Surprising My Best Friend With A Brand New $10,000 Streaming Setup!!

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[Music] look how sad that is this is the saddest thing i've ever seen in my life that's bongo's room and there's nothing in here and this is kanye's room if you guys remember there is his wad here all my friends are leaving one year and seven months ago jad and swayze moved to toronto and today jad is moving back not today sometime this week that's pretty intense eh no you you ruined it i ruined it by saying that oh so here's the deal three months into jad's move to toronto to experience all the city had to offer the world shut down and during that entire time jad has been away from all his family and most of his friends but that has not stopped the man from grinding and together we launched our very own tcg retail store called copped cards we've been building the community over the last few months and packing some absolute heat for our breakers let's go we hit it and now chad is moving back to ottawa and i think it's time his stream got a little upgrade and by a little upgrade i mean a brand new five thousand dollar setup including new equipment graphics and a complete new set so today we're gonna build all that we're gonna welcome jad home in style and set cop cards up to take the grind to the next level he should be here sometime this week so let's get started all right hope you guys like the intro chad's coming tonight so we got to do this quickly i thought he might come like tomorrow or something but he's coming tonight to drop off all the pokemon cards so hopefully we can get this all done before he comes otherwise we're gonna have to put one of these like curtains in front of this setup so that we could show them another day but i feel like we can do it okay so i got the stream set up we got some brand new stuff for the stream i'm gonna show you guys that later we're gonna get jad's first reaction to that as well but we gotta clean this place up and make it ready so that we can actually start this transformation ladies and gentlemen so jay put the camera down we got it we gotta clean we gotta come on come on let's get all this stuff out of the way first gotta move the cyber truck yeah we'll leave it there for now ladies and gentlemen talk about dedication man come on don't worry we'll be selling real ones on cop cards [Music] all right out with the old desk in with the new one which will go yeah somewhere around here oh ladies and gentlemen it is now time to assemble our brand new chair for jad tall guy gets those back pains sometimes you gotta have a nice ergonomic chair and our brand new desk also a standing desk also sponsored by autonomous so huge shout out to them for blessing us and you can see jay's booty right now it's just bent over for you guys well autonomous maybe we can get one for jay too please one for me ah box session okay so this is the bach cars yo this chair actually looks so wavy oh bang look at that that brand new smell oh so this is how it's going to look at the end but it has a nice foam to it see that lumbar support jeez this whole video is a petition to autonomous for jay to get sponsored by them with another response to the whole office guys come on ah the new chair is set up and i have to say it's mad comfortable earth friendly tpe with 10 times durability encourages your natural mobility adaptive spinal support cooling naked tpe or breathable mesh option and a whole bunch of really really cool colors with a weight capacity of 300 pounds i could have santa here and i could even sit in santa's lap and ask him for this chair bang then you put this on the back oh this is nice okay chair is done now we got to build the desk nice support man it has too many things to mess with yeah it does all right jay i will do the difficult job of testing out all these movement options while you build the best you see this desk you like this desk yeah you do it's time for some features of this desk it's height adjustable between 29.4 and 48 inches four programmable settings lifts 290 pounds with ease solid steel frame electric dual motor and a five year warranty come on oh jay you gotta grab the camera before we can make it go up i got carried away felt good okay here we go oh it tells you how high it is that's way led oh my god and i think you could set it so like yo i want this one that's okay let's bring it to seated that'll have to change this because he's seven feet tall boom memory one get a nice like that's good that's good that's good boom two registered now one you the transformers bath look look at this dude look at this dude okay vops major vibes so we gotta clean this mess up we gotta set up the rest of the set but this is major key baby all right we got our first other piece of furniture i feel like this is hard to film oh yeah i got you here you back up okay we got to display stuff in the background somehow so we got two of these bad boys you should be proud of me i'm repurposing we bought these off kijiji not brand new you know reusing it's something we should definitely do more of cause we waste a lot in here yeah we're broke that's one way of putting they're a hundred bucks for two of these that's a pretty good deal save your money squeeze would be proud of me