SUSPICIOUS Student On UK Visa Is Put In The Spotlight | UK Border Security

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[Music] every year over a hundred million people go through passport control to get into britain most are welcome and legal many are not for the first time on television we go behind the scenes of the uk border agency the men and women on the front line of immigration tonight sorting out excess baggage we've got six uh males three are claiming to be from afghanistan and we are from iraq getting tough on illegal workers it's going to extraordinary lengths not to allow us in for that room and no way in for the quiet american and his special friend hello i'm a monster and um i'm going back to the united states today and i am very upset about that [Music] [Music] heathrow is one of the busiest airports in the world at terminal 3 there are 50 000 passengers arriving every day next please how long will you all be staying for there you go thank you most have a legitimate reason to come into the country thank you okay thanks very much it's down to the immigration officers at the desks to spot those who don't officer neil newbury started working at heathrow after doing a maths degree today he stopped a student returning to britain after a trip home to india but the border agency suspect mr singh's college in london may be bogus when you get these sort of letters confirming yes the student is studying here yes you can go on holiday for this amount of time it's usually printed out on um a better quality paper if it's a genuine letter i mean i could probably print something out myself given a little bit of time on my own computer so it's not looking great from at the moment if i was to be totally honest officer newbury wants to find out what the passenger is doing in the uk he starts by checking mr singh's luggage for clues you work here where do you work at tesco's what do you study sir computer science okay i found a lot of information about his studies quite large textbooks so that's a lot of things in his favor at the moment i'm sort of changed my mind i'm thinking he may be genuine now he's certainly got the work with him to confirm that he has been studying here and he's intending to complete his qualifications but it's time to dig deeper officer newberry must make sure mr singh is sticking to the rules as a foreign student he's only allowed to work a maximum of 20 hours a week you say you also work in the uk oh yeah as what do you where do you work and what do you work at nights what does a night shift involve what hours it's basically one nature is some so seven and a half hour so in total is 15 hours okay follow me please before giving mr singh the all clear to enter the uk officer newberry must be sure he's telling the truth he gives tesco a call yes he's returned back to the uk from a holiday abroad and we just want to confirm with yourselves his hours of work and how long has actually worked for you 36 and a half hours okay even if he is actually attending his college on a rare occasion the fact is tesco's are confirmed he's doing 36 hours a week work for them and as a student he can only work 20 hours a week there's no way around that so um yeah he's uh he's in a bit of trouble there mr singh come over here please sir a few more questions okay i'd like to follow me please you've already told me you're aware that you can only work 20 hours as a student in fact tesco have told me you've been working 36 and a half hours a week it's only impossible because that's a night shift so it doesn't sound like you're studying to me to be honest do you now know what will happen to you you've broken the conditions of your study visa so your visa will be cancelled today whatever you want me to do right now there's nothing that you can do now sir there's actually no universe changeover in all india you should have thought about that before you started working full-time in this country he's obviously very desperate to stay here he's saying he wants to complete this course obviously he's extremely desperate to do that but um i'm afraid it's for me it's going to fall on deaf ears because um he had this opportunity a little while ago to come clean to me when i asked him the first time he had this opportunity against to come clean with me and he didn't he lied to me twice and i cannot sympathize with someone like that because he lied to me mr singh must wait before finding out if he can enter britain it's the chief immigration officer who will confirm this final decision i think on balance the fact that he has worked in breach significantly enough to go down the change of purpose routes now unfortunately you can't work here solely to support your studies genuine students are meant to fund their education from their sponsorship or from other sources and they can't just work in the united kingdom to fund their education i've spoken to the chief immigration officer with regards to what you've told me um and what tesco's have told us and um we decided to refuse to enter the united kingdom today and cancel your visa okay there's no job afraid not no no no you've worked in breach of your um visa conditions there's no way back from that i'm afraid working full-time weekly can generate a lot of money which can then be converted into a lot of money in their country and so there's a lot of money at stake if we had the time to actually sit down and really really question um and fully examine