Pulling Frames of Capped Honey for Extraction | S3 E13

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[Music] hey everybody it's ma it is July first on this beautiful gorgeous day and I am going to jump into my hive so I've been in my hives for about 10 days it's been a little bit crazy around here so I'm gonna go and do a couple of things number one being just as always checking on my queen see how how she's doing if I can spot her if not if I can see signs of her activity eggs larvae I'm also gonna look at ponds doors and honey's doors at this time of year there should be plenty of nectar number two I'm going to pull frames of capped honey we are coming to extraction time which is exciting and the number three I'm gonna do a mite check so we're coming into summer dearth it's a good time to start checking Mike counts and if might levels are high enough I will proceed to treat and yeah that's what I'm gonna be doing today so last time I checked this coming into this season high of number three was my largest it has swarmed twice now but last time I checked there was a lane Queen so they are recovering hive number two and hive number one have become my big hives and they have been doing very well collecting a nectar and just booming split number one this came from my hive number three this originally had the Queen in it from my blue hi right over there I found her I split her but then this hive decided to supersede her so this now has a queen that was made from one of her daughters and I checked in here about a week ago and she was laying and this little split right here also made from hive number three there blue hive from daughter cells of that Reba grant queen successfully created a queen they're just some trucking along as well this between has been marked this queen is not marked she was just recently mated so very very skittish but if I see her today I will go ahead and mark her and this time over here I've marked a couple queens but they might have swarmed so I'm just gonna have to see how it goes if I spot a clean that's not marked I'm going to go ahead and marker okay so I'm going to start with this high right here high of number two and I'm going to pull frames I've got a box here an empty super then I'm gonna place frames of capped how many from so the setup for this hive right now is to brood boxes down below and three supers as well as that one and if they need more room I will give them another super but we're coming into dearth so I don't imagine that being the case but we shall see so another update I went ahead and put robber screens up about two weeks ago just to get them acclimated and in preparation for dearth when robbing happens so I have a little screen there BB's that are part of this colony know that the entrances are on the side of those that are trying to rob will try to dive bomb right to the middle of the hive so I've used these screens in the past and they've worked well so I've done that to all the hives including these little splits I actually have to add 1 to that hive in the back there so we'll do that as well right here so I don't imagine the Queen being up in these supers reason why we have Queen excluder is we don't want any larvae so this is feeling very heavy super-heavy and purple eyes not that is entirely full and cap just burgeoning with honey all right so I think what I might doing that is just put a bee escape so the bees can just escape out of that anyway so explain that later all right let's get into here all right so this looks pretty cool - hi ladies so I honeycomb things last time I staggered foundation frames with empty foundation frames with full frames to encourage them and it looks like they've drawn all of them out let's see how I be this one feels oh yeah this one's heavy - OH okay Wow this one too while these girls have been so busy so I think I'm actually gonna do my might check from up here and that way I don't have to worry about getting my clean this is really full as well holy smokes okay so that's not quite capped yet that is full so I'm going to move that to the side and put some empty frames in the middle here wow this hive is blooming so I'm gonna have to get some empty foundation in here ASAP make sure that clean has enough room so even that is drawn out but not filled up yet so put that in the middle wow these girls are busy look at this frame that's beautiful almost nearly capped here's another one that they started to dry out I'm gonna put that in the middle as well oh this room is beautiful look at that that's solid okay okay so since it's one of my biggest hives I'm gonna check this one first for mites I've got some bees from that super I'm gonna just quickly look for the Queen I don't expect her to be here because this is above the Queen excluder and she can't sit so just gonna make sure and scan I don't see a queen and I'm gonna get a half-cup sample of bees I've never actually done it this way but apparently people this so I'm just gonna shake these bees into this container get a half a cup shake them around this is a bro easy check like this thing a lot used it last year put these bees back over here and give that a really good shake this is window-washing fluid you can also use alcohol shake that really well to dislodge any mites okay so now that I've gotten my sample I might sample I'm gonna just look for signs of the Queen and then leave this type of loan my neck splitter keeps the Queen down below really glued on there and I believe I have a drone frame in here to clean cups oh if you lots of cool cups oh and I should get this drone frame out of here that's gonna be a Marilla bomb so lots of Queen cups here lots of them it's like these girls are getting crowded don't see any larvae in any of them though and I don't see any that are fully developed which is good and I want these girls to swarm so I'm gonna go ahead and squish all of those see right there I also have the drone frame in here that is part of my mite management I'm gonna get rid of that because that's where the ver I like to go to the drone larvae because they're larger will take longer to develop okay let's get this drill and frame out of here let's see that cat give my chicken with a nice little snack now drone cells are a little bit larger and this foundation has larger cells so it encourages the tribe to make drugs look at that [Music] beautiful these are all males that's cat so I'm gonna check that out you show you this side look at that that's beautiful so the idea being remove these drones we're also removing a large population of the burlap because in our lab prefer the drones so that aside normal-sized for signs of laying which are signs of my queen oh I'm also gonna look and see if there are any clean cups in here your light frame that's bird beautiful bright orange pollen nectar okay lots of pollen let's see eggs so my clean that's been here within