Surviving Three Shotgun Blasts - Ross Capicchioni (LifetotheMaxPodcast)

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[Music] yo what up world welcome back to another episode of life to the max one and only Eric Usher the co-host we got the main host the quad father Max gross and we got a very special guest driving all the way from Michigan just to come on a show you know Max hit him with a DM we got Roz cappuccioni in the building tonight fellas today fellas another early show Max doesn't wake up this early Friday I don't I appreciate it I get started early hell yeah hell yeah Ross drove all the way out here to be on the show and we greatly appreciate his company greatly appreciate you guys having me hell yeah we're living life to the max with Ross yeah Ross has a tremendous story you know and just like Max and we're going to get right into his crazy story right after the intro Megs I might be paralyzed from a neck down breathing through a machine but that doesn't stop me from following my dreams and doing what I love to do I don't got an excuse to neither should you let's get into this all right so we'll just keep it going so uh in 2007 I was shot three times by like someone I knew for basically my childhood life yeah I got set up basically by some dude I knew uh I mean honestly still to this day I really don't know what it was over like they said uh they meaning like the [ __ ] police and stuff said it was like over like uh you know gang initiation they assume because they have like no other motives or like reasoning like there's no like he gave him some reasons but it was like stupid [ __ ] like that doesn't justify doing that you know what I mean so that happened and then we're here it's crazy that that you know you share this story of you know someone you knew you know was he a friend I mean yeah I mean we grew up in the same neighborhood so it's like I don't know like I remember like an acquaintance not really like we we met when we were super young like I think he was still in elementary school and I was in Middle School and uh it was before that but like he would come around when we'd be like skating or playing like football up to school so he was always around and then like when we got older we kind of just like hung out a little bit more like him and the other guy that was involved with the shooting of me like we used to try to go skate or we like drive around like smoke blunts you know [ __ ] like whatever high school kids did [ __ ] yeah yeah how about it besides that you know that's it it's just crazy that you tell the story about getting shot because literally the last guest we had on right Max yeah was shot by her wife in her home yeah you know so it'd be the one's close you know man Vita was close to hit you the lowest the closest ones that's the problem that's crazy came across your story because of um my friends Eric and Dave they uh they showed me who you were and when I like was listening to you on the barracks I was like that you know we have so much in common like this is [ __ ] crazy Max is like I'm gonna message him I'm gonna message him I'm like go ahead I have to message him I got out of your mouth like I don't remember what and Ross responded and I freaking texted Eric right away I was like Yo dude Ross responded it's so crazy that people like I'm just a regular ass dude right like I like I still like it's crazy when people are like like even my close friends like my friend Cody yeah I like the skateboard guy he's like man you're [ __ ] famous and I'm like no I'm not he's okay you are I'm like well no I'm not he's like yeah I think there's levels to it you know like yeah your friend you're definitely more famous than your friend right so this is your clout you know he's like dude you're famous well he's got Cloud he's got like almost 200 000 Instagram followers that's Cloud nowadays right yeah I'm sitting there like 11. but it ain't about that for me like it's not for sure I give a [ __ ] less about social media yeah really they're just taking you you know what I mean sharing all your [ __ ] to everyone yeah but I mean it's how you use it right because I I wouldn't be a fan of social media if I didn't do what I did with Max or if I didn't make money what's different you guys do it for like it's more of like your passion and this is what you're doing so you'll deal with it like me I ain't trying to be a contact Creator you know it'd be cement work dude right right which is crazy because like everyone everyone like uh who knows you knows you more because of the song that was released by Jordan Lucas that's another thing I hear a lot too I still get messages like hey do you know about that song it's like yeah I know about it but it's kind of it's only right above my interview and and YouTube when you search my name yeah it's like it's like hand in hand with it like some people like I get oh I seen your like testimony or your documentary or it's like oh I heard the song and that shit's crazy how that came about yeah yeah so you and Max Max was watching your interview and he's like man we got so much in common you know and what are some things that that stood out in common when you're watching the interview I was I I didn't say a word man like I just shut my mouth open and when I was listening to it because one thought that well there's like a few things so we had to count one I woke up three days for my car he woke up there he was very cool so when you were in your combat do you remember it all or no so I I remember the flip uh no not the flip I remember I was being either upside down or not I just remember fluttering lights and my mouth opening and closing I think that's because I couldn't breathe my saturation was at 80. so like I was barely breathing you know and then I finally blacked out and so it was it was black till you woke up yeah if you remember like I can close my eyes and remember what it was like after the tunnel and it was just black how would you describe it like this just like that for real dog did it feel like you just woke up from a nap or did it feel like At first like the window whatever endorse whatever is going on you're still like and then I'm mixing with the [ __ ] morphine too from the surgeries so I'm all types of stones you know what I mean naturally and [ __ ] drugged up but uh yeah it was like a dream at first to like just like for me it was like it was all a dream feeling and everything was like it was like looking at this room but there was like a fuzz over everything like you could you could make out the clock but you didn't know what time it was you know I mean you could see your homegirl at the thing in the cameras but you were like what the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] yeah then boom like just like now interesting yeah everything everything's back on too all your senses all your pain [ __ ] that morphine you know I mean that pains in life is bad life is yes this life is back that's the [ __ ] up part bro it's there's another one that starts because like that's why when you say can you explain what you said like that's why I just shut my eyes because that's what I felt like it felt like my eyes were closed and I was me but I wasn't in my body you feel me so close your eyes and go like this that's how like I felt when I crossed over you feel me like I was Ross I was Rossi but I wasn't in the body interesting yes if we're going to talk more about uh the the story like your experience and we're talking about your your hospital experience and the feeling tell me more about that outer body experience when when you said it was like watching the ambulance because did you feel like you had another body experience too Max yeah I was I I got pronounced and they like brought me back and it was um you know it was it was good but I I didn't know where I was I I think it was a lot different like breaking and Wrecking and shot like you know it's because uh it's it's more of like me being spiral shock and you like having like uh possibly a brain injury I don't know later I I I too early just like some some issues with that like but for for me it was more more or less like I like I saw the fluttering lights I kept my opening up my mouth I I said and I was able to say get out to my uh friend who was in the army with me we were both driving up to uh see my family uh you know we were both driving up to see my family in March 24th 2016 and that was uh oh three days after my birthday so happy birthday to me right yeah that's a hell of a birthday experience you're still here though so that's the the biggest thing but off yeah man my question real quick is like when you had that feeling of the flickering lights and asking for help like what happened after that like do you remember is vivid is like because I could take you through my whole situation like like I and I never tell your story and maybe it'll it'll jog Max's memory like just this like I remember like like after the first shot to my arm like my my adrenaline was full going like my heart was like I can't even like a speed bag like not beating it was just full pump like you know what I mean like adrenaline lying running through the woods [ __ ] you know what I mean like full speed and like I couldn't feel anything until like I felt like the adrenaline like kind of wore out then I could start feeling like all the pain and I remember like when I was like in the moment of getting shot out it was sounded like how I feel like now with the headphones on like I was talking to myself with my own voice let's just give the The Listener some background knowledge you got your arm half blown off oh for sure I got it in your head oh I got my arm and then a shot to my chest yes that's about as big as that coaster yeah leaking Palm size oh for sure and then like uh wound to the side of my head here [ __ ] Iron Man a hole in your chest oh for sure but the thing is I smacked the barrel away from the top of my head so he shot me in the arm and then when my heart kicked down with all that adrenaline when fight or flight comes I didn't like yeah I didn't run from him I ran at him so it made the chest hole even bigger because I was closer to him and he just hit it too I mean it put a big hole in it but if I like you know I was like yeah you know it came it's I would have done this I would have done that yeah I got lucky I got lucky for sure because one the dude didn't even know how to hold the firearm properly so I got lucky with that and I got lucky where he had like a like a choke in the firearm we only could hold three shots what I mean oh [ __ ] yeah you didn't have any more ammo yeah I got I got lucky because after the shot to the chest though [ __ ] fighter flight bro I was down oh man [ __ ] that I don't even want to hear about nothing that [ __ ] took my ass down that's when I was on my knees and my whole life flashed before my eyes like when you opened a book and left that [ __ ] go yeah the whole life yeah I was seeing memories that I can't even remember like now and it like it was very peaceful and calm dude and then I remembered like me too it was like the peaceful it was like chaos chaos ears ringing gone to my head books you know flutter peaceful see my life yeah and like when I accepted it I was like all right well here this is it that's that's where your interview hit me because I went through a time in my life where I was in like negative degree weather I was lost I lost my phone and it got to the point where the cold was [ __ ] with my mind and I I kind of like lost Consciousness I'm gonna make my story really short I don't want to take away from