Supposedly Extinct Animals People Have Caught On Camera

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- [Narrator] The world is a vast place with many unexplored areas. An argument used by many to explain why certain creatures like Bigfoot aren't regularly viewed. In that regard, it could be used to reason why some species have been deemed extinct, though been allegedly viewed and found sometime later. These 10 animals are amazing cases of creatures that have been sighted, despite being extinct. - Amazing! - [Narrator] Number 10, Dryococelus. For upwards of 80 years, this oversized stick insect, commonly known as the Lord Howe Island stick insect was previously assumed to have been last spotted in 1920 and then in 1960, it was deemed extinct. More recently, in 2001, Australian scientists David Priddel and Nicholas Carlisle explored what was once a stomping ground for the gigantic insects, Balls Pyramid. During their exploration, the two stumbled across insect droppings that they eventually traced back to the long thought extinct critter. Despite once flourishing, Priddel and Carlisle determined that the Lord Howe stick insect was simply isolated solely to the Balls Pyramid. Which explained why it was thought to be extinct. Number nine, Coelacanth. This incredible dino-fish was originally thought to have vanished with it's prehistoric brethren, some 65 million years ago. But, it made a miraculous recovery in 1938 when a South African museum curator stumbled upon the fish while trawling off the east coast of his home country. Long considered a living fossil, the coelacanth has a unique physiology with an oil-filled notochord, rather than a backbone and four appendages, that give way to short, stubby fins. Ironically, the same method it was discovered with, proves to be a danger to the species, as deeper trawling has produced many specimens since 2004. Number eight, La Palm giant lizard. Within the past 500 years, it was believed that the oversized lacertid of the island of La Palma had gone extinct. All signs of its species vanishing entirely for nearly half a century. Then, in 2007, Luis Enrique Mínguez, a researcher at the Institute of Research in Game Resource in Spain, photographed an 11-inch lizard, which initiated many to believe that the La Palma giant lizard had finally returned. Explaining its lengthy absence, researchers believed the creature may have survived in remote, uninhabited areas of the island. Number seven, Tasmanian tiger. The striped Tasmanian tiger was declared extinct in 1986, after a survey of the continent failed to make any confirmed discoveries. But there are those that still believe the Australian marsupial, which was allegedly hunted into extinction, still exists. One of the earliest sightings occurred in 1995, when a park ranger in Tasmania claimed to have spotted one of the tigers. Then, in 2000, the Thylacine research unit received word of a possible sighting, claimed by an anonymous individual who had apparently just watched a documentary on the extinct species. Possibly the most convincing evidence is this still image, taken from a video shot by a trail cam near Perth, in January of 2017 which shows a lone Tasmanian tiger. The camera traps had been positioned there in the first place due to the owners claiming that their pet dog had been killed by an unknown animal. Number six, Honshu wolf. During an 18th century epidemic of rabies, a large population of this Japanese wolf was killed off. By 1905, the last specimen was reportedly sighted at Higashiyoshino village. Did the smartest wolf actually go extinct, or does it still roam Japan? According to over 70 different people, the Honshu wolf is still alive and well. Between 1908 and 1978, upwards of 26 sightings were made in regions like Aomori, Oita, Nara, and Wakayama with some storytellers even claiming they captured and released a Honshu wolf cub. Number five, Javan tiger. In 1994, the Indonesian tiger sub-species, the Javan tiger, was deemed extinct. The last recorded sighting occurred as far back as 1976. But as you've probably gathered so far from this video of great beasts, what is deemed extinct, not always is. Sightings of the lost tiger have been reported as recently as 2010 following the eruption of Mount Marapi. While not a sighting of the tiger itself, two villagers of the region claimed to have seen a paw print in the ash, sparking rumors that the large feline had returned. In 2009, villagers near Magetan Regency in east Java, spotted a tigress and her cubs near Lawu mountain. When authorities eventually investigated, they found fresh tracks but no other sign of the beasts. Number four, Bathochordaeus charon. This species is a type of mysterious ocean blob that had not been seen in over a century. It was recently rediscovered by scientists last year and shed light on an unusual animal that, after centuries of searching, many