Surprisingly High Paying Jobs

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are you thinking about changing careers but feeling intimidated about the education and licensure associated with well-paying jobs exactly how much grunt work does it take to get the gratification of a new career making at least six figures we did the math on the grunt or grat ratio for you with ten jobs you wouldn't expect to be well-paying and the details on what it takes to land my position in this episode of the infographic show 10 surprisingly high-paying jobs number 10 railroad conductor did you know that in the u.s. professional railroad conductors are still around neither did we but they exist and they cash in in some areas the national median salary is just $54,000 but it does go all the way up to one hundred four thousand dollars the grunt is working your way up in a dying industry and learning on the job without many mentors or companies to choose from you're away from home for long periods of time but the graph is you get to see the country in an old-timey kind of way you get to feel like that kid you once were with your first train set and you can avoid the 9:00 to 5:00 until corporate America to kiss your caboose all aboard number nine crab fisherman tolerating the miserable work of capturing crab through terrifying squalls for five figures per month was popularized by Discovery Channel's reality series The Deadliest Catch even negotiating the dynamic between the personalities on board seems treacherous enough to think twice but in recent years changing safety regulations have made fishing for Dungeness crab more doable there is also an after season for other kinds of crab as well as fish all said and done you can still clear $200,000 a year after a few years experience the grunt work is working your way up because there is no school for crab fishing you have to find a crew you trust and respect to show you the ropes for when you start as a deckhand and you'll be away from home and leave your loved ones behind to work the grass is having a non-traditional career and six figures to roll hard on in your few days on land number eight building inspector it's not super scintillating but if you're good with checklists and you have a mind for structural engineering working for a city government inspecting buildings could bring home six figures the grunt part is working your way up in the kind of large bureaucracy that is a major US city that is big enough to pay at least sixty eight thousand dollars per year and all the way up to one hundred seventeen thousand dollars per year it's also highly specialized so you'll give up other career tracks and there are a few months of studying for a standardized exam but the grat is a well-paying job with predictable days and permanent demand for your skills number seven egg donor here is one for the ladies it can be lucrative but it has its dilemmas and it's not really a job as in an existing role in any company but an opportunity you can make your full-time gig if you're really really determined to get some cash the grunt is altering your cycle feeling like a human petri-dish and the whole ethical conundrum of creating a human you'll never meet but the grant is up to $14,000 per cycle so you could if you go on back-to-back cycles and take two months off clear about a hundred forty thousand dollars in a year number six and it's TZ ologist anesthesiologists in their quiet bedside role near the superstar surgeon look like some kind of low-level nurse or technician they're actually doctors and they make Bank the grunt is med school like any other doctor that's completing a four-year degree doing the MCAT preparation to take the standardized exam to get into a decent Medical School then going through four years of medical school and four years of residency that actually comprised a one-year internship plus a three year residency some anesthesiologists do additional residences beyond those twelve years mandatory and then have to study and take the board exam to become board certified that board certification is an important credential to earn the trust involved in taking someone safely through a major surgery and recovery but then the grat is you make more than a family doctor general practitioner pediatrician or psychiatrist does that is anesthesiologists take home on average two hundred ninety four thousand eight hundred eleven dollars that is a national average in larger US cities their annual salary is in the four hundred to five hundred thousand dollar range number five right for the federal government a writer editor for the State Department in which you don't do any foreign policy analysis or speech writing but analyze communication documents and systemic functions of the department itself grosses you ninety five thousand to one hundred twenty three thousand dollars per year if you'd like to do something similar for the Department of Energy and recommend standards for documentation for adults and other reports you could start as low as seventy nine thousand dollars but also go up to one hundred twenty three thousand dollars the grunt is working your way up in adult bureaucracy and memorizing templates and standards and learning to speak bureaucratese the grat is the money the great benefits and the job security number for longshoreman this job loading and unloading ship cargo at large ports is of course only available if you're near a big port like Houston Los Angeles Long or New York or are willing to move but you might be willing for the money there is no education requirement just experience West Coast longshoreman average 98 thousand dollars according to shipping watch calm but with overtime and union power to play hardball on negotiations that salary gets north of $100,000 and the LA Times analysis in 2015 showed over half