you yours um and I regained Consciousness in a field can't feel the cold anymore the snowflakes are falling in slow motion and I remember thinking it's so beautiful you know in fact I was warm and I was thinking my family's gonna find me in this field but that's okay because I lived a wonderful life you know I was so grateful for everything I've been through like you said I was flipping through all my memories like this is great you know I lived a [ __ ] amazing life you know and then there was a voice like you said there was a voice where I was like nah [ __ ] that you're walking in the middle of the street someone's gonna come and [ __ ] you and sure enough a cop rolled up and was like what the [ __ ] are you doing out here it was the weather was so bad and so dangerously cold that nobody was out nobody was driving you know plus it was like two in the morning you know so thank God for that yeah yeah just like that guy that found you yeah dude that's what I'm saying if you look at I'm glad you're still here brother yeah it's likewise yeah I'm glad we're all at this table for sure God that's like this table is a representation of how strong like God's power is fixed I ain't trying to tell no one how to like believe or what they're trying to do that do do you that's fine but like yeah just know there's the there's the one yeah no matter what we all got an answer to it oh yeah I'm not saying he's taken you know a checklist on you but I felt like when my life like looking like if if that [ __ ] were happening me today looking back like I'd be like happy as [ __ ] but I'd be sad because I'd be like missing out on the memories of my seeing my kids and [ __ ] yeah but like back then I told myself like you I was like man [ __ ] it this is 17 I lived a good life like I was ready like I felt like where I was gonna go was like like driving here you know my wife said be careful it's fine I'm like man I'll be so ant to just get there like a [ __ ] drive through anything that's how I kind of I got like I had a feeling when I crossed over of like this like Comfort like kind of like back into me like come on in you know but when I got there they were like psych sorry can you explain the story like because we were like going all over the place with your story I I just like we we need to hear it all right let's let's have it that's like the whole thing now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right so start from film all right so all right it started I'll do it like kind of quick because you know I don't want to take too much time if you guys want to talk about other stuff but uh all right so like I had a friend in high school that got in trouble and this is the guy that I grew up with and he like got kicked out of school and I was still in school so like we started kind of like not chilling as much because it's like you're getting in trouble and I'm like a normal [ __ ] kid living at home you know we got a job so it's like it was like we're not vibing and I was at that point in my life where a lot of my friends in high school were into heroin already at a young age and they were all like they were trying to tell me like oh you're so whack you don't want to try it it's like you guys it's making me making me crazy what you don't want to I don't want to do that [ __ ] I feel like I don't know but I feel like Michigan does have a high drug oh it's it's bad still to this day but that was like I really I could go through like all my there's two two things like where I grew up in an area where I grew up it was like a very clicky area like you had your like Punk it was like so like you know it's Macomb Michigan yeah yeah so it's like 20 minutes you know north east of Detroit so uh that's how you grew up out there so it was all clicky [ __ ] but uh anyway so I I was doing my own thing so he was like a part of like that kind of outcast friend group I had that were all he wasn't doing drugs but I categorized them and the kids that did drugs but anyway so he one day was like I haven't seen him in a while he came up around where we were hanging out and he's like hey man can you give me a ride to my uncle's house I want to go down there and like stay I just need like a ride and I was like ah I'm busy but uh and the next time he asked me was like the same thing but then he's like you know I want to come back I just want to get I was down there you know well I was kicked out of school but he actually said he was going to come start going back to school so like kind of like because I was that's why the reason I didn't [ __ ] with him anymore because he got expelled for like fighting with this group of people at school that like I was cool with too and then he was like are you gonna like back me up I'm like what the [ __ ] are you talking about I'm not gonna one we're in high school and [ __ ] I'm not gonna fight my friends with you because you start a [ __ ] with them like what like what yeah because my backwards man I don't know if I'm gonna just wired backwards but that's what started it bro so and then he conspired that [ __ ] with another kid at school so there's like two kids that know about it for like two months prior anyway finally convinced the dude I mean he convinces me to give him a ride because I even known him for like your childhood I mean at least like eight years now I know where his family lived like I would go there and hang out with him like his grandma would like just be chilling let us go in the house if we live in the same like neighborhoods yeah he only lived a couple blocks away you know what I mean yeah and we didn't live in like a bad neighborhood like maybe not as nice as like out this way but like not bad at all you know yeah but uh so anyway finally something like I was supposed to chill with my friend Mike or some [ __ ] happen and he ended up like hitting me up and I was like he's like man I'll give you like 50 bucks for gas I was like really he's like hey I gave you 25 for gas and I'll give you like some weed for 25 I'm like all right in and out like I just got to take you got to get your [ __ ] from your uncle's house and yeah yeah so that's what happens we drive down there uh it's like not far from like you said on the barracks it's on the east side and that's like a really bad side yeah like a lot of Detroit is bad like just the city itself like even like the downtown's bad and I'm not saying that because like I don't like I love I mean I was born in Detroit dude yeah I love Detroit I mean I worked at heart Plaza it's a big thing I'm like we did all the cement there with like now my company I own but a company I worked for so it's like I'm like [ __ ] like for life in the city no there's certain spots that are man like you gotta [ __ ] wait all the way yeah for sure dude you gotta [ __ ] know you know what I mean in this part of town I already knew off rip like this is just like a crack and prostitute it's like dope area guns like it's not like the west side where you kind of got like you still got that [ __ ] but it's more like wow capped I would say it's kind of being like on the west coast you go through the hood it don't even look like the hoodie thinking you're in a nice ass neighborhood but watch yeah yeah but uh I knew off rip that's why I said when we pulled up he was like all right let's go in and I'm like not his way right here I was like if anything dude I'll drop you off I think I said like I'll even drop you off right here I'll hit it like drive around for a second and come scoop you like because I already knew like it just was too weird you know and uh we got out the car and like basically it was like in the someone's backyard and then there was like a business and then like the main road so like that road right here was like the main road where we're at right now was where we're parked and then like the cars over there were like another house so basically in someone's backyard yeah basically he pulled up he's like it's right here I'm like all right bro I'll just wait right here and he's like no no come on in man I said like no for a few like minutes he's like come on man my uncle's going to be weird of you just sitting here like he's totally like uh [ __ ] he was just friendly the whole time not even friendly it was just like you know like what the [ __ ] like making me making me feel like I was being sketchy for not wanting to get out you know yeah I was like all right [ __ ] let's let's go and it's like we got out and like as soon as we turned the corner like I noticed like like it's weird like like I came around the corner and he's like kind of got the gun in his hand and I'm like just like still like you know do you know where he got the gun no it was it was there it was where we parked that's what I figured so because I remember when I was coming around the corner of my truck you know what I mean like now that you analyze it by the second like while you're like taking in your like area real quick before you like you know make eye contact you look you know you're looking around real fast you're seeing like okay that's a building you know just scoping your area basically and like while I was scoping the area like I seen him in my peripherals or whatever but I was like kind of you know looking around and that was the time he was loading the gun up real quick so then when I made icons so he just had it like in a bush it was waiting there with the ammo outside for sure there was no way that it was in my car with them because one the [ __ ] gun itself was like half the size of them and it was a youth model yeah so that's what I'm saying the guy that shot me was like a very small person and only 15 trouble you know I mean he had a lot of problems why would you ever did nothing to them [ __ ] yeah I mean for real like in that sense like I mean maybe like when we were younger like it didn't give you a ride or didn't let you like hop in one time the car made you walk like my bad I had like my friends with me like yeah it doesn't make any sense no bro especially try to like execute me and have it premeditated so after they shot land oh yeah dude so after for a 15 year old to have the balls too takes that you know it's one thing when you got what's that what's it called Act of uh passion you know when you're when you're so [ __ ] emotional you just grab a gun and back I just yeah I understand that's [ __ ] what he like well thought this out you know planned I'm gonna put the gun here I'm gonna go back to you I'm gonna ask you for a ride come on man let's go inside you know like it's just a different type of demon yeah that's exactly what the [ __ ] it is dog it's the demon in that dude like I try to like forgive you know everything but like I feel like the Demon's so strong in that dude like I that's why I don't feel yeah you know what I mean it's on site still it's not like it's not like you know I want to say like God bless you bro and I pray for you but right now I don't feel it because I feel like he don't he he hasn't you know what I mean he's still got it I feel it I never feel like like you want to let go of that weight I let it go I let I mean hey I think it's like I think like I don't think I can let go of the hate because I didn't do nothing because it's easy for me to say right it's easy for me to say to you you know Let it Go just think about right now like metaphorically like if I was just sitting here and all of a sudden I got up and like just slapped you in the face like the whole you know what I mean the whole no [ __ ] reason I think the question mark is what what tattoos to your mind you're just like why you know it's so