Supersizing miniatures with the Sovol SV06

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so this right here is oh hey man just sort of filming at the moment what's up the PC is running very poorly sir yeah look I know actually do you think you could have a look at that when you get a chance it's been kind of bugging me when editing I already have you need a new GPU a new GPU uh it's kind of expensive I don't think I could the RTX 3080 would be a suitable candidate it balances price to perform that's fine but how am I gonna pay for it imagine this sir what if raid Shadow Legends sponsored this video raid Shadow Legends yes sir weren't that annoying people almost certainly sir okay so what if raid Shadow Legend sponsored this video you'd get to hear all about this awesome collection of over 700 unique Champions a super detailed and tactical RPG battle system incredible graphics and intense combination of PVE and PVP content all right that sounds pretty good lucky for you this video is sponsored by raid Shadow Legends so let me tell you some more oh sweet okay yeah go for it other Legends is celebrating its fourth birthday and to celebrate I have arranged a dinner party wait and our esteemed guests are the Legendary Champions anger Master insults Raglan a skillful healer Royal Guard the wrecker of bosses and guilty Soul guide breaker of ice so uh do you like 3D printing raid Shadow Legends continues to get bigger and better with one of its most requested features live Arena PVP raid letting you Juke it out against other players live picking and burning Champions before truly to determine the Ultimate Warrior it's not just Prestige you are fighting for the live arena is bringing some awesome rewards too I'm talking new artifact sets fragments for a legendary boy champion and special rival Arena crests that unlock powerful new bonuses at the Great Hall with all of this exciting stuff and more coming to raid if you haven't started playing yet then what are you waiting for use my link in the description or scan my QR code to get insane bonuses we are talking an epic Champion Kellen the strike and other useful things like energy refills magic potions and XP Brews wow okay awesome thank you Red Shadow Legends please follow the link in the video description and start your adventure today can I have my phone now please no sir so this right here is the teeth of Terror from Red Warden Miniatures also known as cornubious a brilliant little chainsawed model freely available on thingiverse and here here is a mostly printed life-size version of it I made a couple of years ago and well yeah no more than a broken down the main body of the blade up here is all foam core and everything else was resin printed on my trusty Photon s it looks pretty damn impressive before it immediately fell to Pieces there was an attempt to strengthen the connection here but as you can see this thing never really stood a chance like these teeth for instance they're just stuck in with wire and super glue and so ever since this blade was broken well before this YouTube channel was even a thing it's been my desire to reforge the blade by starting completely from scratch and at long last giving it the sturdy construction and ease of printing it deserves oh I've always known when I redid this chainsaw that it would be in filament rather than resin the new and improved version should be able to go together entirely without the need for glue open lock Clips ought to work super nice for that it would also be good to chop the model up in such a way that there are as few seams as possible and if I can get away with it be printed entirely without the use of supports and finally the tolerances should all be such that you can slot all this stuff together once printed without having to fight it remember the last video how we had that little issue with the model's confusing lychee slicer and producing failed prints while that's definitely annoying and you don't want that in your final files for 3D printing this little teeth of Terror chain sword was never merged into one and for our purposes this is actually a huge win in terms of modifying this design to be a multi-part print the meshes are all super clean and simple so this should only take me a day right so uh I'll spay the excruciating details but this is actually a lot of work uh entire sections of this model had to be rebuilt face by face and making sure everything will assemble together right meant a lot of time just staring at the screen not actually doing anything other than trying to think it all through joint by joint print orientation for each part was a big consideration too and so modifying some areas to remove Islands was required some parts like the teeth I felt could use more detail so I changed those up slightly and unfortunately I had a lot of trouble using the Boolean operation Because unless a mesh oh what's a Boolean sorry so there's a few types but basically the one I want is called a difference Boolean where you can subtract part of one model using the section of another that overlaps with the first you see Boolean rhymes with Julian so anyway blender is very particular about when this will work or not you basically need to have perfect manifold meshes otherwise blender just refuses to do it no way not this time no not a chance so I ended up doing as much as I could in blender and exporting everything out and doing my final booleans and cuts using Microsoft's 3D Builder which just really doesn't care what you throw at it it'll just Brute Force its way through any problem the files are ready for printing by the way if you want these files to print off too I've made them available over on buy me a forward slash one since six side I did speak with cornubious about this and he's cool with it for the first 30 days after which the files will be made freely available over on printables so thank you cornubious for