Making IKEA Swedish Meatballs at Home | But Better

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we've gone after the fast food places the snacks and even the movie theaters but today we're gonna go to the furniture store for some reason [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so sorry am i interrupting the recipe my apologies pre-ordered the book link is in the description thank you okay so today we're making ikea's coveted swedish meatballs i can't believe i'm saying that why does this exist it's just one of those weird things that we all just accept and don't think wait a minute why is this furniture store selling me meatballs like nobody's business it just shouldn't be our business whose business is this really i'm kind of confused what kind of a business is this what who who are you the point is these meatballs have quite the clout and you know ikea's balls and my balls i think need to come together and really duke it out and so that's what we're going to do there's nothing else to say after that so let's make this shall we why is it always packed can we just have one day where ikea is just here you know you don't have to come to ikea you don't have to you can just stay at home like you're supposed to okay so we're back from ikea we got it to go tin it's all still warm because it's right across well not right across the street but it's nearby us you ever heard a meatball make this noise let me answer that for you no there's a fish aroma coming from this not sure how that's possible but hey anything's possible on butt better well i have jam on my fork so let's try that first i mean it's not bad it's just not good bitter imbalanced i just read sugar but the lincoln berries taste kind of good mashed potatoes first truck i've had instant mashed potatoes that are better than this meatballs now i do like these so hopefully they are good today this is not good these are coveted because they come from a furniture store okay that's what we're judging right now can we make them better my god i sure hope so all right folks we have a couple basic components here the meatballs and their coveted gravy are mashed titers broccoli but you know actually exciting and a beautiful lingonberry or well in this case cranberry jam i know a lot of people are going to complain oh josh it needs to be lingenberry you know what look if you can't find lincoln berries do me a favor and don't let those you know what berries tell you that you can't use cranberries are they the same no but they taste close and they contribute the same purpose to the dish now that i've made a few people angry let's start with that in a medium-sized sauce pot add 12 ounces or 350 grams of lingonberries or cranberries they can be fresh or frozen both will work then add one and a quarter cup or 250 grams of granulated white sugar half a cup or 120 milliliters of orange juice half a cup or 120 milliliters of water 2 tablespoons or 30 milliliters of lemon juice and three large strips of orange zest peel it off there's no need to grate it give that a stir and set the temp to medium high let that come to a boil then reduce it to low and simmer for 20 minutes stirring and mashing occasionally until it's thickened into a light syrup and all the berries have boost open then just remove the orange zest or leave it in it's up to you then toss it in a food processor or blender and blend until completely smooth then finally pass it through a fine mesh trainer and cool completely to room temperature i mean just look at that beautifully silky and smooth jam that i want in and around my mouth okay next is our mashed potatoes real easy get yourself three large russet potatoes or more depending on how many you want peel them cut them into chunks god that's a terrible word for anything you're gonna eat chunked anyway toss in a pot and fill with water place it over medium high heat until it comes to a boil and let that cook until fork tender then press them through a potato ricer link in bile for dad separately in a small saucepan add six tablespoons of unsalted butter and one cup of whole milk heat that over medium heat just until hot and the butter is pour three quarters of that over your rice tigers stir that together and if it's still pretty thick feel free to add the rest of the liquid then just season that bad boy to taste with salt and pepper stir till completely smooth and of course add extra butter if you're feeling a little extra nutty mmm nutty little potato man wants his sweet cream butter now just keep that bad boy warm and to the side next let's talk broccoli please there's a time and a place for steaming and boiling and plain broccoli is simply not one of them instead what i'd recommend is breaking your broccoli down into florets i like my florets tall so i leave quite a bit of stem on there then coat a medium sized pan with enough oil to coat the bottom then heat that over medium-high heat and once that's ripping hot add in your broccoli cut sides down season that to taste with salt and let that sear for 2-3 minutes per side until you get a beautiful caramelization and a nice crust on most edges remember we don't want this mush we want it with a little bit of snap once that's done hit it with some fresh lemon juice to taste an additional salt if needed and that's your broccoli now for our most important contender the meatballs so start with one pound or 450 grams of ground beef it's about 80 percent lean three quarters of a pound or 350 grams of ground pork also ideally around that 70 to 80 percent lean marker give your meat a nice massage and mix together thoroughly maybe get a bigger bowl so you have actual room always with the wrong bowls and losing the lids to the pots with me papa very sorry knead that together until it starts to get a little tacky and sticky then add one finely diced or grated sweet onion