that's how I feel like and it's like I didn't and you can't give no reason that that's factual don't don't you tell me that like we didn't give you a ride or we like threw a water balloon at you I'm talking that's some kind of like [ __ ] that that was said like his reason behind it was like they they used to bully me or something like please bro you ever have brothers like you don't mean never got pushed you know pushed down or you know back your head's like what the [ __ ] what yeah like I don't know man like it's still to this day it's like I still think like I don't know it's deep like like I'm deep in this [ __ ] like I've crossed over to the other dimension about it and like looking yeah 17 years later and when you tell the story it sounds like you're talking about it from a couple years ago oh bro I remember every second of it but so yeah anyway so he's got the gun so my bad we got it's talking but it's good it's good yes this is the [ __ ] yes sir but uh so like I came around the corner he's got the gun it was kind of like a second but like in this man matter like that you know a second takes a second like it feels like a long time you know I mean it's like a slowed you know what I mean so like seeing the gun but you I don't know man I guess I it kind of was like a shock thing at first and then it was like once I realized really what was going on with a matter of seconds it was the first shot went off and I didn't even notice it because he like you know I mean it wasn't holding it right you know Matt hunt you know I mean bird hunting game like there's a there's gun safety everyone should [ __ ] know it if they're gonna pick you know I mean the guns the gun's not the problem really it's not it's the person yeah like you know my gun whatever anyone's gun if you take it and throw it out it's not you can't do nothing you know what I mean it's like I mean I mean in my fire I guess if you have no safety at all and it's like some rigged thing but I'm saying you got to pick it up load you know what I mean you have to do all that [ __ ] for it to work so it's like yeah so I felt the first shot at like I heard the gunshot and then I kind of didn't feel nothing but then I kind of seen him that like he was holding it I mean I noticed I just kind of looked down and man my arm was [ __ ] up dude so you were still just standing in place standing in place because he almost missed bro I wish he would have missed the first one because then I think I would have been able to get the gun away I might have ended up in jail because I probably would have shot him you know what I mean with the well there was two left but with the anger you know what I mean like in the fear yeah because like I don't care what anyone says if you go into like a fight or an altercation there's no way you're going into there with your heart not [ __ ] racing in fear yeah yeah like you know what I mean that's why like I try to avoid describe your heart beating like that that's how it's going to be when you're beating that [ __ ] yeah even if you're winning or losing it's gonna still be the same thing they don't teach us to freeze we return fire of course exactly and that's like kind of I never was in the military but that's kind of how like I grew up like even with my father and my brothers my friends like you give out respect don't [ __ ] with people but if someone [ __ ] with you and after the first please don't do that yeah I mean yeah what the [ __ ] yeah she's doing what they're asking for I mean I mean yeah I guess the next step is spit on them and instigate some [ __ ] you know what I mean because what do you do it's hard with my kids because I want to answer with that but you know it's they're too young to process it how we see it like just let me do me don't [ __ ] with me or I'm gonna get you know pissed but and I try to tell she's like well I'm gonna tell a teacher I'm like for sure tell teacher well then what if he doesn't listen I smack the [ __ ] out and what I'm like I mean uh you know like yeah this is a fine line there's a fine line and a win and win not to bring violence but sometimes that violence when it comes to defense and that's what I teach my daughter you should see her she's all like and I I'm like what I show you honey is for defense I said we never want to like Hurt No One Like This is for if anyone tries to hurt you and you're not with Dad or my or you know what I mean your family yeah yeah my parents always raised me I always said don't swing first but be the last to swing I mean don't I mean defend yourself you know you ain't you don't gotta win you get that card no you didn't get that card Max is swinging first like I got I got my body pistol he'll swim first he's got his name for a reason sorry he hit the first shot did you hear the first shot oh yeah sorry sorry did you ask him did you see it was like honestly like I didn't like it like when the adrenaline kicked it wasn't like hey bro did you shoot me it was like you know started freaking out and that's when that full fifth gear like just fast as [ __ ] you know what I mean adrenaline kick dude our last guest that I told you about where her wife shot her she said you know she looked down and she's like did you just shoot me or did she say her wife said I just shot you and she's like what you're kidding no no I think she's did you just shoot me but also she said her wife was said oh my God I just shot you yeah you know so it's crazy that like once you that adrenaline again it just numbs you yeah it's it's crazy but uh then like I said I got that fight or flight feeling so I approached him and that's when he shot me in the chest and it [ __ ] almost missed me bro and even with that one missing me I still was in go mode so I'd have [ __ ] the arm I got one arm that's all I need dude but it hit me and that's the one that dropped me to my knees and that's when uh he went to do the third shot to blow my head off but I slapped the barrel away after my life flashed before my eyes after that peaceful feeling left it was back to the ears ringing in pain so I felt the barrel shaking and I slapped it away it was like two and a half inches away from my head how long I mean you're probably Jesus so I still got like a shot to the head but it's like not my [ __ ] blown off to Pieces how long was he in that position just aiming at your head bro like however long that the [ __ ] sequence of life was yeah so I guess it's hard to tell right second two seconds but remember when I we talked like a house second sometimes as long yeah that's what I mean like in that moment that two seconds of him just being like what the [ __ ] going on like that was my life flashing thing like that's yeah who knows who knows he wasn't speaking at all the entire time didn't say [ __ ] because I remember after that after the third shot I smacked the barrel away and I could still see so I knew like I remember the top of my head was burning but I know I was like man I can still see he he didn't get me that good you know what I mean like a head shot you ain't supposed to be able to still [ __ ] think you can you know what God yes sir already passed that [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what I mean so like I mean I took a severe head shot and I do have like uh a part of like my brain that's dead it's like a little piece of the tissue on this side and really the only side effect is like uh like I was born right-handed so now I just got it right left-handed like I could still use my right hand for stuff that's your only side effects yeah you just got left hand dominant yeah that sounds like a lucky trade man please are you [ __ ] kidding me this sounds like a very lucky trick no dude yeah but uh so after the third shot I smacked at the barrel oh smack the barrel away and I remember uh he was like looking at me and uh he like took the barrel of the gun and like I mean the butt of the gun and turned it around and like hit me in the face with it and I fell on my back and uh once I was on my back I felt them like going through my pockets to grab my car keys and before I left that day my parents house I knew just in my mind don't bring nothing even though that kind of was a dumb idea to at least not bring a phone but I didn't bring my wallet I didn't bring nothing just like the key for the vehicle not even the house keys or nothing because I just I just knew like so he hits me in the face with the uh the butt of the gun I'm on my back I feel them uh going through my pockets and now this is where like I have adrenaline at this point and I can see but I'm slowly starting to lose vision from lack of oxygen you know what I mean so I remember the last thing I seen after him grabbing the keys is I was on my back and I grabbed like I grabbed them and I remember like knowing I couldn't do nothing but I just wanted to like bleed all over him and [ __ ] and like just [ __ ] wow just grab them a little bit and somehow me grabbing him from my back like you know what I mean like trying to hold him down on me and like him Scurry off me you know mind you in high school I was like the same maybe no not as tall but I was like bigger because we had like weight lifting class and I took it every [ __ ] Year from freshman it makes like [ __ ] yeah you know what I mean it wasn't like I was super big but I was like I was bigger and that's why I was able to take that chest shot and stay alive for a soul because it has a smaller kid right yeah but anyway so I I ended up grabbing on to him and he like got up and like I'm trying to hold on to him anyway he like basically pulled me up from my back to my stomach and like then I like shimmied off me and I fell on my stomach and I watched him run away and get into my uh truck and drive away and I'm like well he's not coming back for me so and then the third person you couldn't speak at this point either no I I try I would try to speak but it like it would the weirdest feeling would come over me it'd feel like I would just be making these weird noises yeah like zombie growls you know what I mean yeah then my third person like the headphones would come in like all right Ross you got to try to get up dude so I was like trying to push myself up but I couldn't do it so I felt like it was like a couple minutes but it was probably not too long after as of the like the third attempt of me trying to push myself up I felt like someone picked me up off the ground like grab me under my arms and like you know like help me up like you fell down brother I'm sitting there and I remember I was trying to like grabbed because I thought it was maybe with somebody his people or himself drove around the block seeing my ass standing up and you know who knows and then all of a sudden I got this heavy ass push like a like a [ __ ] shove from behind and I walked like 200 feet and once I walked I cleared the business I was behind on the side of the road and I fell like straight down like this and there just happened to be that off-duty cop driving to the gym and he had a green light at his intersection so when do you ever like just hand you know look to the right or the left when you're driving straight he happened to look to the right as soon as I fell out so like a second earlier you would have missed me and he even said you know I talked to him I thought it was a joke at first I kept driving but I turned around because I felt like there was no way that [ __ ] was a joke because I remember when I hit the ground after that and I remember like when I hit the ground The Voice came like my voice came over like the speaker and was like all right you did you did