Swamp Monster Horror Full Movie | STRANGE NATURE (2018) | Sci-Fi Thriller | Absolute Sci-Fi

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this frog is trying to tell us something so is this one significant abnormalities were also found in Wisconsin Hotpot induced deformities in 75 to 100% of the FR officials was asked if she would drink the water and she said it could be only a matter of time before other species are affected including humans [Music] please don't make me go home I can't handle the side of that place again please don't make me go home wanted there even less than I wanted here if I have to go home and say I'm sry for things that I'm not I'd rather destroy my own open [Music] okay here we go Lake Superior it's the biggest one goes all the way to the ocean come on kiddo you don't get to see that in La look I know this move is not your jam but once your grandpa has a surgery and he's feeling better we can leave or broke how can we leave if we hate it we will find a way to leave what if only I hate it I guess you'll have to suck it gosh oh love this song God please don't make me go pleas don't [Applause] make [Music] I'm not sh [Music] home I'm not going [Music] home somewhere I [Music] go hey who cool dog I bet that's kinky hey kinky is that the at house yeah it's nasty hey would you rather go in a bucket it's a triple flure hey Pops hey broy I'm your grandpa granddaddy papoo Ah hell that all makes me sound like a dry old fart you just call me Chuck hey around here whether you've come out of the crapper or just clean some fish guts men shake hands yeah okay okay I'll wash first yeah there you go home sweet home welcome anything changed still the same old place man I always love this there's a lot of dead animals here yeah yeah pops loves his dead animals well who's up for a little swim we can get our suits on head down to the lake what do you think for what it's just a [Music] frog watch out watch out what's going on guys it was a fog and it's all messed up what should we do with Eva show to someone right hey there's another one over here holy [ __ ] hey Chuck when we get back can I use a computer computer don't believe I'm familiar with that term oh now don't get her too tired out she's pregnant really puppies you hear that broy hey what's going on with the town it seems I don't know like it's not doing so well most kids leave graduate high school why stick around unless you want to work in pesticides pesticides hey Brody what do you want to be when you grow up well I was thinking what was that uh-oh it's the granddaddy carp Big Canoe you citt [Applause] kid for [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] we found three there might be more Jesus can I see where did you find these in the woods over there by the pond oh Dad that's that's real close the house n they're just frogs freaks of nature Cal down okay what's this you uh joining the Girl Scouts Chuck hi you guys how was Judy do in a couple of weeks I'm ready for it to be over who's this my daughter Kim oh yeah Kim sweet sweeter than candy remember that guys come just messing with come on come on what in the Box some deformed frogs we found oh hey put those things out of their misery some things just aren't meant to be survival of the fittest hey [Applause] kids put that away come on these kids are little is it even hunting season no it's not sorry sorry kids I think we're going to have to skip the rest of the hike we should head back hey you're going to show those to somebody right yeah I'll show them to Mr Douglas the science teacher over at Birchwood good yeah you have a nice hike back and be careful even though there's no hunting here somehow it creeps in from time to time wait up guys come in hi Mr Douglas hi Eva I have something you should [Music] [Music] see [Music] oh hell that ain't that bad come on look you see those weird handprints there that's your mom's hands when she was your age what's up with that thing oh never mind that old pervert he won't bite but be careful his eyes might [Music] wander you know I think I might just go in the winter bucket you're the one cleaning it oh my doesn't look so bad why can't you just homeschool me Bry I got to work well then why can't Chuck homeschool you're kidding that' be like having a cereal box homeschool you come on it'll be fun do make new friends I have friends you'll get more [Music] dad can you can you turn the oh but it's so great though that's so proud of you that's why I kept all this stuff yeah just can you turn off please wait wait this is my favorite part here I know but it's I can't [ __ ] watch that [ __ ] I don't want that to be who I am all right who do you want to be I don't know just not a [ __ ] up you're into superheroes amphibious Mutant Ninjas and all that right well how do you think that could happen in real life Benny toxic waste well that's always a possibility these extremely deformed frogs were recently found nearby now pollution parasites pesticides even UV rays have all been culprits in the past we will attempt to determine what this cause may be sound like it will be the search for a missing an County boy 12-year-old Jonah for a hike in nearby Riverside Park given the park runs along the Mississippi search crews are also sweeping recently said they are following every tip and every connection possible toy home saf apparently being exposed liquid propane vou Sheriff's off there you go Dad what the hell uh and of course never mess with guns unless an adult is present are still searching for