Is this best AI upscaler ever?

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by working with AI generate images pH photography or any other work some sometimes you just need upscale and I love to use it gigapixels this is solid nice tool s for many years it's good and shortly come to my attention the new tool in the market it's supposed to This Magnificent tool that utilizing new AI technology and it's better than any upscale tool I'm very skeptical when it's come to this so I decide to test this in multiple levels and bring to you answer does that tool work and I understand the gigapixel is not a free tool so it's actually in Photoshop scale or other things but you know what magnificent which is called magnific it's even more expensive so how much it's more expensive let's look right here this is our tapaz gigapixels which cost about $99 and you can buy um special and you can buy ones and use it forever yes sometimes it was on sale you can find cheaper again you pay once and you own the software so you can do it when we come to magn magnific I think it's magnifical so this is if you look on cheapest versions it's come with a $40 per month wow it it is expensive if you think about this it's expensive if you have photosh shop cost $10 a month this is a little bit more you can buy all sweet a month just to do this but here's a question does it worth it and if it's worth it to whom it's actually targeting notice right here $99 per month I'm seriously the price is like ouch but you know what I'm going to try run through all of this stuff to try and find does it really worth this price and most important the it Top Notch tool so let's look first it is not plugin it doesn't need to require Photoshop or anything at Standalone online service so it's meaning you do require some of the online access so it can upload it images and do all this stuff it does online processing which is kind of nice because meaning you don't need have it very powerful graphic card on your computer most of those applications like topaz of course Photoshop other ones they are require better gpus and better processing power so they can perform this because they're done on local machine this is does not require this okay let's see what I done in the Photoshop I have an image and this is original image I created I took next this image and Shrink make it smaller and you can see it's become and expand so technically I says this is my original image let's go make it small smaller expand lose quality make more blurry and then when it's render I can compare this image to another image so I done this for the portraits I done for different settings hard ones I also done for the Landscapes and I actually done for some very horrible landscape you can see right here we'll see how it will restore and how it's can work and you know what I done even way more I was burning to the credits like crazy and by the way the credits what I meaning it's render credits with this application so I run through them be sure they check all the settings and most important do I understand how application work because it's unfair if you don't know how application work and you try to do sometimes you may be misjudging something and I want to be sure I'm fair to Applications okay let's start with this and right here is my the example and you can see the this is original image this is rendered with a mid journey and we have it Cals we have it photos and we have it AI render and some vector graphics so we can compare how it's work okay if we look on this image and you can see it's kind of nice created image next what we want to do it is mid joury up scale because inside the mour you can upscale from 1,24 or whatever side higher okay and right here is mid Journey upscale this is was on Creative upscale but you can see let's come closer and you can see it did modify some scenery but genetic it's well keeping somewhat similarity the waterfall going down and it does increase details okay it did not bad job some leaves is modified and in general I will say I'll accept this type of scale again this is it was creative you have it also subtile which is uh keep it a little bit more closer okay let's go ahead next we'll turn this off and was upscale with the gigapixels one thing gigapixel does say it is utilizing some eii modules but it's almost have it minimum um alter the original image which is kind of nice and mostly when you work with portraits I'll show you what I was meaning working with your portraits okay let's go right here we go closer and notice we have it details like in this area again original and gigapixel you can see it did add sharpness add teeny tiny details and also add some noise but General it was keeping close enough right where we have it Haze and fog as well what we have at the uh Dept of field blur those ones will usually suffer the most because AI need to understand where a blur it need be blur or Haze in this case you can see gigapixels and again this is default settings it did apply little bit more noise introduction which is okay it's not bad but it still work very good and it's very good upscale how say compared to other ones it did not produce any artifact special pattern or anything it's good so let's go right now and check how are magnificent does and you can definitely from even now you can see it is increase quite bit sharpness let's come closer and for example right here we can see we have it waterfall and mostly look on this right in this area where we have it Roots okay before and after so it does keep it way nice um shape it's actually I think it's did way better shape keeping versus mid joury up scale overall I think that is did a very good job but it does apply like right here plans it took some creative approach for those who using magnificent um you may say Hey you have some settings there so hold down a little bit we'll touch some of the settings and by the way I will provide all of the settings important for you to go either way so you can just copy and use them as you need it okay and you can see right here it's did good job and I will say it's I'll perform not bad I I think I like this actual magnet version the best so far with some exceptions exceptions for example if you look on top see where's a tree right here if we uncheck it's not tree it's kind of far away so it's took some artistic its own Liberty on this to add some elements here okay that is look good let's go next to this example and here we have a for as said before this is what original you can see it's sharper and because we scale and upscale we'll lost some of the sharpness so we can perform and see how it does okay let's zoom out