of longshoremen made over 100 thousand dollars while foremen and managers topped two hundred thousand dollars a few bosses get three hundred thousand dollars and all get free health care a New York longshoreman makes at least one hundred twenty four thousand dollars with another round of negotiations coming up in 2018 the grunt is working your way up and the intense physical labor with never-ending stacks of cargo waiting to be moved but the grat is the cash the health care and holding one of the few jobs that globalization actually needs number three minor underground it's not for you if you're scared of tight spaces and it's not glamorous literally digging around in the dirt and there's this coal miner image out in the pop culture lexicon of being well white trash but you can laugh all the way to the bank because if you're willing to work underground you'll clear 150,000 to 165 thousand dollars the grunt is learning the trade on the job the danger the dirt and taking such a specific career track that it doesn't prepare you for much else but their crack is the earnings and while automation continues to improve mining you're not being replaced by a robot quite yet that is you will be in demand for a while number two city employees at least those of affluent towns you can actually make more than 143 thousand without any education requirements in some cities like Santa Monica but we picked the silliest job in that particular city that pays six figures farmers market manager in fact one hundred five city of Santa Monica workers cleared over $300,000 in 2016 to the horror of watchdog blog transparent California the city's global cash and resulting steady stream of tourists produce high occupancy taxes that is the city's share of hotel bills and parking taxes filling city coffers and boosting salaries for all jobs the grunt is a dull bureaucratic job and perhaps your nagging conscience if you happen to be the assistant city librarian bringing home two hundred twenty thousand dollars or occupying another overpaid post the grat is well you're overpaid and you're in sunny Santa Monica or another city living large number one firefighter hmm running into burning buildings and maintaining the fitness level to regularly charge flights of stairs maybe not think again it has its advantages salary vary by city and position but in major cities like New York and LA you'll clear six figures you'll make at least one hundred twenty-one thousand dollars from day one in Los Angeles but in New York you'll have to work for five years to get to 110 thousand dollars as a low-level firefighter but then you get promoted on your way to Chief and earn more at each level over three hundred thousand dollars in some fire departments the grunt is you're working in fire putting yourself in danger worrying about your co-workers dealing with deeply distressed people who are watching their homes and offices burning and you're also a paramedic meaning you have to see terrible injuries from violence and witness other human loss but you work days at a time and then have chunks of time free so you can travel and buy toys with the six figures you're earning with solid job security and you get to contribute to your community and truly help people every time you go to work back by popular demand is another list of high-paying jobs that you may not have known were so lucrative according to US Census Bureau data just over 20 percent of American households bring in over $100,000 a year if that's a target you aspire to hit then listen closely to this show the list we have compiled similar to our previous surprisingly high-paying jobs list will consist of a pros and cons of each job will also include some details of how you can end up working in these jobs and start living large or near six-figure salary we say living large but in some parts of the USA one hundred thousand dollars alone according to research will cover only life's necessities if you desire to join the ranks of the middle-class join us on this tour of employment in this episode of the infographic show ten surprisingly high paying jobs part two don't forget to subscribe and click the bell bones or that you can be part of our notification squad number ten air traffic controller how would you like to have the lives of hundreds of people in your hands every day well if you become an air traffic controller you can do just that it's well known to be a stressful job and that's one of the reasons mandatory retirement is at 56 years old you'll be paid well with the median salary in 2016 being one hundred twenty two thousand four hundred ten dollars per year although a university degree would help you can land the job excuse the pun and be employed without one not surprisingly you'll have to pass a lot of background tests and also pass exams after taking a course at the Federal Aviation Administration Academy number nine garbage collector you'll know from our show on the most dangerous jobs that being a garbage collector is not only sometimes smelly but leads to an early grave for scores of Americans each year that's why you get paid the big bucks the US Bureau of Labor has the average wage for refuse collector at just 37 thousand six hundred ninety dollars which can go up to more than sixty thousand dollars but hold on do this same job in New York City and you could be earning six figures according to a recent story by CNN it interviewed two high school dropouts both making one hundred twelve thousand and one hundred thousand dollars as a driver hand collector respectively to get the job you are required to have done some high school but no formal qualifications are needed you will of course need to learn the ropes and once that's done you're good to go number eight equities trader no university degree no problem in fact this is one of many jobs