Jonah Anderson the 12-year-old boy that went missing from Grand Rapids 5 days ago he reportedly went alone on I don't want him going to a gunfight with a wet noodle in his pocket I don't even know what that means there are no gunfights in this future listen there's some kind of I don't know half chewed up deer by side of the drive yeah it's probably just road kill but let's go take a look I don't get it where is it I mean it it was right around here maybe it's further over maybe maybe it was is injured and limped away oh mom mom mom mom mom look that another one another twoo who see he's all [ __ ] up there is a normal deformity rate among amphibians but there are more you know say goes about 2% it can be caused for alarm there's actually some reports of deformed frogs being found upstat a while back really mhm how many not a ton but enough to get noticed well what causes it nobody really knows it's something in the water problem is they're not as cute as Dolphins nobody seems to care nobody so in relatively small numbers it's okay well not necessarily frogs literally soak up their environment right they can be wonderful indicators of what's yes excuse me Trent I have those lab permission forms you wanted oh yeah thank you Sandy um this is one of my students mothers Kimu hey the Kimu um well a Kim sweet it's nice to meet you pleasure I'll talk to you later Trent uh thank you Sandy V yeah I kind of had this like itty bitty pop music career like a million years ago but it's not important we don't have to talk about it okay maybe some other time yeah uh you know for now I would concentrate on how many more different forign frogs you can find on your property look for signs of pollution like fast food wrappers or chemicals chemicals but since this kind of thing only happens to animals that live near the water we're good Kim we are animals that live near the water can we go swimming this is boring well damn boy give it a chance besides this water might be bad for swimming I want you to stay out of it you hear then why are we being on it and being in it are two different things so it's safe to eat fish from here you don't catch no fish in this Lake anyway then why are we fishing it's not about the fish it's about the experience experience of not catching fish you'll understand when you get older well what did you and your friends do for fun comic books skateboarding online gaming well we might not have much of that around here but we got each other we got family that's what it's all about we take care care of each other no matter what so uh what do you want to be when you grow up ah freaking son of a look at that made in China bull crap so what do you think about those people disappearing well that all all happened an hour or two north of here so there's nothing you need to worry about there was a kid who went missing about my age think they'll find them I'm sure they will oh it's [Music] yours seriously thanks Chuck always comes in handy yeah I guess we could head back there do me a favor H don't tell your mom I don't want to thinking it's any worse than it is uh do you want me no I got it like you don't like Boos Motors I am the motor ready you really think we're going to findy more of these mutant things the kids keep calling me to find out what happened Mr Douglas said it would be a huge help if I found more Okie do what are you doing if you want to catch a frog you got to think like a frog I appreciate that but just so you know I won't be joining you come on give me a hand sh crap my savior oh gosh oh crap what I think I lost my shoe oh come on I'm actually kind of stuck whatever seriously oh whatever you're on your own seriously I think I'm coming come on what was that ah nature just nature in Regional news Grand Rapids officials report no new leads in the case of Jonah Anderson but search parties continue to look for the 12-year-old in the area surrounding Riverside Park a young woman from International Falls has now been officially declared missing the Crowing County Sheriff's Department is searching for 34-year-old Tina Stevens who was last seen heading to Black Lake to photograph wildlife weeks ago before he's found his St destroy a camera and signs a struggle near the leing them to the search for a missing 12-year-old boy continues near Grand Rapids still no clues have been found but local police are in the possibility of kidnapping or human trafficking mayor Paulson of duth addressed pesticides it totally makes sense pesticides yeah pesticides you see how close we are to all these Farms right well they spray all these Farms with pesticides herbicides that sort of thing yeah yeah so yeah so pesticide overspray leaks into the lakes and the ponds and then bam to form frogs exactly okay look we don't even know what kind of well let's go ask them well the closest Farm is owned by Larry Rogers who you met the other day who skunk Slinger perfect he's a goon let's go where's Bry he's taking a shower I mean are you just looking for something to fight for or against or I keep out of the water we're fine fine you're willing to bet your grandson's safety on fine no you even know what you're looking for not yet we have to use boiled water after a few minutes just freezing it's a clean safe shower isn't it I don't know are these more winter toilets God these you guys well sh sh people need to be aware look out for your neighbors authorities in International Falls and Grand Rapids believe these are kidnappings and quite possibly related to human trafficking the