Swathing the copeland barley!!

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uh i don't know what that is there be probably [Music] hey guys how's she going today well we're slopping some barley [Music] oh why are you swapping it with that weird machine when you can just go straight combine it that's what we do with everything well see this spot here where the heads aren't all bent over like the rest of it that still has some green in it you can't combine that because it'll make everything in the bin spoil plus it takes down your grade at the elevator when you get there with it and it makes it tough etc etc you don't want that in there well why don't you just desiccate it get it all ripe at the same time this is malting barley at least that's what i'm going for and you cannot desiccate malt barley so you have to swap it that is why uh one of the reasons well that's that's why the barley gets swapped if you come around this part of the country at harvest time there's barley and oats in sloth everywhere and that is because milling oats and malt barley cannot be desiccated and i can see that changing for just about every crop the way things are going at least with glyphos anyway but that's a different story for a different time reason number two that i swapped everything other than soybeans i have a 30-foot swather here and i can cut along and wheat at seven miles an hour slothing like this all this i'm going uh four miles an hour just because it's a bit rougher in this field and it's a little bit shorter than wheat is so i'm cutting a bit shorter etc etc but anyway i have a 30 foot slot that can spot seven miles an hour my straight cut header for the massey is only 22 feet in that flex center that combine can handle a 30 foot swath like nothing 1682 i think the biggest straight cut header you could get for it was 18 feet and well that's just not even worth having that combine if all you're gonna do is put 18 feet through it that's no damn good and then the 2188 i have that big flex header that's 35 feet well that's fine and dandy for soybeans because our beans don't get real big here like what you guys are used to down in the states so 35 feet is a good number for it for beans but 35 feet of anything else to that machine is just it'll do it but you'll be crawling 30 feet is the right size so if i go up swat the quarter i can have three big combines rolling on a 30 foot swath running to their full capacity i can burn through it a lot faster than if i had the straight headers on them now i could go out and buy 30 foot straight headers for the massey and the 2188 but that would cost a lot of money that i don't want to spend when i've already got the slother here plus i have grandpa henry's i have that other that 4000 international that's 24 and a half feet so i don't know doesn't make sense to me to go buy straight headers to do what i can just do with this because i need this machine anyway for my barley and for my canola so half the farm oh and my peas i don't like using flex headers and feeds that makes me want to hang myself from the unloading auger i'll talk to you about that when we're combining keys here shortly but i've just had way better luck slothing things than i've had straight combining and picking up a swath like this you're a lot less likely to put a rock through the combine you're not dragging a header through the dirt trying to get each end with the header down on the ground et cetera et cetera i don't know call me crazy if you want but that's why i slot so anyway i've been out here for a couple hours i got my headlands done see this big green spot here headlands done and this little uh 30 acre piece always breaks off from the rest of it so i'm gonna finish this headland and go back and forth on it and get it done uh this field's 182 sewing acres so i'm gonna try my damn just i don't think i'll get it done today but i'm gonna put in one heck of a day here it's already one o'clock i got a late start there's a lot to do this morning and i had to help antoine move some stuff around because he's hauling second cut hay bales right now i got a bit of a late start on this but i'm gonna stay out here as long as i can and get as much done as i can so my canola's going to be ready to cut here this weekend too so i got to get this done and get home and get cotton and antoine's peas are going to be ready to combine too so everything's going to be ready at once just like the usual here so anyway i'm going to keep on chopping we'll talk to you guys in a bit well that's definitely not 30 feet wide i've got a feeling that a certain oh there he is a certain 87 year old grandpa is out here with his swather here i'll see if i can zoom in on it i just barely see the cab over here on here you see that i'll get some better shots of him when he gets closer but oh what a guy oh that's all right then i'll have to try to do it all by myself now even if he just gets a bit done that'll be kind of nice all right when he's closer i'll get some video of him with the old 4000. you like my funnel holder so i don't get the box of my truck all oily [Applause] so then he sees the sloth they're spinning in a circle he fell over dead so anyway just had a quick coffee break dumped some gas in that one for him and uh well he just finished headlands around here he made one round all the way around so i usually do three like that so totally mean go back and