Surviving My First Day With The HARDEST Fallout 4 Mod | Fallout FROST

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have you ever wanted to truly suffer playing Fallout 4 where the max difficulty paired with survival mode isn't enough to S your thirst if that's the experience you want look no further than Fallout frost a mod that changes the timeline of the game to take place years after the initial bombs fell where things were a lot more chaotic just about everyone wants you dead the surface is toxic food and supplies are scarce and if that wasn't bad enough ghouls plague the entire map making the smallest break seem like a blessing if if this sounds bad that's because it is and today I wanted to try my best to survive just one day in this mod starting deep within the Metro System I will definitely die a lot but hopefully with enough time we can make something of our existence wish me luck everyone the year is 2082 you awake in a dimly lit passage with no memory of how you got there through the bars of your cage you can see that your capture appears unconscious now is your chance to escape and Escape we shall though I have the smallest inkling that whatever the hell is out there is not going to be as good as we have it in here inside this cage right now but I'm sure we'll figure that out in the future very very soon anyways everyone welcome to Fallout frost a very very fun time not fun time and who better to join us than actual trash a level one loser who has a five in strength a six in endurance a six in agility and an eight in luck which I hope is going to be pretty good for a level one because we really don't need Charisma or perception knowing how bad it gets outside right everything is going to want to kill me and we aren't going to have a good time but we have to make the best of what we have right now so let's go grab everything off this dead Survivor wearing his clothing and unlocking our prison bada boom We Are One Step Closer to exploring the world and now that we're out here I am going to go pick up everything within this place to see what kind of supplies we can get including the trash because I can use it to craft up some very nice materials later anyways we have some beer bottles some medic a journal with a long shoran outfit One Singular lead pipe another Journal whiskey a dead ghoul with $1 and a lunch boox and in the tool chest we have bobby pins water filters and pocket watches all of that is genuinely huge okay not bad at all there's nothing else in here and if you're wondering what the journals describe I can give a brief rundown of each one with Janice's Journal describing how they kidnap people and imprison them and finally the scrolled note being an absolute ramshackle mess you're not really missing too much the only thing you need to worry about is that we've been kidnapped and it's time for me to leave so we're going to open the door and we are going to grab some more basic supplies with the most important part being a survival kit and the mind detector which allows me to detect explosives without you know walking into them to find out for myself oh and one last thing before we leave I need to equip my weapon right now all we have to our name is a singular lead pipe okay much better this thing is not going to save my life but it's better than nothing especially when we're playing on survival mode so if I die I have to restart the entire run up until I can actually save in which the only way we can is by sleeping so I could technically save right now but I think we're going to go a little bit further before that happens so let's go loot around a tiny bit more picking up some more junk like overdrive some scalpel and that's going to be it in here aside from the radioactive waste barrels which means it's further into the subway system there are multiple paths we can take right now as we can go left right towards the gibit cages and Raider decorations we could also go right leading right to the subway line or if I'm feeling a little bit spicy I'm pretty sure we can just head up straight up right up and through to more Subway Lines and thinking about it I think the way I'm going to decide on where to go first is by playing a game of Eeny meeny miny mo before we do that though I am getting a little bit fatigued so I'm going to head back sleep for an hour and save our game huh it looks like sleeping was actually objectively terrible for me to do because now we're thirsty and tired you know what that'll be fine I'm sure we'll get some good supplies very soon eeny meeny miny mo catch a tiger by its toe if he hollers let him go you are the one to be it okay looks like we're going straight up north everyone I mean so far doesn't look that bad we have a big gaping entrance in there we have a locked doorway in here with some radiation I'll take the gate key and I will also step back I'm pretty sure there are ghouls in here I'm going to give a little bit of a peie okay we're going to close that no thank you okay oh no oh no this is bad okay well it's time to learn how good of a melee combatant we are I mean it's not my first rodeo so we should be all right that's one down okay no that's it we're dead we're actually Dead goodbye yep anyways everyone welcome to Fallout Frost it's going to be bad and survival will be a blessing at the very least we know that there are ghouls up there and speaking about that we're going to take the same way down but we're not going to unlock the gate this time