mayor is still encouraging people to hey chug what's with the neighbors neighbors neighbors we have neighbors yeah across the lake that little deformed girl with her dad okay look now both of you you stay clear of them all together Christ you're practically a Hermit who do you want to be associated with look there have been some bad rumors seems safe with the little girl just stay away from them if good fences make good neighbors then a whole lake makes even better ones no I should go with you Kim I'm the science teacher no not going to happen he doesn't even want to go with me I just need to know what to look for okay if it has anything to do with pesticides it would probably involve chloroprene okay chloroprene contains synthetic retinoids that's a derivative of of vitamin A and that's the [ __ ] that mutates the frogs retinoids have been known to cause severe birth defs including limb malformation limb malformation oh hey Chuck hey you Larry how you doing hey Kim oh yeah hey sweet yeah Kim's uh son's doing a school report on Farming and we were wondering if you could show us what kind of pesticides you're spraying what is this Chuck look she's living with me now and with her young son and she's concerned about safety with the pesticides being used in the area well DD was the nasty stuff but they you know they banned that back in the 70s I only use organic [ __ ] from American Patriot well not [ __ ] literally but you know right I got it can I just see the containers what uh what could be the harm you know just to put her mind at ease my word should be good enough for you Chuck good enough for the EPA telling you guys this is a waste of time I ain't got nothing to hide yeah then why don't you show it to us come on Chuck how long we've been neighbors can't you at least come back a little later I'm right in the middle of something like to just show us right quick we'll be out of your hair fine wait wait here I'll be right back wait wait here this is [ __ ] he's hiding something oh Kim [Music] no holy crap you people actually exist it's that's not I don't don't judge we're all consenting adults I no it's I no that's just a friend you know a th000 kids is killed every year by household cleaning products why don't you go harass those companies American Patriot chemicals all organic no chloroprene well uh let's go Kim sorry about this Larry well you know while you're here you guys you want to try something on are you [ __ ] nuts okay we'll be gone hey wait no wait wait wait wait a minute hey is is this all about them mutated frogs Yeah you seen them yeah I seen about oh five last couple days where what are you doing oh um looking for frogs so you live across the lake huh yeah that's my dad want to help sure you want me to hold that yeah thanks uh we're looking for any frogs that already reform um no frogs with extra missing legs I'll come well someone should be plus I think they're kind of cool sorry about the kids at school total Pricks it's okay I'm used to it this water could have done something to you and your dad my dad was born like that in New Jersey not here there always so many snails out here so Larry's working on the ATB on a hill doesn't put any gear go right into the L a again again can I take that down oh yeah I'm sorry that must have happened tonight don't worry Kim you'll win them over eventually another exciting Shirley Temple please no for the mother to be anything the search continues near hawksridge Park for 18-year-old Eva Johnson and 19 18-year-old Derek nitzki who had been missing for 4 days now 3 days ago Eva Johnson's car was found in the parking lot of Birchwood Elementary at this point we're considering the disappearances to be tied into potential kidnappings that occurred in International Falls in Grand Rapids oh sick bastards see that's what I'm afraid of Kim not frogs but it all started happening about the same time oh it's probably the pesticides I mean you don't know what the hell they put in the water this no hey hey don't stop don't talk [ __ ] about something you don't know anything about okay American Patriots been good to us drunk and that's what keeps this town going hey Greg what were you and Sam talking about the other day oh here we go no no Judy this is there's this disfigured father and living with his daughter right across the lake from Chuck and S oh right right that's that uh Joe [ __ ] the rag man I mean he's the father even that nasty girl bathing right in the lake and and it's [ __ ] gross and it's dangerous see this we got into it real heavy on a job side a couple years back he said he'd scarred the whole town if he can find a way maybe he found a way who knows how those people got kidnapped but if you ask me fat freak did it oh Sam you're drunk you got a monster living across the lake take it easy take it easy someone's got to do something all right yeah Edna what no no I lost track of time but she's still waiting there my gosh uh send her in send her in right away sorry it's sweet so sorry to um keep you waiting please have a seat thank you for seeing me of course my pleasure's been a been a a busy day they're all busy days aren't they yeah now you are somewhere here I will find you here right you have been making some discoveries yes um Mr Mayor I'm a mother I have a kid and there's other mothers deformed frogs this sweet you you found some deformed frogs that's it yes um and just because we don't know of any ways in which it's affected humans doesn't mean it hasn't no that's true that uh that is a legitimate