featured on the show. Following Gandee's death, MTV decided to not   move forward shooting Season 2 of  Buckwild, explaining in a statement, "Given Shain's tragic passing and  essential presence on the show,   we felt it was not appropriate  to continue without him. instead,   we are working on a meaningful way to pay  tribute to his memory on our air and privately." This tribute came in the form of a special  episode, as well as an entire day of programming   dedicated to Gandee. But this solution didn't sit  right with the show's producer, J.P. Williams,   who wanted to continue with filming. As  Williams put it to The Hollywood Reporter, "This is the network that has shows  about teen pregnancy. They'll stick   by a show that allows you to abandon a child,   but a kid dies by accident doing what he  does for a living, and they cancel the show?" Unfortunately for Williams, MTV  owned the rights to Buckwild and   prevented him from shopping  it around to other networks. Actors Corey Feldman and Corey Haim  were both big teen stars in the 1980s.   When they teamed up a couple of  decades later for The Two Coreys,   it looked like they were trying to  revive their careers. However, the show,   which ran for two seasons on A&E between 2007  and 2008, may have ended up making things worse. That's because The Two Coreys was  reportedly canceled after Haim,   who had struggled with drug addiction for years,  suffered a relapse during filming. His addiction   was apparently so bad that Feldman decided he  no longer wanted to do the show with him and   pulled out after Season 2 wrapped. Feldman's  manager explained to the National Enquirer, "Right now, there will not be a  third season of The Two Coreys.   Things can't continue the way they did  toward the end of the second season." Tragically, just two years after the show ended,   Haim died at the age of 38. While drugs  were found in his system and his death   was originally considered a suspected  prescription medication overdose, it was   later determined that he died from pneumonia.  A&E released a statement that read in part, "We are saddened by the tragic loss of Corey  Haim who we had the pleasure to work with on   the series The Two Coreys. Our thoughts are  with his family during this difficult time." As for Feldman, he went on to release the  documentary My Truth: The Rape of Two Coreys   in 2020, which chronicled the alleged sexual  abuse he and Haim dealt with as child stars. "So what we got was the  awareness. We opened enough eyes." Kid Nation has lived on in notoriety since it  aired on CBS in 2007. The premise was essentially   a cross between Survivor and Lord of the Flies.  A group of children between the ages of 8 and 15   set about creating their own society when left on  an uninhabited farmstead in the middle of nowhere   without adult supervision. If that doesn't sound  sketchy enough, The Smoking Gun reported that   the parents of the participants had to sign  a waiver that acknowledged that there were,   quote, "conditions that may cause the minor  serious bodily injury, illness or death." Thankfully, no one died, though there were  reportedly instances of some of the kids   drinking bleach and becoming traumatized  over the killing of a live chicken. The   show was also condemned by critics  for exploiting children. Following   a lawsuit and an inquiry by the New Mexico  Attorney General regarding whether or not   the production broke any laws, the  show was canceled after one season. Nevertheless, executive producer Tom Forman   stands by Kid Nation to this  day, telling Variety in 2017, "The part that was amazing and controversial  and groundbreaking was the social element." He also stressed that the children were  always safe during production and added, "Every couple of years I pick up the phone and   lob in a call to CBS and see  if we should do it again." The VH1 series Ev and Ocho was  just another in a long line of   reality shows documenting the lives of  a rich and famous couple. In this case,   the main storyline was NFL player Chad  "Ochocinco" Johnson's engagement and then   wedding to Basketball Wives star Evelyn Lozada.  But things took a dark turn when Johnson was   arrested on a domestic violence charge before the  first episode was scheduled to premiere in 2012. Johnson was accused of head-butting Lozada so hard  that she required hospital treatment. Following   his arrest, VH1 immediately removed the show  from its schedule, announcing in a statement, "Due to the unfortunate events over the  weekend and the seriousness of the allegations,   VH1 is pulling the series Ev and Ocho from its  schedule and has no current plans of airing it." The Miami Dolphins then released Johnson  from their roster, and just days later,   Lozada filed for divorce. Johnson went  on to have a year of probation. In 2020,   he looked back on the incident by tweeting, "I lost my temper for once in life for 3 seconds  & it cost me a [lifetime's] worth of work." But Lozada took issue with that version of the  story, as she responded in an Instagram video, "It's messages like this [...] that are triggers  for me. [...] It wasn't the first time." "And I'm trying to move on, but as a  victim, how am I supposed to move on." Pretty Wild started as a fairly typical  E! reality show about a new age mother   raising teenage girls in Hollywood. But  things changed pretty much right out of   the gate. One of the show's stars, Alexis Neiers,   now known by her married name Alexis Haines,  explained to Entertainment Tonight in 2019, "It was supposed to be just kind of like the  hippy, crunchy version of the Kardashians,   and then all of a sudden it made a 180 when  I was arrested on the second day of filming." Neiers wasn't just arrested. She  was also accused of being part of   the infamous "Bling Ring," the group  of teens who robbed celebrity homes   in 2010 and inspired the Sofia  Coppola movie of the same name. E! then retooled Pretty Wild to have it  cover how Neiers and her family dealt   with the scandal. What made matters much worse  was that both Neiers and her live-in friend,   Tess Taylor, reportedly had drug  problems. As Neiers revealed to ET, "I was using heroin every single  day, all day long... I mean,   I was loaded from the second we started  filming to the second we stopped." The show ended up getting canceled  after only one season, once photos   of Neiers and Taylor using heroin surfaced  online. Both girls credit the cancellation   for helping them eventually get clean.  