Swap face and sync lips in video with AI. Stable Diffusion and Standalone.

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hello there my name is Vladimir welcome to my channel in this video we going to work with a liap sinking and face swapping Allin one package so we're going how to install it and how to use it and we will utilize by using extensions in stable diffusion with automatic 1111 installation environment and we also look how to run this as stand alone for those who does not want use it any stable diffusion and one run just that application for face swapping and lip syncing okay before we R start installing I want just point and say thanks to the creator of the wave to liip studio for providing all this code and extension available for us for for free to use but beside free use they also have it a patreon supporters and if you want support the work you more than welcome all links will provide down below and trust me even little support mean a lot for the developers as well if you want to stand alone link is down below here in WB studio and it's available for everyone you just need scroll down here where it says 01 available to all it's little bit older version but it's still working just fine and you just need register download it and use it of course if you want have questions or access special chat then you'll need it pop up your tiers to I think at least $5 I'm not sure actually let's go click right here if we click upgrade you can see right there is a tiers for the supporters okay but you don't need to do this again it's appreciated but don't need it what you need to do for the stable diffusion that's what we're going first we want to go to the GitHub code and take this code for our extensions the reason is because if we're going inside the extensions for instable diffusion and going from available just preloaded I don't see there in extensions but you can install from URL for this inside our GitHub links again down below there we can go in click on a code and copy this PA just click and copy and stabil diffusion just go and paste and install from URL and click install I wanton do this because already installed and it just give me error when I try to do this next you after installation you're going to go back and just verify that our installations right there as the wave to LEAP uhq is installed for me it it did require restart the server by itself after I restarted it's actually start showing right here as a tab so I can start using okay one other things when you restart your install your extensions and you restart it it will downloaded necessary file however some files it's won't be downloaded and those is a models you need specifically going and download by yourself again from link down below to the GitHub you if you scroll down below where installations going you'll notice right here it will have it models that you need it this is its open file it's okay let me show you if you right click open to new tab we open you'll notice some of them will open in um like one drive and you just click and done down them so it's not just click on a link sometimes a bit confusing it's downloaded from one drive they're not very big files but for some reason it took so long time I just don't know it's take a long time and right here is a path where you need to install it whatever you in put your original extensions located like in my case it was located in stable diffusion extension SD here and you can go down to like models okay or other areas and you can see right here they will spits file like checkpoints okay go right there and save this file there you'll have it this save in this in same checkpoint and these two of these files it's took forever for some reason they're downloading but anyway here's the next notice you have three other files the exactly same files so don't download it all three of them just look on alternative links and download one of them and it's kind of path if you look on the name of the file they kind of give away the exact actly same name file and located in same location so these three is the same files just download only one depend on where you want to get from and of course your other model of the face swap face you want to download it these ones you need download manually they won't download it automatically and due to my impatient things I missed them originally and I'm like oh crap why does not work yes so I need to go back and you know patience is solving a lot of stuff and read documentation do help actually but yeah pay attention to this because that one was a little bit problem for me and hopefully you'll be just fine with this next under this you have just the usage but we're also going to look this in our extension but that is not all I run in several different problems it just start breaking one thing does not work another does not uh things work so I look on a stand alone and and I found some stuff that they recommend install or do for stand alone actually work here as well you kind of need do at least for me I don't know in your case maybe different and uh but I'll show you what's happening so if you going and stand alone and you look down you'll notice they have it all very beautiful actually installation to go uh if you actually follow the installations but mainly what is happening we need to install python git and Cuda you don't need to install it if you already have it if you don't let's go ahead type CMD command prompt so we'll run right here command prompt and just in command prompt type python versions in this case we just verifi that we have a version the require is a 1011 um this work just fine 1010 it's not latest and one thing from personal experience you not always want to have it latest because some library was developed on the older code and they may not work in latest release okay next we want to verify if we have a git and same you have a git versions right here and next one is what kind of caught me because when I con and I remember I did install it but when I try to do this and mine it was giving errors in good you will have it like this telling you that already the Nvidia CA library is already install a developer library in my case it wasn't there so what has happened I went to this download area links down below again for me it was Windows X so I selected this way you can select 11 if you I'm running on Windows 11 but Windows 10 was working just fine local download it and install it after installations it did require for me to restart my server after restart server it's found okay so it's again all environment variable was in the reading of the installations so it's actually I did need to restart all operational system all windows need reboot it for this to just grab it and start working on this okay after this install it next things also what I noticed you need to do and you need actually going and install um on a GitHub have a key and those keys you putting inside the Json Alt show you this little bit later when we're going to install it um stand alone that is kind of important things to