concern and I understand that but I'm sure you'll understand that right now my primary concern is finding those missing teenagers can't we do both this sweet this city used to have a top rank in the entire country as a place to raise children so don't you want to tell people like stay out of the water or don't eat local fish or something I mean what if it turns out to be pesticide pollution now why would you say that well just because the local pesticides are organic does that mean they're safe or they just sound safe Miss Le I'm going to ask you a question and please I'd like you to try to answer it honestly in any part of this are you trying to regain publicity for your yourself do you think making a bunch of noise about mutant frogs is going to reignite my pop career no I'm just telling you what other people might think American Patriot chemicals have already been tested and approved by the EPA that's a big deal well did they test it on Wildlife during fetal stages farms in northern Minnesota are already using their pesticides their fertilizers they love them local farms here have started using them this spring to great success and now we're going to start rolling them out to surrounding states it's a success story what if it hurts people could you live with yourself half of the state is agricultural land if you Kickstart a premature scare those Farm families starved and could you live with yourself God you're like some movie miror Mr may my dad's property is in the middle of a bunch of these farms and on one of those Farms they found a ton of these frogs do you think that's a coincidence and your science degree is in what um working with a local science teacher uhhuh and who would that be joint Douglas at birwood Elementary School yeah yeah tell you what Kim Somebody Bring Me Some solid evidence that connects deformities and the pesticides and I will take action I promise you um you know American Patriot chemicals is the biggest job provider in the city and they pay a lot of taxes so I'm not going to cause any trouble for them without any probable cause you understand right right thank you for dropping by thank you [Music] hi I would like to speak to her reporter please okay if I can just get your name and number and what this is about I can make sure that someone will contact you if they feel it's newsworthy okay I've been finding these deformed frogs see on my dad's property and farms around there I know who you are we're not giving you any attention look I don't want attention from me I War bad economy no jobs missing kids that's what people care about I was at your going away party fundraiser I donated $20 remember that and now you want us to put you back in the spotlight no I look see this girl she's the one who found the deformed frogs oh what a coincidence I guess you think I just fell off the turnup truck can you just do your job job you know like just pick up the phone and call somebody who's not a bitter old gash security and get a haircut the baked meat it's fantastic the maple syrup really makes it really oh yeah thank you do you uh think she'd want some more oh I think she's all right her appetite isn't what it used to be dementia's really caught up with man I'm sorry how long's she been like that oh it's two years now it's tough I wish I could do more for her can only afford to have a home care nurse can buy like once a day and May that's putting us in the hole well I'm sure she appreciates it I'll do whatever I can for her she's my mom you want to uh want to go in the other room and talk yeah sure come onom time to go to bed seven more of these deformed frogs today just today and a [ __ ] ton of snails or so Ro says did you say snails yeah a bunch of them all around by the pond why snails can be major carriers of parasites parasites well what brings in all the snails algae plant growth why do you care so much why wouldn't you care you know people remember you around here you might be able to get on the news that won't work why I had a top 20 pop hit and I thought it was a big deal gave a bunch of interviews about this place and slagged on it these are good people and they believed in me and I flushed them so then what happened well right when we were hitting the charts the Scandal came out when I was recording the album The Record Company told me that I had the right look but uh they had somebody better to cover the tracks so so you didn't you didn't sing at all nope I wanted to I wanted to after that dropped off the charts like a hot rock have a complete nervous breakdown I bottom out I'm lucky to be alive and that's when I met Brody's dad he put me back together again saved me anyway got a call from my dad that he's got liver cancer so here I am what they say that look was uh 15% to reel rate past 5 years but with this surgery he's got a fighting chance I think it took a lot of guts coming back here take care of your dad like this I do H really I mean it's not like I left behind some fabulous life doesn't matter you always have options kid don't forget that what are my options now um I um I give a really good back rub I give a really good foot rub too really foot r for e rank Mom Mom Dad you get him out of here what the hell are you shooting at mom wait Dad Put the gun down where's kinky Ry Bry don't you touch that Bry Bry you get the hell back here how about these dinners package even said to form free nothing broy could have gotten really hurt dad why would you do something like that you didn't see them being born the way they were