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so we know blue lock is all about creating the perfect Striker but positions are just as important as you do need a whole team to play a game of football you got Defenders midfielders and of course forwards all the obvious stuff so I think it's super important to know the best players in each position a lot of people have been asking me to make this video I'm just kidding nobody asked but I feel like it is really important to know who's good and where for the Japan u20 this was actually a harder video to make as certain players can be put in certain formations or certain ideologies but I'm just making a general list as to who I think is the best some really good players do get put away and some really underrated players get more time to shine so stick around for the whole video to see the rankings my name's Hario thank you guys so much for 7 000 subscribers it literally means the world to me and I promise they're gonna make it together boys and get that 10K eventually So yeah thank you so much for that like the video and subscribe if you haven't already and if you're interested in discussing anything blue lock join my community Discord links in the description as always that being said though let's jump straight into it so these are the 11 positions I'm gonna be ranking just the usual and then here's the chart of where each position is this could technically be made into a roster video or like starting 11 but we're just ranking the best player in the position overall not just how well people work together I don't know let's just get into it at the goalkeeper position it's probably the most obvious one to you but it's got to be the goat gagamaru with the flexible body and reflexes fast enough to fight a bear I think gagamaru is literally the most obvious choice out of all these guys I've said it before but he is the best goalkeeper we've seen in bluelock throughout the whole series even counting the u20 and the Nel level players they literally all fought her compared to gagamaru and he went through an Awakening in the Uber's game so yeah a no-brainer for gagamar there's literally no other competition unless you're choosing em on two Center bags these are kind of the obvious ones as well we got ifu and Nico we got the final wall and the Watchtower rest in peace are you I personally just think these guys are way more well-rounded individually technically you could say that aiku can make up for Nico's vision and then you just have Ru capitalizing but we're just ranking the positions that's why I said it's not a roster video but anyways IQ is another no-brainer he pretty much carried the u20's defensive strategy has a lot of weapons like physicality metavision and great reflexes bro is literally seeing what his winning percentage is like a cheat code Pico's vision is able to stop last minute threats it's also a good counter against other metavision users and as we all know there will be more metavision users down the line his ability to read the field is also no joke and is especially helpful for those last minute clutch plays especially as a center-back I personally think these abilities and stuff like that are better than someone like aryu who has better physicality and can watch The High Ground and stuff so yeah Nico and aiku in the center back position next up is going to be the right wing back the side back fullback I don't even know my back whatever you want to call it it's going to be our boy Corona ronce all right so this is probably the biggest mix up right now but I think Corona is genuinely the best wingback current my honorable mention for the spot is gonna be Yuki Mia but I think Corona is just a little bit better and adds a little bit more he is currently playing in the right wing back position so that's a plus and he's also very good at it door passes fast turns and with his speed it helps him move up the field very fast and he can act more as a support for people that are up there like isagi I know I said no combos or whatever but it doesn't have to be specifically isogi he could support anyone because it's such a versatile weapon and it also just adds another offensive attack pattern which is good for Mix-Ups and whatnot I don't know if he has defensive Feats but with his fast turns and his speed it could also just help on defense since he's so close to it if you want to speed up the pace the match Corona is literally who you choose or to just have another reliable passing option that's why I think Corona is better off than some of these other guys Corona just adds to other players who are already good and makes them even better which I think makes a good Wing back because he's able to support so much I know a lot of people are 50 50 with Corona there's people that like him and people that think he's just another pass bot but I think Corona skills are deserving enough to call him the best right next to the left wing back spot it's the one and only princess shigiri now even though chigiri is playing in the Winger position which means he's a little further up I think he's better fit for the wing back spot there are some more offensive options you want to have up there and since his weapon is speed he can just easily catch up and move up and down just like the u20 match and he could use his speed to catch up to people on defense like the second selection where he was just hounding people like a dog now why he's specifically on the left side and not the right side it's an obvious one it's the 44 Panther snipe it just adds another weapon to his Arsenal and again he can literally just run up and down that left side and just own it so even though it's a little further back and they don't move up as often as people in Midfield or forward spots I still think Shigeru is perfect for the left wing back next is the defensive midfielder spot or CDM it's gonna go to karasi he's played the position before super analytical player and the goalkeeping skills I think he's really fit for the position no karasi slander here but you could also put raichi in the spot so I guess raichi is an honorable mention I said earlier that it really depends on formations and plays you're going for like if you want to play more offensively I think karasu is better and in general blue lock is an offensive team so that's why I picked them but if you're going to be more defensive or if there's an ace you really need to shut down just like the Uber's match you can just unrichian so I think those two are pretty swappable but in general karasi is going to come out on top he kind of has the same argument as Shigeru you can move up if he's needed and he can also Mark the weakest link of the team so raichi can do the strongest and karasa can do the weakest both of which just eliminate one player from the pitch which is super good so I currently think that karasu is the best defensive midfielder right now that may or may not change depending on the pxg match literally all the six are on that match right now anyways that wraps up the defense and moving on to the center midfielder