Can I Survive The CDDA Challenge In LOUISVILLE | Project Zomboid

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the cdda challenge for project zomboid just got 10 times harder and no it's not because of the title but that will definitely add on to the fun later anyways if you didn't know the devs added a patch where groin wounds make the character limp thus making your character at the start of the cdda challenge slower than the zombies this is a problem especially when you consider that the zombie population is at a maximum making survival akin to a pipe dream but seeing how I have over 1 000 hours on this beautiful game I don't think it's enough so let me introduce you to my Twist on the challenge and that is to start in the most dangerous and inhospitable area in the game Louisville resources are plentiful but so are the zombies stack on The cdda Challenge on top of that and you have a very fun time all I know is that it's gonna take Focus commitment and sheer will defend off the zombie hordes wish me luck you know I really wonder why I continue to do this to myself anyways hello if you couldn't tell the game is paused right now and let me tell you it's paused for a good reason anyways this is City trash a distant relative of actual trash but the one thing that this trash does have going for him is that he's strong fit and a fast learner and if that wasn't enough he's also a he's also a burger flipper uh I really don't know why I made him a burger flipper but that doesn't matter as we have so many other things that are wrong with us one we're drunk two we have a cold three we're drenched four we're bleeding with that bleeding coming from a large deep groin wound anyways we really don't have a lot of time so I'm just gonna get this party started we have around a 50 chance of survival especially seeing that you know we're currently being blocked in by fire I can wait a little bit and then after this fire goes away the first thing we're gonna need are shoes shoes and clothing I just walked right into fire oh yippee I'm just gonna die right now I guess that's okay oh yeah I love it here welcome to cdda Louisville everyone it's gonna be a fun ride hi there once again our circumstances aren't that much better but we do have a way out and now that we're kind of in a safe position I can tell you what my entire plan is it consists of four steps I need a bandage for my groin wound number two I need some damn shoes number three I I need clothing and number four I really can't afford to die there is a lot of fire surrounding me so as soon as I unpaus we gotta get moving first things first okay never mind I guess we're just gonna die then whoa yippee oh we really got ourselves into a pickle in this one huh the only hope I have right now is that This Fire Burns Out relatively quickly and I can grab some curtains soon if a zombie gets a whiff of me right now it's game over but I'm still optimistic we just gotta wait for this stuff then go right on through there we go we can shimmy avoiding the Flames like the fireman we are and immediately go outside to try and Bully the first zombie we see those two bozos are gonna be perfect oh never mind that two is now three okay that's not good I just want some shoes man okay it's gonna be the hard way then gosh please it's already not going good it's not going good at all brother okay that's fine we still have plan B and if you're wondering what plan B is it's die you ever get the feeling of deja vu of course not welcome it's time to just move right now number one curtains boom number two open window find a Target there you go now that we have that we have clothing and shoes acquired rip up the sheet apply that to my groin and we are gonna be doing good now we just have to survive the horde Yes you heard me correctly but I feel a lot better now that I have some clothes so all we gotta do is play it real common cool trash is very strong so it should be pretty easy to take out these bozos and if we can't kill them at their feet we sure as hell can kill them with fire so let's see what these idiots got which is nothing they got nothing okay maybe they do have something oh gosh that's not good played them like fiddles ah that's right I can limp at a slightly faster Pace than you so yeah it's really just a test to see how many zombies I can kill with my bare hands before I get overwhelmed by sheer numbers and I'm hoping that we're gonna be able to kill the majority of them with our feet the only plan I have and then and then once the zombies are dead we can work from there one thing's for sure City trash is not going down without a fight I've worked at spiffles for far too long to die now it's not really looking good right now but the one good thing that I can rely on is the fire killing most of the zombies in a little bit so all I really have to do is survive my my neck is being breathed on right now it's very uncomfortable listen we got years of Academy training going for us right now with the amount of Sprinter challenges I survived fast okay that's a lot of zombies I was about fast shamblers despite us being in a not so good situation are nothing for us ain't that right sir okay I was really hoping that would have pushed him down let's just keep on running in circles and try not to get lit on fire right about now hey nobody gonna break my stride okay no one gonna slow me down oh I got to keep on moving don't worry a few more minutes like that and this horde of 100 will turn into zero hopefully soon please hurry up so I'm already at moderate exertion I am hearing them drop like flies and we're not losing any more Health sure we might be hypothermic but we've been through worst I think we have this one in the bag so long as I can manage my stamina correctly if anything this is just another normal Tuesday night for trash out of the way ma'am I got places to be and the more I'm thinking about it I think our step four is just to kill every single zombie in the area it's a bit of a jump up from just acquiring bandages and shoes but it's the only way I can really survive I don't know how much material we're gonna be able to loot out of this you know because of the fire but we'll see and then after that I want a weapon our feet are not really cutting it right now but I will take every chance I can to just kind of rest up a bit oh nope time to move again oh it's