every single student that comes through our borders i think we'd find an awful lot of them that aren't actually studying here or aren't actually meeting their conditions of the visa um unfortunately with the amount of people who have coming through just this terminal alone there's absolutely no way we can catch every single person mr singh spends the night in detention before boarding the first available flight back to india coming up the enforcers go after illegal workers in the isle of wight you came in without your own passport so you entered the uk legally trucks carrying excess baggage in calais it sounds like we've got another one further in who's actually crouched within a load of plastic and in terminal three difficult questions for the american who wants to marry an eu national how long have you been together oh man y'all personal questions man [Music] britain's border force faces its biggest challenge in france every day almost 5 000 vehicles crossed a channel from calais trucks have become the transport of choice for illegal immigrants desperate to find a better life in britain known as clandestines in 2007 nearly 12 000 of them were stopped by immigration officers here at calais it's midnight and on the front line tonight is officer emma hogben she's using a probe which reveals human breathing [Music] tonight it's really busy so we've got a lot of traffic coming through and a lot of sailings and each birth tonight it's got about four sailings each so i think each ferry holds about 120 lorries we've got a lot of freight traffic coming through tonight [Music] all we're doing now is we're probing all the soft sided vehicles with the co2 unit to see if we get a reading they measure the amount of carbon dioxide that's in the vehicle so the lower the reading the less carbon dioxide there is and obviously the higher the reading the more there is which would indicate to us that there's a possibility of people being inside the vehicle if we get reading them enough to open them officer hogburn is not the only one involved other search teams are also at work and they might have just found something we've got two colleagues in there at the minute there's about six people they think they've got but they're right in the front of the vehicle clandestines are usually friendly hello hello yeah him yeah how did you get in the vehicle did you come in to the side and we've got six uh males three are claiming to be from afghanistan and three are from iraq and what we'll do is we'll take photos of them in situ and then we'll get them out one by one where they'll be detained so we can serve papers on them when we opened the curtains we were quite close to the ship so their immediate reaction was how close they were to getting onto the ship which for them must be quite heartbreaking because they're so close to getting to the uk but they've been stopped so they were quite um disappointed to say the least for every clandestine found there's the maximum of a two thousand pound penalty for both the driver and the company which owns the truck the ferries need to run on time so the searching is relentless hello can sit down with your passport please the clandestines are cunning and the hiding place is imaginative certain loads can be really difficult to search and in particular tires because they can bury themselves underneath them and they're quite difficult to sort of climb across and wheely bins are also very difficult because they can get inside so you have to crawl across and lift up each lid individually so it's quite difficult to find people and we often go home with really strange bruises as well from where we've been climbing in certain things officer emma matthews may be about to get some more bruises the co2 probe has registered a high reading in another lorry okay yeah yeah can definitely smell just here can you slowly passes the camera stay there how many two here just five months i was here in cali five months in calais and you speak english where are you from afghanistan afghanistan stop moving please well there's two so far but um good possibility there's some more down the front there's one more there is another person here yeah yeah there's another one here hello from afghanistan as well yeah any more people just three one chance they always ask for one chance their one chance to get to england as soon as they get to england then they can try and claim asylum but i can't give them that chance you stay in in cali for five months oh i'm sure quite frankly this is probably the third or fourth time in as you know many weeks or so that this has probably happened it's all part of the routine that these guys go through in order to get through to the uk the trickle has turned into a flood more afghan clandestines have been found in another truck so three people three it sounds like we've got another one further in who's actually crouched within a load of plastic basically i think it's too much of a coincidence that within 10 minutes until we get two lorries with three afghanis in each they'll be handed over to g4s to mind them while we finish the paperwork and then they'll be taken back over to the french authorities and removed out the control zone so far tonight the team have stopped 12 people from crossing the channel illegally but not every truck is stopped no one knows how many clandestines get through undetected [Music] at heathrow terminal 3 there is a queue of people trying to get