instead taking a more methodical approach right on the opposite end of the tunnel hopefully with some oh no I have the smallest feeling that we're going to be seeing this dead guys's face for a long time I mean at the very least we now know there are mines there so I'm going to head back and pick those up yeah no those are going to help out so damn much I have the feeling having a 400 damage that I can drop whenever is going to be the difference between a life or death situation we can't go downtown right now but we can double back or go through the random hole you know hearing that in the distance really makes me regret even going through this hole in the wall I'm going to peek a little bit further and we'll see what's actually making that sound oh it's a dog okay hold on yeah nice boom dead yeah that'll show them way to go trash that's technically our first kill here I have no idea if this continues in any way or if I want to double back and check some of the other entrances I'm going to continue heading forward though and if there's any dead end we will know okay there isn't it looks to be more tunnel a pretty short tunnel All Things Considered that might have some good supplies like an eradiated ghoul with blood a Survivor with a winter jacket and jeans with a Patriots note that's also a shotgun give me that right now and it looks like this guy had a pretty big last stance scenario sadly there's no ammo around the area for the shotgun but we might find something nice very soon I'm going to continue up ahead and if we see the first sign of danger I'm probably going to run away oh and there it is okay I need to leave it doesn't see me which is good that is one thing you have to realize with this uh mod I am a rat I am actually lesser than a rat okay if I pick any dumb fights that I can't win it's going to be bad on my report card though at the same time it's one ghoul I might be able to pull this off okay come on buddy let's see what you got I might regret this but sometimes you got to crack an egg to make an omelet woo oh nice okay we got pretty irradiated there but we took care of the problem holy hell it's scary knowing that you're one hit away is there anything up there no there is another doorway though in which we have even more corpses I will take the duct tape matter of fact I'm going to head back very quick and we're going to use our survival kit to craft up some Cal trops right which requires one adhesive which is the duct tape we just picked up and five steel that sounds very nice to have as having more utilities and tools will increase my life expectancy we have another dead Raider here with a bunch of good armor I'll take all of it equipping anything that's better than what we have making myself look a little bit better in terms of apocalypse survival we have a wrench inside of the toolbox some mind detector charges and nothing in the ammo box okay let's continue on down then is what I would say but judging from the four five six feral ghouls down there I think we're going to turn around sleep for an hour and check out some of the other areas around this place yeah no thank you we're getting the hell out of here also nanka I'll take that okay bad news everyone for some reason I can't sleep at the bed any anymore we are taking passive radiation damage and I have no idea why I think it's the ghoul it's definitely the ghoul oh this sucks EGS okay it looks like we're not going to be able to sleep everyone well I guess we can go check out the H left or right you know what screw the cages I'm going great well so far it could be worse it looks like we have a couple of NPCs around here I don't know if they have a gun or not so so my plan right now is to equip our Cal trops no not our Cal trops our fragmentation mine and what I'm going to do is I'm going to run up throw it in their face and run away very quickly yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's not a half bad idea I have no idea if they're friendly or not and I don't really care to find out anyways uh surprise oh killed myself dude okay everyone good news I repeated everything and a few things changed for one I didn't aggro the ghoul so I'm pretty good when it comes to radiation damage we also picked up some different apparel but more importantly we found ourselves a fragmentation grenade which is something that has a little bit more range than the mine so I'm feeling pretty damn good about this we're going to go to sleep one more time to save the game and hopefully we won't die too much from our needs but this time we're not going to blow ourselves up okay hell yeah we pulled it off that time Rest In Pieces Survivor 1 and Survivor 2 thank you for the buff out thank you for the pipe bombs and bobby pins and thank you for the new save location we don't have any food or water and I'm half cont cont lating sleeping here right now so I don't got to redo it also looking at it it looks like I can't sleep on the mattress so I don't think we're going to be able to save you know what that's fine by me I'm sure we won't need to use it right as we have all the information we need right up there yeah yeah yeah nothing's going to stop me now and who needs a save instead what I need are more supplies like uh a bandage a metal helmet some Alliance fatigues which are objectively better than what I have right now and that looks to be it okay let's go see what's at the end here in which we need a key well I guess we can double back and see if we can go