a good job that's all you all you can do like why don't you just close your eyes and let because it was weird bro when I would close my eyes and like feel like I was about to fall asleep like you would like all the [ __ ] would wipe away like all the pain all that ear ringing [ __ ] you know I mean go to like Sunday bed [ __ ] just in there feeling good you know Max you remember what you're feeling felt like when yeah I mean I uh I'm already in a book called a split second and uh it's because your life could change in a split second and uh I I kept saying like do I want to make this the last of my life like or should I close my eyes and like um just like see what happens or should I keep my eyes open and I kept my eyes open until I saw a police officer come and uh you know pull me out of the car and um then I was I was pronounced it and it was uh it was a it was crazy yeah it was so but it's not like your story I didn't have the adrenaline and I think it's because I was paralyzed so the parole officers uh he sees you and then you get an ambulance right obviously and then a doctor this shout out to this doctor I don't know his name Dr maninoff Octavian Menon he's the best dude shout out to this doctor because you're a John Doe and you're coming from that side oh yeah that's another key key thing of this whole testimony of mine it's like the power of God that the doctor could have said well oh he's already dead and I got a tea time [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] them you know what I mean because I had no vitals no nothing they told him I remember when I sat down with Dr madanov after and I've seen him before I didn't talk to him anymore about like that I just told him thank you and he's like the most humble guys I don't thank me I'm just doing my job type [ __ ] I'm like okay bro I see you I see you you know what I mean I'm just a heart surgeon I want to thank you again even more yeah [ __ ] you know what I mean that's that's the realest [ __ ] I've ever heard like don't thank me that's what I get paid to do like I'm supposed to but he told me when it like fresh because he would come and see me like the whole time I was in the hospital he just like checking up on you you know what I mean and he's like man I just seen you on that table and he's like I didn't know anything about you but he's like for some reason like I just kept seeing my son and I kept asking like what if I was this is my kid and the doctor said ah [ __ ] it you know whatever pulled you up and pushed you that [ __ ] rode with you and then whispered in the doctor's ear bro listen I was in the [ __ ] ambulance after getting picked up pushed officer Johnson helped me I've stayed in his arms drifting in and out I got into the ambulance they gave me uh I said bro you look great yeah yes they did they gave me saline or whatever they can start pumping through your blood you know what I mean to get you hot you know going because I remember once I got in there I could hear them but I couldn't see him once they're like we're hooking them up and then once it was like boom like the fuzzy Vision then I could see again and this dude was just staring at me like I can only imagine what the [ __ ] I looked like yeah and I remember looking and when I made eye contact with them it was weird like I made eye contact with him and then when I noticed him looking at me it was like I could see through his head to the top of the uh like ambulance and when I did that like a little beam of light bro like like this Fleck on the table it's like a laser pointer but maybe a little smaller of like white light I noticed it and when I noticed it it moved it was like on this because I when I was looking up at him it was like this I kind of looking to the side and when I noticed the light like through him it like it was like it shot over and got top like yes and then when I looked at it that's when I started having an out of Body Experience straight floating up like this with my hands out and I remember I was closing my eyes like to think I was tripping and I would open them up and I would literally be going up and at one point I was like where the the top of the windows to the ambulance are like almost to the top of the door I got there and I was like flip over like my voice in my head was like flip over and look at yourself and I was like nah [ __ ] that and then once I said not [ __ ] that it was like a portal like that little beam of light turned into like a like when you look down a peephole and I mean like a lot of people on a door you know what I mean to see who's outside it was like that and then it got the tunnel was coming like towards me and then it was like it went from not being able to flip over and see myself but like feeling alive but in this now white just tunnel and it was like I felt the vortex like bringing me up you know what I mean and then it got to the point where it was like so much like throttling [ __ ] like I and then I was in a different life so now this is the craziest [ __ ] the like everyone left it out because you know the time frame yeah when I crossed over from that it was uh like my new vision of life was like me skating through the parking lot of that hospital like cutting through it like what yes I was on my board riding through the [ __ ] and I and I see the hospital I see the ambulance flying up and [ __ ] and nurses and [ __ ] running out and I'm just like cruising by like just happened to notice this [ __ ] on my way home to get from getting some milk you know what I mean some stupid [ __ ] and uh I see the ambulance come up and I stop and I see the open the stretcher and I see my legs coming out and I see my uh my feet my legs and it's getting to like my torso and it gets almost to like where my head's at and then boom it goes black and then I remember waking up like feeling like I woke up like from asleep and it was like all white and I was like ah [ __ ] alrighty no problem absolutely I saw a white lady and then after that though like my conscience and my soul was there but then it's like started to do that like pixelating [ __ ] where everything was like a TV screen like black and white fuzzy and then it was like I told you like I could start to see [ __ ] like IV bags and I could hear like the beep beep like from all the [ __ ] you know what I mean then all of a sudden you're bringing Max back bro and then all of a sudden like a snap at a finger dude boom good eyesight and this nurse was just staring at me and I remember thinking like because it was a woman I was like oh dude sweet like it's a very beautiful woman just staring at me like with like such loving eyes you know what I mean and that was the first thing I woke up to yeah I didn't even know you know just happened to be the nurse on watch making sure if I did wake up with the ventilator in she could help me get it out you know I mean but to me I didn't know I'm thinking oh this is heaven I could deal with this you're activated but all of a sudden it turned into like her face turned into like not like looking at her like lover life to like freaked out and I'm thinking oh man look I'm probably some kind of project you know what I mean and she's like he's awake he's awake and she ran out and I'm like thinking in my mind like where are you going like what the [ __ ] you know and uh they came back with like a bunch of doctors I remember this woman doctor came running in and she even like I don't know why the vision's so clear but like she took her clipboard and just like whipped it across the [ __ ] room and just ran up and she's like I can't believe you're alive and you're so beautiful and like maybe not in those exact words but like very pot you know what I mean like we're gonna take this ventilator out it was like a party when you woke up man like he's finally here late [ __ ] you know what I mean she's gonna take this ventilator out like telling me like I'm gonna be like yes go ahead I [ __ ] go know what's going on so they I remember she was like one two and she pulled it out and I was able to take that breath and it's like I had a big hole in my chest I had a bunch of like draining holes everywhere so like when I took that breath it feels like I was a sponge and I just felt filled up with air then when I you know took the breath and let it go I had a it was a reaction as soon as I breathed in and took it out like I had a big thing of like tar and BBs I remember like what it was like a huge amount and I remember I spit it out and they're like oh that's good you know you're gonna have to get that [ __ ] out how did that feel that it's just terrible it just tastes like lead and it's just the weirdest thing like burn your life oh just the weirdest [ __ ] but then like your body working bro to have the doctors say like don't sneeze for a while you're like what they're like yeah don't sneeze don't don't [ __ ] around do whatever you got do punch yourself in the fit you know whatever but for right now please don't be sneezing what happens if you sneeze the open [ __ ] up inside that or you could just not even your heart could not kicked you know what I mean it was just like very delicate situation you know what I mean so so yeah I woke up and then they pulled it out took the breath they asked me like a million questions I had no idea they were like what's your name like you know I was just I didn't know about getting to my favorite part one part man they asked me they're like is there a phone number and it was like towards the end of all these random ass questions like I remember them now I was like who's the president what year it is where are you what state do you live in it was like the nurse was like do you do you have a phone number or is there any number you can get a hold of and I was like boom I said the whole number with the area code and they're like what and I said it one more time after that and they wrote it down but they wrote it down the first time they just want to double check and the third time they asked me I was like what are you talking about I don't know no phone numbers and that was your dad's that was your father's phone number only thing I remember dude like and then they call them because that's another thing that like I they never and your whole family just was like where's Ross well know that that's the thing bro they they knew okay I'm not gonna I'm not gonna give too much information about my mama but like she she she don't [ __ ] around let's just go there like No One's Gonna [ __ ] with their family so she got the Intel that I was shot but they couldn't just tell her that kind of because they couldn't find my body so that because I was John Doe in the hospital they had no they had no guy they would call the hospital where's Ross Civic well we don't have them because we don't have no one here by that name so when I woke up and got the number they called my dad after three days of them like basically looking for my body yeah and then they called him and say we got him interesting that's the map that hits me even harder because now they know I've been [ __ ] with and they can't even fight you know I mean it makes it even worse than like where'd he go imagine all that overthinking anxiety just brewing for three days like when you lose your you know the dog runs out you think oh my God what do you get hit by a car or something like when you have a kid [ __ ] that's a million times different and nah dude no one will imagine unless you have you enter that realm tell us tell us about your family getting to the hospital oh my God I remember dude the first thing I said to my mom when she came