Dad Reacts to Ross Capicchioni and His Amazing Story

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[Music] you know what is up guys I'm Nick and I'm dad and welcome to book ahead nation now today this video is very long this really long but the reason why we are watching this is because you guys asked for this if you guys don't know we reacted to Ross a combining on set name basically reacted to a music video because I'm just hanging out probably putting a link down below basically member that thing about him getting shot something that this is a true story and everything that happened cuz he survived he didn't die getting shot three shot three times the shotgun okay so if you guys haven't seen it link will be down below you guys can watch it before you guys watch this one but hearing in this yeah alright three two one Ross come Tony my name is Ross yoni alright well all it happened like I was a junior in high school you know supposedly most of my friends and I knew this kid for 10 years prior before this day he asked me hey can you give me a ride to my cousin's house you know down his D alright yeah well like what part like the west night of the east side was like the east side I was like nah man don't got no business on the east side you know he's like no it's cool man like the east side that's like seven mile like it's just it's like a third-world country the police they won't stop and get out the car they won't pull you over there's gunshots the wait till everything is clearing the pump take my that's it he's like please and and please I'm like you know so like a week goes by you know I'm still telling them no like because I had a feeling like don't go down there captain asking me I'll give you food here woman oh my god whatever you know you're my friend I'll take you down there I go to school that day and I get out and everything seems normal to go to the gas station the gas drive down there so I get off and it's just like I get that URI feeling like you're in the bad spot but it's like broad daylight on a beautiful day like that today and we're driving and he's telling me where to go and we pull out on the street and you know there's people outside I did he's like all right that's the house right there so he's like you know pull around back in the band like when I turned the corner to go right like I seen it was like the caution by do not enter and all this [ __ ] but I still can just you know because I knew him for so long I just thought you know it's the deeds whatever there was a fence like a grass state area my my vehicle then house is right there so it was like no I wasn't in the middle of nowhere anything and like I get out and he gets out and it's only a couple seconds I'm looking around you're going and I'm like and house clothes that kind of just glanced down and my arms just hanging off just hanging off like a zombie and I'm just looking at it I'm like yes yeah yeah that's not real I kind of shake it off and look again and it's just hanging off my arm and I'm like okay then it kicks in like blood like flowing like an animal and then I look up and this kid's is holding the shotgun like 10 feet away from me just holding it right at me and I asked him I said like did you shoot me and you just this crazy dude blew a hole in my chest like this big so after that I just thought I lost all my hair I couldn't see I remember like being on my like you know I my hands and knees and I thought the Bell had gone on my head thought this belt is shaking stopped my head and so I smacked it away but there was a shotgun so it sprayed lose no like hit me in the head really good but it didn't blow past our watermelon just to pieces so after that I got a little sight and I was like okay I'm still moving like I don't know what's going on with my head but I know I'm alive you mean he looked up and he was just staring at me and he took the butt of the gun and like smashed me in the face with it and knocked my teeth out like a fall back but I could still see at this point and I don't understand like how I can see cuz I have much damage to like my lung and heart I felt like these hands like in my pocket digging from my car keys when he's trying to grab my keys like I ended up on my stomach I look up and I see my jeep commander driving away there's driving away flying away and I said okay well either I stayed lay down in this spot right here and died I just try to get up yeah so I try to push myself up but I take my left arm take it right out so gunshot to the chest bigger than a soup bowl and then my head off mashed up I'm trying to push myself off the ground stop trying and trying and I'm like all right you know what one more I'm gonna try it one more time and I pushed up and then I out of nowhere I felt these arms from underneath me picked me up I remember like swinging trying to grab someone and there was no one around and I was just like standing up still like it's like you know what the drunkest is like you know I'm just like I got this like like a shove like someone shoved me from behind to go forward I must like just seven eight feet I just fell straight down cuz I remember I hit the ground like on my stomach oh my god I went as far as I could this shit's hurtin like too much let me just close my eyes and start relaxing my change my eyes and all the pain started going away and then I wake up real fast like it's not right and it's got shot 30 seconds the House of Pain stopping like I don't worry about it I'll go back to sleep that's a good feeling when you're sleeping so I passed back got a little bit and then I'd be I'd be dead like dying and then I'd wake myself up like my own voice third person hey man get