in which autodidact people who teach themselves can earn lots of cash employment cite Glassdoor states that most equities traders earn in the region of 70 to 80 thousand dollars a year but according to a financial careers website that wage is a starting wage and once you get going you could easily be earning more than 150 thousand dollars a year you may need to take an internship or an analyst program but a degree is not required through a self-taught and have a good knowledge of how finance and the economy work math and business acumen will help too you may also need to get a license from the National Association of Securities Dealers to start trading number 7 Butler have you ever fancied a job working in a Downton Abbey kind of environment being a butler might not be for some but if you are going to work at the side of the super-rich you get paid well for it not surprisingly many Butler's are trained in the UK but then head back to places like New York City and you might be paid a wage of over $100,000 you will also usually get free food a roof over your head and sometimes a car according to the International Butler Academy age is not important and surprisingly neither is background all you require to take their intensive 10-week course is a working knowledge of English and a service-oriented attitude you'll study etiquette and Butler protocol and then after that if you pass you're on your way to dining a pair of white gloves and talking posh according to the Academy your first year on the job you'll earn around 59 thousand dollars but with experience that can reach one hundred fifty three thousand dollars who knew Jeeves was such a high roller number six ethical hacker what's an ethical hacker you might ask it's someone who was hired by a company to see if their system is penetrable as you know hackers are often people who didn't take the formal route in educating themselves some of them go to the dark side known as black hats and some hack for the common good white hats to be an ethical hacker and be employed by a company you may need certification if you are not already well-known for your hacking skills there are tests you can take but those can be taken without formal training the test should take about four hours if you pass you'll start off on at least seventy six thousand dollars a year but according to employment websites that can go up to one hundred fifty two thousand dollars once you prove your worth according to one ethical hacker the worst thing about the job is telling your customer they have already been hacked and all their clients data is vulnerable number five private investigator this is perhaps the most exciting and intriguing job on this list but how would you ever get into this profession well it helps if you are an ex-cop not only because of the skills you have honed but also because of access to information and knowing the right people according to the criminal justice degree school you don't need any formal qualifications but you may need to take a p.i course get a license to practice have background checks and get yourself a firearms license according to the same site you might start on just over $45,000 a year but that could soon become eighty five thousand dollars get in with the rich and famous and who knows what you could earn number four nuclear power reactor operator this job can be hazardous given that you're working with nuclear power and that's one of the reasons why the wage is pretty high you don't however require a degree to land the job you may have to do some technical school or start at the bottom of a nuclear plant and work your way up you may need a high school diploma but this job is mainly about on-the-job training most websites date the yearly salary to be from fifty to eighty thousand dollars but you could potentially earn over $100,000 especially if you work in the private sector number three submarine chef if you don't want to work in a nuclear plant what about being a nuclear submarine chef in the US the Navy will even teach you how to cook after you've spent nine weeks in navy boot camp the british royal navy's website has the starting wage at around $60,000 but what article in the Australian media stated that with six years experience a senior chef can be earning over 140 thousand US dollars Glassdoor has the average u.s. wage for this job at 111 thousand dollars with tips and bonuses on top of that if you can handle it this is how you could earn good cash there isn't even too much you can spend it on while you're at work number two professional snuggler yes you heard that right at snuggle buddies in the US they tell you you don't need any qualifications for this job most of their snugglers or cuddlers are female and most of their clients are men over the age of 50 you just need to be 18 or over and able to make people feel loved in your embraced you'll get 60 bucks an hour for your efforts and you can add a 10 to 20 percent tip to that if you can build a large client list and work eight hours a day that's four hundred eighty dollars a day but you'd have to travel so let's say you work four hours a day for two hundred forty bucks a day that's twelve hundred dollars a week forty eight hundred dollars a month and fifty seven thousand six hundred dollars a year with maybe another ten grand in tips that's not too bad for snuggling number one sommelier tasting wine or just knowing all about wine and making a living out of it might be one of the best jobs in the entire world if you can pass the incredibly hard exam you'll be given the title of Master Sommelier after that you could be on your way to being paid one hundred fifty thousand dollars a year according to the guild of sommeliers salary survey of 2014 the exam is so hard people sometimes take it six times and even documentaries have been made about