in the room I said please don't be mad at me she goes what I'm like I'm so sorry I got I'm here and I put you through this she's like don't be mad like I can't believe you're alive and we're so happy is it just your mom that pulled up and my dad male Mom and Dad yeah because now like you got to think real quick like we'll go back check real fast the day that [ __ ] boy shot me he called the other kid involved the same day and said you always shot Ross we're gonna go chop his body up and throw it in an abandoned house whatever they said to each other so after that phone call fuckboy number two called the police and gave him the whole thing so when I woke up after I was like you know getting [ __ ] back detectives were already there with pictures of everybody and they were like you know they thought like I was I'm like I'm not in a [ __ ] gang I said I'm not trying to [ __ ] you know do anything to anyone because it's like now we're under the eyes of you people meaning the police and detectives so it's like what am I going to do anything I do to this any you know what I mean because I get messages oh you read it I didn't read it I know one fuckboy two technically ratted on everyone else and saved me from having to do a real testimony all I got all I had to do was show up to court and say yeah that this dude shot me and they were like okay [ __ ] your reasoning unless it's like you know I held like Buffalo Bill [ __ ] you know I held them in a cave or something different bro I didn't you know what I mean what the [ __ ] yeah so we're at the hospital oh yeah my parents ran in that you lost in five years yes that's um incredible yeah shout out nurse Steve uh he helped me uh get strong and he told me like I remember I would get so pissed at that guy because he would every day get me up and be like hey you got to get up you got to walk around I'd be like if you know [ __ ] you I'm not getting up he's like all right be a [ __ ] and [ __ ] and I'm like what what did you say like but he would tell me like yo you gotta get a little healthier so you can leave he's like if you don't leave the hospital with like the wounds you got and I know this is not going to make sense to you but he's like they're so bad you got to be outside you got to be in like the natural your home you know what I mean you got to be a go out walk around your block with your chest hanging open you need it you stay in here you're gonna get sore you know what I mean yeah and like when he said that I clicked I'm like bat he's like okay he's like I'm trying to help you I'm like bet and then then the next day I'm like yo come on [ __ ] you want to walk around you know hyping him up he's like yeah I love it I love it you know what I mean it's just like and then I remember we'd be walking around the thing and I like about the fourth day I'm walking around with like no Walker I'm just pushing my morphine back floors cheering oh you know it's just like [ __ ] yeah dude oh yeah they're shout out to the hospital too oh St John's for us dude and that you know what's another thing when I left the hospital I went out the same doors I've seen in my third the second life wow that never been to the hospital in my life so you walk through and you're like this is what I saw when I walked out I seen the parking lot and I'm like no [ __ ] I turned around I seen the front doors the same building and never been there before that make people who didn't believe in anything like believe in so that's what I'm saying it's all there's like too much energy and [ __ ] your soul harnesses and I'm not saying like everyone's everyone's gonna come to their picture flip day you feel me no matter what everyone's gonna punch their thing no matter what everybody you know God bless them but when you come to picture land I think if you like are a decent person and just you know what I mean you have peace you're like okay I'll go you you got me I feel like if you wronged and did [ __ ] that you never and then you like it's like you cross and then you go to the next life with that that [ __ ] on your back like damn I cannot yeah I can never say sorry for that or I could I think that's what like the difference of heaven and hell because it felt so good I was not scared I was comfortable like I was like going to the next life with no no hesitation oh yeah so um I had open heart surgery where they took my heart out they repaired like the arteries that were damaged they cleaned out out of all the gunpowder lead and BBs and then uh they uh put it back in they put me on draining tubes for that and then they put me on the ventilator and then they also did uh surgery at the same time with skin grafts to after the heart surgery one doctor did the skin graft on my arm while the other guy did my uh the gunshot wound on top of my head and then I was on the ventilator then this is crazy this is because it's in the topic of getting released so I got released from the hospital after five days probably like maybe like a week maybe 10 days after getting released I got pneumonia really bad and I thought I was gonna like die obviously it was it was horrible so my dad rushed me to the hospital that's closer to like Macomb it's in Troy but and since my medical records were technically like a gang thing I had to have an alias so that hospital didn't have any of my records They didn't know who I was they couldn't pull up anything so they said you got to go back down to St John's where they got all your [ __ ] so I had to go back down there and it's like I had to get checked in an alias because it's like they had cases of family members quote saying oh that's my family and then they go visit the dude in the hospital and shoot them you know so my mom and dad no one knew my real name besides like the Dr maninoff or like the RN for that level of the hospital and that's it like no nurses even know [ __ ] so I get pneumonia I go back down to St John's they booked me into the thing they're like the [ __ ] adult ICU is full because it's a bad neighborhood so he's like we got to put you in pediatric like you'll be like one of two people on the whole floor and he's like the other person's like a newborn that's sick you know what I mean I was like [ __ ] whatever so they get me up in there and I'm in pain so I was like yo can I get some pain medicine she's like yep let me go get it and not mind you on this floor it's two nurses at the station and one like overall doctor to see the floor you know I mean and the two nurses don't even know my name and the [ __ ] doctor doesn't uh no the doctor does know my name the two nurses don't but the doctor's the only person like on the floor like with the actual chart so they give me in there they give me the morphine I hit that button twice it gives me like a little drip drip hits I'm like all right pains kind of like not raging you know what I mean it's there but you know obviously if you ever had morphine or dilaudin do you have a fever uh man I felt like I had a fever for years after that [ __ ] like a lull just like I was always hot we heard we heard the side effects from morphine is is crazy yeah it's it's gnarly like what were some of your side effects like feeling like hot like lead like a metal taste all the time um oh like super like like slow motion [ __ ] you know what I mean like just high as [ __ ] because you're dealing you know what I mean you can even deal with it well Matt it's safe you know I mean it's that doctor it's clean yeah it's not cooked up how they do it on the side of the road I was in the hospital but anyway so the pain medicine and I started to feel better my mom was with me it was just me and her in the room she's like I gotta try to sleep I'm like go ahead because in two minutes I'm gonna pass out anyway and I'm gonna need at least a couple hours before you you know I'm gonna get up and walk all the way to the car so I remember the little TV there I put it on and it was X game Street skateboarding so I was like real hyped and all of a sudden dude walks his dude with like a little cart like a maintenance cart and he's like yo I gotta put one of these new thermostat the digital readers on this old thermostats the last one I got to do for the day do you mind and I'm like man [ __ ] it no I don't care bro I'm already buzzing like go ahead I didn't tell him that bill no go ahead so he's working and [ __ ] I remember I was like trying to watch The Skateboarding and my mom was trying to sleep and this guy's like making like drill and I can see my mom getting frustrated and I wanted to be like all right just get the [ __ ] out of here you know what I mean so when he's done and like wipes his hands off and he puts the [ __ ] down in a carton it's crazy [ __ ] this turn dude turns around like spins around looks at me he goes hey Ross he's like why did uh you know the name of the kid's name like why did he shoot you and he's like why didn't you know name the other kid's name why didn't he tell you about it that's like it it was weird it caught me off I kind of just looked at him and he said you he's like I know you heard me and he asked me the same question again Stone Cold stunned just like looking at him and especially when he was like you heard me yeah like it it kind of brought fear I got scared I thought like holy [ __ ] dude this shit's like what they said is real dude like oh my God and uh after that oh God I came in disguised as a [ __ ] HVAC guy bro could you imagine though I'm not [ __ ] with you can you imagine how that feels so what happened so uh he says it that you know I know you heard me and like after like that probably a split second of like absolute fear that strange like Comfort flutter feeling came over me and I responded with I'm not sure why and he was like I'll tell you why he's like because that boy had demons and I was like well he goes she had a bad life he's suffering from a lot of a lot of stuff and he's like you know uh you know I'm really sorry you had to go through that and he's like I'm sorry that you know he's naming these guys in a first name basis he's like I'm sorry blanket it's crazy he's like sorry [ __ ] boy two didn't tell you about this you know he's like he needs to answer to that you know he's gonna not like in anything in trouble but like he that's gonna [ __ ] with him more than you'll ever know in life like no matter what like him not telling you what happened to you like it's gonna cause him like internal like [ __ ] sex what blows my mind about this is you're 17 laying in that hospital bed right you're 17. you got shot by another kid 15. so now this adult knows these guys on a first name basis names all of us knows everything about us you know how does this grown adult know all the movies you tell me brother so anyway crazy after that you know I'm like you know he tells me a brief story about him and he just said like he's like so enough with all that he's like I just want to let you know I came here to give you like a message from God that he doesn't want you to Veer off track no more he said God's got you know this is his exact words like I could get my mom I mean she's already had it on videos talking about it she said she's awesome she said God has a plan for you and he's like I personally don't know what it is but I know it's big he's got his eye on you and he's always you know he's always been watching you and he's like uh don't Veer off your path he's like it's really easy to get persuaded to go ways he goes just stay on like what feels right like he's like you know how it feels right now when we're talking I'm like yeah he goes let's just feel this feeling and he's like