do but I did not find that is required for my stabil diffusion automatic 1111 so anyway let's say you done this un automatic 1111 right now and we'll just going in a tab call uh Wave 2 leap studio and let's look over all this environment first so you'll notice on the left side you have the we uh your video where we Drag and Drop video inside we have a face swap if you want swap the face if you don't just leave it alone and don't need to worried about this you have it a couple models uh wave two lips and gain so depend which one you want to lose you can uh use it you can play with both of them you have a moving and only mouth to check box only mouth it will apply on the mouth it will ignore like cheeks changing chin so it will be just the lips itself maybe work okay for the cartoon you can play around in some cases it may work a little bit better when you have a beard you can see right here it does not necessarily like mustache in a beard when it's applied to this case and no smoing it's edges we also have it resize Factor resize Factor it is not making better if you're making numbers it's actually reducing quality so if I have my resized factor to one meaning the what video is is out and if I do it it's make like two it's decreasing by twos so it's makes smaller and usually when I test or just creating something I make it smaller so it's will process much faster for me till I find something is work and after I can increase my quality so you have it mouth uh MK delate is make smaller masc it's all going around the area where the mouth is applied same if if you look on the right side you have the padding top and bottom so it's how much if it start you can reduce padding if it start cutting off chin so you can play with this and again in this case you have the kind of to look on a result how it's work and here on a middle this is related to our sound so let's go remove this what is meaning we have it our language you can select predefine what language you want to use it gender speakers different speakers and after you select you can preview the voices so right here I could talk about but it would probably sound similar to this so this is just a voice that we can have a text to voice and for example down below I just put it the voice the text I want convert it to the voice itself if you don't want it you can just drop your audio file down below if you have it your own audio or something you want to use it but if you just have a text we just leave a temperature and silence all together and just click on the generate notice this generate and this generate this same name but they're doing different one it will be here it will be generated just for the voice to take a text and convert to the voice and this one is actually to convert to create image itself and let's see when it's finished processing here okay it's done let's preview why don't bananas ever get lonely because they hang out in bunches there you go you can see it's took text convert to this and when you're done you just click generate you'll notice right here you have it video restore face and next you have it also generate a video well let's preview what is created because I already done this and this is without face swap this is just straight down notice it's have a little bit problem how say with a beard down below because I did not optimize anything it just default values and let's get out why don't bananas ever get lonely because they hang out in bunches so it's actually Tracking not bad if you notice I propely move my head I even use it to move the glasses and that will be important when we start using face swap it's how well it's can control it okay let's try one more time why don't bananas ever get lonely because they hang out in bunches it definitely mouth need be a little bit beapplied but I think with a adjusting mask and with the mask erad that should fix some of those problems okay so right here we have it my face we have it the um face swap available so we'll just leave it as default in this case and let's go ahead click generate depend on what um card you have it and everything it may take a little bit time usually let me preview right here I have some debugging stuff coming out and okay and so right here is it done notice because overlay this face over last some Mage and some of the beard and but lips become much better because for some reason it just doesn't like this okay and right here we can preview bananas bananas why do bananas cross the road to peel off okay let's make little bit bigger I'll go inside output by the way just let you know if you render another one it does not create sub versions it actually will override them so if you want save the video be sure you're going inside your output we have it video enhanced after everything and rename this or copy in different path because otherwise it will just replaced when you generate next time so it does not create sub versions of the videos okay let's go right here click bananas why do ban no notice like right here what's happening if we go a little bit back you can see in some cases we have there you go mustache coming so it it will you will have some those problems which probably can work out but gener it's CLE clean and I'm looking on the lips and lips become very nice notice also eyes and behind glasses like right here it's did not bad job to replacing on this and of course have a a little bit beer chin and this one is what's happening with a padding and a bluring around so this is what area going but I think generalist actually did a very good job I notice if you go frame by frame some lips is little bit changing so a little bit adjusting but General it did actually very nice clean job on a face swapping and uh uh removing okay how is very nicely done it's very simple very easy to use of course you can play around and actually I should use it jef J I like that one a little bit better but you can modify and playing definitely will work a little bit more with these try to set with all settings to create some fun fun animations but now let's say you don't like to use run and stabil diffusion you want create Maybe by stand alone to remove some of this overhead and everything so for this you want to download application which will available for you if you're going to patreon website again link down below register has say the older version for free which is very generous thanks for this newer one you want to become the membership to get that and down below if you scroll down here you'll notice have it 0.1 available and you just click to downloaded zip file and after zip file you also can look on tutorials or going on a Discord I do recommend also follow instructions on readme it's very well done instructions actually technical what I will say um this is one of the better documented um applications or the extensions one of the better documented because in a video that come they're going over settings they explain very well so I'm which is actually very I want say unusual but yeah sometimes kind of nice [Music] [Music] install the