Where's my Queen -- One Last Look Before I Re-queen 5/9/2018 - Bee Vlog #5

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so I am back it is still May 9th so after talking to my mentor I have to find my queen because it looks like they might have swarmed I was just thinking they're thinking of swarming but they might have swarmed and there's no real way to know that except to find the Queen so number one I have to find the Queen which I've never been very good at so today is a good time to be good at it and if that's the case and I find her and I hope I do I'm going to move her into another box and have her establish her own hive that sort of simulates a swarm and then leave the old hive with a couple queen cells so they can raise a new queen for themselves so that's the plan if I can't find the Queen that's another story I'm not sure exactly what I'm gonna do then - and yeah I think I'm supposed to still split at that point if I can't find the Queen and then yeah so they reduced the chances of swarming again and just leave - Queen cells cuz if you leave too many Queen cells they could swarm again so that's another thing we don't want them swimming again because then population numbers go down down down so yeah that's the plan alright here we go so okay so we looked at this one already and I found swarm so and then let's tilt it up and see if I can see me let's start poking around in here get you guys in a little closer so my goal is to find the clean gonna be here she's gonna be in the brood chambers so that's what I'm looking for and we'll start we start on this side because the brood seems to be more in here so give ourselves a little room coming out with some coaxing this is all capped honey looks like very heavy so maybe I'll take this one if I can make this one come out alright alright that has some honey on that side and capped honey on that side good stores that means they've been busy I don't expect to find the Queen on a honey Fran so now this one's very heavy this is a honey frame look at that very heavy with nectar stores and capped honey yes I do see eggs so I do see egg so if she was here she might be around here so let me look carefully okay Queenie come on be here for me baby I'm gonna look carefully see if I can see her eggs that's good place the eggs but notice on my cleaning so far all right let's keep looking she was here keep looking fall installers calling stores good Paul in stores some brewed backed filled with honey nectar this is basically a fallen empty super seizure empty Cup okay so didn't see her in there but I did find eggs so she was there at least three days ago try to put them back in the same way you took them out and I smell back together and make sure that bSpace is not violated [Music] [Music] so keep looking for gonna pull out a frame to get some space pretty deep in there has a little bit of honey in it would be that I got got squish I'm sorry don't expect to find my queen on that one this looks like a full honey frame yes very very very heavy frame look at that Wow packed syrup packed with honey that is such a heavy frame oh my gosh I can barely lift it solidly packed look at this side that's all honey so heavy just an empty one that I put in here but it has honey and it's ready stored in there this is capped honey full of nectar okay back in there this is a frame I gave them last week that was empty and already it has some stored cap nectar and I'm also gonna get rid of some of this drone come down here this is drone Burke home it's a way to not wish bees when you put the frames back it's not so good pre-emptive way to get rid of any minds let's field or not hmm that definitely hasn't taken it and that's another cup that doesn't have a negative this one has negative and they're definitely eggs on this but doesn't mean anything she could still swarm it just means that she was here three days ago so again I'm gonna remove this don't but this was placed in just a week ago and it's already been drawn out quite a bit and has captured in it busy busy bees I didn't see you on that frame this frame feels pretty light see if I can see signs am i clean this is all capped brood okay just look carefully here I see some cups down there they're definitely planning on swarming their eggs here she's definitely just here definitely eggs she was just here I hope I find her because I really don't want I'm not to have a queen all right so down here I see some cups and there are eggs in these pups so yes I'm gonna destroy these Plus this Berk rain so I'm trying to find if the Queen was here because if I destroy all of these and she's gone then I just made my five queenless so I really do hope I find her this is a beautiful brood frame look at this solid bird lovely lovely very padded I see another cup down here and there's an egg in it and another one so they're definitely thinking about swapping so far only one developed to developing so far though okay this is a sunny pollen frame don't expect the planter here more cups down here okay so they're definitely thinking about doing this oh I gotta take some measures okay so through those boxes I have two fully capped Queen cells let's see what we got in here and you're gonna find that clean in here [Music] [Music] [Music] this one feels very heavy this one looks like a funny frame you definitely have enough to eat honey honey honey honey honey Oh quick all right listen here [Music] all right to see the Queen you do not see the clean yes it's the eggs every single cell has an egg okay so that's a good sign that she's here recently come on show yourself all right a couple clean cups all empty okay this one back in all right still don't see her so more pink UPS all empty frames a little bit okay don't sear on that one either Oh clean you're proving elusive right so I didn't see her in this box theater that leaves me with one box left so I hope I find in the last one but I didn't see any chain cells in this one [Music] this is the bottom box last time I was here that was not a lot going on which is all and just pollen stores so today what's going on he's a Gaul nectar and pollen stores syrup all nectar perhaps you've been so busy well nectar so I went through the hive twice and I did not find her I found two Queen cells that were sealed one that was just about and about three cups that had either jelly or an egg in it lots of other cups that were empty so what to do now I'm gonna get in touch with my mentor ask her what she thinks and maybe she can come help me look for her I think she's still here I really do because they only have two of them that are just capped in terms of queen size I don't know I need to seek another opinion but yeah beekeeping it didn't say was gonna be easy right enjoyable fascinating yes but frustrating because you just don't know what the bees are thinking at least I don't but I'm trying alright thanks you guys so much for watching I'll see in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: emmymade extras
Views: 23,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bee, bees, beekeeping, beekeeper, hive, hive check, honey, nectar, backyard farming, backyard beekeeping, queen, queen flight, swarm, bee swarm, bee frames, drones
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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