into britain officer tim weatherill has been working these passport desks for three years and does things by the book he stopped a man from chicago who said it here to spend time with his girlfriend an american who is a basketball player he's coming to the uk for two months he has a portuguese girlfriend here who he says he's coming to see and when i asked him what exactly he's going to be doing in the uk he just said working out the concern at the moment is that i mean the sponsor says she has enough funds to support him and you know we have nothing to disbelieve that claim the worry i have is that he may possibly have been working illegally in spain which obviously then we would have the concern he would do the same here the american and his portuguese girlfriend have been living in spain which is now waiting for him in arrivals downstairs officer weatherall won't let them see each other until he's satisfied the man isn't planning to live and work in the uk and what is it that you do for work playing basketball okay so what is it you're actually coming over to the uk for today this is my girlfriend but what plans do you have with your girlfriend with regards to sort of going forward obviously she's just moved to the uk long term do you sort of plan on moving here or planning on moving to portugal or have has it not really been discussed actually i'm planning on getting married okay are you engaged currently on yes i'm here because we're making our way to the embassy to take care of the part of the marriage okay how long have you been together man well i mean that's related to whether or not you'd be allowed to marry in the uk that's why i asked two and a half years okay in order to get married in the uk you're required to have a visa before you come here a married visa yeah um the fact that obviously you've stated you're planning on getting married and you don't have the the visa that you required prior to coming here may mean may result in you being refused leave to enter into the uk today okay that's not a decision that's been made yet that's that's nothing but i'm just making you aware that's sort of the worst case scenario okay you understand that i don't think he's sort of been trying to deceive us at all i don't think he's sort of tried to not tell the truth but i just think he seemed sort of quite naive he wasn't aware of the fact that he needed to have this entry clearance um which he hasn't got um unfortunately he i'm happy that he sort of he's been telling me the truth during interview so yeah as i say i think it's sort of naivety rather than sort of any deception that's gone on here the decision to allow or refuse the american entry will be made by officer weatherall but first he will consult the chief immigration officer so the bottom line is he's coming here another visitor he's coming to get married plans after that are still up here still up in the air he's i mean he said that mainly they're probably looking at going back to spain why bother getting coming here getting a job and why bother getting married here if if in the end staying in the uk isn't part of the plan i'm not happy because this man has now told us he's coming to get married he could have told us that when he first arrived so at the moment i'm i am looking that this man might not qualify for entry but obviously given that the sponsor isn't a national that's somewhere we have to look at as well and um you know we'll make a decision while we look to all the facts the americans fate is now back in officer weatherall's hands we'll have to find out if it is true love illegal immigrants are living and working in all corners of britain targeting the isle of wight today is a special enforcement team whose task is to try and track them down and send them home [Music] this border force is led by officers simone shepard and jim o'leary they've been told two curry houses are employing illegal workers they can never be too sure just how good their tip-offs are you never know what you're going to get when you go into a premises to be perfectly honest you're going looking for one to come back with a dozen two enforcement teams in 2007 arrested more than 5 000 illegal immigrants employers can be fined up to 10 000 pounds for each illegal worker they employ are you the boss mate no do you work here yeah yeah you do work here okay we're all the cookers off yeah did you take photocopies of any documents for your employees no no we've got around about 11 people on the premises of which he says five or six are employees he's got no documentation with regard their eligibility to be in the uk or in fact to work in the uk we could be here for a couple of hours anyway officer shepard leads a second team to another restaurant where they suspect illegal workers have been working and living can you come in please nice and gently hello there immigration haven't got any identification please if you've got it so could you get it for us please some id i do sir i do password i'm sorry wait you up thank you very much you're your passport what can you just confirm your name for me please sir so he used somebody else's passport which was then so you entered the uk legally okay at the first restaurant they found two workers with out-of-date visas you've told me that but last year you got a visa to visit the uk for six months and that was last month but therefore i am satisfied you have entered the united kingdom illegally i'm arresting you on