hurting kinky the way they might hurt us hurt us I don't know I was putting them out of their misery for crying out loud you think I like killing puppies yes you know this is the first mammal we've seen like this what's wrong with it we're trying to find out of course it would have helped that the rest of them weren't in pieces is it even SA for us to stay here we have no idea whether it's related to any kind of chemical pollutant what the hell you think it is then Xmen a I didn't think I knew about them did you don't touch it truth is to this day we don't even know what causes most human birth effects you men something the other day about finding a bunch of snails yeah a ton there's been cases where parasitic worm life cycles launch using a snail as a host see the snail carries them down to the water where they run loose and invade another species like a tadpole see they burrow into the tadpole right at the limb buds deliberately screwing up its development causing missing her extra limbs why would a parasite do that when a tad P matur into a frog it's handicapped so it's easy pray for birds bird easily swoops down picks up the Frog eats it digests it the parasite can then spawn more larvae in the bird feces and the infected feces then falls down to the shore and gets picked up by the snail the whole cycle starts again sounds like damn science fiction what if these parasites are getting into our water hello today we're talking with local pop sensation Kim site visiting us in our uh Public Access studio and uh Kim uh I believe you have something you'd like to uh say to the people of Duo before we get started yes um I I just want to apologize to the people of duth for anything that I said that was really stupid when I was young and for any of the hurt that I might have caused um they're really good people here in this town and I um I'm very very sorry thank you well thank you Kim for um you're brave and sincere apology um but um what I'd like to talk to you about today um here is about the deformed frogs you found near your home yes um there have been some deformed frogs um that have been turning up in the lakes and the ponds uh in the area and we don't know what is causing it um but we think it could be a problem and maybe a very serious problem you know considering you're not a scientist of um of any kind some might accuse you of being an alarmist okay all right uh okay so my my our family dog had puppies this weekend and um sorry okay this is this is one does that look alarm to you I just I don't want that my God are if mson is watching [Laughter] this [Music] what about deviled ham for breakfast sounds delicious broy broy all right pick out a cereal you got one he hey you want some sugar to go with your sugar come on healthy Chate sauce it's too expensive well what about this it's kid tested and mother approved sold all right we got to make track sounds healthy you got there munin you want me to go find you a couple Mas dude got us some Bas oh look he's pretending he can read oh hey Joel looks like they got a picture of your long lost relative in the paper huh hey if he hasn't done anything to the water how about a blood test see if you're contagious you know just to prove everybody wrong you may improve you wrong [ __ ] easy kitten yeah we know what kind of freak you are calm down you got an idea why don't we test your kid hey hey uh Joseph um uh you guys doing okay what are you looking at people can be shits please don't hurt me just hey just just take a breath grandma hey hey they're not worth it okay it's uh I get it you know um we're neighbors we live uh right across the lake so if you guys ever need anything you know just don't be a [Applause] stranger yeah come keep pushing good good good keep push Dam it like you're on a leg press come on push P push B you're doing good good okay all right good listen to our push you're doing good come on good good good good okay okay come on Focus that was good all right three you're doing good you're doing so good good good good push come on okay doing great come Ona bre Brea going to do another set normal she looks like she's in a lot of pain here we go breathe now we're going to do another set come on just like we're at the gym come on push one more here we go push here comes push push push come on my no this is normal something's not right good baby's coming here we go here we go get her some pain pills come on oh good good good you did it you did [Music] [Music] it [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] that look I understand your concern but you really don't need to stay here I mean he'll probably be out for quite a while I promise we'll keep you updated can you just could you at least tell me what you think might have caused the tumor we actually don't know yet I mean he never had regular checkups over the years so has he had a history of alcoholism no I mean not that I know of if not I would think Hepatitis B or C but he doesn't have either of those it's parasites arsenic parasites from contaminated water oh but that's usually only found in developing countries so I'm sure Judy hey oh hi Kim what are you doing here yeah I was just uh checking on my dad oh I heard I'm I'm so sorry he'll be okay well we all miss seen you Mike I figured the baby came can I say hello you know she's really sick I just I got to take a she's really sick look I'm what she got so I might accuse you of being an alarmist okay all right uh okay so my our family dog had puppies this weekend and um sorry okay this