Swarm Cells - bees are signaling they're leaving! 5/9/2018 - Bee Vlog#4

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[Music] how do you do to everybody today is May 9th I wouldn't just do a quick check in each box and see if there are any swarm cells happening this is swarming season we're about a week away from Mother's Day and so for this area this is the time where hives often start thinking about swarming and swarming of course is when half the population leaves with the original Queen to establish a new colony it's a sign of a good booming colony but it's not great if you're trying to collect honey because it makes a little break in your honey and neck well nectar collecting with cells that are going to become the new queen so she has to hatch she has to get mated and become fertilized and then start laying so there's a positive a couple weeks before any new bees are going to hatch so not that big of a deal but also you lose production in the sense that half of your population is gone there are measures that you can do to try to avoid swimming and you can also try to catch your swarm too and then you now have two hives so yeah anyway it's just a quick check just gonna see if they're thinking okay all right let's go ahead and get started alright let's take off these honey supers oh I do see some nectar there collecting that's great pretty quiet bees a lot of action up here okay this was 50 seconds Wow girls are busy it's a super heavy full of nectar beautiful all right you want to keep the smoke going the smoke were always likes to go out when you need it most so back to this I'm gonna remove some of this drone phone because I'm seeing that's the way to reduce mites here scraping Birbhum as I go along so look what I've discovered yep I think these girls might be thinking about swarming because those are some pretty that's a pretty built up cup right there let me check it out empty that has an egg in it okay I have an egg and he built out swim Hey so that okay got a button that up I've got a peanut in there look at this look at this right there right there do you see that that right there is a queen cell and I'm think that's shaving down so she's gonna merge soon so these girls are taken off they are planning on leaving there are planning on leaving my girls are gonna leave me okay so so I just went in there quickly I found a swarm cell and apparently last week when I came in here and I saw cups I must have missed one with an egg in it and yeah so that looks like it's she's gonna emerge pretty soon so I'm gonna go consult Liang my mentor see what she has to say and what I should do next because yeah I don't know it might be unavoidable I might lose them anyways but hopefully I can prevent them from leaving all right stay tuned it's always interesting beekeeping isn't it bye
Channel: emmymade extras
Views: 39,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: swarm, queen cup, queen, swarm cell, beekeeping, beekeeper, swarming, homesteading, hive, hive check, spring beekeeping, farming, husbandry, backyard, backyard beekeeping
Id: frrQvxlZ690
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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