because God's got a special plan for you he goes you know it could be to be the president [ __ ] one day or just simple as being a good friend to one person that just always calls you when they're like sad you know and he's like or it could be to be a great father he's like don't [ __ ] basically don't [ __ ] up no more like God like uh just you know just have the faith just know like he really just was saying like to [ __ ] all everything like focus on what's real important be true to yourself and like you know do what's right and don't go left go right just straight walked out the room my mother followed him out he was gone with his cart like my mom fouled him out okay so it's like you getting up and walking through there man I swear to God all of a sudden you asked the doctor like hey who worked on the thermostat we didn't hire anybody that's exactly what she said you're lying she said there's ma'am there's no one allowed on this floor she said it's just me this other nurse in the doctor she's like there's no one up here that fixes anything there's no one that just walked out of here man I'm telling you bro that's what I'm saying and I it's very like Dad was never even said to like only my true family and friends know that man we appreciate it and you guys want to come to Michigan I'll I'll round everything why not I won't say [ __ ] to him you walk in and be like someone tell me about maintenance man in a carton everyone would be like yeah remember Ross you've seen that guy [Music] like everyone's like oh that shit's fake because I can't find any information it's like do you understand we're all Miners And by law we don't we we I like because I I was the one at the end could get control of like saying if I wanted it public or not I'm we were said no I don't want people knowing because someone's [ __ ] business yeah like if you know deep enough me like personal level like phone number wise you can look the people up you know their names I ain't naming no one I'm not giving no one no [ __ ] nothing for that you know what I mean even if it's negative shine positive shine nothing like [ __ ] them I ain't gonna you know what I mean people are good it's fake because I can't find it it's like no because I you're allowed to say you can't you know what I mean it's like I love the fact that you come on this podcast yeah we know your story we watch this interview right but you tell your story again and we're still [ __ ] blown away that's the that's the power of it that's why it's like that's fearful I think this was I mean obviously my kids too but this was the reason like for me to because when I put that Barracks [ __ ] out dude I didn't have a [ __ ] phone I was basically a damn near homeless I had to sell my truck in California to put like 10 grand in my pocket and live off it you know what I mean I hit the barracks up via email because I met Steve in Texas at the Johnny Romano Make A Wish Foundation it was like a skate jam and the first year I went with my buddy Cody that's on the shoe team and I've paid my own money to go with him to like help him I mean support them sure Cody and I met uh yeah shout out Cody Cepeda and I uh met Steve bear there and then uh you know he uh told me you know if you're ever in California hit me up I want to do something about you know your thing and like never money never enough I did that really just organically to be cool with the barracks I wanted that in like I wanted to be not like to be Pro just to be able to be like hey can I go skate there today because I'm in LA and they're like yeah go ahead bro you know I mean that's all I wanted to be like yeah so again in contact with them I remember I had my brother Michael who drove me up to LA to my friends Uh Kevin scotchfield's house I spent the night the night before I sold my truck so I'm like on the bus the next day with like all this money in my [ __ ] backpack and [ __ ] I go meet up with Colin Kennedy and uh Daniel forgot his last name and then they're like all right well we're filming so we go to this rooftop and they set up they're like are you ready I'm like yeah let me just hit my joint you know because you know it's going to be deep I don't even know you guys we've met 30 seconds ago you know sat down on that rooftop dude in one taked it but we stopped because they would be crying and [ __ ] but we just did it and then uh that was it they were crying oh man yeah my Kyle County was just moved by it not like in the you know he was like dude I got kids I couldn't even believe like not knowing where they're at for three [ __ ] days he's like that's what's killing me just even to think about that and he's like you know I don't even know you and you're a nice guy you know like you start to think about all like life's true emotions not like hate and anger like the real ones love and peace and [ __ ] like you you find it oh yeah what are you what do you think like if you ever had to deal with that with your kids being a father like how do you think he was oh dude I couldn't even tell you I just had to cross you know what I mean I don't I just pray for that never to happen but you know it's that's what that's why life is so [ __ ] precious like like basically I re I you know like it the way I look at it no I I risked my life to come here you know what I mean to drive and meet you guys for this you know literally I I mean I didn't I drove here in my vehicle but like [ __ ] can happen like in cars I mean look at the host of the show you know what I mean [ __ ] can happen I mean like look at the Michigan State shooter actually literally just happened people are just going about that's why like I try to tell my wife too like we gotta like because it's hard to get like I don't know like lost in life like oh [ __ ] I'm working and I got I got no money and get those blinders on yeah you get fake problems yeah you get pissed you know about not having money but then you think well you might not have like a money in your pocket to just go throw out the window but you paid your mortgage you paid that car note for your kids to have that car they got food on the plate you still got somewhere to sleep you still got a family you got water you know what I'm saying you got water in Michigan you might have some you might I mean this week might be tough with some boxed food but next week we'll be back to you know nice things and [ __ ] on that note we like to talk about big little things on that show Max has a question for you well I I told you from the gym so like a little thing for me would be breathing and like you got that big gasp of air when they pulled the inspiration out then later but I I started breathing for granted you know I didn't I didn't know it was a privilege to breathe that's one thing I wish I could have back but that's definitely a little thing so a little more some of the little things that you forget about just just life how little really like life is but it matters so much you know what I mean like everyone's life it means so much to that person and who they know but maybe not to The Outsider to like the big you know you know the higher Powers will like uh that's what I took for granted I always would think like ah [ __ ] this [ __ ] sucks like I would manifest that kind of energy like oh I don't got pneumonia I have a shitty job like it took years to change it to be like I ain't got no money but [ __ ] it my kids got some clothes and they can eat and my wife drives a decent car to get around and I got a truck you know like yeah like you know I don't got a genuine gratitude yeah I mean I gotta work strength it seems like you know yeah don't get me wrong like no matter what in life you got to work hard like to make get ahead you know what I mean like financially whatever so like yeah like do I want like to be famous and [ __ ] for what happened to me [ __ ] no because one it's like a lot of people use it in a negative thing and try to profit off of me I want to work and do my own thing to get successful you know what I mean if it comes from like anything with my story run it you know what I mean because I I basically died for that moment I think I think we're all trying to climb 100 uh so when you left the hospital like during the barracks I heard that like you you went through some issues like mentally like when it came to like like you know you're bathing yourself like you couldn't even bathe yourself or like like did you go through any trust issues like I had a [ __ ] issues when after like I had a sister time trust issues after I left the hospital because a lot of people crossed me still I still got them well it's 15 16 years later dude but they were way worse you know what I mean to not even trust my own family and my parents would be like yo I know you're I can't even imagine like it hurts us to hear you say that but you know we got you can trust us you know what I mean sometimes you know what I mean and then like I would hang out with people and it'd be like as soon as I got that one like sketch Vibe I'm gone like I'm famous for just like Orozco yeah I just leave man and like my real friends is like don't worry about it he left you know what I mean like my friend Justin or Pete they'll be like don't worry about it he left he had to go you know what I mean yeah and it's that never goes away you know what I mean like coming here the whole time I'm like what the [ __ ] dude you know what I mean like every time I do these podcasts it's like something different one time my friend Max shout out Mac he has a good podcast um he likes podcast oh he's got so many I'd have to the the one that I recently did for him was uh called told and it was on Snapchat it was like in this you know like the story section and I just briefly went over my story and they talked about my business that I started in 2019 but uh yeah like he flew me out to California and [ __ ] my wife's like what the [ __ ] what you know I'm like trust me oh you're like what the [ __ ] I'm thinking too I'm the one who's got to get out of this plane fly over there get out the plane get in the car with the people like if it's a setup then I'm the one who's got to live it you know what I mean so that's why it's I I love when they work out like this because podcasts are the coolest thing like any people I do like business with I treat it as like I'm representing my company basically this company is myself because it's like we're talking about me but like even when I do cement like I always like try to get the best price where it's like everyone that helps me in the company my company makes some money but the person's not getting gypped off and it's like so many people have taken advantage of me in the past it's like [ __ ] y'all dude you all profited off it and it's like when I want a little bit of money it's like a big deal yeah and like you talking like the money come on man it's like not even like please bro especially nowadays yeah to rewind a little bit about the little things and how Max mentioned about the The Glitz and the Glam you know I really think everyone in life is trying to climb you know we're all trying to get more we're all trying to get higher and there's nothing wrong with that in fact I encourage that drive I encourage that grind facts it becomes a problem when you're fatigued and it's changing your character and it's changing the way you think and you're still grinding through the fatigue you know and it's poisoning you you know your drive is is turning you gray am I making sense I got you and if you get lost in that sauce that's what leads to problems you know you got to take a break you gotta you