we got mikage Rayo I feel like I somehow bring Rayo up in every single video I don't know why he's just somehow making an appearance but Rayo just got a lot of weapons and abilities to help him in the Midfield position so it just makes sense poppy is insanely broken we all know that then metavision on top of that he can just scan the field for threats or anything he needs to move up or get past people on his own he got the striker mode boom there's that if he needs to play defense he got the chameleon defense it's good Rayo is just good I can't I can't even see more man obviously we all know him for his midfielder feeds passes and stuff like that even if it isn't Nagi he's specifically passing to rail would still just make a good person to have as a pastor hiori could be argued as a better midfielder since he's just calm and has passes comparable to itoshi SAI but I think rayo's flexibility beats that up moving on to the Wingers this is the hardest decision out of all the positions so far that's why I say it's so important to know the context of what you're going into but individually for the right winger I'm putting botchura and for the left side I'm putting borrow the honorable mentions for the spot we got a lot like you could have put kunagami or you could have put Nagi in these spots in fact I was gonna put Nagi over borrow but I'll go into that when we discuss him so batra has to be making this list I think he's one of the top players in blue lock because of how versatile he is and the fact he's literally dunking on these Nel players since he's left wing he can either push up himself or use his passing skills to help support the forwards or literally anyone else and then again he can push up on his own if he needs to and just score on his own I put him up here compared to someone like chigiri because I think his 1v1 skills are better so that's why he's further up alright borrow in the left spot is probably a controversial one but I think he's just the best here a strong overall player who can move up on his own take players in 1v1s and then devour other players flipping the script is just crazy good for him even though he is pretty selfish and returning to his king-like Waze I still think it's good to have him on the pitch for a mix-up his skills as well obviously can't be denied we can't be blind to it just because he's isagi's dog predator's eye also helps the scoring capability and regardless of what side he's on he needs to be in the middle for his mid-range shot so technically he could be put in the right wing and it wouldn't make a difference remember I'm only doing how well it fits in a general team if that makes sense not specific combos or anything since it's a little bias like Nagi and Rayo work best together but I can't just rank it off that but someone like Corona and isagi for example work better together but still work individually if that makes sense next up are the two final offensive spots the offensive midfielder and the striker yeah never mind this is definitely the hardest decision because everyone biases different characters and stuff and each person has their own reasoning yeah no matter what I think people are still gonna call me a Glazer but the first position the offensive midfielder or the cam it's gonna be isogi for me the spot is a mix-up between him and Rin I think isagi can work well in the striker position as well but there are some other characters that have better scoring capability even though isagi is working to be the best Striker it's no doubt that his skills are most useful in the Midfield currently just because his weapon is literally spatial awareness compared to other weapons that actually help score no matter what though he can still score from this position pretty confidently especially because metavision can help him find the best spots to use his other weapons like direct shot or his Lefty I also think because he's so knowledgeable on where to go who he needs to watch out for and who he needs to devour on his own team uh it's perfect for offensive midfielder debating isagi and Rin for the offensive midfielder is like comparing a bed and a mattress I don't even know I don't even know what that means but it's super hard to compare them because they're both super similar but have things done separate them for example isagi's IQ I would say at this point surpasses rinse but we also haven't seen Rin yet written I believe still has a better scoring capability than isogi even though he has Lefty direct and metavision to help him with direct shot personally though just my opinion I think isagi currently fits best at the offensive midfielder position and he is the best at it Striker now I thought I was gonna get flame for the last one but I'm definitely gonna take some backlash for this one I'm putting her in here okay I get it this is a position video and position wise a striker is supposed to score goals it's what bluelock is all about I'm not reading redlock but hear me out here Bryn has the play making creativity and skills to help him in the position of Striker compared to someone like shito who is better at scoring which is the main focus Tito completely flipped the script for the Japan u20 match I mean blue lock would have won pretty definitively if he didn't Sub in but we gotta remember Psy was also handing him really good passes I know it's always the same argument and I do see that as one of cheetah's improvements later on he will be able to make way more individualistic plays everywhere compared to the individual visualistic plays he makes only in the gold box but I think Rin because he can make those individualistic plays around the pitch currently like going crazy with his dribbling playing with his instincts and literally stopping shito it can help him score more and fit the role of a striker alright so that's each player I think is the best in their respective positions all according to my opinion I can't even lie I am pretty biased but I think the reasonings I give make a lot of sense for why I chose who I chose let me know if I should make any swaps or if you just agree or disagree with the list I think this is pretty basically accurate like the video if you haven't already it helps me out so much and again thank you so much for watching to the end it's a grind out here but I trust in it and I trust in you guys and I appreciate all of you for always tuning in my name's Hario and I'll see you guys next
Channel: Hiryo
Views: 82,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blue Lock, BLUELOCK, blue lock theory, blue lock manga, blue lock anime, Blue Lock Chapter 228, Blue Lock Chapter 229, Blue Lock chapter 227, Blue Lock newest chapter, blue lock new chapter review, blue lock chapter 228 review, blue lock positions, blue lock starting 11, blue lock best players, blue lock best player in each position, blue lock best positions, blue lock best striker, blue lock isagi, blue lock barou, blue lock rin, blue lock season 2
Id: N5Iu0nxmQS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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