SURPRISING My Friends By Giving Them ENGINES!

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hello everyone welcome to another video today I'm back in save kiss with Khan and Dapper and we're going to be doing more track builds now today I'm going to be giving my friends engines in a game that doesn't actually have any welcome to Catalunya but with a K not a c so as you guys can see I build a regular looking race track however this racetrack actually gives the zapkiss an ability to I guess simulate engine power and this track was inspired by diabler because when I was playing with the CTR crew the other day we played a track a Monza V2 by diabler and he was using this exact same mechanic and basically what I did is copied that mechanic and made my own track around it so as you guys can see underneath the track there's actually this uh big red blob and this big red blob is a combination of 12 large boosters a thing they're scaled up to like 500 the original size in the width and length uh the heights are actually all the same except for one of them but this this is all slowsters and having these brake boosters or slow stirs I guess in this specific orientation which I can't make any sense of here let me just show you if we go all the way deep into here we have one booster that's set to look at this it's at a weird height value it's got a weird Force value it's a speed of zero which technically means that it would want to slow you down to uh you know to nothing but if I get rid of this one and then I click again well we have another random slowster with the same random value for the height but a different random value will seemingly random value for the slicer force and I can keep doing this and as you guys can see they all have different values and I don't even know why they are the way that they are I don't know who figured this out I honestly don't but whoever did is a genius because here is the fact that you get from it I got a I gotta restart this whole thing because I deleted all the slowesters here we go so this is the cumulative effect that these slowsters have on the zapekist as you can see if I don't do anything I'm actually slowing down but if I go arms up I start speeding up again if I go arms down I start slowing down again if I break obviously you know I break uh and if I go arms up again and I start accelerating again this is a really really cool mechanic which does simulate engine power believe it or not it does feel like you're driving around this track with an engine because you actually have the ability to accelerate out of Corners it is so cool and I'm just excited to see what the other guys will think I think they're going to be really excited for this one and uh definitely mind-boggle just like me and hopefully you know whoever figured this out because I'm not even sure if diabler figured this one out but whoever figured this one out hopefully they can chime in and you know let us know how they actually you know got to this point because like I said I couldn't find any sort of um you know sequence in the values for the slowesters any sort of pattern it just seems very random which it might have been you know it might have just been a lot of a trial and error but hey if somebody knows definitely let me know in the comments down below but without further Ado guys let's hop into a public Lobby and see what everybody else thinks boys are you ready is it Evolution again it's not it's not I hate to break it to you maybe next week but I just I I just don't like five loading times you know oh okay yeah the anxiety I can see that happening yeah like the eyes twitch all right guys have fun arms up slow down okay all right watching everybody go exactly breaking speed wait wait what all right I don't know watching Everybody waiting for people to clue in you arms down to slow down your arms down and slow down yeah your arms up to go faster that's right thank you all right here we go how does how does this work what magic have you have you done here so I actually I was playing with the CTR crew and we played one of diabler's tracks I think it was Monza V2 and he used this exact same concept so what I did is I uh basically reverse engineered his track and found that you can use uh like many brake boosters I guess slowsters at very random specific values that I couldn't find any pattern in and they're all stacked on top of one another and they're massive they're like 500 times the scale uh so or I guess the original size and this is the effect that you get you if you don't go arms up you start slowing down if you go arms up you speed up and obviously braking just just breaks but so this is done with just a bunch of slow stirs that are like scaled the size of the whole map that's right I gave you guys engines there's no booze there's no boosters except at the beginning yep and it's uh it simulates an engine oh no my own cheese protection that's true like you're pushing R2 to go fast come on trigger to go that's uh that's a bean glitch that's uh an interesting one yeah right so if you let go arms up that's poster values do you know off top of your head or is it like I have them screenshotted there's 12 of them there's 12 of them 12 of them yeah 12. and they're like they're all different values they're all different values and I try to find like the pattern and like the I guess you know any sort of like sense logical sense in it and I couldn't I just copy the values and it worked interesting okay so you'll have to send me those values sometimes yeah for sure it's cool oh that one corner just destroyed yes this is a really cool this is definitely some weird like ghost in the code that caused this to happen for sure for sure right yeah as soon as I saw this I was like I have to try this I even told the CTR guys I'm I'm doing this I have to steal this makes you wonder though how they figured it out because it's like yeah well I was wondering who figured it out first and I'm not sure like um so so this posters are they just slightly below the map then is that they are but here's the kicker guys the track is displaced minus 1.4 from the uh you know from its original I guess uh scale down yeah position the height is yeah right but here's the kicker if you go on the grass you can't like you won't experience the same effect so not only do the you know boosters have to be set at specific values or yes slowsters they also have to be a certain distance away from