its difficulty nonetheless even an advanced sommelier will earn in the region of seventy to eighty thousand dollars a year you don't need any formal qualifications but you will need to read and study wine and pass exams to get a certification in part three of our search for surprisingly high paying jobs if we look at the occupations that could land you over forty thousand dollars a year and much much more most of these occupations you probably wouldn't have thought about as a career path and hardly any would be mentioned by your career guidance counselor but each of these unique positions offers you a way to pay the bills and carve out a career on a less trodden path some of these occupations require formal qualifications and others just require a desire and passion or a quirky interest so without further ado let's see which career paths will lead to a surprisingly lucrative future with ten surprisingly high paying jobs part three number ten professional mermaid a professional mermaid can earn up to two hundred fifty dollars an hour not bad cash for looking beautiful inside a mermaid suit qualifications include the ability to swim and having the required look former mating mermaid is a relatively new profession with some of the first professional mermaids such as Hannah mermaid making a splash on the international mermaid scene around 2004 mermaid is sometimes referred to as water ballet and is not to be confused with modern synchronized swimming no formal qualifications are required and potential mermaids should keep in mind this is definitely not a long-term career as mermaids age they generally find work more difficult to find on the open seas number nine professional psychics $41,000 one position that seems to weather the storms of financial and security is that of the supernatural fortune-teller with no formal education or qualifications required you will however need to have acquired the basics of showmanship and build a following of firm believers ready to trust your every word armed with a crystal ball or a set of tarot cards you'll be able to map out the future for your clients and put them at ease in times of emotional or financial stress with such supernatural powers at their disposal we expect many in this profession also play the stock market on the side and they just keep reading fortunes for fun right number eight embalmer one of the world's oldest known professions can see you netting forty six thousand dollars a year for dressing stiffs you will be required to prepare the deceased before burial in accordance with the wishes of relatives advantages of this occupation are that you'll never find work drying up as people have a habit of dying quite regularly the disadvantages are it's just really kind of creepy and talking about occupations on first dates might be a no-no embalmers are not required to hold any undergraduate or postgraduate qualifications and usually enter the profession through a family mortician business number seven soil conservationist as an expert in turf and soil with the median salary of sixty six thousand dollars this position guarantees getting your hands on some really dirty cash your roles in this earthly position will be the development of plans to prevent erosion and implement practices for sustainable land use you'll perform land surveys within the agriculture forestry and fishing sectors most people who enter into the field of soil conservationist will have an undergraduate degree in agricultural science or environmental studies and will be simply nuts about soil mud and the ways of the land in general number six clinical ethicist with an average salary of seventy two thousand three hundred eighty-five dollars this position deals with contentious medical issues such as stem cell research and euthanasia medical issues that spill over into the political and religious arena require independent experts to weigh up issues and provide unbiased input this contribution helps patients doctors and loved ones to resolve complex issues postgraduate studies in medical ethics and some experience in a medical field will open the door to this interesting and complex position in the medical industry number five airplane repo man from $10,000 to $100,000 per airplane can be earned by the repo man who collect aircraft the owner has fallen behind on payments he's been sent a number of warnings and it's time to call in the repo man this job is so totally cool the Discovery Channel made a show about it airplane repo follows the repossession agents hired by financial institutions to recover aircraft from those who fall behind on their payments you'll probably need some expert working knowledge of aircraft for this position be able to fly and have enough courage to apply for a position in the a-team to boot number four voiceover artists these guys can earn from 50,000 to 80,000 per year voiceover also known as off-camera or offstage commentary is a production technique used in radio television filmmaking theater video games and animation the only qualifications you'll need for this position are a good clear reading voice and the ability to read and comprehend sometimes complex and difficult texts no formal studies are required and you can practice and publish your work on a social media platform such as a youtube channel number three in two rasta mph era pused this position could net you up to 85,000 dollars a year and requires a specific skill that is in demand yet might be considered a little bit disgusting to apply you'll have to be from a medical field and be expert in the cutting of the small intestine through the abdomen you will then with shirts sleeves rolled up create an opening through the abdominal wall and the intestines through which fecal matter will drain into a feeding tube still interested the operation is required in