alright ladies and gentlemen it's not an it's your boy video without a little unboxing so we've got some goodies that we are going to be using to really just bring this new set up for jad to the next level and for cop cards of course so let's unbox it oh oh i don't even know if we need this but this is still it we got another microphone so we could have a second area where somebody else is posted up maybe chilling in the background they have their own mic that dad can control while on stream we got the wave 3 by elgato that's pretty lit okay or maybe we'll use that i don't know let's take a look at it now if you're wondering why i got something that i might not need it's because well they sent us a bunch of this stuff so thank you to them it's kind of cool it's obviously a usb microphone sleek looking got the little knob on the front interface usbc the earphone jack all that fun stuff okay so we got a mic not that we needed one but we got a mic let's see what else our little care package has in it we got the stream deck xl i've never used one of these but i've seen them before and it gives you a whole bunch of options to change scenes adjust lighting a variety of different things i think you can even put in like sound effects for your stream so this is gonna really help chad streamline the stream you see what i mean you know yeah okay oh fam this is gonna look so legit once we take this we put this over on the setup that we've got so far spruce it up a little bit things are gonna look snazzy so imagine i don't know if we'll use this mic but imagine you got the mic here you got your stream deck so you can just oh it feels nice oh these feel mad nice oh the stream is gonna be a vibe ladies and gentlemen big vibes okay there's two but we're not done all right what do we have in here a box and a box we got the master mount l okay this is beautiful so this is going to allow us to mount our camera nicely on the desk probably our card camera or like an overhead camera oh you see the vibes and to keep it tidy nice little cable control management that's what we're gonna do you're gonna have this attached here basically you can attach this and now you have a camera mount usually you put your camera here so you can have it anywhere could be either your face camera or you can rotate it down and have it pointed at like your hands and it can be your card cam you can also extendo clip this bad boy put it up real high if you want oh my god you put a real high we probably won't put it this high but it's nice to know you can you know look at that you see us upgrading this i'm just going to leave it there because we're not done we got another item oh the biggest one yet i actually don't even know what's in this package oh is there a bunch of stuff in this package or is this just one big eye oh okay we got a pop filter for the microphone a shock mount for the microphone oh my god oh my god god bless oh okay what's this we got a flex arm okay i think this is what we can use in combination with this giant thing we got here so you guys are gonna see what this all looks like when we put it together but this will allow us to make it kind of stick out a little bit gives us more flexibility with the mount again pop filter anti-vibration suspension mount for the microphone oh we got another cam link pro and oh ladies and gentlemen the ring light the big bad ring light this is fire oh my god this thing is huge that's what she said i genuinely didn't know what we were getting bang oh my god look at this thing look at this thing jeez okay and it has like you can mount your camera in the middle of it that's actually so wavy all right so this is a bunch of the stuff i have one little surprise for jad at the end of it all which is a very difficult product to get that i managed to secure i'm gonna unbox that later with jad when he's here so we've got most of the background set up we've got the desk the tables now it's time to take all this stuff and actually add it in to the setup okay folks so i know you're probably thinking sean this already looks amazing well done what just wait okay because i got my full interior decorator on the other day we went home sense not a home sense brand deal but we went there and olivia and her family helped me pick out a bunch of stuff let's let's put it on here and see how it looks okay boom all right here we go [Music] tequila ladies and gentlemen welcome to the new cop card streaming setup let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below i'm really impressed with what we did today jay how are you feeling good it's it's pretty lit it's pretty literally we got a lot of different lights there's a few things that we want to tweak over time but jad's coming tonight we don't have too much time overall though i think this is like come on it's a pretty big upgrade we'll show you what the cop card stream looked like before and now this is what it looks like now i'm gonna record you can see we also got some updated branding and graphics for the stream so this is our new be right back screen we got the starting soon screen with this nice little you see the little transition you see the transition and then you got like a little chat and face cam now you can see what it's gonna look like it might even look a