feared extinct, if it had even existed in the first place. It was found on accident by a deep sea ROV and can be seen here in photos from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. In a classic human move, the strange blob was captured with a net and brought to the surface to confirm it exists. It had previously been documented for the first and only time, in a 1900 paper. The creature is odd because it's only about three inches or about eight centimeters long. But manages to somehow build a sort of, house boat, several feet across made of protein and cellulose. The structure traps food particles until it becomes too dirty and is discarded for a new one, sort of like a giant spider web on your back. Number three, woolly flying squirrel. The giant woolly flying squirrel resides in the Pakistani Kashmir and is one of the rarest and most endangered squirrels in the world. It had not been seen by westerners since 1924 and was believed to be extinct before it was rediscovered in the summer of 1994 by an American zoologist working in a remote valley of Kashmir, in the far north of Pakistan. Coincidentally, a live specimen was also allegedly trapped that same year, by a local shepard who kept it in his home. However, this discovery was unknown until 2011, when the world wildlife fund eventually investigated into the creature. A few years on, in 2004, biologist Vladimir Dinets videotaped a woolly flying squirrel at night, near Nanga Parbat, Pakistan. Here are the stills of the images that were captured of the creature using a night vision camera in the snowy night. The squirrel is the largest gliding animal ever discovered and can still glide effectively, despite growing up to four feet, or 1.2 meters long from head to tail. Number two, Baiji. Once located on China's Yangtze river, the Baiji dolphin was an abundant species that is believed to have dwindled due to the Three Gorges Dam construction and the traffic that developed because of it. In 2006, the species was declared extinct with one of the last of the species dying in captivity in 2002. A year later, scientists allegedly spotted a Baiji in its natural habitat, sparking a 2199 mile search along the Yangtze. While no real Baiji was found, the Yangtze is over 3000 miles long, giving plenty of space for the seemingly extinct dolphin to hide out in. Despite the fruitless endeavor, multiple fishermen along the Yangtze have claimed to have spotted the dolphin. The most recent sighting was anecdotal as in October of 2016, a team of amateur conservationists claimed to have seen the creature near the city of Wuhu in China's Anhui province. The team leader told Chinese website, sixth tone that no other creature could jump out of the Yangtze like that. However, the team wasn't able to photograph the dolphin and had no other conclusive proof of its existence. Plus, none of the people who witnessed the sighting were experts on the animal. Number one, Omuras whale. This whale is widely considered the rarest whale in the world. It's such a unique species in fact, that for decades, those who encountered it, simply thought it was a strange kind of miniature blue whale instead. Measuring 40 foot, or 12 meters long. However, it wasn't until 2003 that the discovery of skeletal remains and DNA testing, revealed the creature was a distinct new species. The Omuras whales lineaage, dates back millions of years and in fact it's been so elusive that since this discovery, it's been thought to have gone extinct. Then, in 2015, the Omuras whale was finally seen alive again in the wild off the coast of Madagascar. It can be seen here in this video from the New England Aquarium and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Roughly 25 unique individuals have since been cataloged by researchers using photographic identification yet the whale is still one of the rarest and least studied species in the entire world. Which one amazed you the most? Do you know of any extinct animals that have been spotted recently? Please let me know, in the comments down below. Also, please be sure to like this video if you enjoyed it and subscribe, to never miss out on any more interesting information. Make sure to click that bell button too though. Thanks for watching.
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 3,748,232
Rating: 4.7533135 out of 5
Keywords: extinct animals, caught on camera, top 10, most amazing, endangered animals, endangered species, endangered species list, extinct species, endangered animals list, list of extinct animals, animal extinction, spott, tasmanian tiger, rare animals, thylacine, be amazed, beamazed, Baiji, Omuras Whale, Wooly Flying Squirrel, Javan Tiger, Honshu Wolf, Tasmanian Tiger, La Palma Giant Lizard, Coelacanth, Dryococelus, on tape
Id: roU7-JmrSnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2017
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