I Bought EXPENSIVE Naruto Powers in Roblox!

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today I'm playing Naruto Tycoon but I can only use the most expensive moves in the store like this new one here says Channel ultimate for 125k or even this one actually wait no yeah not that one and like every single tycoon game ever we've got to start by beginning working and making money and the fastest way to do that would normally be to just Spam left click and get these little Cubes but that's boring that's NPC standaround behavior I'm not there to play clicking simulator I'm here to steal from people like a ninja see 1.8 K already anymore for anymore this guy over here looks like he's doing a lot of clicking but he's doing he hasn't made any money never mind I'll find somebody else then oh this guy over here has got some upgrades going this is free money don't mind me just coming through yoink we got 100 we're a 1.9 K now and thanks to all this money which honestly isn't that much I can buy a shuriken drop out a eye dropper whoa they just tried to swing for me it'll be the last thing you ever do buddy you're finished you don't want to mess with me yes yes boom you live today but if you come back just know these hands are rated E for everyone Katana drop off 600. nice what did I just warned you boom boom boom easy anyway now I can buy an earth chakra infuser and because of the money we've already made I can also get a water tracker infuser why are these shurikens not despawning hello wait this one just completely missed that's wasted money right there how did it Miss I've got a faulty system going on over here what is that move that guy keeps using it looks expensive oh God he's like a Red Demon yeah what is that how do I do that are you tell me how I do that you might have all your cool power-ups but you're nothing oh wait you're something you're something run away no never mind I'm coming back I'm coming back for round two in fact I'm going to steal his money yoink he only had 33 dollars so bad oh 6K oh my God now the problem is with this challenge is I'm literally not going to be able to get a good move until I've got like over 50k so I think my smartest play is just to make as much money as possible as fast as possible so now that I've got all these infusers these little dropper things are going through all the colors of the rainbow and making me more money dude look we've already got a thousand dollars which we can use to buy another conveyor belt you know in case one wasn't enough and we can get a sharing gun dropper going for maximum efficiency this time but you see back is this guy back but did he take his money no he didn't let me take give me get away from my base you freak get away from my base I can win this I can win this I cannot win this his mode is just too strong tactical Retreat psych I don't give up I should probably give up oh no I will have my revenge red furry boy oh no no no no no I think I'm safe yucker gun dropper Ms dropper oh wait I can't afford that we need to make more money and fast so if I come over here can I join from this guy again no he didn't have any money what about this guy two hundred dollars big 2.3 K stealing for everyone I've got four thousand oh this guy's building his walls I gotta get in now come on oh he had nothing okay fine I didn't want to have to do this so we are gonna have to do some Mega clicking here wait actually hang on yeah I've got 5K right we're gonna buy the MS paint dropper real quick and now we're gonna do some clicking I've been trained in the art of cookie clicker we're clicking so fast we're gonna get arthritis no pain no gain come on actually I just realized this is like plain white cubes I've gotta at least look super rich and wealthy while I'm doing this you know we're gonna get light blue glowing ones yeah wait no we need to show more wealth so we'll get pink oh yeah whoops I did not mean to buy that we just got a person in our base now okay and our cubes oh RGB do they make me more money it doesn't really seem like it it would be nice if it made me more money and I've been clicking away for about 10 minutes straight I've got 40K this is where we're in business so we're gonna start off small with like this most expensive thing here which is Amaterasu which just screams power like it's 40K it better be good like look I'm a turasu yup he's on fire now that guy is looking dangerous I'm out here ah let's be Mizuki with our brand new move I'm a terasu that is the slowest hurricane I've ever seen oh wait it chases me never mind I was like I dodged that easily but nope it just came back for round two new boss defeated that was easy now the biggest problem is that I'm down to only 1.5 K yet again so we're gonna need to grind up like another 40K or something to even be able to afford our next move oh I'm sorry bro I just had to yank your money it was just there for the taking get out did you really just say that to me and now I'm gone like the wind I think that was a job well done let's go steal from some more people this guy's face looks unoccupied 38k free 10 000 right there but there's no work at all another couple thousand there or this guy from before I'm burning him yoink I'ma sarasu again our move is so good it just keeps burning them forever oh that guy is chasing me down when I burned him back in the store he like he's get trying to get revenge he's not very good at getting revenge though I'm a Serato that's right that's a 40K move right there I bet it does damage I'm a terasho again you know I'm really gonna need better moves than this