is this is one of what does that look alarm to you I just I don't want that oh my God we are so done Kim hey hey look you I'm I'm really busy right now Judy look I know something's wrong what what' you name her Daniel that's real pretty look I don't want anyone else in the town to know and please please don't let Sam know that you know yeah of course Judy that's a len do you mind if I could I take a few photos I do you want to take pictures of my baby kind I know this has got to be so hard for you I can't even I can't even imagine but if if I could just take a few pictures just collect some evidence then then then maybe we could get help help for what don't you want to know what caused this these things happen right its nature it's not like I'm the first one ever what about the animal deformities what about the so what are you saying now that my baby is some kind of animal is that what you're saying no oh Judy I um look here you just take a look at this I'm so sorry for here's your proof take it and use it we need to keep pesticides out of the wetlands are you following me at least call the governor and stop telling everybody that things are fine when you know that Miss week I know that you've had some puppies born with complications but different is not necessarily bad okay that's bad uh where did this happen where do you think it happened good what smells I think that salmon is bad no the salmon is actually very good you know you can have some if you want so who did this happened to she doesn't want to be identified in the media right okay so why is this happening so quickly parasites not pesticides no pesticides and fertilizer dramatically increase algae and plant material that's snails feed AR so snails are the bad guys snails are the host for the parasite babies parasite babies you know the little parasite baby the maggot things oh the larvae exactly look you wanted evidence here it is more pesticides more snails more parasites got a problem and that is we've had pesticides around for decades why is this happening now well you said yourself that this spring was the first time that American Patriots chemicals have been used in the area okay well maybe there's something in their eco-friendly mix that gives the algae AB boost look and there's also deformed frog sightings up safe this year and last year are these the places where you found the deformities yeah these are the same locations as the disappearances but if we're looking for a kidnapper serial killer then why would that correspond to the forties you think they're connected God how can you stand that that smell is awful what this no this is this is yummy I think you just don't like fish no I normally love salmon that [ __ ] is rank it I promise you it's not oh excuse me are you all right hey what's the pictures I was just taking a picture of that pregnant lady over there I'd be one of them monster babies get out of here Rec in the out are that kind with the tourist they spend a lot of money in here yeah but did you see a shirt I know I know they're everywhere hey I'm sorry about your dad yeah thanks where's Craig you didn't hear no I've been off a few days what his sister gave birth to one of those mutant babies Oh no is she okay she's in shock I mean I think they're going to give it up to the researchers what well what would you do I don't know but I don't know if I'd pawn it off like some labat well it's not going away I mean everybody's leaving and the whole town might be quarantined and the crazy thing is all of these tourists keep coming in here yeah check out more than the fall leaves huh yeah I personally investigated since the first deform fraud was found the Governor has been made fully aware of our situation the Environmental Protection agents the Center for Disease Control have also been notified the citizens of duth will'll be taken care of the birth effect outbreak are it's your problem she freaked with me his girlfriend that's what my dad said should be done to you and your creepy dad why because of you my aunt's baby all messed [Music] up [Music] Trent Douglas yes we need to talk what is it [Music] girl [Music] okay sweee stop sh it's all right it's okay it's all right it's all go it's okay stop stop well could you just come out here and look at her please please it's it's awful Trent Trent what the [ __ ] okay how's that mhm MH better thanks how's my dog Je she she's fine yeah I want you to take her and Brody and leave town why would we leave I need the cancer is inoperable always was the tumor is grown real fast you never have as much time as you think you will God damn it pops why didn't you [ __ ] tell me I want to give you hope I figured if the surgery was always a little ways off maybe it's stick around longer I'm sorry I hurt you come here oh my head oh you know as well as anyone that none of us knows what the hell we're doing we just do what we think best at the time yeah I do nothing you and we're not going anywhere you hey s look Sam I I've been thinking about this on the way over shut up we an agreement okay you guys do mine and if they need it I'll do your sister's it's going to be easier this way trust me man this is really crazy we we look and why's doing to her okay that thing he's not human God I mean aside from getting caught we can't but I'm going to get caught because we're all in agreement right right yeah yeah okay now just stick to the plane stick to the plane come on hey Judy so uh how you want to do this Sam what what are you going to do it's doing something