Surface Modeling - Plastic Bottle

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hey everyone welcome to my video in this video we are going to be modeling this plastic bottle let's start first we open a part and in the front plane we create a center line as always this center line is 160 millimeter high and from bottom i create a line and on the top again the group of line and we are finishing now here is 10 millimeter height here is diameter 50 here is diameter 60 then you have a center line when you give it dimension if you go with your mouse the other side the program gives you the total diameter and here we are placing a radius this radius is 225 and for revolve we just close our sketch and with revolve ball space we made a revolve here i'm having a two millimeter radius at the bottom we're going to be form better and also at the bottom we just go create a sketch because of the creating strength on the surface bottom always as you know here they create a specific shape which goes inside we are going to make five millimeter with a 45 degree a profile tower seam and then with a nice fillet we are going to put here some radius as you see a bottom profile is done sometimes also it is possible to create here some other extra additional ribs but for this example we are not going to do that and i create here one uh semi-arc and radius values 62.7 and my this dimension 92.5 and highness from bottom it is a 78 millimeter and then by clicking this edge it's a virtual edge i'm taking a sketch with convert entities and i just cut through all both as you see we just cut it here and here we are putting a 10 mm radius and we just go again our existing plane front plane here we are creating a spline and finishing like this we are just going to give our dimensions before i'm creating some additional lines construction lines this will be five minutes towards the bottom this will be to the right 23 millimeters and i just say my spline in this point you are tangent to here and later i'm giving my value here 16 and here oh sorry not available is tangency as you see now by giving these values my spline is fully defined and i'm just having constant on the surface on the edge here and then the thing that we should make now with surface command offset surface four millimeter towers in i made an offset with this existing spline i just go create a split line on the surface and now i delete the outer one and then we are having also inside the sketch again with this time now i'm making it an extrude service extrude uh mid plane 100 millimeters long something is going to work for us and some things like that we have now and uh out also we are having here normally we could do this with a rolled surface but i just wanna make now with this i'm selecting the existing elements where i don't want to see i'm just sanding basically and i'm hiding the outer by the way my mouse have one problem now i'm not able to turn easily my middle bottom is button is not working on my mouse and we select again to object and this and this area i don't need i'm saying the problem as you see here we have option key remove selections or keep selections i make a visual of my tool surface and let's start first let's just say let's select object and create solid merge entities here now we have a solid on this edge i have a five millimeter radius and on this edge i have a two millimeter radius this is also done we go back our front surface front plane and the second cut which is stays in here for that we go create a arc here 58 millimeter and from center to here 75 and from bottom to here it is 80.5.5 again i'm taking this a virtual edge by converting this this area is going and then we just again extrude the cut in the both direction once we have we just put here a six millimeter radius exactly the outer shape that that way we want now they are almost heavy uh in this point i'm going to create now a shell which is one two millimeter one to me and i'm going to create now headaches on the top it will be easy helix i will not spend so much time on it and it's starting to from top surface two millimeter down that's why i here have a plane extra plane and i convert this edge and we just go select clicks and sprawl three minimal pitch to reveal the revelation and starting angle is the suffer zero and in this case probably that's going to be one of our existing starting point existing planes right on the right plane seams and i just put here a circle and from middle i divide it and with ctrl button i'm just selecting first the helix and then the center of the the line or to r and adding this pierce relation and the highness of my uh radius of my circle is one half i just close the sketch and with swept i just set profile and helix we are going to add the helix but now what i realize my pitch is 3 and my profile almost 3 and there will not be any space that's why program is not creating we just change basically the diameter radius it is just an example yeah as you see we just go create here normally we could create a soft uh starting with this edge but i will not do that just adding here some radius first here i add a radius and here just maybe 0.25 to not make it sharp let's leave it like that it's not so important and i'm hiding the unnecessary sides and here we're adding already a 0.5 millimeter jumper in plastic always you have chamfers and radiuses because sharp edge create a problem on the mold shouldn't have any sharp edge as much as possible also this is a injection a kind of reduction method which is like a tube blowing inside air they are getting the final shape uh if you have a sharp edges and then you could have some holes or under the product some mistakes that's why we are just avoiding all the time creating some things without any radius anyway i open a sketch in a new plane we are just going to create last example last step i need some sketch here and the cut model on here i need to use this sketch because i couldn't convert that i just set the other one basically we made the convert entities and okay web profile and i just go create here it's only better part a straight part with extrude and making 50 millimeter offset and after creating this we need a directional direction for this pattern i add somewhere helping line for me under the patterns we have fill pattern this is the field boundary this is the the direction i just call create three diameter pattern each with six millimeter space or we can say five there's a little bit more and just close basically program going to cut for me here some holes i am selecting convert entities and selecting this surface and select all inner loops i am saying and i get my sketch by the way we also cut my body we are just going to revise it and how to select because that body is going to be only the second one that we create for having some pattern on the surface exactly now we are having them and up the surface we are going to make a extrude normal result and we just go out and now i need a copy of this surface with one and a half millimeter height because the diameter of parts this extrudes this tree and i'm planning them like to make the dome that's why we made one and a half millimeter because they are semi circles i would say and we have our uh surface and the bodies this is going to be the body that we are using also these parts are my parts that i wanna cut all i choose by selecting shift clicking and and beginning and on this screen as you see we have a group of the little parts and now i make my bottle visible and i'm deleting unnecessary help we have 45 body and then under the features we have a feature combine we are going to add everything i select first object and then going end with while i am pressing shift button on the my k part and later we combine everything and now we just go select all same pattern and same program that we want 1.5 millimeter radius as you see when we have done this we are having here a little domes if you want you can also put here some extra radiuses after this operation the only thing that you should do make a mirror but we should take care of it because we have a helix then maybe it was wise to make helix after this operation i'm going to finish my video here i think everything clear i hope you enjoy and you have learned some things it is not a hard surface example it is very easy try to follow all steps and after some trial you will be learned everything what in this video have been done please if you like my video like mouse press like button and make a comment thank you for your support
Channel: 3D World
Views: 71,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SolidWorks, CAD, CAM, Design, Ring, Modelling, Mechanism, Sheet Metal, 3D, Engineering, Surface, surface modelling, Surface model, Solidwork, SolidWorks CAD CAM, SolidWorks Surface, SolidWorks Advance Tutorial, SolidWorks Sketch, Aestetic Surface, pattern, sketch, advance, solid, sheet metal, gears, surfacing, advance surface, bloks, relations, extrude, commands, weldment, Learn Solidworks, Advance Surface, Surfacing Solidworks
Id: 3bwWvsYbzbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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