severe cases of abdomen wounds and with diseases such as cancer and Crohn's disease the interest of all therapists will be required to take care of post-surgery matters and educate the patient on a further care program applicants are required to have themselves a strong and an associates or bachelor's degree along with the nursing certifications number two flavors flavors create as you would imagine flavors and can earn up to $100,000 per year sounds pretty sweet know also known as a flavor chemist a flavors engineers artificial and natural flavors to add to food products the tools at your disposal will be similar to those used by perfumers except your ingredients will need to be fit for human consumption educational requirements for this profession are varied but normally a good degree in chemistry biology or food science is required that said most training is done on the job in an apprentice environment number one prosthodontists this position can earn up to one hundred ninety seven thousand dollars per year and involves according to the BLS replacing missing teeth and other natural and acquired deformation of the mouth and jaw to restore and maintain oral function such as chewing and speaking and to improve appearance this is the highest-paying of our surprisingly high paying occupations only around 430 prosthodontist exist in the USA making this position a surprisingly lucrative one to move into individuals wishing to specialize and prosthodontics will have graduated from dental school plus complete a postgraduate program in prosthodontics we don't need to tell you that some teenagers have made a lot of money but the riches have done so mainly because they became celebrities through music or acting or even YouTube some teens have even made a small fortune as entrepreneurs but today we're gonna talk about what you might call normal jobs things that the average team can do while working through the summer or doing part-time work as they study jobs that you could do and make a bit of spending money will focus mainly on the USA as that's where most of the English language articles on the subject have been written but perhaps there might be similar jobs in other parts of the world that pay also as well welcome to this episode of the infographic show highest paying jobs for teenagers let's start with summer jobs for teens according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics these days only 40% of American teens take a summer job which is way down from the early 90s when it was 60% our American teens getting lazier or do they just have better in making a buck that we don't know but do know what jobs pay a decent wage tutor this could be a summer job but it could also be a regular part-time job you obviously must be talented to earn the big bucks but if you can show some acumen for tutoring and have a very good educational background a young tutor can rake in 30 to 40 dollars an hour even the average wage is 20 bucks an hour and that's not bad at all it's likely that 18 year-olds will get the higher wages but if you're talented at a particular subject and you can help someone else there's no reason someone younger couldn't earn some good money you could also do this through websites such as enroll or same speak teaching English but the pay isn't as good as sitting down with someone in your own private lesson still if you're 16 or older you can get up to $20 an hour tutoring online working the phones what if you don't have any kind of special academic talent u-haul says if you are 16 have a USB headset and a decent internet connection you can work for them as a seasonal Center sales reservation agent you'll be helping customers on the phone from your house you'll start on 10 bucks an hour and be paid throughout your four week training you can also get bonuses which will drive the wage up Kaddi Forbes tells us that you can start caddying at just 14 years old it might help to be a golf or yourself of course but if caddies are in demand and you know a little bit about golf maybe you could land this job if you are presentable and fairly fit we're told that if you carry two bags around the course over 18 holes you get around 120 bucks and it usually takes about four hours to complete around but that hundred twenty bucks for staying in shape if you walk the course and watching a beautiful game could be much more as you'll be getting tips and golfers on some courses are certainly not short of cash one New Jersey course offering a job online as we write this says our caddies are mostly high school-aged boys and girls working at perhaps their first job they live and go to school locally some are on local high school golf teams what a fun way to spend a summer landscaping it was a job for the entrepreneurial teen of the past and it still is today while some landscaping work requires a certain degree of skill and experience to be left alone doing at teen we'll be allowed to learn on the job or can be hired to do the hard labor the average wage when landscaping with a company for a teen is about twelve dollars but why not set up your own and start mowing all those lawns in the neighborhood the Bureau of Labor Statistics tells us the median wage for a residential lawn mowing right now is 1331 per hour Forbes says it's closer to twenty dollars but you must know that you'll be spending some cash on fuel and maintenance you'll need a mower and the folks in the neighborhood will have to trust you somewhat before they let you loose on their garden the American lawn is a much talked-about topic these days with Scientific American asking in 2017 why do Americans place so much importance on lawn maintenance well the short answer is lawns are all about status and the bigger the better if you want to be admired or envied mowers of America your job is safe caregiver if