so scary though and hey would you look at that the fog has cleared up after we has been done burning all the zombies this is the support zombies Left actually five six seven eight about ten zombies Left isn't the worst we just gotta wait for the Flames to take care of the rest of these and then I'll take out the stragglers with my big strong zombie pushing arms okay I'm really scared about those fence lunges because normally I'd be able to run away but you can't do a lot of running when your character is a limper I give it another two rotations around the neighborhood and this general area will be pretty clear for me to loot whatever is left in the rubble and that was the last zombie don't mind me as I take all of your clothing ma'am and your shoes I've earned these oh man that was extremely messy there are still a lot of zombies in the area but it's a lot cleaner than it was before so you know what I'll count this as a win and just like that we have gotten past our first major hurdle of this challenge good old trash here is gonna sift through all the clothing of these zombies getting as many layers as possible so we're not you know hypothermic that would probably help out our situation quite a bit alrighty not bad at all I decided to put the hood up because that's the best amount of insulation that we're gonna have we're still cold but we are warming up which is all that matters and now that we've killed the zombies it's time to look through some of these areas to see what is left in the rubble and I'm willing to wager that some of these garages will have some weapons for a good old trash here would you look at that we got ourselves a dust mask a ball peen hammer I can't actually attach it because we don't spawn with the belt but there's also a metal bar it's not going to be the best weapon as trash is extremely slow because of the cold but it's definitely nice to have okay let's start to lose some of the burned down homes now to see if we can grab some food supplies to cure this cold as you see our character is sneezing up a storm and so long as I have this illness we are going to be a walking alarm system for the zombies so we need food we need to find a safe place to stay after that all we're gonna need is time so I guess our best chance of finding food is to go through these burned down homes to see if there's anything left here you know looking at how the Flames are still spreading throughout this very tightly compact neighborhood I don't think we're gonna be able to get much but we can go check the the cars you never know there could be some glove box beef jerky inside no jerky but we do have cigarettes twine and a key for a car no fuel nor a good battery in it but that is something really good to have I also picked up oh my Lord that is some good stuff as well anyways aside from that I did pick up this annotated map which can give us a lot more context of where we are and it's also marked down no place like home so where is that on my end pretty close by that's not a bad amount to be revealed I think we could probably make our way over towards the construction area yeah we're we're about right below the mall which is not the best location but something that I can work with anyways what I need right now is some damn food and it looks like the fires have not touched these homes too much but it also does look like there's gonna be some zombies to put up a lot of resistance oh yeah don't worry trash knows how to fight pretty well and why am I still pushing when I have a freaking pipe yeah yeah yeah that's especially now that we have so many layers that our character isn't cold anymore yeah this group of five ain't gonna know a hit em Aki but that did feel really good to be able to fight them back now it's time to reap the rewards and see what these zombies have on them which isn't much aside from a pen and another Louisville map which part does this reveal so we have a good chunk of the map actually revealed now so we know how screwed we are it's 5 40 p.m I'm extremely thirsty and hungry so let's see if we can slink ourselves inside a home to rest up for the night even if it isn't the most hospitable I'll take anything at this point man it's been a roll it's it's been a really long day for trash we're in with a visitor point I really want some food so I can go to sleep with the full stomach in order to prevent this cold from taking over but judging from our loot right now it's not looking like that actually can sardines and tomato paste okay we take both of those and free water bottle and with that I think we might be able to fight off this cold though I might loot one more house just in case yeah let's go do that good hi ma'am I hope I'm not intruding too much inside your house thank you for your hospitality and your really screwed up face holy crap what happened to you uh let me just put you out of your misery really quick now it's time to raid the kitchen cupboard and it also looks like I scratched up my hand going through a hedge or something I was a little bit how did I scratch up my hand that's weird more importantly we got some extra food that we can't even eat right now wow we really don't have that much well it's just gonna have to work I'm gonna go lock myself inside the the bedroom and we'll see if we can get rid of this cold hey do you remember when I said that we were gonna be able to sleep um yeah that's a lie I really don't know how I scratched up my hand though that's something that I'm gonna need to look at after I'm done here ah please just give me like a few seconds to myself I'm really struggling out here gosh there's so many zombies yeah this is going terribly I just tripped over a fence and I scratched myself again just when you think you're in the home stretch things just go wrong every step of the way I am I am screwing up my character so badly right now it's so hard to see by the way but I think this is gonna be the final one the first day of the cdda Louisville Challenge and our characters wrapped up like a mummy I need to find a place to sleep like right now um oh I wish there was a better spot to actually lie down you know what I'm just gonna go sleep in the car for tonight I think that's a good spot it's good enough for me home sweet home I'll I'll see you all tomorrow never mind we're experiencing too much pain to sleep I'm just gonna sit in the car