three cloves of garlic minced two teaspoons or four grams of ground white pepper half a teaspoon or one gram of fresh grated nutmeg a quarter teaspoon of ground allspice half a cup or 55 grams of panko bread crumbs begin mixing that all together and once it's roughly combined add one whole egg mix that together and finally a quarter cup or 60 ml of whole milk mix that thoroughly to combine evenly line it in baking sheet with foil spray the foil with non-stick cooking spray then form the meat into 24 evenly sized balls placing them in rows of four i'd recommend using a medium cookie scoop to get your balls as even as possible then tussles in an oven set to 425 fahrenheit ideally on a convection setting for 15 to 20 minutes or until beautifully browned and cooked through to an internal temp of 165 fahrenheit i mean just look at my balls okay but while those meatballs are still in the oven what in tarnation are you doing twiddling your thumbs thinking about how vikram is mad cute instead of all that i'd recommend making the gravy during this time in a medium saucepan add 3 tablespoons or 42 grams of unsalted butter heat that over medium high heat until melted and add 3 tablespoons or 28 grams of all-purpose flour whisk that together and let that cook stirring occasionally for about one to two minutes or until it begins to turn a little darker then add two cups or 480 milliliters of hot beef broth please make sure this is the good quality beef broth okay like the homemade stuff the better the broth the better the gravy if it's crap the gravy will be crap see what i'm saying fold it up with two tablespoons or 30 milliliters of double fermented soy sauce then just bring that to a light simmer and reduce for five minutes or until thick then add half a cup 120 milliliters of heavy whipping cream and simmer for two more minutes stirring occasionally and that gravy right there is a true beauty in the world of sauces you can also add a teaspoon or three grams of dijon mustard for a little extra to the sauce okay assembly time get yourself a nice plate offset on one side of the plate add a nice big mound of mashed potato then using the back of a large spoon give it a nice swipe to get a little swoosh you know get a little fancy here with our tigers then add four to eight meatballs per plate i put seven here because well unfortunately it looked better for the video but if i'm being honest here add on your broccoli followed by a lovely quinnell of your cranberry jam to absolutely exhibit its stellar consistency and finally sauce your balls generously with your gravy i mean really just coat them nicely all right as much or as little as you like but put a lot then just finish that with some finely chopped fresh italian parsley and fresh cracked black pepper as usual we slang the visuals in comparison but do our meaty balls and anxious gravy compete with a furniture store god i hope so let's find out just by looking at the quinnell of this jam it's almost like this is like before and after before fdl let's start with the gym i mean instantaneously better it's balanced it's got acidity you see what i'm saying potato they're better thank you for coming by by a lot this is like paper just plain bleached paper and then this is like leonardo da vinci's paintings that sounds a little god complexy that's not what i'm trying to do here i'm just saying this is egregiously better it's not even fair broccoli flavor caramelization is crunchy this did all the talking for me last but not least the balls you ever have the cafeteria food version of something that you like and it destroys how much you like it welcome to the cafeteria i have nothing else to say other than vikram please join us today on today's taste test yay he's back today it's vic from the big man so number one vikram's getting nervous number two the first thing here's one and two vikram likes brock broccoli i won't say either way that's just broccoli it's never just broccoli oh it's not just broccoli vikram doesn't like jam everybody wrote some of the comments hahaha doesn't like jam jam number one it's not it's not too much yucky lucky face jam number two vikram doesn't like jam part seven yours is the second one yeah our final contestant the meat ball number one mmm number two [Applause] there you go this one's yours for sure oh my gosh the light you want on all friends episode 41 butt better swedish meatballs from ikea sweden what's next your move you want to know what else is full of papa's meaty juicy sauced up balls b-roll [Music] [Music] all right guys and that is it so we made the ikea swedish meatballs and they came out perfectly i mean beyond perfectly everything just made sense it actually tasted real feel like there was a point where the meatballs at ikea were really good please no jokes i already know where you're going with that the point is we made them significantly better all the accoutrements on the side all the different sides the mashed potatoes everything you can do that at home very easily and i'm happy to supply that to you so with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time if this fly keeps flying in my face he's dead he's dead dead sorry you had to see that goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 2,357,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, joshua weissman but better, but better, ikea meatballs, ikea swedish meatballs, ikea swedish meatballs recipe, ikea meatballs recipe, ikea meatballs but better, how to make ikea meatballs, making ikea meatballs, homemade ikea meatballs, homemade ikea meatballs recipe, meatballs, ikea, how to make meatballs, meatball recipe, swedish meatball, youtube recipes, youtube cooking, cooking series, joshua weissman ikea meatballs
Id: z-BPTK2Z5qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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