Svalbard POLAR NIGHT begins | Hang out with me for a day | Longyearbyen, the Northernmost town

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[Music] [Music] am i in focus yeah guys guess what it's october 26th and that means it's the start of our polar nights so from now on there's no sunrise no sunset no day length in light or whatever you want to call it but since it's just in the beginning the sun is just below the horizon so we can still get some daylight so as you can see but i mean i think it's just a week from now we're gonna have no daylight at all so i'm gonna show you a little bit now the days leading up to that like how much light do we have and what it looks like when it starts disappearing so look at this right now it's see what time it is it's 9 30. it looks like this outside it's absolutely gorgeous yeah the dogs are here if you're wondering who's making all this noise look at that right hey kela good morning to you guys you just had your breakfast so yeah that's quite a lot of light so let me show you what it looks like on the calendar so right here we have a very good calendar it's the sunset and sun rise day length calendar october 2020 so what you have on here you can see every day how long it's going to be which is always good in a place like london so you see 26 starting down all day so that's what's gonna happen now and this is gonna be down all day let's change to see november down all day right you can see that yeah and then we go to december you can see it says down all day there as well and then we go to january it says down all day so now we're up to two months and then you have half of february it says down all day and then in february you start getting lights but that's not now so yeah that's what's gonna happen today or no that's what's gonna happen in the next few weeks you guys are gonna yes you can stay out here because you just woke up and you just like to be outside but whoa look how beautiful this is [Music] [Music] yeah so how crazy is that i'm very excited i think it goes pretty quickly i can't remember if it's like a week of a bit of daylight now if it's like a week and a half or like two days because now i need to make the most of these few hours of daylight that we have because when it's gone it's gone but i'm very excited i think the best thing to go into a polar night is to have a good mindset because otherwise it's going to drive you mad so you just need to be excited about it and that it's going to be cozy and have a good plan sleep on schedule vitamin d exercise good nutrition you'll be fine that's how i live it now feminist is such he's such a needy dog like graham is super happy now founders just wants to be doing what i'm doing he's like why am i not there with you hi honey do you want to come inside of course you do graham do you want to come inside oh okay welcome boys found a toy kidding me now i'm gonna have a coffee and then i'm gonna take you guys for a walk yes and then i'm gonna go to work edit it how you descent oh oh explicit content oh no [Music] [Music] hello [Music] here just look how magical it is it's only like 2 30 i think or like three o'clock and it's so blue and just so beautiful look [Music] [Music] i just came back from the village from showering and oh my god it is so pretty now the blue light it's just everything is magical i just fell walking down from the car because i'm wearing wellies and it's super icy and i seriously i felt like a stick you know i just went one of those and i think i'm gonna get like a pretty good bruise but grim he got to run i mean eight kilometers because he ran from the cabin to the camping then we went into the village i took a shower then he ran all the way back and that's so good for him he needed like a proper workout of course i take him on daily walks and twice a day but he needs you know to get his pulse up and just get some energy out and he loves running so that was very good i always feel like i've done something good when i've given him like a good workout yeah now what am i gonna do it's only 3 15. and this is what we have outside super dark but so beautiful look how cozy everything is i seriously love our cabin but soon we're gonna make it a lot bigger so we can have another area in there i think i'm just gonna go ahead and edit some and just drink some coffee maybe i've already had two i mean a third wouldn't kill me i might make a fire just for the ambiance christopher's gonna come home soon with the groceries and we're gonna make dinner it's just a chill day here on svalbard so yeah let's just do some daily things some regular things my loot my new lens should be coming today i purchased a tamron wide angle one which is i think it's 16 or 17 millimeters to 25 i don't know but it's gonna be in the mail it's supposed to get here today which i hope because it's friday and i wanted to get here so i don't know we'll see [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cecilia Blomdahl
Views: 94,208
Rating: 4.9422002 out of 5
Keywords: svalbard, spitsbergen, spitzbergen, longyearbyen, north, northern, northernmost, northern norway, norway, arctic, climate change, polar bear, cabin, off grid, remote
Id: AUp0FowzsXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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