out man you're dying and then I did that and then I heard Hey and I like started hearing this guy and he's like running over to me so when I fell there was a like a probation officer at a stoplight and he seen me fall out of the woods like all bloody broad daylight then I felt his hand on my back like a man you're fine don't don't don't close your eyes you know come on the ambulance is coming they're coming down like man like I just want to sleep leave me alone man but then in my head I'm like no you don't cause if you fall asleep he's sleeping forever and I remember like getting on the stretcher and they're putting me in the stretcher and this like the facial expression of the paramedic was just like just a stunned look on his face moon and the same time telling me I look right okay I look at it pause that 5:49 okay I don't understand how this dude is still asleep alive okay let me just say he has a hole in his chest okay he has a whole dish pit right where all your no heart mug then he gets a alarm get shot in the arm it's not like already closed right here somewhere there's a bunch of brains and he should be bleeding do you know did you know what that is huh he's not ready for you yeah okay yeah okay I know what you mean you're not ready and then also to get shot in the head right here I'm appreciative thinking that he has a purpose yeah she has a purpose all right thank you going you're gonna be fine and then it just like blacked out and I went to like a thing like I was outside of the hambulance I'm a skateboard filming it like rolling telephoto filming of the ambulance thing the doors open everyone's panicking and I see my legs coming out and like once it gets to my head blacked out I was pronounced dead on arrival right there Jon I eat on me they say you know doc Disney those kids you know gone doc said no you know I'm here let me try let me try what the heck that's crazy like when I was pronounced dead on arrival like throw him in the body bag he's dead like the doctor said no so he died to try to help this man doesn't know who I am he could have said yeah he's dead all right I'm going back home he said no and I feel something I'm gonna try did the heart surgery gave me 24 hours they don't see if I was still breathing on the ventilator after 24 hours I'll still alive they fixed my harm in my head and I won't love me days later I remember like waking up and it was still all white like white everywhere and I'm like dead 17 I'm dead and then it starts to like come in and it's like I see curtains like a like a frickin oxygen tank and I'm like it started then out of nowhere BAM perfect vision again I'm in a hospital then I'm like tied down to the bed cuz I got the breathing tube in me I got this thing pumping air into my lungs so I start freaking out there's a nurse there the whole time though I didn't even notice her cuz I was all tied down I just hear screaming like he's awake he's awake and I see her like running out of the room and then like running back like three more nurses and the doctor just this woman they're coming around the corner flying like throws her clipboard in the air runs up to me oh my god you look beautiful like and in my head I'm like what do you mean she's like alright 1 2 and like I'm - she pulled that thing out of my throat man I got like I got to breathe again like real air like you know of course I caught it up a ball Tamar & B B's but everyone's just looking at me like girl you're alive like you're you're breathing on your own right now like what's your name what year is it what was the president huh is there any way we could contact anyone you know with the phone number I like to Simon not anything my name anything that you're the only thing I remembered after that was my father's falling over for three days my family didn't know my father was outside like spraying up in the garage and he got the phone call from the hospital saying I think we got your son he's been shot but he's alive so I don't know how my parents ended I don't know would you do I'm freaked out chokes me up tonight it's crazy but they came down they're never like my mom come into my head I'm looking at him I was like mom can't get mad at she's like mad after like the fourth day they were like alright get up you know start walking like let's go I'm like let's go where he's like you're going home tomorrow I'm like it's been five days he's like dude you're going home when you want to live in a hospital you want to go live your life again I'm like sure I got a hole in my chest the size of a teacup he's like listen Ross I gave you a tip of advice you live through this you're gonna be okay just go home live your life and don't hang out with these kids anymore after five days they sent me home that's amazing so like I'm shot you know my parents are asking me questions my dad's asking what are we gonna do about it and I'm like talent like that I know who did it you know the next thing like out of a movie like these men in suits came in from the gonna help you make more authors email badges and say the kid's name I'm like yeah I know and that's who shot he's like Oh could you identify him through a picture I was like of course pull a picture of the kid so that's him right there he said I said wow I just woke up like two days ago I just learned how when he's in like how to talk he's like the day blank shot yeah he called Blaine and told so this kid shoots me and calls his buddy says hey I shot Ross is dead it's like no you did in your line this mentioned another 15 year old kid saying to a 15 year old kid you know so after they hang up the kiddies pull calls the police on and he was met by the SWAT team right at his