forth over here since it's nice straight lines and i'll uh i'll open the rest of it up there so [Music] hahaha i notice there's a bearing on its way out on the canvas drive pulley on it so [Applause] we'll see how much longer he makes it i told him just go kill it the tabs out all that'll happen is that pulley will come off the little shaft so and the canvas will stop turning so i'll worry about getting carried sword after that i don't need this swather again until uh cutting wheat anyways the big one here is the one that does all the canola with the pickup reel that other one there doesn't have a big enough hole and the uh canola bungs up and if it's a real heavy crop so anyway we'll throw the jerry can in the box of the truck here and we'll take off again their meals on wheels just brought me a hamburger so i'm gonna dump a couple more cans of gas in the big swather there so i can keep rolling don't crash [Laughter] bye-bye dump a bit of gas in here to keep rolling and then well after tomorrow i'll be really really well i'm already kind of really giving her so often but i gotta get uh i've got a tank i'm gonna borrow from a buddy just a small slip tank with a hand pump for gas because he was supposed to weld a new bottom in mine and he didn't get it done so he told me i could just borrow one of his for time being so that's probably what i'll do so anyway we'll talk to you in a few well i just had to hop out real quick and do a quick repair the uh bolt fell out of the cylinder lock and i couldn't put the header down because the lock locked on so good old black electrical tape to the rescue i just taped the thing up for now oh shoot but anyway i've got a real big chunk done i'm not gonna get done today obviously but uh it's quite a bit darker than what it looks in the camera but uh i'm just waiting for antoine to be done moving bales and then we'll uh well he's got to bring uh i picked up another bin at the mover this morning where we're getting bales from so uh he's going to bring the uh 4640 in that bin home or back to grandpa's here he's hauling hay from over there and grandpa's is over here so he's gonna bring that bin back on the trailer because he needed the 46 for loading bales so after he picked the bin up this morning it just stayed there while he loaded bales but now that he's done moving bales for the night he's going to bring the tractor in the bin home and we'll stand it up tomorrow morning and go get another bin and then same kind of deal as they can pick bales all day till he's done because he'll finish tomorrow and i should be done if nothing explodes i will be done this and we'll go start on uh cutting canola sometime this afternoon is kind of what i'm hoping for so i guess i'll keep chopping away here and we will talk to you guys when we shut her down or tomorrow morning or whatever goes on so talk to you in a bit well you kind of see twan in the mirror back there um we're just uh i just brought him back to the towing truck he's got a load of bales on it and he's just going to bring it back to his house because he only lives a few miles from here and then deliver that load of bales in the morning and we'll stand that bin up and i'll get my barley finished swathed anyways but i guess that's where i'm gonna shut her down for tonight so we'll talk to you guys in the morning well here's my big 4000 bushel bin that i got for 200 bucks it needs a few sheets but for 200 dollars [Music] a few sheets in the end of the world let's see how it's crinkled there on the side i can still use it to put barley in as long as i don't i can't put a real heavy crop like wheat that would buckle it but uh barley will be fine barley or canola would work in it just fine so for this year and then next year we'll fix it all up i'll probably add another ring to it and make it a 5300 that way but uh i'll have to get some dirt and fill in the holes on the side here but should work like a hot damn eight one so i have to get a bit of dirt to fill in those spots and i think we should be good so anyway talk to you in a few well [Music] we're just about done squatting rap is over there by the tree just driving back to the truck and this little tiny hourglass shape thing here is what's left so that's kind of nice i'm gonna go home and hook on the swath roller and turn and burn into some canola i think all done nice so i don't know how many minutes i got on this video i think i must be getting pretty close to having enough so this is probably where i'll leave you unless i don't have enough then i'll talk to you again but i think this is pretty close so i'm gonna get on a sloth here so i have to run a bunch of squads over to get back to the truck [Music] here's a grapple with sloth and you can see it makes quite a bit smaller and tighter of a swath there the old 4000 than what this thing does but anyway i guess saying thank you much for watching and make sure you leave a like and a comment and subscribe for more we're going to be combining here right away and you don't want to miss out on that so that would be that would be not wise of you to miss out on all the good content that's coming but other than that i guess i'll talk to you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: South Sask Farmer
Views: 20,891
Rating: 4.9722815 out of 5
Id: HeQuiqFbxTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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