up through the other entrance it looks like we can all we got to do is unlock it with our bobby pin oh okay there it is we lost one but we were able to open it anyways unveiling a whole new location with another locked door which we were able to unlock our first try we have duct tape some oh oh there it is there it is there's a service tunnel key we need all right we're chilling we also have some Jet and radic all of that is huge including the oil gin is there anything else here plunger I might be able to use that for wood so that's pretty huge as we do need wood in order to power campfires not bad at all let's go move up a little a little bit more and if we see any danger I am going to go right on around uh Hi man how are you I don't see anyone else we might be able to slip in here I don't really want to approach them no never mind that's a turret right there and I see a dude with an AK yeah we're going to we're just going to leave and I do know it did say he found me and he did see me but there are some factions in this mod to where they can acknowledge Your Existence but if you approach them closely they will blow your head off and I really don't want to take the risk right now metal helmet in all so instead what we're going to do is unlock the end of the tunnel over here never mind it doesn't work okay back to the drawing board and by drawing board I mean we're just wait okay hold on wait a minute I think there's another way down over here I got a little bit uh tunnel vision get it Tunnel Vision on the two ghouls here so I didn't see this small little area over here this might be our ticket out or it could be a very easy way to die I guess we'll find that out very soon also is that free Molotov cocktails hell yeah I'll take some of those aside from that though we have an entrance to Skully station huh you know I have the smallest suspicion that this isn't how this station is supposed to look so I'm going to head back and we are going to troubleshoot this and hopefully I'll fix it soon all righty everyone I figured it out it was a load order issue so now things aren't extremely purple we also have a stealth Boy a Molotov cocktail and a board okay with that and our explosives we're actually cooking up quite the storm all right how bad does it look around the area now we have one Survivor over there I see another one over the wall and I see I think one last person on the table okay now that we have that information we can cook I'm going to equip our fragmentation mine we're going to drop it near the entrance slowly step back and then I'm going to Arc a fragmentation grenade right on over right on top of their sad little picnic okay Boom the mine is down we're going to move over frag it out beautiful throw buddy beautiful throw that's one down let's get another over there okay that one didn't hit that's okay rested piss Bozo yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's get another one down there before the rest figure out where the hell I'm at right there that guy seems to be laying down we're going to hit him with a Molotov cocktail I missed that's fine it took care of the problem all right right cool there's another two it looks like I crippled his legs and he will burn terribly not bad at all the other guy is still searching for me I'm not really scared oh you're right up there hey you know you're burning to death right oh God no no no no no no no I have no idea how I survived I am at like 10% HP I panicked near the end and in all honesty I should have died there but trash pulled it off I also don't see anyone else around the area so I'm going to count that as a win for silly old me I need to pop a bandage now because I am in a world of hurt and if I was smart I should have popped medx Jet and some buff out before I did anything but we now have ourselves a whole bunch of corpses to loot in which we have nothing good on the first guy a sacrificial knife on him which sounds extremely nice we also have Jim Kennedy's Journal three 12 gauge shells a shotgun and a buffalo gas mask that's probably the best thing to come out of this entire Excursion because we actually need masks in order to go on the surface of frost in order to not die of radiation poisoning so getting it right now is huge and our outfit kind of looks cool I I can dig it I can dig it on top of that we have an empty milk bottle a kickball and that's going to be it okay for the corpses of course we have so many more items to loot aside from that including some fungal moonshine which is extremely nice as it gives me maximum HP and radiation removal we are also over encumbered so I need to drop off some stuff which is going to be the shotgun the metal helmet The Lunchbox the enamel buckets and other heavy materials giving me an extra 20 lb in carry capacity okay cool let's go look around for some more supplies like a nuca cola quartz um some dirty water which is genuinely huge oh man it's been so long drink that up right now actually there's also some glowing fungi a heavy Sledgehammer on this dead Survivor over here holy hell well that's a real weapon but it weighs so much how does it look though okay I'm taking it I'm taking it that thing is that is an actual gallager Hammer there's also some jet here some more vodon bourbon there MedEx and more jet with another gask mask I'll be honest I think the one I have is a lot cooler and finally we have some uinet pale okay that's going to be everything inside here can I sleep anywhere no which means