gotta have fun the whole [ __ ] grind you got to do what you love I know a lot of people say that you know but but it's true you know if you do what you love and and you appreciate the process you have fun with the process of grinding then every all your blessings are just going to come into place everything will fall into place like Tetris like the computers playing Texas it just made me things like [ __ ] me in my life so Reverend now six months later here I am talking to [ __ ] Ross Capital go ahead tell the people your your proper person last name Ross capicioni capricion no man that shows like [Music] no matter what like everyone's got a purpose sometimes it it ends like soon you know I mean I've lost people real close to me suddenly that's like man you can't help to get angry but it's like that's the that's the plan so like you surviving like twice now some near-death [ __ ] yeah like you know that [ __ ] sucks and then I was just in the hospital a week ago because I was I got sick from YouTube and this UTI was like really bad it wasn't like a like it wasn't like a like like a mild UTI like it usually is like I had 103 fever season now when it's back in the hospital we're setting the flat screen up we're bringing the [ __ ] PlayStation five in that [ __ ] we're calling some escorts we're gonna have yeah and a better place because he like makes sure I'm good you know he makes sure I have my [ __ ] like I'm really into the NBA right now and like he makes sure that um like I'm able to watch CNN yeah you know like I have my iPad and stuff and the little things it really is and Eric just makes sure everything's good and like my family's probably very happy for that as well you know and uh he took me to the hospital thank God he was here that day he was but he took me to the hospital and um I was like like I was I they had to put ice packs on me and stuff like it's just burning up bro and uh they couldn't bring the fever down and they finally found out that like after the 48 Hours when the cold sugar and the UTI they figured out which um antibiotic she gave me and but I had to like suffer for 48 hours which [ __ ] believed you shut out the doctors and science too though they helped you yeah for 48 hours but they got you back to life oh yeah yeah and uh you know I um especially like um doctors and stuff there's been some that I've hated and there's been some I've loved you know and I I know there's going to be something in the future for me especially like when it comes to like physically like movement like I know something's gonna happen I just gotta wait and be patient but um like I'm not gonna like say like yeah my life's great like you know like but like I I mean what I say in the beginning of the podcast you know like literally you know I don't got an excuse another two we're we're still doing this like and we encourage everyone else no matter what you've been through you're still [ __ ] doing it man anyway so I'm saying like when I say like if I if I can survive what I did anyone can you just gotta have that Drive in you like [ __ ] [ __ ] anyone saying nothing negative like you want to live then you live people can use their obstacles to push themselves forward oh yeah to let that obstacle [ __ ] you and [ __ ] you could sit down and just quit or you can get the [ __ ] up and keep pushing and share your story to people and get everyone else pushing because there's power in numbers I just feel like said about it all the time and uh uh ever since Eric has been around I get up every single day every single day I get in my church and like that's because I walk in the room and I'm like all right Max smack him across the face let's get [ __ ] [ __ ] up no that's like I can relate like uh my family was always there like my mom and dad and my sister and my brother Mike too and then my skateboard friends were always there like as like a support but like what I've learned over like this past like 10 years I feel like if you got that one person and don't you know what I mean and you're and you're right with yourself now you're untouchable because you got yourself and now you've got another person that any support system is powerful that's why I appreciate my family so much oh yeah dude and now I have it my own fans having my own family too like I always look back like damn my parents did a good job raising all of us and trying to like show us the right way to do [ __ ] you know what I mean and still have like you know fun and like society's [ __ ] right now you know I might try to tell my daughter all the time like what you see on TV and all that I said that ain't even real she's like what do you mean I'm like it's not real she's like well I'm like yeah that's the thing if it's our [ __ ] TV and that 100 just a perspective it's just a perspective thank you that's right I was like what millions of dollars oh my gosh pull up Google YouTube and I tell her what's real is this like your family your sisters when you go to school when you make friends you know like the real [ __ ] that you can touch you can feel like don't get me wrong you can film video I was like trust me people hit me up I've seen your video yeah beautiful and there's [ __ ] like that all over that's good I know that my family showed me like like that uh motivation to like use the stress and like anxiety of life to use it I can climb up like use it to like jump off to get higher up the walls because I know once I get to the top of the wall it's going to be fun to jump the [ __ ] over off the wall of depression you know what I mean bills and stress because like the water lovely beautiful Pacific Ocean and knowing and when you overcome such an obstacle that next obstacle that's smaller than the last one you're like I got it oh you start hurdling [ __ ] when Max went to septic shock and overcame that the next time he went to the hospital he's sitting there [ __ ] laughing with us we're playing chess we're chilling even though he's still going through it right but it's not as bad as having a tube down his throat first there's like newbie too which was really good because last time the nurses didn't know me so I like got like super scared because I couldn't talk I I can't move I can't do anything I feel sorry for the next guy that holds a gun to you because you're gonna [ __ ] you're like I've been through this you're gonna get your arms shot in the same spot you're a good [ __ ] Donkey Kong that [ __ ] good luck uh they talk so you talked about the like how you like want to go outside you were feeling depressed like you said when was this euphoric moment when you said you don't want me to just start skating I might just start hanging out well that was yeah like uh I felt like how you said you didn't want to get out of bed and [ __ ] I felt that like a lot and like even after like I was even going back to school like I got shot in June right I went back to school in September senior year so like three four months and then I was back in school and like I would just like never want to do [ __ ] and one day like I think like uh I I tried to skate with someone and they like blew me off and I was like [ __ ] it I'm just gonna go to Port here you know I mean I know my friends will be up there someone will be up there skating so I drove up there you know and I got there and like it was thick with all the homies and uh I remember like I jumped down my board to try to ride it bro and I just like fell off like I never even knew how to skate like before I got shot I was oh like I got way better after but like before I was pretty straight like I was getting like years of experience I remember my one friend Marquis King he's been my friend for 20 years now I remember he like helped me up and I could see like [ __ ] he was sad like damn dude he said you got it though he's like don't keep keep falling I'll help you up and it was like his motivation and all my other friends just saying like keep going keep going which got me back into skating and once I got back to skating where all my friends were like yeah you're the best you know what I mean like even though that I'm like not like to them they're like you're the best on the team that you're the best on the team man I bet you motivated every single other person they tell me that every day and that's why like I feel like it was just like the only way the universe could give it back to me is they they motivate me because it's like you know what I mean I'm giving it out how can you give me something different in return and still to this day like my buddy Cody or my buddy Marquis or my buddy Eric my buddy Colton like these guys that it's been there forever like out of the blue we might talk for two months because you know we live 40 minutes away so even though that's close as far as [ __ ] real might not talk for too much you know what I mean I got family they got family yeah you know love you bro you know just that all they say and I said love you too and I'd say that same guys I've been like my buddy Justin and Pistol like those are my homies that are like that and that's what skateboarding showed me like if I can overcome this [ __ ] and get back to doing some of the hardest [ __ ] that is out there like I don't think there's any sport harder than [ __ ] escaper that maybe jousting or some [ __ ] but like are you so scared before too so I mean I I like because I like I did a few kickflips here and there uh oh there's nothing like crazy when I first landed my tree flipped though I was really happy oh hell yeah but I use that motivation from skating like if I can do this I can pretty much do anything I just gotta try it because it don't happen overnight like I didn't get good at skateboarding even before getting shot by this [ __ ] around and watching yeah I was getting out there breaking my leg my wrist you know what I mean learning [ __ ] like so I've just kind of started using that to like motivate me that's why like I started like my own business with cement because it's like I was like man I know how to do this [ __ ] [ __ ] doing it for someone that doesn't respect me I'm over here like so it's just like that's how I overcame that's how I had that big Awakening like you know what I mean I still get stressed I still deal with [ __ ] you know what I mean I ain't no like [ __ ] millionaire I still gotta hustle as hard as [ __ ] you know it's like just like like us all you know what I mean we're approaching the the 90 minute Mark and I wanna ask him straight I want to ask you the last question I want to ask you how you were living life to the max before your incident before the gunshots and I want to ask 17 years later after everything you know how you're living life to the max today yeah all right so go back in time a little bit 17 life to the max was [Music] honestly in like uh it was kind of crazy it was like in that whole time frame of like uh like the first like the recession and all that [ __ ] so it was like the whole atmosphere was different I felt like like life to the max was just being able to like skate and just have my family and just like smoke weed and chill like that was like to the max like basically I don't sound like just [ __ ] [ __ ] off but like you know no no it sounds like simple times you know it was like it was like the days like I can't get back now like like for instance like I used to skate every single day and I escaped maybe once every three months three months but that's not because like my wife don't let me I can compare it to me writing music when I was in high school I was dishing that [ __ ] out daily you know now I gotta like schedule time to