the last three days okay I'm gonna get a frame this looks like it's more of a stores hi buddy at this point I do see eggs and capped brood developing brood is near recently tons of pollen all right so I'm gonna close these girls up I'm gonna go get a replacement frame so this is the first time I've ever used drone comb as a method of varroa maintenance or management so I'm just curious to see if any of these good my chickens let's see what they do [Laughter] No Oh these chickens approve this message so results of it first night shows zero might not a single night I'm shocked no mites that's great alright I'll check the other ones next and my experience shaking the baskets a good idea that's amazing but we must remain vigilant in everything we should test for varroa because as dearth happens robbing happens and these bees raise other hives that are infected and we bring back the wrong time so keep trucking all season next we're going into number one hive which two years ago three years ago was my very first time and same thing we're just gonna look for Queen health pull some capped honey frames so pain should not be up here so again I'm going to take my sample from up here completely full these ladies have been busy kept that's almost capped look at that holy Louie that's a monster friends okay okay I'm gonna do a similar thing and knock these bees onto here is back by the hive now these fees are getting a bit agitated because I'm disturbing them understandably okay Queen excluder Jean again we're gonna just look for signs of my point and signs of swarming I have a queen scooter on this is my first year using these metal ones it seems like the bees cross these ones a little bit better than the plastic one that I used last year and this one too looks like it's got a lot of honey in it eautiful frame of nectar this is a new foundation they've drawn it out beautifully very strong hive lots of nectar the side is capped the set is not move that to the outside and bring empty frames to the middle we don't want the hive to get honey bound otherwise the want to swarm honey bound means that there's no path to move upwards and the bees feel confined and therefore want to take off their empty cup open up that to the drone cup and I've got some there's lots of drone full of syrup I mean full of nectar so these girls were getting congested so I'm gonna give them some empty frames I'm going to stagger a foundation frame well he's just empty these honey frames so they have enough room it's a lot of Burke home in between these frames it's document lots of drowned rude that one was a quick cap so I'm not gonna extract that one the only one extract frames that are completely capped or 80% capped otherwise we risk having our honey ferment so again stagger make sure that there's enough room there's a full frame but not quite capped just plug in another foundation frame right there this hive has been very very busy okay so now I'm just a fool for science in my queen and signs of swarming this is all drone comb from the drone comb we're also looking for signs of Varela I don't want to smoke them but I want to chase off in there Quinn clean this off so that when I put my super back on I don't inadvertently squish anybody so when I take this drone come off I'm putting them right on the landing board so the bees can go back inside the hive so far I'm not seeing any borough which is great okay and this up and again look for it you know I don't see any this is great this hype does not have anything up a couple Queen cups found one - both are empty poor empty okay now I'm just looking for signs of eggs nectar capped brood we time you get stung you want to smoke the spot doesn't smell like alarm put on gloves these these are getting a bit agitated cream they are backfilling though so I'm gonna give these give them some foundation frames here because I don't want them to get stuck looking out got me on my finger all right I'm gonna put gloves on already took two stings to my fingers so I put on some nitro gloves still looking for my clean or signs of eggs you recently merge fur but I do see a bleed in there tight lots of college solid see if I can see some eggs I'm here already I spotted some eggs on this frame so I'm just gonna put these girls back together in alright I'm then we're gonna check quickly this last type here this time was my biggest hive coming into winter it has since warm twice last time I was in here there was a laying Queen brand new queen so just want to check this okay so cap dude develop improved eggs great so you can see here in the middle we have capped brood that's the oldest bird then we have brood here that looked like little white larva curled up in there and then right here there's some jelly whose recently they've just hatched and they're feeding and the royal jelly and then they are outside I see eggs you're just great okay so there is a way and clean in here just gonna pull a couple more frames just to look at her laying pattern pretty good oh I do see a swarm Cup at the end there see if there's anything in it no whoa you ever do that I'm gonna crush that Cup now the bees are rightfully understandably agitated see a couple more cups here empty squish them full of AIDS good tilt this hi buddy up [Music] [Music] let's take a quick peek on the split here chief there's put anything in the super listen I'm interested to see how well this Queen is again consider the Queen or signs not you happy with me being here right let me go look using the Sun yes Queen is busy this is solid all eggs I did she one cream cup down here I will remove so I want to see and let's check quickly in this little one it's a very small colony see developing brewed cup food decent wine pattern it's a nice learning pattern all righty so it's July first I went through all of my hives they all have signs of the Queen I did my mic checks the first of the season and I yielded a zero which I am so happy about but I am not out of the clear by any means I will be checking every couple of weeks things looked to be good I have at least one super that I pulled full of capped honey there's at least two or three more supers worth of nectar that's being turned into honey that's in all of the hives right now but I won't pull those until they're capped and yes I've looked to be doing well and yeah that's it July 1st 2019 thank you guys so much for watching see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: emmymade extras
Views: 39,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honeybound, honey bound, burr comb, ferment, fermented honey, chickens, chicken feed, mite check, mites, varroa mites, mite treatment, hive health, hive check, honey, honeybees, bee hives, Emmy, Emmymade, Emmymadeinjapan, backyard beekeeping
Id: AR5PQVz2lds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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