suspicion of being an illegal immigrant in the united states and i am arresting you at this time on suspicion of overstaying your visa you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court do you have any possessions on yourself can you empty your pockets and put them on the bed for me please but you're working downstairs did you have a copy of your passport or anything we've done our home office checks one of the gentlemen is an overstayer which means he's no longer got any leave to be in the uk so he is removable um so he's already been arrested and he'll be coming with us to the police station the other gentleman has admitted to being an illegal entrant so he's been arrested as well and he'll come with us for that interview so we're going to sit them in a little room out the way a moment while we go and see if we can find some documents for them in their bedroom with the overstayer um hopefully we find his passport shortly he'll be removed back to bangladesh well i have his passport which means he will be going home i thought your passport was in your jeans wasn't it yeah i'll just put those thank you but this search for illegal workers has taken a more sinister turn one the officers cannot ignore what we've found here and we found some dvds um there's one of these that may seem slightly concerning i don't know the nature of the dvd i don't know whether it's promoting or um it's against terrorism but obviously the dvd itself looks to the um of some concern to us so we need to have a chat with the gentleman and perhaps refer it on to police or to special branch in order for them to take it further if they claim that necessary two illegal workers from each restaurant are arrested one will be immediately deported back to bangladesh while others will be temporarily released while their travel documents are sorted out both restaurants will be issued with a formal warning and face a fine if it happens again coming up at heathrow the course of true love doesn't run smooth so i won't even get to see my girlfriend there there is a chance that you won't get to see her name i'm not going to lie to you there because she can't come up through security this way the clandestines cut up rough stay down stay down and caught by a lie more illegal workers where are you studying in london and where are we now on the isle of wight so how are you studying in london [Music] at heathrow airport the flights continue to pour in a thousand planes land here every day at terminal three the american who says it here to marry his portuguese fiance is still waiting to hear if we be allowed in well i mean as a visitor he does not qualify for entry into the uk because he's coming to get married here what we need to do now is find out to make sure he doesn't qualify um for entry as an unmarried partner of someone settled in the uk in order for him to qualify for entry the parties have to have been living together in a relationship akin to a marriage or a civil partnership which has subsisted for two years or more so how long have the two of you been in a relationship before how long have you sort of actually been a couple full approximately two years in three months and how sort of quickly after you got together did you did you end up living together did you cohabit straight away or have you maybe meet you a year or so later now where's my fiance she's in the arrivals area downstairs she's actually at the airport i got a confession man these last months or two months man i'll be going through a lot okay man my sister died yeah a lot i just need to get away from the states okay that's it because i i can understand that and you know i just need to get away man uh and and my getaway is my girlfriend okay so i won't even get to see my girlfriend there there is a chance that you won't get to see her no i'm not gonna lie to you that because she can't come up into through security this way again it's that's not sort of cast in stone and i haven't made any decisions yet and no one has but you know i don't want to give you the hope that you know you're going to be able to spend time with her as there is a chance you might not be able to okay it sounds like he has had a hard time in the states the fiancee stated that his sister was murdered back there which is obviously you know it's horrific for anyone and um we you know we do take into account any compelling and compassionate circumstances but given that he's also said that most of his family are still back in the states you know i don't think we're sort of if we were to sort of refuse him if that's a decision that's made i don't think that's unduly harsh because obviously you know he does have his family settled back there the last time they saw each other was when he left to go back to the states from portugal in february when his sister was murdered and they haven't seen each other since then i think we should refuse him entry yeah and i think we should refuse to mentor as a visitor on the basis of the fact that he has few ties to his home country yeah there have been some discrepancies between what he said about his relationship with sponsor initially i mean some discrepancies about what he said he was coming to do as well because he didn't mention the wedding until until later on what about any compassionate circumstances that play here he's obviously very upset and you know he's been sort of close to tears and in tears throughout the interview to be honest his