sit down and write you know same with skating I'm like can I go Sunday at noon she's like well I had to do this and it's like all right you know you put to on that you know pedestal go skate with your friends and leave your wife with the three kids or you know what I mean what's more that's what it came down to but I always got that you know what I mean that's something I always got like not saying like something my family's forever too but like work say one day I don't have to work as much you know 15 16 hours a day to make [ __ ] work you know yeah then maybe I skate more then you know what I mean for now I got what I've done with skateboarding is fine by me because I never thought I would do what I've done and like the way I progressed myself I know it's helped my friends that are even further in skateboarding get to where they're at because they are motivated you know what I mean oh yeah [Music] this is um how did you meet your wife well I've known her since like uh like ninth grade we met through like a mutual friend brand and then like we liked each other but you know like back in high school she had like her boyfriend high school sweetheart so I was like all right we got it so I did my own thing and then we reconnected like years later so we've been together for like 11 years and when you first brought life into this world how did that feel great that's how I'm living life to the max now yeah fam dude am I am my motivation my three kids and my wife just a even like not not even the money aspect like just to be there and like know they got like the kids got dad there she's got her husband her friend they're for support there if you need something fixed you know what I mean that's like how I live my life to the max now just making sure like family first for for sure over me too like I make sure I'm good but you know what I mean the fam comes over that's my life to the max for sure is the kids and the wife oh yeah because that doesn't change you know I mean that that's a group of people no matter how shitty of a person your other probably gonna love you forever you know what I mean it's not like friends if you do one thing you're like I'll [ __ ] that guy that's you know your kids look at you you're the coolest person my dad's the coolest dad [ __ ] you you know what I mean my dad'll be your dad I'll tell you I was growing up I looked at my dad when he said anything it was like golden Bible verses like oh she said was true science you know typically this guy is green and the grass is blue you know and I'm like you're right you go outside the [ __ ] will be flip-flopped you'd be like see he's right the whole time and I learned like that like now that look look back like after being in shock I remember I get into arguments with my parents like you can't go nowhere and I'm like [ __ ] yeah I'm a grown-up my dad but yeah but you don't understand like you ain't going nowhere like I'm still your dad you're still my kid what happened to you I'm not over it you sit your head sit your ass down you know what I mean yeah and now I look back on it like I used to get into big arguments you know what I mean throwing dishes because I'd be mad I wanted to go out you know what I mean they're like we're not we don't trust anyone you know now that I look back on it it's like man [ __ ] wait till my kids like my two daughters get into dating yeah good luck you know what I mean like you know I mean like oh [ __ ] like even sleepovers like my wife said you think you let him sleep over somewhere I'm like hell no unless it's like Grandma's house now but shit's changed nowadays you know what I mean oh yeah the world's the world's desensitized everyone it's not about that's the one thing I want to get in real quick before we just sit here for 17 days which is cool there's no more like like like give like showing love it's all like you gotta test someone and like you know what I feel like everything's a test everyone wants to test like how tough are you how much money you got you know it's like that [ __ ] doesn't even matter like you could have a whole house this whole house could be filled with money to the top of it all hundred dollar bills when you punch your ticket from Miss life to the start to next one you ain't taking all that [ __ ] with you it's gonna sit here and someone else is going to use it oh yeah [ __ ] it's not real that's the thing I'm happy that I've opened my [ __ ] with a lot of prayer you know what I mean and just like I'm not saying I can like just like a shaman and be like gone but like if I pray hard enough dude I start to go out you know what I mean and no matter no matter how shitty the world gets you know I think it's all Trends right you know so even though that's popularity right now even though it's all about comparison and status and [ __ ] like that you see it on the media yada yada right I think there's power in our presence as an individual your presence everybody my presence oh yeah and how our ideology is how our perspective on life is how we place ourselves in the room we could bring everyone else with that same vision sure you know positivity is contagious so is negativity you know right go both both ways yeah we figure out our presence in the room and we navigate accordingly and where we treat everyone right and we we you know we stay true to ourselves I feel like we make our environment we're a product of our environment facts so as long as you don't wake up and put the negative out you're not gonna get really [ __ ] you wake up and just say oh man thank you just best thing to do every day this is the tips that's what you do all the time you wake up the first thing it's so paused I found you wake up the first thing you do when you wake up is before you do anything look at your phone get out of bed just just say yo Universe God whoever I'm so thankful for this day already I'm like so ready to receive whatever it brings to me like you just hype your day up just by saying I swear do it for a week you know I know you hear that [ __ ] all the time take a cold shower you don't need to drink coffee no more I don't know about that I love coffee you know I mean [ __ ] cold shower but like the just the manifestation of saying like pot dude I'm telling you I've I'm [ __ ] got a vision board couple of them and I've crossed off [ __ ] on the vision board from years before getting it like family I've already had that on there never you know I said I want a big family I never thought I had three kids boom got it I was like I might have a house one day got a house you know what I mean yeah just takes time little baby steps are still movement no matter what you don't just jump the gun dude and just you gotta [ __ ] like that fog you know I mean you're sometimes when you're working in the negative fog you gotta take a step back I'm putting too much time into this negative energy let me fog it up on something positive because positive fog's okay because that means you're in the you're just work working you know what I mean thanks but no you're inspiring you guys are inspired I'm so happy I met you guys your your story's inspiring I'm glad I inspired you as well like I mean like oh dude understatement motivation now and uh I I hope like you know you put your stamp in this world and you're able to gain full stability to where you can jump over that wall and you know hopefully it's into an ocean oh yeah this man walks in the house Ross walks in the house and gives Max a skateboard before he even introduces himself he goes here you go man well yeah it's my actual skateboard too I hope you got another one well I'll get one all right so I'm gonna say as soon as you get home I want you to hit this hit some skates yeah I don't know how to talk to lingo I hope you skate for us dog no yeah I'm just kidding if we come to Detroit will you we will you uh take us somewhere oh dude you guys call when you come to town if you don't call me we got problems but when you call me I got you guys uh we can follow you know I mean you probably got your own vehicle you have to take off follow me or I'll follow you give me the address I'll take you around show you the city we can I'll show you some iconic like Michigan Street spots that we can hit some parks and we can just go just man Michigan's sweet it's like this you got like one minute you're in the city one minute you're by the water one minute you're in the woods oh you're surrounded by oh yeah oh yeah Ross's second episode on life to the max will be in his home City that would be [ __ ] sweet oh yeah 100 moving everything because I was saying we could I have like a I don't think we're gonna bring all this okay but you need to bring a little bit you need to bring I got space for stuff like this yeah we'll rare GoPro yeah yeah we'll probably set up GoPros instead of these these 4K HD cards I've had [ __ ] RED cameras and [ __ ] at the crib we'll do it oh okay all right all right he got it let's run it dude come on I'm telling you you guys come over whenever the [ __ ] you want man all right love for you to be my family we'll definitely take you up on their love for probably in the summer have to at least one time these men instead of making it like a ritual at least do it once oh yeah for sure all right dude do us a favor this is vital for my spiritual it's good oh yeah I needed it oh yeah I'm glad I'm glad it goes both ways oh man right back it's a good interview and not the one where you like feel like obligated no this interview is so good it's becoming a problem because I don't know how to conclude it Max I was just gonna say like it can't be anything bad because we just keep going like once you guys edit it you'll make it magic yeah you know I love it you're you're a great person man you really are likewise that's why the energy is like this we're all on the same brain wave you know what I mean [ __ ] yeah man we did it again oh bro this is that's the thing it's just well that's what I'm trying to say one more time like [ __ ] is bad but like my bad isn't as bad as his bad or someone that has it worse than please and it's like you have to look at what you have like what you got not what you're like oh I wish I had a new [ __ ] house like you'll get it happy you still got your house that you got now be happy you're breathing man happy you're [ __ ] breathing happily everything yeah just happy to you woke up and now you can choose to do whatever the hell you want that day positive negative whatever but you have control over all that's people got to wake up and realize like you are in charge of your own [ __ ] universe and you can portray of Love Light and positivity or you can just piss out negative and anger and it's like you attract what you want but I'm gonna go with the people that are loving and kind and positive over the people that are negative and angry [ __ ] yeah that's what I live for bro I just try to be always like treat people how you want to be treated hell yeah man and if they don't respect you then [ __ ] them oh yeah all right yo it's been great what up I'm Ross capicioni and I'm living life to the max you know you gave him the skateboard and he gave you a jacket [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Life to the Max Podcast
Views: 22,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ross Capiccioni, survivng, survivor, podcast, paralyzed, Eric Dutcher, Max Gross, Military, Shotgun, chicago, detroit, Life to the Max
Id: 7E3gcq1jyCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 46sec (5746 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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