python git in Cuda I'll show you about Cuda to install it already just in case again you're going to could download kid and installed from this um if you want download at python you can go to python.org download it and download versions you can download it 312 latest versions personally I usually install whatever versions it's required for the applications and if you install python local on those installation then you can have it multiple versions reasoning for this some sometimes libraries that using by developers maybe utilize older libraries or older version of the Python and python libraries that not yet changed and trust me you have a lot of problems sometimes if you try to upgrade and uh because I'm geek I'm programmer but in real life as well and like we have problems we upgraded to latest r and Sly our code stop working so because the libraries and all this stuff so just general try to keep it to the versions that is uh requested by this and of course next you want to go and install git Library it's on a g uh.com after this when you install it well let's go back to our installation files yes so we'll go back right here when we install this install git install p python does a straightforward be sure you go inside this uh CMG command prompts what I did before and run to version verifications so you have it those ones if you don't have them for some reason did not find uh before panicking I do recommend like what's happened with mine uh Nvidia restart your computer because sometimes environment not yet red till all OS restarted in some cases they will in some cases it's won't so don't panic if not find just restart the machine in this case okay next there also instructions if you're using Macintosh or which is kind of very nice for Mac OS if you need it um this General uh also this is next point is what I was saying about you creating special um API keys to access repository and this is need for the voice so you need to create your access talking if you use an automatic 11 installation you should already have it talking is talking is still there by using another ones and settings but in Standalone you do uh need kind of install it and beside that you actually need go and modify the API key Json file which is should located it okay let's find where is my okay right here wave to lips if we're going in a roote wave to lips right here you can see file called API Keys Json file and if we open this file you'll notice you have it keys and this is my key which is blur out currently but you can have it your own talking key just put it inside here and that save this file and it should provide access to the huging pH to download necessary stuff okay after you install it you will run the file and it will be W links okay sorry I'm skipping you know for some reason I'm not all there in line okay yes so you download it you download a zip you unzip in directory you run to all this settings after so right here you install path you take a zip file from here you download it you open the file inside the file you'll have it exactly the same files this one you just drug and drop them or whatever you need it in your directory where you want to wave Two Lips located after this after you restart and everything you want to modify your API key Json file after this is done you want to run wave to LEAP Studio badge badge file and that file will prefer check and it will also going with this requirement file and here you can see in requirement it's still all all libraries everything that is needed and this will take time so if you I don't know drink coffee smoke cigar dancing Jazz whatever you're doing just take that break and do it okay because that will take a little bit time and after when is completed go back and it should be running for you so when it's run uh let me run this one again here and okay that is will take a little bit time because utilizing GPU you should have this here and it says there you go running on local Port 761 mine is if you notice this one is old 760 so let me close this one okay and we just click and open the new one okay one thing what I noticed when it did not install properly was some problems going in a project drop down I did not have um right one I did not have anything so when it come up and says default by itself it's meaning um it's installed also right here project it's you can see it's analyze out the buug the file so it's have all of them and remember this is 0.1 it's older versions you may have it newer if you are become paid patreon and you download latest versions or update dated but General everything should be about same um this is also run in a white not in a dark format so you can put dash dash dark I think and this will run this okay same things as before you can see right here you have it your video you have it if you want swap faces you have it additional resolution divider this is smaller Windows same like from before align faces if the face like a little bit on the side and you want bring so little bit align if it's side you want click align um debugging information same things key frames all that stuff and there's your will be video with the same quality and everything you can see it's a little bit simplified um version if you have it newer it will be look a little bit more like here like in um stable diffusion extensions so the functions will be about same well I think this is actually very great tool very easy to use and very good combining together hopefully you have it fun to install it and play around if you have questions let me know down below uh I will try to answer if you have any problems but again I will highly recommend for you to join Discord um and other chat or Forum directly from the the side lip from here you can see they have a Discord there to ask some of this questions well let me know what video you created let me know um if you how you find fun and by the way if you scroll down here I found some videos people created was so funny like right here this one too much mask it's one they take Elon mask face and put it on Barbie uh movie so it's quite a bit great job they done it's kind of very funny I don't know if I can play here too much without there you go you can see it's quite a bit funny but for the YouTube copyright I don't want to play all the way but go ahead check this enjoy it have a great time thank you for watching and good luck
Channel: Vladimir Chopine [GeekatPlay]
Views: 1,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geekatplay Studio, Vladimir Chopine, AI art, Stable Diffusion, Dreambooth, Dall-e, Free learning, artificial intelligence, Photography, Wav2Lip, automatic1111, standalone app, lip-syncing, face swapping, voice generation, text-to-speech, powerful package, developers Patreon, video upscaler, Topaz Labs, written instructions, Hugging Face, GitHub, Cuda toolkit, NVIDIA, Visual Studio, Git, Python, python version command, git version command, nvcc version command
Id: obPxZGlKpYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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