"Sussex Brand Is A Frustrating IRRITATION" | Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Visit Nigeria

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okay let's talk about this um non-royal Royal tour that Harry and Megan had in uh Nigeria because they're going there to try and Garner support aren't they for the invictor uh being held in Nigeria and to lay the groundwork for that but a lot of people are saying that that it was very either presidential or very Royal in in what they were doing what's your take on that rup it it is basically a royal trip in all but name look he was you know he's seen military it looks like a royal trip um that's that the Optics of it make it seem like it's once again the royal family just as any other member of the royal family going to visit another country he's inspecting troops he's been the national anthem was being played at a at a dinner or a lunch that they were held at so you know it does look completely like a royal trip at the heart of it is the desire to try and maybe uh make Nigeria to be a host of the Invictus games some years down the line so it is a sort of exploratory look but for Nigeria it's clearly garnering a great deal of publicity it is definitely and looks like a royal trip something they didn't want to do but in a way this is what they want to do is a royal trip in inverted Commerce on their terms they're controlling it it's not got any they have got the agenda there's nothing else it's all about them and what they want to to achieve rather than maybe a bigger picture which they felt that they couldn't be part of and that that is again a sad thing because actually when he goes out and about you know he does have a an element of star power about them but um it has also had an element of turning into the Megan show as well as she has uh been talking you know saying going back to finding a place where she says she's got 43% Nigerian Heritage and all that so there's also a big part of it is also the Megan show and and she is called clearly loving that but I think that it raises the question what are they because when they go on tours like this they are distinctly quite Royal yet or or they act quite Royal and they're treated quite Royal but then when they come back to their home or when they they they they decide to pursue something commercially um you know when they can be bothered to turn up because of course let's not forget the Spotify disaster and you know all of those sorts of things but but when they they then sort of seem to pursue something commercially as a result of that and it's that I guess my question is does it all chip away at the the value of the crown when they do this when they act Royal in one sense but then commercial in another well this for for Harry and Megan is part of their branding and showing what a Force for good art and to make them seem that they are commercially VI as an entity yet but they are trading off their Royal connections and that I think is the thing that many people find uncomfortable how can you say you don't want to be part of it the halfin half out scenario was something that the royal family said won't happen but then you look at the Nigeria trip it is absolutely looks like any other Royal trip you've probably seen any other going to schools going to see the military have a few dinners here and there it is a royal trip in all but name you can't get away from that but it's to enhance the brand of Megan and Harry to see that they still have worth on the international stage and Nigeria felt it worthy of asking them and putting on it at probably quite a lot of expense you know there is huge sedes of poverty within Nigeria it's a vast country as we know it has very wealthy people but it also has the extremes so it is you know for many people for Nigeria it is a shop window for them and the Royal they deemed that Harry and Megan were the vehicle that could be a shot window for Nigeria is it panning out all right well I have to say the pictures make them look as if they're having a good time do you think that conversations will be being had in Buckingham Palace about this uh tour that Megan and Harry are taking or do you think they' be just like a a minor irritation um wouldn't say that the Sussex brand is a minor irritation I think it's a totally frustrating one you know the British High Commissioner has said in Nigeria that we have nothing to do with it we obviously know they're there it's it's deemed a private visit in some sense although a very public one but uh so I think from the Royal household it's right well they're they're off doing their thing there's nothing we can do about it if that's what they want to do what control do we have you'd hope though that at the heart of it they would be seeing that it's not just about themselves that it's actually something that they are contributing in a very positive way to what life in Nigeria by their visit and if if the Invictus games comes to Nigeria a few years down the line then this trip will be worth it it's just it's just really bizarre because of course all of this what it does is it gives a huge amount of publicity to Nigeria and you've got to give them credit and if it's to do with the Invictus games but also as you rightly point out to themselves and then of course that then does give license this is the world we live in that when you do this you will then be analyzed there will be headlines written about you there will be headlines written about you that aren't very nice and so therefore I don't think you can have it both ways you can't then say well look we're being bullied we've got these awful headlines our security is under threat it's absolutely dreadful for us but Meanwhile we're going to go on the hugely publicized Royal esque tour you can't have both yeah but they haven't got the sort of British the Royal pack with them if you see what it mean which they would normally have the the the Press pack that uh have the license within the Royal household they are controlling the narrative they have their own people around them and they've probably made it quite clear to the Nigerian organizers that that's what they want it probably is going to pop up in a documentary at some stage about the good work they did on this and not everything has come out but down the line we will see it everything has been staged managed by Harry and Megan to make it look good in their front has it gone perfectly well there are bits of things that haven't gone quite smoothly but no Royal trip or even a fake Roy trip has ever gone smoothly so and they are susceptible just as any others so but they want much more control over the narrative and that's one of their beefs when they said in the first uh the reasons they left they felt they had no control over the narrative and me Megan does like to control that narrative oh I think you're right there rer Bell thank you that's talks Royal correspondent on uh what's been happening e
Channel: TalkTV
Views: 125,724
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Keywords: talkradio, talk radio, news, uk, politics, debate, free speech, freedom of expression, talk tv, live, live news, talktv live, talk tv live, talktv, meghan markle, prince harry, prince harry latest, meghan markle latest, meghan markle nigeria, prince harry nigeria, royal family news, cristo royal roundup
Id: EqvnS3HZX5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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