Survive OVERPOWERED Naruto Bosses to Win in Roblox!

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we're racing to see who can beat Naruto bosses going from Noob all the way to Ultima first but we can only use the Naruto Powers decided from this wheel the wheel will spin as soon as you stand on this begin working like Circle oh that's nice so I guess I'm game oh that doesn't sound good oh wait wait oh song to Sage Mode I don't know he made this world what's Sanju sage mode it's the one next to the one with the purple arms it looks strong but you don't have it yet so I can beat you up for free I'm not even in game right now I can't even fight back so you're gonna come back to a death screen that's what I like to see my work here is done it's time for me to go spin away and see what power I get this is discrimination against skeletons I mean there are mob you have to defeat in Minecraft and you're just a mob so I am the biggest mod oh I stood on the circle oh please wow it's almost like this was scripted but it wasn't what did you get don't tell me you got buy-in mode I got Brian mode I actually kind of feel bad no I've got my sage mode I'm gonna win you really want me to do this yeah I can take it because I am a tree am I actually generating money I am okay that is a big boy wait Sam maybe we gotta team up that is one big green boy oh no you know I think I can take him down he's shocked me as well oh he's strong he's destroying my collapse I don't know how I feel about that bro my conveyor belt doesn't work it just drops through the floor I'll suck this is mine wait you can't click it anymore is it making me money you can you can you have to push F you have to push it you have to go really close and like Spanish I can't be bothered doing that I have to go be a ninja time to go steal from people oh I forgot you're one of those guys wait can I see your mode I mean like I know it's nowhere near as cool as mine yeah there you go I've got my mode on you do look at my face that's my mode that's such a pathetic mode all right let me just go rob from this guy real quick 700 does that still work yeah I just got like a hundred see I'm curious you know there's like these reanimated ninjas strolling around everywhere do these give you anything bonjour I don't know the guy was speaking French though so oh my God they actually do now oh my god oh no I don't think I can beat anyone yet I'm just gonna spam it I'm gonna win you are really not gonna win I'm gonna win I'm going to the shop already uh yeah I totally don't have enough money to get anything how much money do you have because I've got over 1K you know something like about 24K what bro you're hacking oh my moves are expensive I can't even buy any of them no you're hacking I am so mad already where's the Soju whatever I am uh second floor somewhere all right I'm going I am also gonna get just fight the new bus without anything I don't think I need anything to beat him bro I don't even have moves I am destroying the new bus I've already beaten the new bus okay well that puts me in the lead I need another reanimated ninja haha I can't afford any of this I only have three moves okay to make it fair you can pick any one element in the entire store and then use that as well but only one one element yeah how am I gonna do that so like you could pick lightning you can pick water bro just spammed money emoji while looking at the reanimated ninja wait they're trying to get me oh no I made a mistake I made a big mistake wait where's ah there he is and I beat this guy even though I've only got oh come on no money emoji guys stop yeah you might be down there but look I can scale trees true ninja okay I technically beat him I beat the new boss oh you did with only combat um I'm stranded there is a guy that is out for blood Hey where's my base is it East I wouldn't come to your base right now there's a very angry man outside your base I see him I see him but there's also money or something here so no no that's the one that I killed that's cute and everything but I want my money I'm dead no he's he's not letting me get the money I want the money activate my mode take that money wait you're gonna steal my [Music] wait before I even go and buy a move I should probably get like a shuriken dropper right yup sure I can drop a kunai dropper what element do I want let me check fires go oh fire looks cool oh but Rasen sure come from wind have you seen the droppers now like why is there a conveyor belt they just go into the back rooms yeah I don't I don't know what's going on there buy a second conveyor belt do they just like fall through oh no okay I think I'm going to choose lightning as my element okay I'm kind of scared of that because you've got a move called giraffe right you can get yes Kira fish yeah giraffe giraffe yes another 24K I'm rich oh no there's a purple Grim Reaper chasing after me I'm just here to take the cash crawl we buy this we've got two moves and now if we get one lightning Moon which one do we buy which one do we buy the only one we can afford I guess which is this one are you still trying to do a spending spree right now yeah I've done it I've done it I'm being goose dude I can't even go to the shop wait he missed his attack travel he's default dancing on me oh your mode ran out unlucky for you buddy I need moves I can't function without moves oh I got new moves I could get something really cool like Atomic Rasengan or I could buy hover I can fly now oh you are being is that you that just got lightning from Narnia yeah but I had my walls up so it's okay go with clone hang on hang on I can't hover without full HP for some reason like this sounds like a bit of a stupid oversight wait where are you I'm trying to hover boom go my trees no I saw that I'll come and steal from