main concern was whether or not he's going to get to see his girlfriend i don't think that there are compassionate circumstances that justify granting mentoring to the uk but they may possibly just to allow him to see his girlfriend if we're satisfied he's not going to abscond to possibly grant temporary admission temporary admission can be granted before a decision is made or after a decision is made it's where we normally retain the passport and the documents and it's where somebody is allowed outside on unlicensed as such they're not legally admitted to the united kingdom and they have to report back at certain times and we would put a timing on the temporary mission the compassion of the immigration officers means he will get one day to see his girlfriend then he must go back to chicago officer weatherall will hang on to his passport if you get the marriage views there's absolutely nothing stopping you coming back to get married here okay you're okay to go now they're both on their way obviously i think you know they're sort of unhappy with the decision but happy to finally sort of be back together i think we came to this with the right conclusion obviously they didn't qualify for entry as a visitor he didn't qualify for entry so he was refused um but we've let them sort of have a day together so they can sort of see each other when you qualify when he applies for his marriage visa assuming all's well then he'll be sort of you know fine to come back here and they can get married and decide where they want to live so that's the end of that for now in calais there's another frontline post for the border force clandestine's trying to cross the channel illegally can also stow away in trucks heading for the euro tunnel [Music] all right sir can you step down with your passport for me please you're all clear but officer mark atwal has an extra tool in his armory to give him the edge what is this it's a heartbeat sensor it's connected to the machine which is a just over that cabinet there what we do is we place this on a metal to metal contact service within the vehicle the machine will then try and detect any vibrations that causes in the vehicle either by people moving around or even by their heartbeat it's quite a sensitive piece of kit with up to 30 trucks an hour coming through the search bay it's not long before hearts are racing fish maybe another one oh we've got high readings on the heartbeat and this this time it's actually come it's come good there's some people in the back if you have a look at the readings that's where you can sort of see that they're sort of true readings they all look very similar smash family group i think about nice and child do you want him out or not no all right stay there stay down there get down there now and stay there you get down in there down in there yes stay in there officers won't let the clandestines out of the truck until they've moved it to a safe area we've got a family uh looks like mother father and child possible eritrean nationality obviously concealed down at the front of the trailer uh they're wrapped in foil to try and obviously uh prevent the co2 detectors getting set off but obviously using the heartbeat machine obviously we found them that way we'll sort them out in there i mean they'll know they've been found here and then we'll just move them out there around to the left and into the deep search bay and that's where we're unloading because uh we don't get them out in the lanes get down sit down sit down problem we have with this particular nationality is a communication problem we found them they're obviously quite keen to get out of the vehicle as quickly as they can because it's quite uncomfortable inside but obviously we've got a duty of care towards our health and safety so we've got to make sure they're nice and safe while the vehicle's actually moving keep him coming so this is sort of full so far i believe there's a fifth in there but um a bit agitated at the moment it's a bit of a delicate situation back right hand corner you reckon stay down stay down the man's anger at the presence of the camera is a concern to the officers if ever there's a risk of danger they withdraw and contact the french police we've got to think about our own safety and about the safety of illegal immigrants so at that stage we decided to withdraw out the vehicle we'll close the vehicle up and record people really in this area who know how to deal with which is the french police off ontario path um they'll come in and they'll then now defuse the situation hopefully close the door straight away to avoid further provocation the tv crew stopped filming 15 minutes later unfolding events are captured on a camcorder the clandestine climbs out of the truck officers can only look on as in france is not their policy to use their power of arrest one of them has gotten very violent and he was kicking and screaming in the deep search bay in the lorry um so much so that he climbed up to the top of the roof cut himself out and uh as he got up onto the roof he sat on top he was threatening to jump off he was screaming he was threatening our staff and basically the other four have played up to him and so now they've they've walked out of the deep search there's nothing we could do about it but they're walking so far away from us that they could just jump into another lorry and come through yeah it's a really extreme situation the eritreans are picked up by the