because this is just not cutting it right now oh everybody's here why is everybody fighting on my base go away I'm trying to make a simple humble living out here you know and just buy the most expensive moves in the entire game that's all well I've got a 55k what else can I get oh giraffe 50k that's an expense this is lightning powers let's see giraffe whoa and Amaterasu one guy down it's just this guy next Amaterasu you'll never put up the fire you won't stop burning ever giraffe oh it's not working bro I just completely missed never mind I hit him this guy's getting destroyed I've just got the Maneuvers yeah good luck trying to hit me giraffe again no the draft didn't work I'll take my money though already at 20K again so I found a giant problem with these expensive moves the cooldowns are ridiculous they take so long to come off cool down no the rich guy quit and got replaced by Gerald Gerald also just went to the back rooms so oh this guy's back giraffe I'm never gonna hit that move unless I get like some even more expensive ones to stun him I've got 30k we're gonna wait and we're gonna try and get 100K and with over a hundred thousand dollars later we need to look at like the most expensive things I can possibly get some expensive weapons over here 35k that seems pretty pricey 40K that might be it that might be the most pricey weapon in the store what about this one up here yep we're buying the war fan that's not enough we need something else we need something even more expensive oh flashing Rye 100 000 you know what we don't have enough for that but we do have enough for ice mirrors and with these new moves I think we could quite easily take on oroshimaru with the power of my fan now we burn him firearm how does this ice mirrors move work oh oh my eardrop out that was a bit loud seems really cool though however he's already defeated what is the next boss we can take down a normal bus I'm not quite sure what these bosses actually give me but they're a good way to test out how strong I actually am giraffe ice mirrors that move is so hard to hit more fan get away from me that move is so good for getting them away giraffe it didn't work oh he's trapped whoa but that move seems op you're done paying you're finished is he the normal boss and I defeated him that easily I don't even have any of these crazy modes or anything going on this game is like perfect evidence of money is power the more money you have the better moves you can get and we do already have another 50k but I'm gonna upgrade my walls because I'm worried about people trying to yank my money that's my money I worked hard for this buy some guards buy a roof that's not gonna stop anybody from getting in here we need a pathway so we can get there it is roof barrier Jutsu okay now nobody can get in we're in business and this guy over here has probably got some money right 2.5 k nice I'll take every little bit 12K I'll take some of that thank you very much what's this guy doing he was waiting Ambush me ice mirrors I missed Amaterasu wind fan I think you can escape from me wait I'm burning I'm burning I'm burning I'm On One HP half a heart is left but I'm not gonna stop are you nice mirrors no I was so close to defeating him it's my clan specialty I'm good at expelling energy whatever that means is that like even useful in a tycoon game why can't I have a con specialty that this just makes you more money where did that come from he's got sniped what where oh you think I don't see you up there all this trick in the book take this good over here nice mirrors I can win this I can win this I got one shot that like literally wasn't even close see there's a big problem with this Tycoon that I picked and that is I don't have a roof this guy over here has a roof anybody could just fire an attack into my base I've got 50k so it's time for another shopping spree oh I found the real expensive moves now 40K 30k this one's 50 and this one's 36 oh perfect we're gonna buy speed flicker this is a 50 000 move so this better be good at you take ice mirrors I missed oh he's bringing out the big guns meanwhile I've got speed flicker I'll take a telepods behind you move he's trying to escape There's No Escape in me when I've got speed flicker wait he's actually gonna Escape no oh teleports behind you he just wasn't ready he's too quick he's actually too quick it's not fair the ice mirror's move has really good damage but I'm like never gonna hit it come on come on come on come on please here goes oh that was nearly a sick combo but I missed you know what I'm retreating I'm retreating I can't beat that guy I need a better mode so it only makes sense that we buy the most expensive mode Brian mode here goes and what HP Retreat and it's about healing station right now where is it there we go no hey what that teleported through my house well I can't activate Brian mode at least but what I wanted to do was I wanted to buy the healing Circle where is that do I need to upgrade some other things first before I can get healing find weapons maybe no do we not have a healing area in this base I guess we're playing hardcore mode this time I do have Brian mode though so I'm not really worried anybody home oh hello little bacon what is wrong with your head let me put you out of your misery real quick what is he doing I don't think he's clogged yet that he's being attacked oh Naruto there's actually Naruto here I'm the bacon narrator you'll never win you think you can escape me oh that's his base thunder strike I can't get in I can't even attack through his base this calls for only one thing