you instead they're generating so much money as you wait till I've got this sliver of Health back oh wait my clones are getting messed up I know stay away I didn't mean it oh big money wait I should buy more droppers have you seen how the droppers actually make you money in this game now they just fall into the back rooms like you said yeah but it actually makes you money like before they didn't make this much money I'm convinced really yeah unless I'm delusional oh I've got like 18K that's what I'm saying look at me son I'm like Superman but glowing red and Anime where are you oh my God can I hurt you with this how are my clone chase him to the ends of the Earth oh yeah oh no the Tactical tree nearly got me I don't mind me I'm just gonna do a bit of grinding can your clones go away no my money scroll it disappeared I'm after you'll find a different reanimated clone okay you're lucky this time this is what you thought punishing Rasengan no no you're close get off my scroll it's mine go away no I'm actually gonna die I have to retreat I got it I got it bye you tell your clothes to like stop chasing me they're Relentless my wood clones are they're doing God's work right now oh those are wood clones so they're not like Shadow clones no they're wood clones because I am a wood man you're a wood man that's just a roundabout way to say you're a tree oh I've already got my last move for my mode by the way so how because I only have three moves Luke I'm poor this guy's hearing me with water bowls and stuff who is that guy this guy thinks he's the whole car game until I arrive I'm gonna take on the easy boss I completely forgot about the bosses I just got giraffe he's got me stuck oh my God what did that even do I got destroyed like I got absolutely folded in half like a piece of paper what the heck did I just witness what did you just witness like can you not believe your eyes at your own power or something like what's going on this power is insane oh all right shimaru destroyed sub Blaster I like the sound of that why do all your moves sound ominous by the way what's so ominous about a hover bro there's things that scare me and that's one of them your clones are still beating the boss have you not already beating this bus yeah I beat him but I left the Clones there to just be work you know sub buster hey I'll just send your clone to the back rooms I've got all and I mean all of the droppers now I'm making serious money I'd be the easy boss I'm one step ahead of you why is Zorro in my base and stealing my money where'd he go bro actually stole from me I think I'm strong enough to do the normal boss oh he's literally one HP I won't count this that doesn't count I gotta beat him fair and square like a true anime protagonist there we go subblaster I need to hit you with that bro these animated corpses drop so much money they actually do and like it makes you wonder why is the cops carrying that much money yeah what's he spending it on that's why we it belongs in our pockets instead that move is so cool I'm gonna die I'm gonna die anyway they don't drop money though yeah it's like 50 50. oh I'm paying yes he knows pain I defeated the normal boss all right son I might not have HP but let me hit you with my new attack uh wait I'm in the middle of an epic 1v1 against Zorro actually where'd he go you'll find your own demons I tried to use my epic move and it failed oh there is a big boy chasing after me like why me like what did I do to you they really don't like you I don't think he's ready I would clone don't hit him with this here we go stop Buster Bang that's so cool it's no damage though like I'm in danger I had 40K waiting in my base you did how much do I have please be a lot 52k I haven't even bought walls yet though so I'm kind of in Danger get away from me all right buy walls buy walls so we can't get in yeah I'm Walling him in my base this is a mistake oh there's Zorro oh Zoro got one shot by this big boy oh my God I can get the sharing good you can yeah get over here I'm getting revenge from the start Revenge oh a ball best move to buy now oh maybe Chidori blade you've got so much Choice let's get the blade let me try the blade I Agate fire pathway uh where do I buy the roof barrier Jutsu okay nobody can steal from me anymore that's what you like to see okay I'm going on to the next boss someone's following me and I don't know why have you not even beat pain yet rookie no I haven't been playing he's gonna be in pain when I'm done with him like my specialty is just death I'm good at dying that makes sense to be honest I forgot that was a thing you glowing blue no it's another guy and he's destroying me is that you getting like absolutely oh it is I'll help you send no oh the guy is here fighting me and you're like yes and I'm here to help it's he's got like 50 million clones it's not easy I'll protect you this guy has got like the moves like it's actually kind of worrisome don't worry I got this okay okay I can do this I can do this he'll never catch me you'll never catch this okay I need new moves I'm pretty weak right now I need to find a reanimated Ninja have you seen how this Lobby is just like an all-out War everybody is fighting what's going on here this is crazy you're not I'm just trying to make money I have awakened hover what is happening oh I can get giraffe I'm glad it's going so well for you I'm going to fight playing I've already beaten in pain like a little bit behind oh Chidori thousand hands to Dory simbons whatever that does you just like testing out your moves on the fly yeah I'm like trying the boss what's what does giraffe do what did you do giraffe is good oh it's cool isn't it it's really cool anyway I got some new moves I can get I think yeah Brian combat oh yes Gigan another portal bus but we don't