little bit better because we can tweak the settings and stuff but already looks pretty fuego we're gonna also have a cam for the cards obviously but we don't have that here yet and then this is the new face cam look at that transition fam look at that transition boom all right guys you ready to see it you ready to see a little alert map boom it's your games donated 58 bucks i donated 50. oh my god i'm balling today ladies and gentlemen that's just one of them we have a member one two bowm says the name of the new member so yeah this is the revised stream vibes ladies let me switch to this bro every time i see that i get hyped so this is it this is it chad is gonna come in he has no idea what he's in for i told him we were gonna like set up a little some but i don't think he realizes how ham we went today ladies and gentlemen again a few things we're gonna tweak here and there but overall stream vibes just went extremely high and don't go anywhere because we got to show you dad's reaction are we are we going to get canceled for this bro what's going on oh my god what's happening i'll try really hard not to bump you into random oh guys i do not trust sean's driving whatsoever all right yeah but i've bumped into five things does have a tesla though so we do give him credit for that no exactly tesla helps him to drive that's not good fast what's happening with that up you feel the chair oh yes that's the backlit so now sit in that chair okay okay three two one open yo what the heck is this [Music] yo what oh my and then turn around holy is this a new stream setup this is a whole new stream oh my goodness you guys don't know the struggle this is beautiful so we got you decked out with everything let me walk you through the experience that you have i'm gonna cry i'm gonna cry bro holy smokes one listen to your voice just listen to how nice your voice sounds on this testing testing we got the go xlr here so let's say you're stressed out right stressed out you're about to say the f word you just beep yourself out all right that's crazy we also have a few fun things that we've added for you you can add more as well so let's say you get a big hit right smash a hit subscribe oh you know the auto tune oh sorry wait oh i didn't know there's auto-tune on that he needs some milk yeah yeah blaze is eight shout out swayze baby got this i don't remember what they are now and then this and then we can add tons of different ones this is crazy if you want to have some fun let's say for example you want to put on [Music] [Laughter] it sounds like some zoot echo this one is a megaphone so you can make announcements so basically all kinds of stuff you can this is crazy you can make your voice sound super high pitched right now yeah whoa i sound like an absolute alien in my ear right now so basically all that stuff here and then we switch over to the other side press that button right there this one yeah okay i'm pressing this button and then look at the screen and then press the next one there's a pokeball bro bro what is what is this bro how did you do this we did it all over the last like couple of weeks oh wow together yeah press that one so we've got three like four scenes and two transitions this one is wavy yeah bro this is just like like you said just chill just talk let's see started exactly and then if you press the that one yeah press that boom opens up cop cards and then you press the other one and it opens up the shopify backend so you can check wow i couldn't do this i couldn't set this up if if you had a gun in my head and said please do this bro i'm dead welcome back home shadow yeah but this is just crazy bro there's a freaking house behind me bro there's look at this what is his head this is crazy there's a tesla it had to have the sean flair bro thank you guys thank you guys this is insane come check out the stream come check out you don't want to miss it you do not want to miss this stream's going to be crazy i think we're live we are live right now so link down below in the description description come through hang out with us open some pokemon cards holy let's get streaming all right ladies and gentlemen so that's it this is the new streaming setup for jad and copped cards i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you want to see more videos like this be sure to let us know in the comment section down below smash the like button again huge shout out to autonomous for sponsoring this video hopefully they'll send us some more so we can give desks and shares to everybody in the office as always thank you so much for watching and we will catch you next time toodles
Channel: ItsYeBoi
Views: 61,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsyeboi, streaming, streaming set up, surprising my best friend, surprising my friend, surprise, gaming room, gaming set up, stream setup, tech unboxing, elgato, elgato stream deck, elgato unboxing, streamlabs, elgato cam link 4k, live stream, live streaming, ultimate gaming room, ultimate stream setup, chadwithaj, copped cards, setup tour, gaming setup, gaming setup tour, setup makeover, gaming setup ideas, ultimate gaming setup, gaming setup build, new gaming setup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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