and right here we'll go first with gigapixel and let's zoom in and we're going again with the original and gigapixel and you can see it's perform not bad we have it a little bit lost in coloring and I think it's a in a way how it's saved but generally you can see it does perform not bad add little bit noise kind of greenness on this but it is does not change any look let's go back and let's keep it somewhat close to the original okay let's look on magn magnificent and again this is different settings and to be fair when I did this I did not spend as lot more time with understanding some settings which is will be different result later in this video so be sure you stick around to see what I did find out later about some of those settings okay let's look right here we have at our face and most important what I first when I started doing I was disappointed because look on her face before and after you see how the eyes changing it's a change facial characteristic and I'm not necessarily like this because in some cases it's take emotions and stuff away um again stick around I'll show you some more examples of this okay so right here when you start adjusting more play you can see a little bit better when you adjust different settings but eyes change change colors on the eyes and look on this if we're going total wild we with some settings you can see it is completely Chang face okay we can work with that next let's go look on another example and here same we have it um example reason is why I'm using because we have a text on our objects we also have it my signature down below here and we'll have a gigapixels update right here here let's go closer and you can see it almost no different it just makes sharper again remember I reduce it and put it on the original so it's compared to the original you can see almost no change and here when we did with magnesen again it's changed a lot look on this change text change face and everything you know what at this time when it's happened I was like no way I'm doing something wrong with that tool because some people are showing examples even on the website if you look and it's showing little bit better than that examples so something I did probably don't know how to do so in this case I went back and I'm say okay let's go over some changes and how we applied well before we jump to this let me go a little bit about interfacing okay how they work if we look on gigapixel gigapixel is very easy you drop in image on your right side you have it with height what you want set you can set up scale how you want it easy select AI modes the art line works of straightforward as well you have it options to reduce motion blur reduce some jpeg artific artifacts and everything and one thing what I do like about this I can process multiple so I can have a bunch of images that drop in Click process and they're processing all of those images so kind kind of nice about this okay in magnificent you can process at least what I found one image at the time okay I can this could be work because you need pay attention but similar things what we have right here we have options first upscale is what we're going to test because you have it style transfer but I'm more interested in upscale it's what we tested you have your upload image image way you can just drag and drop or click and upload your scale factor and minimum is two and we can go up to 16 but not every image can go up to 16 because they are limited to 10,000 but 10,000 maximum Square resolution so it mean you can go maybe like 12,000 but you need go to 8,000 and another side so it's going pair pixel calculations okay so in many cases you want to do but also if you notice cost is change if you upscale like to eight times it's cost 80 tokens and and if we're going to two it's less so the more CPU time it's what you're paying you're paying for using CPU time below we have optimizations for different type of the portrait soft hard you have artwork and this it does help and I did test some of these and it's okay so you can select this prompt uh prompt is you can put it what you want like cyber Punk it does help because it's EI based so of course you need kind of prompt but it's not require are in some cases I found actually not to put it prompt it's work very well I wish they had also image interrogations or descriptions like in for example in mid Journey when you put it and AIC see what they actually see on its image give you descriptions though so you can reuse here with some modifications they don't have that one below we have it uh several slides creativity it's how much Freedom or Liber you give it to the AI to create what AI want to create so if you reduction below zero you have it strict more state to the image if you're going all the way to the 10 you give it a lot of stuff which I don't recommend going to 10 and you'll see reason why because we'll create some very weird stuff I almost swear okay anyway yeah very weird stuff HDR it's what a says HDR if you're familiar is have a tone mapping but it's simulate because it's not truly tone mapping it just create this kind of color again wait for the examples on this resemblance it's how close resemblance to original image uh fractality added teeny tiny details to this and we have a different engines currently it's three different engines and this is question mark will help for you if you need to know and of course first engine illusio which is better for landscape nature remove some jpegs the sharpness realistic image like photography so work with this sharpen more details and Sparkle something between of them uh usually you can leave on automatic or click down and select I mean that almost all as a beginning you can do it as you work with images you'll notice on images you will have it some additional options that you can rerun create and other things as you create image you can scroll up and down to preview this image we saw before before and hour after you can hold in Z button if you need it and kind of going preview on this G okay that is was our landscape and it's what usually it's what I expect you know on um our kind of uh landscape image okay after you're done you can download image you can rear run as as rear run you can use parameters original or other ones and you of course can delete images notice on a right side this is our information if you have't any um put it in a prompt it will display below okay and you can see it was up scale four times I select natural and Landscape creativity 000000 0 resemblance one just po up little bit on this and we'll go up okay this is other images you remember what I did before and just to compare this image you