need to worry about those we're fighting the other ones hard boss it's not very hard he's not even here you're on the hard boss yup I think I can beat him right in combat alright this is gonna be easy this is so easy I've already been the hard boss that was bullying not to worry or anything sounded but I am really strong now I've been worried for a long time Luke time for me to take on the next boss I clicked on raid oh no get me out of there hard boss let's go I got this this is my fight to win thousand ten oh bro's too strong what does Sharon does red Moon Illusion do no oh no Bros bro's messing me up I'm on life support how am I on life support no I couldn't be the hard boss you lost I lost L I need to do the hard boss come on yeah he's on life support still I got this i got this oh you have fun beating the heart of us I'd be in okay never mind I was gonna say I'm gonna go buy some moves yeah while you're doing that I'm moving on to the very hard boss yes yes yes very hard boss you're mine oh son you're actually finished like I I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you're like actually done for like that I miss I'm under the map are you already on the next what bus are you on very hard I'm on very hard is it very hard or are you like surviving I'm about to die so you tell me I punched the wrong guy whoops Atomic rusten gun wait where's karafe karafe oh I'm dead just saying it wrong it's giraffe sorry sorry and I died so that's an L for everyone I can do it I can do it now I can finish him off finish off what I started I mean giraffe how am I ever gonna hit Chidori it's him impossible yes I beat the very hard boss I beat the very hard boss Luke you're behind hang on I'm fighting a guy like right outside your base he's actually very difficult to be he killed me as like collateral like he was hitting you but it killed me boom Fox combo boom no I got him you got me oh you got him oh you sniped him okay this guy was causing problems near my base and I'm not having it honestly I'm not even mad that I died because you Avenged me even if you didn't mean to what are you doing here you want to come this way are you sure that's what I thought I don't care what you're saying I think I could just win the game right here right now it's time to go do some bosses okay okay I see you I see you you won't for long because I'm about to win really because guess who's going on to the last boss right now okay can't be having that no um you actually punched me off the map and I'm dead I actually can't fight this boss so I'm kind of stuck here you actually you punched me so hard I got teleported out of the map I hit you into a different dimension you hit me into the back rooms I gotta hit this very hard boss quick box combo okay okay huge sub Buster Boom the very hard boss is actually very hard they weren't lying I'm on the ultimate boss go clones go what I'm like winning oh I'm stuck in his domain almost finished bro actually only two HP left huh I beat her I actually threw that's a Cooper koel if I've ever seen one no this has got to be decided by a final battle you're on a 1v1 don't you yes although I didn't win the speed run let's let's see who's the better ninja I spent too long finding this giant yellow thing oh the yellow thing is there my clone's beating him up oh look he's coming back for round two like he doesn't want this smoke see that's what happens you got him you got him I'm dead how am I losing to that guy he's a terrible skill issue probably probably all right let's do this then okay boom yep I'm out of the map again and dead oh really that was easy you send me through the floor that's cheap just use your uh Shadow clone Jutsu and come back you know the instant teleportation due to I substituted substitution YouTube I'm waiting I'm looking awfully menacing as well like you don't want to throw hands I'm here I want to throw hands let's do this then oh no so scary boom oh I got launched into a different move and I'm dying that was all part of my plan where are you that was five head from you I'm here I'm here which one are you you're this one fox combo bro that does literally too much health it's not fair you see like look I would have easily destroyed the ultimate boss I can't even aim that like that's what's gonna happen to you I can just stand here and Dodge them all what is happening to me I'm gonna be sick make it stop what did you just do to me I don't know you made my screen do circles really yep that's not allowed Atomic Rasengan I'm sorry about this no no I'm still flying where are you I got sent all the way to the other side of the map oh there you are trees wait they actually stopped me yeah they stunned you okay then stop running where am I what did you do to me I don't actually know I'm just in a I'm dead I think you won this Matt I don't think it's possible for me to win I think you're too op should we just call it a draw because you won the race and I won the 1v1 fine I accept it come to the middle let's let's shake hands we're shaking hands yeah on half HP you really want to risk it I dodged these I'm shaking hands yes yes yes keep on shaking my hand where am I you literally did that to yourself let's shake hands
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 607,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, naruto tycoon, naruto tycoon roblox, roblox naruto tycoon, roblox naruto, tycoon naruto, naruto, roblox tycoon, naruto roblox, ninja tycoon, tycoon de naruto, naruto no roblox, naruto inemafoo, naruto ninja tycoon roblox, roblox ninja tycoon, inemafoo naruto, ninja tycoon roblox, naruto video, tycoon, ninja tycoon update, tycoon roblox, socksfor3, beckbroplays
Id: sxC7U0IiOJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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