better moves with more expensive moves so a little more mining off camera and now I've got nearly 150k like the choice that I should have I could buy like anything right let's see oh yeah I wanted to get flashing Rye for 100k and now I'm poor again surely there's something else I can get for 40K surely oh this is the most expensive but are much stationer for 40 000 and he's got like a scythe and he's changed color to something cooler purple nice where's that guy from before it's time for some Revenge that's the bacon guy actually you know what I'm sorry bacon guy I wasn't trying to hurt you anybody home nobody in that base oh there he is get over here he's already started attacking me slice I miss I'm barely taking any damage though is this because of my armor this is 40k and it just does a slash every now and again does it like one shot not even close to being a one nobody wants to fight me I'm just too op if nobody wants to fight me then I'll go and fight the 10th Beast behind this nether portal instead here we go here we go we got our armor on slice that was huge I think that literally did nothing wait what how did I end up here that's just not what I was trying to do round two speed Flicker and then place the mirrors those mirrors are gonna do damage I can tell just combine every single one of my moves flashing Rye but this 100K move is actually pretty strong no no I'm falling over why are there so many enemies how is anybody meant to do this I've got like the most expensive moves in the game and I can't do this come on giraffe ice mirrors I'm a terrazu I'm just dead if I've learned one thing from that it's that I need more money I need to get more money in buy even stronger moves it's quite simple really this armored station note that was like 40K this disgusting thing it's terrible we need the better version like the perfect one then we'll be in business there's somebody going to war over there I want to get involved nice I'm behind him he didn't even realize he didn't even realize giraffe I want to trap him in the ice mirrors what if my ice mirrors go this guy is strong like he's got good stuff he is not to be underestimated I'm a terasu come on try and attack me I'll trap you in the ice mirrors come on try and get me yoink how did I miss these expensive moves right might be super flashy but they really aren't easy to land I've decided I am not messing around anymore I have got one million dollars or Naruto bucks whatever they're called like Naruto V bucks I don't know what they're called in this game but I've got a million of them so we're gonna go through every single item in the game and we're gonna buy anything above like 50k so we'll start by buying both both of these we've got perfect and Ultimate Super now also by this hammy illusion you know because why not we're rich what else is expensive that's only 30k we've already got giraffe this Chidori nagashi seems pretty good not super expensive but like one of the most expensive oh Leaf well win 40K what is this like a fighting style I will happily add that to the collection anything else Mega expensive on the second floor we can get these all look like really good but they're not expensive so we're gonna leave them Atomic resen gun 36k purchase Fox combo 40K purchase you know I could just go on a spinning three actually I've got enough money can I just like walk across everything and buy it all I think I actually can I don't know if it's working though yeah no it's not working we're not getting too many of them multi Shadow clones 50k that's like one of the best moves we could get because it just does so much damage no more messing around to prove our power we're gonna fight the ultimate boss and see if these moves are actually good lethalwind oh that is damaged I'm a terrazu what else have we got now Atomic Rasengan oh the damage go Shadow clones show her who's boss perfect susano yeah try and take me down now you're finished she's already on bread and I haven't even activated my other sister now here we go here we go we gotta try our other one 70 Health required okay boss just chill over there for a second so I can get some more Health I'll be on the way in a second I've got some more Health back Chidori nagashi whatever this does that did nothing okay that's like a small Chidori move for 40K that was kind of terrible but it worked we beat the ultimate boss oh no she's back get away from me Retreat the ultimate boss with a name like ultimate you'd think they'd be the hardest thing to kill in the entire game but nope behind this nether portal it's the true final boss let's do this that is a lot of mobs oh my rivals in here as well that's not good Chidori nagashi ah can I just like stand up properly for once all right I'm doing it I don't have enough Health well I've got enough health I'm doing it we're gonna run until we get enough health and then we're turning into ultimate susano I'm at 50 I'm getting close what did it say 75 I need to be able to transform so I just gotta run around and not get hit like that keep on summoning Shadow clones to be safe Shadow close go there's four of you in Brian mode you should be op do I have enough oh wait why is it green bruh I want it to be like a really cool color and I got green oh well it's expensive that's all that matters wait even this form does like nothing susano attack but if I go behind him he can't do anything this is the way this is the way huge damage charge spear this is the Strat this is what I've been missing this whole time so I've always tried to fight this 10th Feast thing head-on but it turns