As Neiers put it to The Cut in 2020, "It was the best thing that ever happened  to me. [...] It was kind of the perfect   storm that inspired me to get out of that place." "Nancy Jo,   this is Alexis Neiers calling. I'm calling to let  you know how disappointed I am in your story." Singer-songwriter CeeLo Green was at the top  of his game in the early 2010s, thanks to his   massive hit song "Forget You" and his role  as a judge on The Voice. He was so popular   at the time that TBS even gave him his own reality  show, called The Good Life, which offered fans a   behind-the-scenes look into his successful career.  But everything changed in 2014. That was when he   pleaded no contest to a felony count of furnishing  ecstasy to a woman two years prior. The woman had   also accused Green of sexually assaulting her,  though prosecutors didn't pursue that charge. Green maintained his innocence, but he made things  worse by taking to Twitter to make controversial   statements about rape, equating it to burglary,  and claiming that people who have been sexually   assaulted remember it. He eventually  attempted to make amends, as he tweeted, "I sincerely apologize for my comments being  taken so far out of context. I only intended   on a healthy exchange to help heal those who love  me from the pain I had already caused from this." TBS went on to cancel The Good Life  before its second season premiered,   and around the same time, Green also  left The Voice. He did eventually   return to the latter show in 2018,  though not without controversy. Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, a spinoff of Toddlers  & Tiaras, followed spirited beauty pageant kid   Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson and her wacky but  supportive family. While the show seemed innocent   enough, things took a controversial turn in 2014.  That's when TMZ reported that Thompson's mother,   Mama June Shannon, was dating a convicted child  molester following her split from her husband.   Photos emerged of June with the man at a hotel  and also of him around her daughter. TLC went   on to cancel Here Comes Honey Boo Boo,  as the network explained in a statement, "Supporting the health and welfare of these  remarkable children is our only priority." But Shannon wasn't happy with that decision,  and she took to Facebook to deny the claims,   claiming that she hadn't seen the man  in question in ten years. As she put it, "The statement of me dating a sex  offender is totally untrue. [...] I   would not ever, ever, ever put my kids in danger." But that wasn't the last of Shannon's  troubles, as she began abusing drugs   with another boyfriend. That led to her  arrest and Thompson having to move out   of her home and in with her sister. Shannon  had booked another reality show on WEtv in   2017 that focused on her makeover called  Mama June: From Not to Hot, though it was   later turned into Mama June: Family Crisis  to focus on her recovery from addiction. "I am so not ready to deal with this." 19 Kids and Counting followed the daily  lives of the Duggars, a very large and   religious family. In 2015, a 2006 police report  surfaced that revealed that eldest son Josh   Duggar had previously been investigated for child  molestation when he was a teenager, and that two   of his sisters were among his six victims. TLC  then announced that they and the Duggar family   were no longer moving forward. Josh admitted  to the accusations, saying in a statement, "I acted inexcusably for which I am  extremely sorry and deeply regret." The Duggars attempted to spin the situation,  saying in a statement on their official website, "Josh, our daughters and our entire  family overcame a terrible situation,   found healing and a way forward. We are so pleased  with the wonderful adults they have all become." Parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar also claimed, "Even though we would never choose  to go through something so terrible,   each one of our family  members drew closer to God." In April 2021, Josh was arrested  on child sexual abuse charges.   As a result, the Duggars' Counting On spin-off  was canceled. Josh was later convicted,   and he faces potentially up to 20 years in prison. The 2009 VH1 show Megan Wants a Millionaire  was supposed to focus on reality star Megan   Hauserman as she looked for a wealthy  man who could eventually make her a   trophy wife. Hauserman had already  appeared on some other VH1 shows   like Rock of Love and I Love Money, as  well as The CW's Beauty and the Geek. While Megan Wants a Millionaire sounded  like just your average tacky dating show,   things became much more serious when it  was discovered that one of the contestants,   Ryan Jenkins, was wanted for killing his wife  Jasmine. Jenkins had even wrapped another VH1   reality appearance on I Love Money 3.  Both shows were pulled from the network   once it was revealed that Jenkins was a  person of interest in the murder case. And just eight days after Jasmine's body  was discovered, Jenkins took his own life.   The entire incident made it abundantly  clear that the reality industry had to   do a better job of protecting their cast members  by performing more thorough background checks.
Channel: Nicki Swift
Views: 41,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nicki swift, reality tv, scandals, canceled, honey boo boo
Id: f5arvWttHcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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