french police and released outside the port area most clandestines rarely carry any form of identity to avoid being deported by the authorities they're free to try again to make it across the channel in the isle of wight the enforcement team is on the move again this time they've been tipped off that a hotel is employing illegal workers we've got a warrant for the premises is it possible to speak to the manager it's immigration if you'd like to step that way we're going to have a word with you do you speak english hi there do you work here you work here don't you yes can you come downstairs and speak to us from immigration we're speaking to everybody on the premises the team fined five workers two of them from swaziland who have been in the country longer than they should have your visa right in november on the isle of wight so how are you studying in london you used to you used to go there sometimes are you studying in london now no you're not in london no okay we haven't got any record of either of your new applications two overstayers they should have left the uk last year and the year before actually so they've overstayed their leave in the uk and we'll be looking to remove them back to swaziland the hotel is run by a husband and wife team but the wife is away and has the key to the office safe where one worker claims her documents are locked away and yes what's your name you're living on the premises here okay so you've got a room upstairs have you here yeah so where is your passport in your room no no so the manager's got it have you got any other form of identification in the rooms in the office all right so have you lived in russia before yeah right have you ever had a russian passport [Applause] you weren't born in russia or anything huh you weren't born in russia your mum is russian but you're lithuanian lithuanians are part of the accession state so i'm entitled under certain circumstances to work and reside in uk exercise treaty rights russians are not russians are still a nationality that require permission to be in the uk and permission to work the officers need proof the woman is lithuanian she says her documents are in the safe so they go to check her room she doesn't seem to have a key to that either i said this is your room is it yeah so where's the key it's in the office that it wasn't just bored from small titty bear on the key stick so i don't know it's on the big bunch of cases indeed it was in the office yeah on the big bunch and that big board on the board wait there is one big board like that and it's not right yeah so there is no i don't know maybe someone take it okay wonderful let's go back she's telling us that all her documents are in the safe we can't access the safe and there's the issue of the lost key which just seems a little too convenient when you tie it in with the whole nationality issue um so they're going to get into a room we can't find the key we've given lots of opportunities to give us the key we can't find it so they're going to make a full standard tree into the room see if there's anything in the room that might establish either way at the moment that's that's the problem is we can't establish one way or the other stay over my bridge immigration there you go coming in okay we'll take your whole wallet actually we've got anything else in here uh that might prove who you are yeah i'll show you just you know account letters okay yeah i've got a photocopy of your passport anyway photocopies yeah it's all photocopies they technique for me and we're taking those this is my sister right so that's all in the office as well you've definitely got nothing else in here you see unfortunately via letter if if we can't prove who you are you might have to come to the police station with us there you go we'll go back around the front you can't prove to us who you are okay so we can't prove you're lithuanian so i'm going to arrest you on suspicion of a legal entry and we're going to go to the police station okay you don't need to get upset okay we can't prove a hundred percent that you're lithuanian okay so we're going to arrest you now and take you to the police station and we're going to sort it out there where we can sort it out much easier so i'm going to arrest you now on suspicion of a legal entry she seems quite sincere but there's too many cases where we've come across you know they've been sincere and it's not the case you need hard proof you can't go on your feelings really unfortunately the woman is the fourth member of staff arrested as the officers search her room more thoroughly they find a lithuanian passport after all but it's not hers we've made a search we've located a lithuanian passport that's actually been reported stolen or lost in 2004. the team also finds her genuine passport proving she's from moldova which is not in the european union uh that's the moldovan passport that's what's actually expired now and also the visa inside it has expired hence she was using the lithuania passport coming up more bad news for the woman from moldova and the american teacher with a suitcase full of friends so this is what for you the students is it yeah they work we do it on television it's all holds no strings immigration officer steve hassler has been helping to man the border at terminal 3 for two years he stopped a passenger from america who's come to london to do some teaching but he doesn't have a work permit as usual his bags will be searched