taking care of grass isn't your thing why not take care of something with a pulse did you know that you can become a caregiver at just 16 years old you could just be hanging out with the aged bringing them their food or doing their errands and for that we're told you'll be getting around $10 an hour good old hard labor you can work on a construction site as a laborer as young as 16 years old and you might get paid as much as $20 an hour or what about becoming a weed trimmer we're talking about marijuana not pesky unwanted weeds there are people online talking about doing this and how they made fast cash during the weed trimming season it's best if you get a job where you're paid by the pound as those jobs pay more you could also work through the season in places such as California and Las Vegas and earn about $13 an hour then there are fruit picking summer jobs all over the United States one writer talks about apple picking saying in bumper years when labor is short growers pay up to $28 per bin and they say experienced workers can fill one bin per hour lifeguard if all that sounds like too much hard work you could always become a lifeguard you can start this job when you are fifteen you'll probably need to have a background check be able to meet all the physical requirements set by the American lifeguard Association and be certified by the American Red Cross in first aid this job usually pays about 925 an hour to start and you might remember that it's not all about sitting around the pool or at the waterfront you could also be asked to pick up trash throughout the day and do other cleaning or maintenance jobs you can earn more cash if you're experienced and you might get as much as 16 dollars an hour float away what about being a lifeguard on a cruise ship and sailing the high seas we must say that 18 is the minimum age for the jobs we looked at but if you're willing to get on board you can travel and most of the money you make is saved one website writes these positions pay between six hundred and nine hundred fifty dollars per week that's between ninety six hundred dollars to fifteen thousand two hundred dollars in income in four months you could also be a dishwasher or deckhand you really don't need any experience for these jobs you might work 12-hour days seven days a week and you might get homesick but when you do get home after the summer you'll have cash in the bank taking care of animals you could become a pet sitter or dog walker in the US as a teenager you could either go through an agency or just set up by yourself you can be as young as 14 for this job but if you know the people you're working for perhaps they'll allow you to do the pet duties at an even younger age you might need to check the United States Department of Labor website to see if your area requires that you have a certificate so you can work but many young folks do this job the website pay scale tells us that dog walkers in the USA earn anything from $9 72 cents to $23.99 an hour if you love animals what job could be better The Guardian in the UK says dog walkers earn a fifth more than the average UK salary but work less than half the average ours the newspaper also says it can be hard work with the dog walker often doing 197 walks a month that's a lot of walking but imagine how good that is for your health it's like being paid to exercise babysitter this is one job available to most teens at least if they're reliable and can show they are trustworthy and good with kids it might help if you've done something such as the Red Cross safety class Forbes tells us babysitters can get an average of 13 dollars and 44 cents per hour in the USA and that's not too bad for a teenager a recent survey by urban sitter however said that the average is a little on the low side said most families in the u.s. now pay $16 and 43 cents an hour to watch over one kid 1886 per hour for two kids and 20 56 per hour for three kids of course it all depends on the neighborhood you can imagine you get paid a good rate for taking care of little Maxima Chan Zuckerberg blame the referee but he's only 12 how about being a referee you'll probably be doing kids games but there's no shortage of them of course you'll need to know the sport inside out but that's not so unusual for some young sports fanatics you'll also likely have to take a course and get some certification but that might just be a one day course the best thing depending on where you work is you can be as young as 12 or 14 in the USA the wage all depends on the location and what teams are involved still you can learn anything from $15 to $30 an hour as a young referee it can be a tough job though in 2018 one report in the UK media talks about a 15 year old referee who during a game was subjected to abusive intimidating disrespectful and very inappropriate language by the other team's coach and training staff that was an adult amateur game so he could have been paid anywhere from $26 to $52 for that game according to numbers given by the mirror newspaper maybe the abuse was worth it could you help us add to this list tell us in the comments what job you had as a teen that paid well or tell us which job you would take from this list thanks for watching and as always please don't forget to like share and subscribe
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 1,751,190
Rating: 4.7481275 out of 5
Keywords: job, paying, high paying, jobs, 2019, highest paying jobs, high paying jobs, jobs that pay well, best jobs, best paying jobs, jobs that pay a lot, high paying job, high paying careers, make money, highest paying, compilation, 2018, career, careers, earn money, change careers
Id: DLjS6W84iUk
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Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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