out if you attack him from his blind spot you can beat him yet I still died I am confused Naruto can you not I'm kind of busy how many wait I don't summon that many Shadow Clones look oh wait yeah I do oh I gotta stand still and I can summon more get away from me Naruto I got places to be you know what as soon as this minions despawn I'm taking him down that boss can wait you're done Naruto I can't even go to my ultimate form I'm so mad get over here Naruto get over here get trapped this guy is actually being such a pain get your little minions out of my way I can't beat this guy he's too annoying oh I got him I got him I got him he's so low I got locked into The Nether Portal okay this is my time to escape I'm fighting the boss now never mind him I'm fighting the boss Shadow clones Atomic Rasengan ice mirrors Dodge replay likes I can't get close please please please I'm doing everything I can to win this you know I wish my character would work properly thank you okay now he's done I got one shot round two I'm not giving up I've got the most expensive moves in the game there's no way I lose it doesn't make sense that I lose so I'll do a little raw thing it won't hurt me flashing right I'm going in nice big I don't know what white rage does but hopefully it doesn't make him stronger oh I don't think this is actually possible with how buggy this game is I don't think this is possible I just want to win no I keep falling over all right I'm getting in close to the flashing ride it didn't work white rage he angry now he angry thoughts reflex please just work activate yes Shadow clones they all got defeated it doesn't make sense why are my shadow clones so weak more Shadow clones yes yes this is more than before giraffe tactical UAV this gives me a chance to sort out my inventory right what should I bring these are literally all the most expensive moves and they kind of like do nothing wait am I not gonna make it back Dodge no I missed we're on a time limit now though it's not gonna be long until the bus respawns so I gotta be quick flashing gray Atomic for a second gun I'm using all of my attacks I can't even see or hear anything but I think it's working I'm stuck though I'm stuck could we do damage oh we did a bit of damage it's the best news I think I've ever seen what's the shadow clone Jutsu no that Roar is so annoying can you like stop not again I don't want to be a UAV anymore I want to be a missile strike let's go actually worked no but how am I losing with literally the best of everything is it just a skill issue we're going back in as long as I've got Dodge reflex I can do this let's go I think this is my final attempt there really isn't much time left warfan giraffe ice mirrors huge damage oh my shadow clone minions take him down I just insta died like I didn't even stand a chance that time what do I gotta do to beat this thing I have to sell my soul by every single Robux item in the store I refuse to believe it we haven't taken any damage yet somehow now we're taking damage because I can't stand up bro every time I try and get close he just does that stupid Roar and it knocks me over for eight to ten business days stand up please all right fine I didn't want to have to do this I don't have enough health no is he starting to panic because he's getting low is that like what's happening he's solo he's in he's nearly in red I'm doing it I'm beginning to believe try to clone Jutsu they still go for me even if I summon in my clones it doesn't make sense no why man I used to doing the missile strike strategy again missile strike it actually kind of worked am I stuck behind the map I can't get past I'm there's like an invisible barrier I can do this I get past the invisible barrier surely yes I'm back we're back baby use all my moves use all my moves perfect susano I figured this is the best way if we're gonna take this guy down this is gonna be the best way back off a bit how did that hit me I'm so low I gotta take down the minions if I defeat the minions I think I can do this okay here we go charge spear he's in red use this move slam I hit everything I hit everything I also hate everything why is he not dead yet he's definitely roaring Belgium weave I can't use my spear it's not working there we go finally please he's on red no no no no no oh I dodged it's gonna be skillful this is like fighting an Elven ring box massive I'm on orange I'm on orange I'm on red no no no no I actually can't believe that happened he's on one shot if he respawns I'm gonna alter four go go go go go go go go go get back in oh we're red we got the ultimate color please he's so close this is the power of expensive moves here we go how much health did they give this thing please defeat it no I'm on Orange as stupid triangle multi-tiled looking thing I did it and now I claim my prize a bunch of invisible Scrolls yay these are s-rank Scrolls and there's a ton of them it just goes to show all that it takes is buying the most expensive moves in the entire game to win
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 807,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, naruto tycoon, naruto tycoon roblox, roblox naruto tycoon, roblox naruto, tycoon naruto, naruto, roblox tycoon, naruto roblox, ninja tycoon, tycoon de naruto, naruto no roblox, naruto inemafoo, naruto ninja tycoon roblox, roblox ninja tycoon, inemafoo naruto, ninja tycoon roblox, naruto video, tycoon, ninja tycoon update, tycoon roblox, socksfor3, beckbroplays
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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