before further questioning am i going to recognize anyone am i no i can recognize that no okay this is not what he expected to find so how many you got all together i think i've got about maybe 12 or 13. so this is what for you the students and stuff is it yeah they work on we do it on television okay how do you do it so it's uh it's all holes no strings okay so right we'll pop them back in there now we've seen we've uh we've seen them it's not every day you have a bag search and you find 15 uh puppets in there so clearly it's more than just a holiday he's coming here to work i mean he's admitted much you know he's got his itinerary um in there that we can have a look at um he's also mentioned that he's actually got um a website about his tour to the uk there you go he's holding a uk tour he's got five venues uh people are going to be charged 59 pound per person to come in and and to work with him in one of these workshops so um clearly he's coming over here he's making money he doesn't have a work permit unfortunately just want to take a seat if i ask you just to sit in the far corner so why have you come to the uk um have vacation and have to teach my classes okay how much did they pay you um they're paying me between 200 and 350 pounds apiece is that per workshop okay the main premise of the work permit is that you are given a permit to come over and to work in the uk that's the problem that we have at the moment okay it's just a bit disappointing that not one of the colleges while he's arranged to come over and teach i've said to him we actually need some sort of visa considering they'll get international students there all the time who have to have visas to study i would have liked or thought one of them would at least realize that he needed a work permit to come and teach he's apparently yeah he's got four emmy awards for work he's done on their sesame street in the muppets as well so you know it'll be a bit disappointing when i have to tell him he's refused you know but we'll see anyway we're going to refer it to uh the cio obviously get get his uh get his feedback on that and we'll take it from there officer hassler knows the chief immigration officer cannot let the puppeteer enter the uk without a work permit but he may offer a compromise when it comes to the passengers detention i don't think he's a case for the holding room is he really not at all no i mean yeah definitely i thought i was gonna i was gonna recommend that we give him you know i don't know how long you wish to give him one one or two days um the first uh i think we give him till late tomorrow well it's a flight at 15 30. temporary admission will allow the passenger to come into the country only until his flight home the next day he took it quite calm actually i mean i thought it would be a little bit more emotion there if we were to let him in then what's to stop us letting everyone in you know we've got to be fair to everyone yeah in this instance you feel you do feel genuinely sorry for him it's going to impact on him greatly but uh you know we've just got to do it [Music] in the isle of wight the woman who claimed to be lithuanian is starting to come clean about her background [Music] she said my name is not by letter it's actually natalia she came out with the details which we'd already ascertained from a montgomery passport which was we suspected was her and she just confirmed that where else were you born she's told us that she doesn't want to go back to moldova and the reason she's come over is because um somebody was hurting her over there she's obviously very very upset about the whole situation so we treat you nicely we'll have a chat with her in a minute and look to remove her back to muldover [Music] she's a sweet lady actually so you just gotta sort of detach yourself from it really at the end of the day she's still an offender um just like everybody else who we come across so um we've got a trigger as such can't make any special allowances unfortunately the woman will be sent back to moldova two workers are removed to their homelands swaziland and india a fourth is given temporary release while the claims he's making about a human rights decided give me a call at any stage the hotel is fined ten thousand pounds at terminal three it's time to go back home for the quiet american teacher and his puppets hello i'm a monster and um i'm going back to the united states today and i am very upset about that yes i was going to teach the teachers how to use me for esl which means english as a second language and also for therapy and all sorts of things like that but of course i'm not going to be doing that oh it's so sad oh it's so sad all the kids that won't be able to laugh [Applause] oh [Music] you
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Views: 42,103
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Keywords: highway patrol cops, border control full episode, customs tv show, customs uk full episode, cops tv show, Smuggling, Border Security, border security tv show, miami water cops, arrested, possession, british airports, airport security, moterway cops, police tv show, uk border security, cops in action, cops in action full episode, man arrested for having drugs, border security drugs, drug smuggling
Id: 7fbndSo_rLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 30sec (2730 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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