we're going to go right on back to to the starting zone after I chug a copious amount of water okay not bad I'm pretty sad you can't sleep on the couches but going back towards the spawn is not that bad of a trip and now I could either go up towards the surface I'm sure or we could go a little bit further into the farm area you know what I'm going to go into the farm a bit I see a whole bunch of glowing fungus and this stuff is going to be very good in order for me to survive right because despite the effect actually removing my health the radiation removal is going to be extremely nice so having as much as this as possible in my inventory might be the difference between life and death so let's grab all that we can netting me a solid 83 bits holy hell that's a lot and it is weighing me down quite a bit so I'm going to go loot whatever's at this dead end here and we will double back to drop off the stuff there's even more stuff here oh man is there a nearby like container that I can use really quick to drop off this stuff ah no there's a desk right here awesome I'm going to leave a good majority of the fungus inside there then including any trash that I'm not really using right now and we know where to get it once we do need it later yeah not bad at all that saves me another 10 carry capacity okay there is some more Farms down here I don't see any mines either there is a shovel can I use that as a weapon I can't it is a good source of wood though so I will keep it okay I'm going to leave that tunnel there all fine and dandy on its own and I'm going to go check out what's down here which looks to have some real inviting decoration we are going to disable the trip mine we're going to walk on down and we'll see what the hubub is about never mind I can't open that well that leaves only two options then we could either go up the stairs or we could continue down into the tunnels I'm going to take my chances by heading upstairs very slowly and we will see how bad things are up here which so far seems to be pretty clear no there's a guy right over there okay that can't stand hey buddy do you got a real weapon on you oh that guy in the back does okay we have our Molotov cocktail equipped we're going to lead this guy back and we're going to smash him over the head hey buddy yeah nice try Bozo okay we got a head back throw that huge run back and let the Flames take him over hopefully I hit him and he's not going to you know run up and kill me okay that was the wimpiest throw I've I've seen in my life the guy's going to run through the Flames though hey buddy uh he got me well at the very least we know where they're at now this time though it's going to be different I'm going to make some Cal trops and I'm also going to go into the beverage thing and make some purified water bada boom and so my plan right now is to use the Cal trops to disrupt the guys in melee so once they get staggered on the Cal trops I can just go in with a sledgehammer and give them you know the old schwack the real question though is whether it'll work or not okay where are these bozos they actually aren't here okay that's a little bit ominous are they in the bathroom no huh I mean I'll take it as a win then I'm a little bit sad I won't be able to loot the guy's gun but hey it's better than dying right and with that I guess we will loot around the area let's see what we have we have cigarettes we have a free nuca Cola some more jet even more jet a desk fan and that's going to be it I think we're done here then I really don't want to head up to the surface just yet because I will be completely honest with you with our current load out we won't survive minutes out there I think what I'm going to do instead is go back to sleep for the day get up our fat faue and then we will check out some of the other areas we have the hole in the wall near the ghouls we have the ghouls themselves we also have the group of five with the Last Stand and we can also explore the end of that tunnel over there the options are pretty damn high for us right now and I think we've earned ourselves a bit of a rest we have water the only problem is food but we will worry about that at another day time to go to sleep then waking up on a brand new day we've gotten our sleep so we're no longer fatigued with the only real thing that's affecting us right now is our hunger we're doing all right though and we have survived our first day it's currently the 24th of October and I think this will be a good spot to end the episode I would love to turn this into a series by the way because of how difficult and challenging it is it'd be very fun to see how far I can get with actual trash as a character for now though I'm going to end it here also if you guys want to see this become a series make sure you subscribe like and share around the video when you can I would love to continue this anyways this is going to be it for today I will see all of you guys later peace the hell out everyone
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 21,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vateLime, pr1vate lime, fallout, fallout show, fallout 4, fallout frost, fallout dust, fallout 4 frost, fallout 4 frost gameplay, fallout 4 frost install, fallout 1 day, first day fallout, fallout 4 100 days, frost 100 days, hardest fallout mod, hardcore fallout, hardcore fallout mod
Id: ZlvzTA5yamM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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