front yard God and like all I had to do was go to court and testify against them I went in there man in a wheelchair had still stapled no teeth 105 pounds cuz of all the blood I lost arm cast and I sat in front of 40 of his family in him and he couldn't look me in the eye he had his head down the whole time I had to tell my story like this to everyone that was the first one I had to go back it's a final sentencing and that's when I was healed like so I all right guys so my camera died for like the third time of us recording videos tonight and I don't know it's what's was wrong my camera right now this is being dumb but 11:29 sorry about that let's keep going sorry we're not talking or anything like that it's just we're watching the video so you should really good walk back in the courtroom the second it comes out in a purple suit top hat cane and sunglasses this is the kid who shot me at court smiling whilst family cheers of mine says like way to shoot Ross called me a coward because I was taking the Justice route like I didn't lower myself to his standards and go try to kill him I spoke and the judges like looked at this kid and said you said his name said yo Ross think and the kid just looked at the judge like what do you mean because if you would have killed Ross that day you'd have got life in prison but since Ross is a warrior he survived you get a second chance and he just slammed together say but have fun in prison for 35 years well I found out that because of the shooting was because he had a joint game that was in his initiation was kill a random person he had to pick someone so he just thought I would be so mess it up dude that's scary oh yeah that happened in 2007 I'm about four years and I'm kind of first two with the hardest it gets hard like waking up and knowing like someone's trying to like shoot you down you got to get through that every day I've seen people I get out of bus public freaking out the whole time like I don't trust anyone I'm the boss for a while my mother had to like take care of me I was like like how you do an infant like washing changing feeding and I'm 17 years old I got baby I can't move I got no hand I can't talk I'm all sweet and I'm you know my dad and mom like Ross like come on like the doctor say like give it time them all my friends like coming to see me hanging out with me I started getting more positive one day I woke up and I just felt differently I was like you know what this is this is my world that's what I like every time in physical therapy like I would try to do something to mess up I think well it's like a nollie backside flip like you're gonna mess up and until you try it and landed when I mess up I'd like a backside flip and uh I did it like I'd do something with my hand and like put the thing in and doctor but oh yeah good job if you did it I'd like mmm so I'd like to started living my life and I skateboarding it's been working very good I see it now like when before I'm like you know like I'm so unlucky like I went through all this getting shot and really like I look at it now I have to like maturing and growing up like that just gave me like a whole new leg off I'm amazing do I live my life it's crazy like this it may it's like makes me happy to be alive and it's like I'm so grateful for everything like I just look at what I got I don't look at what I don't have okay [Music] that was good I have you guys watch this whole video like you guys watch this right now I'm coming hit comment a little buggy right now just do that we're probably gonna I want to probably go ahead and reply to all the comments like the first day this video comes out and I'll probably come back like later foot you guys are still watching this let me know you guys are still bugging in but yeah this it's really I truly believe that we all have a purpose of being here we have a purpose yeah what our purpose is he decides his purpose to me is to live his life and to show you that that you have opportunity to continue on and do great things I just I bet you his trust issues are out of heaven these two structures shoes are our last okay like okay trust issues like usually you messed up and you cheated on or some like that but from your friend shooting you with a gun nah heck no I don't know oh I just think I just I am so we are so blessed to have him still here and there's amazing I have to tell the truth 35 went enough 35 eating she she a time he's gave it 35 wasn't enough that was my kid if it wasn't intent to kill like just kill just kill like especially just like his friend that's crazy I that's my opinion I you know my opinion I just I you know I I hope and pray that that nothing bad ever happens to two people we need to quit man we need to we need to be more loving and and we just we just need to you know all right well yeah yeah alright guys well hopefully you guys enjoy this I mean if you guys watch movie oh that's dope we didn't talk about your in the video it's just because we're watching the whole video but yeah I want to say and what I want to say to you is this this is it I'm going to be there very quick Merry Christmas have a Merry Christmas if you're not Christian or whatever have whatever holiday it is have a great one enjoy your family and loved ones mm-hmm cuz tomorrow is truly not promised yeah all right guys the NIC dad see you guys later
Channel: BucketHeadNation
Views: 2,864,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dyn, Dad, Nick, Reacts, Reaction, omg, wtf, imdynastyyy, FaZeDyn, Bucketheadnation, Dad Reacts to Ross Capicchioni and His Amazing Story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2016
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