can see right here I have a zero creativity zero everything all of the settings was on the middle and again if you look on eyes with these settings see it's changed some of this view okay I did experiment a little bit more add a little bit more resemblance and reduce creativity which improve on the eyes but still slightly you can see how it's change some effect and right here where we increase our creativity to seven let little bit more for AI to experiment around so we start having problem with faces to me at this point I'm like okay so it's add details but it's mixing I don't see how it can be better than gigapixel because it is messing up with some of my tension well let's give it a little bit more try so right here is another image again we saw that before but this one it's have creativity to Z 0 0 again and you know even with zero you can see problem was on a face um let's go next and this is our other image which I took it and I says okay let's make a big image shrink down and expand so almost you cannot understand what is there and I give this to the gigapixel the G gigapixels did best it scan with what is have because it does not it's having some AI but it's more detection on the Edge and other stuff but it does not have it some more AI generative engine inside of this and here when we start to magnific that is become big different because what's happening it's analyze image says okay this is that is without prompt okay that wasn't any prompt to this it's analyzed in its creating and of course it's almost little bit different image from what original but it is try it best and it's actually become from totally unusable image to something that you can use so that is actually huge huge different okay and that is giving me some hope to more experiment I say wow it's actually have a very good potential to this and next I was deciding go let's see how it will perform with the faces and right here you can see um I did photography with these guys they're very funny night guys and look on this he have it smirk she have it kind of smirk as well and that is what I try to apply it and look how his face changed we lost we add wrinkles we had realism but his smirk is gone it's become total different person at this point I was almost one to give up on a magnific I'm serious I was like what the if it's change completely my photography if it's change and replacing faces like his face look on her her is become from something character to generic you know AI come with its own decision what is so I look on this I'm like you know what I don't think it's work but I wasn't fair enough because at this time I apply some settings 0 0 without understanding how application work so NEX I says well you know what let me go through and try to experiment with some settings with apply specific AI so let's look see what's happening and this right here you can see I applied some standard options for automatic and let's look on face well it's get little bit basic uh better we have it preview pH still about same here so but slightly better okay on this point I kind of give up on the portraits but I was come back after I figure out more idea and to better figure out I was try to analyze how the all settings works and here is ID take some work um this is created with a mid journey and you can see I have with a Simplicity okay I go let's Analyze This okay it does not bad on Vector cleaning it's perform really impressive job on this however some like elements here get disappear and mostly it is related if you in increase your creativity like creativity or or allot flexibility for AI to figure out what it's wanted um as you want it and then it's become you know create something whatever you think it's there okay if we look more we have it 2D illustrations hgr 7 how say how definition play a little bit more with the settings and eventually um I says well let's go all the way to the crazy and all the way to the CRA crazy we have it creativity 9 HDR 7 so just pop up everything to the top and as a result you can see and it's quite a bit different the nice things when you start experimenting be sure you going from one Edge to another to be understand how maximum you can pull this app and afterwards with experimenting I figure out that probably in this case is better if you want keep it similar take creativity down like minus 8 and for illustrations HDR 8 resemble a saint and details nine and you can see it's actually did way better I mean it's did magnificent job look it's the same things it's cleared up like right there with beautiful job done so all items look same okay that is become better than than gigapixel because it did great job and of course when we gone to these portraits now here and I look on the faces I says okay let me see how it will perform this faces on this case I'll select properly as say well it's a fil and photography let me select its photography effect so how does it select from standard to photography was applying to the faces let's check look at this the faces look with same Expressions much Clear better well we add wedding no now also AI for some reason decide they need to be married okay but anyway let's add rings but look on this that become way better so this is Select properly model or proper effect did influence dramatically on what result we're getting and it's why it says not understanding how it's work I don't think it was very um fair to the application without okay and this is was for me it was like oh wow look it's can done and it did better job than um gigapixel okay so right here another ones and in this case we just increase same film photography but we increase creativity to six and of course you can see how the face changing because we pop up creativity quite a bit but I do like how the outfits and clothes come up like or Christmas decorations I mean they come up very good okay and this one is our creativity 5 so we drop even way than before if you remember original was zero so it says not this but pop up detalization and every everything and you can see this is perfect let remove some distortions right here so it's fixed some of this did not add the ring or anything so they but it is definitely rework image in a better way so it is sharpness upscale and everything okay well I says if it does this job let's go verify how it will work with AI render and AI render for example right here you can see this image created inside the mid um Del this is actually Del 3 image was created in and if you can see the face look how they distorted everything well I'm decide to go and check film and photography because I have it a very good ex with this on a faces creativity HDR