the cart to like actually work properly that's so that's so weird that like I don't understand yeah like I honestly wonder how people like just randomly come across some of this stuff that it might just magically get patched out one day for no reason it's possible yeah it's possible like I mean I have heard of slowsters being used as omnidirectional uh boosters before but yeah not to this extent like not on yeah not to basically like simulate giving you power that's just insane yeah that's nuts I thought it was cool yeah I figured I uh you know we would give you guys engines for one track and see how we do okay but we don't we don't have enough space here to do it did you are you able to figure out what the max speed of these actually is uh well no why like let's just keep accelerating you forever I'm not sure I'm not sure I never tried that to be honest with you or will I will like because like here your track's not long enough for me to really check no yeah fair enough speed fair enough I'm just wondering if they have a limit or something I mean at some point I guess the 200 friction would start slowing you down but yeah I would assume so I initially thought it was like a slow stir on top of a booster but then I was like wait but how do you like it's not omnidirectional then so how do you get past that and then they started dissecting um Diablo's track because I just couldn't figure it out and then I realized it was way more complex and initially anticipated you'll have to send me the values for this this is for sure I wouldn't mind playing around with it yeah that's awesome right ooh 110. I still think to be honest I still think unique just needs to have an engines on engines off I mean as much as I love save kiss without engines well I honestly think there needs to be like an arcade party mode where you have uh like power-ups right yeah and one of the power-ups is an engine so yeah or like a booster or something that like totally activates oh Khan's passing all right buddy I actually like there's like glitchy janky ways that you can just accomplish things yeah I mean this game once again I don't know how somebody came across this but we haven't really played up we haven't like I mean Cosmos played around I'm curious to see how how janky this actually is to set up so because when I was missing some of the slowsters I was still getting a similar effect except I wasn't like slowing down for example like here if you let go of everything you actually slow down like it's yeah it's like it's like it's a slight deceleration right oh you put an invisible wall there yeah man I mean there's no penalties so I had to penalize you guys somehow pretty cool concept yeah it's neat it was awesome I thought I had to uh some dedication for someone to actually figure this out seriously yeah I would be curious like if somebody if somebody knows how this was figured out I'd be curious to know in the comments because this is just beyond my comprehension bruh that's like pet corner either what the heck so the slowesters they're all in the exact same position right notice how Dapper's the only one that's running this issue because he's the only one trying to cheese the track is it like this posters are all 100 overlapped though like there's no uh there's one of them that is like okay it's weird so 11 of them are not scaled in height they're only scaled in with the length one of them 11 of them 11 of them are not scaled in in height only width and length one of them however is scaled uh five times in height and I think that one is at a slightly different um y coordinate or yes Z coordinate as well or by coordinate whichever anyway the height coordinate yeah yeah so yeah once again like yeah there's gotta be some weird game code going on for sure especially with the scaling function they like have to be scaled for this to work I would assume or I never tried doing it not scaled because I just you know right the idea was to just copy the mechanic and then build a track around it by the way welcome to Barcelona I tried to you know make it uh like the Catalonia circuit but got some hair pins that keep destroying me yeah me too man me too don't worry I also haven't really finished in a while because I keep trying to get a better time and I'm just not so dude there's this one hairpin that I keep just hammering too fast right and it's like that's where all my time is lost oh man bit of a green noise who knew yeah it's cool you can like make up time because you got an engine oh yeah oh yeah it's too bad unique's not here yeah this is an interesting uh it's an interesting glitch for sure it was a cool concept oh boy oh boy it's like the first time we discovered suspension glitches and scrap mechanic true yeah same five that doesn't make sense how it works just uh somehow I don't even know how that happened I got yeah see I'm telling you man you can like I was like just barely green and all of a sudden it was three so that was cool what are you a cool idea are you you got it you gotta show me how that works because I definitely want to try messing around with that a little bit totally yeah it's super cool why can't I see cars did I turn off zipcasts oh no I turned off save kiss somehow uh there we go ridiculous ridiculous yeah I'll uh I'll send you screenshots bro I'll share the sauce I'm watching Everybody Zoom around from the bird's eye view good track well I hope you guys enjoyed uh using engines for a change I thought this was a really cool concept and I really wanted to give it a try but without further Ado go and check out the other guys videos let us know in the comments down below what you thought of this track and whose track you thought was the coolest this week and we'll see you guys in the next video bye bye right [Music]
Channel: Kosmonaut
Views: 68,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kosmo, kosmonaut, zeepkist, zeepkistenrace, crazy zeepkist track, downhill racing game, downhill gravity racing, zeepkist multiplayer, trolling my friends, surprising my friends, impressing my friends, challenging the dev, zeepkist hard track, zeepkist kosmo, zeepkist hard, zeepkist tough, zeepkist super track, super fast track, zeepkist full speed, zeepkist engine, zeepkist engine mod, gave my friends engines, zeepkist catalunya, catalunya, catalunya video game
Id: VvcOb_8E0pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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