for a little bit then that's okay as well hello we have just about survived our first day in the apocalypse our moodles not really doing too well but we are alive I ate up all of my food and my goal for today is to collect more food so I can actually get rid of this cold and heal up all of our wounds our arms are not looking good at all right about now they're only scratches so our character is going to be able to swing just fine but it's definitely not at Peak Performance right now we just gotta pick out some decent looking prospects with homes that that may or may not have more food for us that being said it's gonna be hard to find intact kitchens when every single house in the area is burned down but I'm sure we'll find something nice hopefully who knows luck may be on our side just yet oh my and it is that's a free gun not that that's too useful but it's pretty cool not only that though but we got ourselves a new weapon a black electric bass guitar with the kitchen having a kitchen knife and some canned peaches that I can't open I am they have to add that feature in vanilla one of these times it is so sad to see that you have food that you can't eat because you can't open a can with a knife but I'm not gonna let that beat us down it does look like a lot of these homes are intact for the most part so our chances of finding oh come on there's so much canned goods but no can opener well I guess if we find a can opener we'll be all set oh gosh there's actually quite a few zombies in here oh yep it's time to go shut that door pop open the window and we are out of here I forgot the farther I go away for my burned down neighborhood the more zombies there are it should be pretty manageable I say that as a massive horde of zombies barrels are way towards my location I just want a can opener and there's our first Moodle of drowsy this is going terribly I actually hate it here there's one zombie on fire so my whole plan is to kill them and hopefully light the others on fire that's really my only plan it's not exactly the best plan given how close together these zombies are but it's really all that I have going for me right now dude okay let's let's just let's just remain optimistic you know uh I can't remain optimistic in this situation anymore we are just getting brutalized right now I'll be honest our only real help right now is that the Flaming zombie dies soon so that I can light the others on fire fast enough that is our only chance right now and even then it's extremely risky I oh is there any other fire that I can use to my advantage because this is this is just this is just sick the amount of zombies that are following me right now okay there we go there we go they're all that in fire okay okay okay we got this we got this we just we just got gauntlet and I can't get caught lacking and very soon a lot of these zombies that are now burning will die horribly okay that's what I'm talking about fire truly is your best friend in this situation it's time to run around like a headless chicken for a bit and get them all dead and deader [Music] yep nothing to see here just going on a nice old walk through the neighborhood the worst part is is that with the cdva challenge settings there's gonna be zombie respawns so if I can't Nutt up and find some actual resources soon this is gonna be our life I really don't like it here this is not a good position to be put in ever but all it should take is another in-game hour of running around like this and most of these zombies should drop dead giving us the chance to kill the rest with our skills in combat yeah that's what it is okay there we go they're dropping like flies now any minute now the rest of them are going to follow you've been outsmarted yet again by city trash and that was definitely not a stroke of look that one zombie out of the group would have been on fire for me to use that to my advantage nope that's all luck what you're seeing right now is a professional navigating through the yeah what you're seeing right now is a master plan being unfolded before your very eyes yeah you three are already dead without even knowing it there we go there it is that's what we love to see okay YouTuber up next come on give it the program there's one and it's just you sir I really need to rest up so if you could just kind of Drop Dead where you are that would be perfect no come on any minute now you're gonna die Abra cadabra Alakazam shamoosh come on man you got a player you gotta play along a little bit I'm trying my best here kablamo yeah there it is I survived yet again how do I keep on getting away with it I should probably step away from that fire we are still not doing the best but we somehow got out of that on top and relative safety as well I think I might end the episode here after I check out a couple of more houses and I'm sure we'll be able to fix our cold by next episode for now we can help ourselves to some delicious toilet water and a nice sit down inside our car we don't have food despite all of the canned goods that we have with a definitely openable tool with those cans I'm not gonna talk about that I'm gonna run back to my car and I'm gonna relax a bit today was pretty stressful and after a few tries we finally pulled it off by the way there were a lot more tries off camera of me doing this series this was originally meant to be a Zero to Hero Run but I soon figured out that uh that was a pipe dream anyways if you guys have liked this episode be sure to like favorite share and subscribe for more so you can see more of this fun challenge we're in the middle of nowhere but I feel like this is gonna be a very cool series if we can get the ball rolling anyways peace the hell out everyone
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 299,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vateLime, private lime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid base building, project zomboid build 41 tips, project zomboid build 41 ep 1, project zomboid for beginners, project zomboid, zomboid, project zomboid map, project zomboid base, project zomboid hardcore, project zomboid insane sprinters, project zomboid sprinters, project zomboid cdda, cdda challenge, cdda, cdda sprinters, project zomboid cdda sprinters
Id: zPbf16tJ6vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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