Swimming in the 2°C Arctic ocean! | SVALBARD ice bath | Longyearbyen, Northern Norway

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[Music] oh the glacier just dropped a big it just capped is that what you say my english this weekend is so confused it's like i haven't spoken either swedish or english or nothing for a while you can hear it sounds like thunder when it drops into well when it cracks away from the glacier and then it drops into the ocean it's like and you can hear it all the way here and i mean we're pretty far away the weather is so lovely at the moment it is so calm no wind almost i'm drinking some coffee these weekends are like therapy it's so nice to just get out of town even though we have a baby town but just you know not have any cell phone reception is really amazing especially for me when i work a lot with my phone and social media and stuff it is so nice to just disconnect for like three days and you can't do anything about it and it's just perfect i think it's the perfect way to actually be able to work with it without going crazy just leave for three days like every other weekend that's nice so it's still saturday it's about four p.m soon we're gonna have dinner i got the best comment on youtube the other day somebody said i don't mean to sound rude but you seem to have the most boring but in a really nice way life and i'm like yes i wouldn't say it's boring but it it is so peaceful it's like we live in our little cabin outside the village and then we go on cabin trips on weekends and it's just so quiet and it's calm and it's focused on being out in the nature and photography and just beautiful things i really i'm so happy about the life i live and the place i'm living i couldn't be more happy about it and i probably will live here for a very long time i have a feeling me and christopher we are doing a cabin extension this winter so we're gonna make our house proper it's gonna be twice the size we're gonna try to get some water in there so we can have a shower a proper nice kitchen with like a kitchen island it's gonna be so nice so we're just waiting for them to approve our permit and then we can start building in october well not us but we have somebody who's gonna do it like a company so that is freaking exciting i can't wait for that to start and we can get her home now i think i'm just gonna enjoy my coffee wow wow wow the weather is amazing it's quarter past six and we're gonna head over to the glacier because the wind has completely disappeared and it is just gorgeous outside look at this he's under attack so yeah we're gonna head over to the tuna glacier and i am so freaking excited hopefully we see some whales we might even see a polar bear i just want to join the glacier and get some beautiful pictures and just see just see it again but first we have to take the little dinghy from over there to that one just look at this water i might actually swim later there is a sauna here like a little house beside it and yeah it would be really nice but i don't know i i will probably get a bit of a cold if i do that if you're wondering why i have to stick it's because of these they attack because they have babies here they think we're an issue if you have a stick they attack the stick instead we'll see how that works oh my god there's the baby oh my god protect him at all costs it is okay i'm gonna step away my man good souls yeah he's gonna be an like your your mom over there but look at it oh my god it's so cute you just happen to be right here with your baby okay so beautiful we are droning i don't know if you can see look at this this is the tuna glacier it is so [Music] beautiful [Music] so [Music] so i just flew my drone and i also got off the boat and stood on a really big block of ice because i wanted to do that and we found a huge one and now we're gonna leave this beautiful glacier because i've taken my photos i've stood on a huge ice block and i am ready to go [Music] [Music] we're gonna we're gonna swim the water is like two degrees not kidding it's two degrees because we're in the arctic so yeah i'm gonna set this up now and i'm gonna go for a nice little dip i'll see how much how far in the water i go because it's cold okay okay [Applause] what are you just leaving up okay now it's not even bad the worst thing is definitely the feet they get so cold like the rest is kind of fine but i was killed to have shoes we are done with the swimming for the day let's go and sit in front of the fire and enjoy ourselves you know i'm back inside after my amazing swim god i went in three times i fully uh dunked my body in the first time and then after that i just kind of stayed with the boob area down but i still went in and enjoy the cold water it's crazy how hard it is the first time and then it gets easier because you kind of lose feeling in your legs yeah but now i'm back inside i just need to you know dry off regain some warmth my legs are so red look and goes pimples so i just made a fire and i'm gonna sit in front of that for a couple of minutes and just you know get some heat back it is two degrees in the water only two degrees and then outside i think it's like 10 degrees in the air so i don't think it's cold at all in the air that's well and everything is warm after you uh swam in two degrees yes i did my little fire here it looks good i'm gonna put some more inside and then we are boiling some water for coffee so i'm gonna put some clothes on and i'm gonna go outside and sit in the sun with the boys this day has been the craziest ever we've done so much stuff and had such a beautiful day so do [Music] it is sunday morning and we need to pack up and leave quite quickly hey you see it because uh grim he has a cut on his paw and his it's been super fine not a big problem at all we've given him you know some painkillers every day and we've taken him to the vet and done everything he said but today we woke up and i looked at his paw and it's twice the size of what it should be and it's super warm so he's probably got an infection you know so we need to just pack up and go back to the village so we can take him to the vet and get some antibiotics and whatever they want but i feel so bad for him but i gave him a painkiller so he's in less pain and that's what happens sometimes and we're in the middle of nowhere so i'm just happy it's not something worse because then it would be difficult to get any help but he seems to be in good spirits and yeah we're just getting everything ready now become someone [Music] please oh the glacier dropped it counts so what we do when we pack up here when we leave we have to take everything out of the fireplace yeah so what we do is we clean out the fire place take all the ash out and clean that and then we sweep the floors we wipe down any surfaces we put everything back together and we make it look super nice and as clean as it should be and then we take everything with us that we brought any trash we have we also take with us and we throw away in the village and yeah and then we take all of our stuff and we go back to the boat and we head home now we have cleaned made it all beautiful and we're putting the beyond on the beyond on the bear safety things gonna get super dark we are fully ready to go bye-bye see you soon again
Channel: Cecilia Blomdahl
Views: 276,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: svalbard, northern, north, norway, northern norway, polar bear, arctic, longyearbyen, off grid, cabin, glacier, climate change, barentsburg, arctic fox, remote, scandinavia, north pole
Id: JfIo3vKj93w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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