to you I mean help for I know it could be spread something to me give it here we'll take it your name is Danielle [Applause] Danielle no no no no no give me that [Music] thing take us to the [Music] [Music] bathroom oh no do [Music] it [Music] [Music] oh sorry about Chuck you hung up on me why did you do that I why didn't you call me back I was going to call you back I just just I'm sorry I was I was just dealing with something just don't you want to tell me what happened to kinky I don't even [ __ ] know she started shaking she couldn't stop I tried to hold her still and her skin was so thin it tore underneath my fingers she shook and Shook and Shook and then vomited all over herself and then she was dead the fetus leaves behind a parasite infestation carried over from the water okay theoretically this could affect an entire generation of a species we can take our research and go to the government and we can get help right that's what I want to talk to you about what that is a lot of money American Patriot will launch its own investigation I can have my mother taken care of we can move away from all this what if this shit's getting like Superior when does this stop no hell no a verb is a word that displays actions stop him [ __ ] where are you you ugy little brat my sister had one of those things you did something to the water didn't you you know we didn't [Music] GL please don't let me go what did you put in the water Joseph did you put something in the water you know we didn't we want you out of town tonight going just don't talk to anyone I'm coming right back all right I want to clean out my desk before they can confiscate it cuz they make quarantine to town soon I'll be waiting I'll be right back hey I'll tell you when you get back all right what is it get inside I'm B I'm de I'm de oh [ __ ] crazy little freak they're not vampires you dumb [ __ ] what do we do with her I say we finish this right now he agreed to leave and they just get to leave it behind we're not killing anybody we're not killing we're saving we're saving Our Town what about Judy huh but Pro if you have the wheel of cause just shoot the ugly bastard we're not sparing the ones that did this what do you mean the ones you are not touching the girl this lake is Ground Zero do you see any other mutants around here help help I need help 424 mcy like Road please can you send send officers please please send help now there's been an animal attack Trent TR a a friend of M's been attacked Bry broy oh my God just [ __ ] send help take it easy no no nobody wanted them here what about Judy he's going to leave just take it easy I don't trust them I don't trust these mutants they're not people why couldn't you just leave nobody wants you here listen right now no Sam no no Sammy no Dan [Applause] Sammy drop the weapon drop now ma'am did you make that 911 yes yes I need you to help me find my son please I don't know where he is look there's some kind of wild animal out of here feel freak kill you you fat freak I swe I'll kill here hear that sounds close pop her back up behind you so so [Music] Mell [Music] station 1375 call two Officer Down broy go home [Applause] [Music] [Music] d pry out [Music] house God [Music] M broy get in the house get in the [Applause] house ROP the ammo [Music] Daddy Daddy all cases have occurred within a 200m radius of duth given research supplied by mayor Paulson the CDC and EPA will be launching full investigations the link between newborns and their mother's fatalities is still undetermined now back to the ongoing War m am I a bad person for what I did to that man a bad person I Hur her pretty bad did you like her again no then I think you're good hey BR I was thinking maybe next time just Brown finally some hair I could relate to yeah do you think babies will turn up me like the Wolves I don't know hey you ever figure out what you want to be when you grow up well I did want to be a vegetarian but not so much no yeah at least we're getting out of here before the winter huh Mom yeah I'm tired I bet you are come here I love you me [Music] too extreme birth effects have spread to areas surrounding the Great Lakes two cases with similar deformities have surfaced in the Green Bay Wisconsin area as well as one in Milwaukee and another two in the Detroit Michigan area many of these these areas had previous reports of deformed Wildlife it's believed a deadly combination of Organic pesticides fertilizer and parasites in the water may have led directly to the outbreak in the wildlife birth effects and possibly the human fetus complications hey the is over Pi your in the release by theot alternative Act hey just in time you going to come meet your little sister yeah she's so cute she's perect like her hat yeah this is Brody he's going to take really good care of you [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] that
Channel: Absolute Sci-Fi
Views: 83,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Absolute Sci-Fi, Bizarre Encounters, Horror Flicks, Lisa Sheridan, Movie Night Ideas, Strange Occurrences, Strange Places Film, Swamp Monster Horror, Villagers' Reactions, biological anomalies, bizarre occurrences, community crisis, creature feature, disturbing revelations, ecological mystery, eerie atmosphere, environmental horror, mother and son, suspenseful storyline, unknown dangers
Id: fOe8jG5ikXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 35sec (5855 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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