resemblance facil just add five to the details and let's look what's happening look on her face before and after I mean it is did incredible job on a face restoration that by itself it is wow same with his face before and after you can see how it create great same on the background look on on the background those faces I mean just this it was stunning result okay before and after this is what meaning when you find the right settings and understand how the applications which as performing better or what okay next I was saying okay it's doing good let's test how I said on a different element what about the portrait if we have a closeup portrait with not as doof right here some elements and I just try like portraits High because this is a portrait let's see what's happening some results was kind of um a little bit less expected let's look right here we see his face and let's go there and oh look at this we have a nose face that is was funny to me it was weirdly creepy face right here you can see but on his nose that is I think this is kind of um interesting I don't know there look cool of course you know to fix it all of these all what we need just to reduce some of the elements here and it's work better but again on face you can see have it some effects and we'll need work just Readjustment there okay in this case this we have it our portraits hard creativity 0 0 0 on everything and if we look it did way better job we don't have it this no spaces here but it is did some artifacts little bit more on the DF you know I did not find any good AI which can recognize this doof but it does very good job overall on upscale again more experimental on the faces which is did better job but again right here you can see artifacts at to DF and this is setting set soft portraits so a little bit nicer all the stuff okay now this is a me and my wife this is from other channel and I did it film photography tried it says okay how will be if we have a teeny tiny image and applied and okay this is my experiment was with a creativity six okay this is like nightmareish she well again know your model film photography reduce creativity resemblance and perfect I mean this is very impressive in a way it's done well in if we have some options you know to you see how it's increasing this is playing with this faces give me idea well what if I want create something more with this B scaling so right here you can see the image is was created in a mid journey and I says well what about if I put it more creativity HDR and you can see it's actually did very good job on upscaling but you know you can actually click right here and you can say reuse final image so you can go over and over and add different interations so let I said from this image web scale let's go to next and this is what's next look on this this is when I pop up creativity says okay let's see what AI can make for us and it's actually created quite a bit interesting image I think it's created more color yeah yeah and color come from HDR increasing well why stop there let's do more okay let's go right here and look on this I love what it did it's create this even image this is kind of fun at this slugs and everything okay well what if we do try same on a photo and here's my border colleague Sputnik I like him and we says okay let's go with creativity crazy same what we did before and you know what this image become disturbing look on that we have a face right here on a tongue um you know it's it's so weird I cannot just stop watching this I mean seriously it's just I cannot stop seeing like right here you see where his tongue kind of this is kind of weird look at that wow the same if we look I mean seriously I it just like it's weirdly good I don't know what you can say of course you know if you set properly settings you can see right here we have it correct and this is all what we need to reduce creativity to the five same things was applied to upscale and try with um anime style or drawing style and of course try different with higher HDR you can see how they add and clean up buildings okay let's keep this more on the landscape and be sure using natur nature and landscape with creativity zero and other things and you can see right here you remember I told you in the beginning we look what HDR can does and this is high HDR you can see it's almost created this very HDR is image but it did very good job actually on the Landscapes when you created it little bit less HDR notice it does add some details in Cloud so it's have this is a li of what Det El it's added and you can constrain by creating reduced creativity in other ones so you can have it very beautiful nice upscale landscape here okay this is my another image I was creating and you can see upscale again even more why stop when you can do more of this image I just like how it's come up it's kind of weird creature here um sometimes more experimenting with creativity level and other things and you can see this pieces become not bad in this case I was using Pixar booty so you do can put it in a prompt and it work actually very well when used with prompts and it's before and after getting closer skin look a little bit more plasticy it's what I was going after but you know when you do this be careful when you experiment because some of them can be okay create on a face but sometimes when you create it uh you can lose lose your lips or you can create even weirdly like faces or other things inside trees again and this is all W something weird here so like right here you can create faces and this is when you increase your creativity so if you need it be sure you like have can have it portrait but careful with creativity on the portraits but General same you can experiment a little bit more with the additional and after when I figure out I think settings the portrait become much better and I will post it the these settings in the descriptions if you need it so you can use it for some of your work of course we can try experiment with more creativity in I but well some it's become ugly you know sometimes you just experiment and does not will look like very good okay let me show you other elements right here it's when you put in Ai and this is point I want said be careful careful when you're using uh blocking or other things block uh creativity to my Max because like right here you can achieve this blocking you can see come up like elements blocking it's sometimes getting even more visible when you do like right there and this is happening when you have a creativity 10 so you put it to the Max and fail nine and when you put to the 10 to the max this is what happen so you have it all the blocks it kind of