Surprise with the method of growing mushrooms with cardboard - Growing abalone mushrooms at home

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Water Carton We leave it outside to cool Squeeze out water but still retain moisture We leave it outside to cool Then shred This is a mushroom seed, Today I will plant abalone mushrooms We will give 1 layer of carton, 1 layer of mushroom seeds, respectively Keep mushrooms in a shady place, away from sunlight and wind After 7 Days Mushrooms have begun to grow on the inside We spray mist to keep it up twice a day After 15 Days After 20 Days After 24 Days With good care, we can harvest 4-5 times continuously
Channel: EY - Gardening
Views: 1,756,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gardening, DIY, vegetables, idea, Recycling, EY gardening, Growing mushrooms at home, growing cardboard mushrooms, growing mushrooms with plastic bottles, how to grow mushrooms, tips on growing mushrooms, growing mushrooms for beginners
Id: OH_4mGXycbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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