does not link together but least it's give you idea how the system work and system work by generating small elements and after combine sounds like somebody using sdxl model here is um other options I need to be Beware of the um using in some um models for example right here I have a model and look on a skin and applied it did increase some skin so it does not necessarily work very good for the beauty you can see how the skin become more L even using soft portraits and all the stuff and sometimes if you put too much again you can have it blocking and you can see it's become a little bit too distorted so gentle approach but it did increase in everything um the same things can apply when you use it too much even not too much but creativity like right there in the model and you can see it's for some reason decide to add hair here on the middle and I think this is could be easy result I found incredible power when you have bad faces because it's having good Restorations film photography just look on these faces this is totally warp bad faces what it did it's a beautifully restor these faces look on this look on this faces I mean it is did very good job same some experiments done with a different Cass I run through different experiments trying to create settings and see how the work they perform in general they perform very well um for example in this few more I want to show you before we complete and I tell you my thinking about this who it's for and how it's work right here is the image it's creating a mid journey and you can see with higher HDR add some details well but also add some what I don't want like barrels for some reason turn to the animals but beautiful done on this um texture on the building we could fix this by reducing some of creativity and right here five if we reduce to two you can see it did preserve details but it's add definitely way more definitions on details and of course if you are even reduce some HDR down because I think it was a little bit too overdone you can have a beautiful effect look on this details on this building it's perform excellent excellent to add upscale and add detail else so this is what power of AI I don't think the gigapixels can down this okay so we have some other experiments was done overall and of course our last one what I want to show you right now it is um this tool is work perfectly if you want to do in vector graphics you can see how it's clean up before and after so it did very good job now let's put it in conclusion first that is definitely it is probably more Superior product in upscale than gigapixels Photoshop or any one any other ones seriously I think it is one of the best in this market because properly utilization of AI it took a little bit time to get used to and know what settings you should use it there but when I figure out this it's become Breeze to go to the point I just had fun with this so I would recommend but here's a but big big but one things uh what I don't like about this when you save image you can save only as JPEG doesn't matter how much you want a JPEG will have artifacts I would like if the I can save this as PNG or tff file something compresses something that is originally and nice so so that will be nice adjustments next will be nice if we have it here the image description or interrogation when I can upload it and it's tell me what image it is next will be nice to have it also process for the batch processing one it's a powerful of the gigapixels it's meaning if I do photography and I have several batches I want process will be nice if I can select more than one image and process Badges and it's too EXP expensive this is another if seriously if we look on this and this is not just one limited this is only how many credits and toing you can use it and trust me you can burn so fast through the toing because if you go on higher it's going up to 80 token per image to up uh upscale on the max so it's getting little bit too expensive in this case and bring about expensive this is tell you to whom this is Market it's not market for everyday use it does not market for hobbies who try um play every day you can maybe take one month experiment and just play around but General it is a Target on a professional for me personally how I'm going to use it is excellent tool if I receive image like I'm doing a lot of movie posters okay and in a movie poster sometimes they send me screenshot from the field so it's when they shoot on a field they send me those uh screenshots from the film and says okay start building on that before it take time for me to upgrade this to the print quality but with this tool definitely it will work definitely I can put it in upscale add some details and reuse that as a in a production so this is a huge it's a targeted it is more professional tool for professional things and when I say for the professional it's meaning I can charge some of these cost back to my client so I don't pay necessary for this service but my client used for this as part of processing um with some limitation some limitations because many um many of the at agency require you to provide full workflow so they can replicate in case of the needed and in this case it will work if you provide what settings you're using here and service so they can repeat it and have it exactly the same result this is kind of nice about this so you can repetition um would I recommend and will I say it's better tools yes it is definitely magnificent tool it is one of the superior to what I use before for upscale not for everyday use but it is surprisingly very good tool well hopefully you find this review and video is good please check our videos when I did the review other tools other upscales compare them closer with this hopefully you find this useful and nice if you do please subscribe give us thumbs up and do all this blah blah blah necessary for helping me keep it um my video up in an algorithm on YouTube and I greatly appreciate all your support thank you have a great time
Channel: Vladimir Chopine [GeekatPlay]
Views: 1,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geekatplay Studio, Vladimir Chopine, Digital art, How to, Learning Photoshop, 3d tutorials, Digital compositing, How to do in Photoshop, How to do compositing, How to do in 3d, AI art, MidJourney, Stable Diffusion, Dreambooth, Dall-e, Free resources, Free learning, Digital art for begginers, Free tutorials, artificial intelligence, Digital Photography, Photography, magnific
Id: bnxhNAr7wE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 49sec (2449 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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