the opportunity to earn some more coffees I really appreciate it we are already 40 coffees closer to making these videos full-time only 400 to go I have faith sent help 440 coffees 2023 when I did the Squig video over Christmas I had such a fun time using those Neptune printers from elugu that I got super enthusiastic about fdm printing made a bunch of stuff around the house and watched loads of videos online all about it and I was thinking to myself man I'd really love to learn all about fdm printing this year well the universe heard my call because so Vol sent me their new s vo6 printer I couldn't get it to work the sv06 is a very promising little machine on paper boasting dual Z Motors auto leveling direct drive Extrusion and an all-metal hot end linear rods a Pei coated magnetic flex steel sheet and a fully open source design which I all love it came packaged well was easy to build comes with nice documentation that walks you through everything you need to know and do and that include some pretty handy little tools like this nozzle wrench and what is probably the nicest set of Clippers I've seen come with a printer yet oh yes Zork this is my favorite thing that comes with every 3D printer honestly get out of there ah yes the little blue Nippers these ones actually feel nice like oh yeah so thank you Servall for sending this over to use on the channel I just wish it worked it was essentially experiencing some kind of under Extrusion issue that kept leading to really horrible print quality and eventually clogs in the hot end it looked like maybe the filament was snaggy in there before eventually getting stuck see that see how it stops there it goes and then oh there's like a weird bit I've said before on this channel it's worth repeating here fdm printing is not my wheelhouse I'm pretty out of my depth so troubleshooting this was not easy and was highly stressful and I ended up essentially bricking the thing pretty sure so the filament all passes through the extruder phone and then yeah it seems to get to here and so this area the heat break which do you see that it's got play in it I'm gonna try and figure out a way how to see if I can time in that oops oh melting wires it's not moving I don't know if that's correct because normally when you see these things they have the narrow bit and then this sticks out so maybe I've permanently this up however if we put the nozzle back on and we push filling it through and it works and it stops jamming I mean it's a long shot long shot but we'll see there's no better way to learn stuff before I'd completely bricked it I tried different profiles calibrating e-steps retraction settings changing the nozzle filament actually speaking of filament monoq has sent me this to use along with some resin for that upcoming calibration video so thank you mono cure but the filament isn't really worth talking about probably since they tell me they will not be restocking it also this see that there's another one so yeah that was a thing I tried their filament on the Neptune 3 Pro and it printed great so maybe it's not a big deal but whatever it is on sale if you do want to pick it up but yeah I ended up switching to esun pla plus just because I've used a lot of this before and I know I can count on it here's something else I didn't realize about fdm printing not all hot ends that look like this are the same I went on Amazon and bought the first one I saw that had overnight shipping thinking that these are all interchangeable and uh yeah not even totally different in every possible way like the size of the heat break the size of the block bolt length and diameter and even the distance between them even the connectors are different thankfully Servall kindly fedexed over a whole new extruder assembly so I was able to drop that in and nothing weird I tried updating the firmware to the latest version double checking all the connections were good and yeah I guess the replacement they sent me is a dud as well which honestly at this point has me questioning sovall's quality control two for two goddamn I had a suspicion that the PCB on the extruder was to blame so I swapped them over and what do you know it works now I'm pretty sure my experience here might unfortunately be a common one when it comes to fdm printing there definitely seems to be a greater chance when you get one of these machines that something isn't going to work compared to resin machines and you end up drowning in the deep end where the Limitless wealth of the internet completely works against you as you're absolutely bombarded with what feels like hundreds of different possible troubleshooting steps and variables to cross off feels great when you get it going though it's not gonna lie even if you don't have a satisfying answer as to what exactly the issue was so cheers so well for the timely delivery of the replacement extruder time to print a chainsaw [Music] Servo with all its teething issues finally sorted was putting out fantastic looking prints I did have some issues with better adhesion on the right side spaghetti that's a bummer but I later resolved this by just running the automatic bed leveling again and now it seems to be fine because I was quite far behind now in this project I decided any parts that had failed I would just run them off again using the Neptune printers to try and catch up I've included Cura plates with support blockers to make this easier and some tips for you if you decide to print this off yourself is to use tree supports for these parts and definitely throw a brim on this part everything else can be printed with supports off in the orientation the files have been provided in just drag them in slice them and print I've got to give a big shout out to Ashby on my Discord here for printing the chainsawed files while I troubleshooted the sovall and waited on the replacement parts he was able to provide me some incredibly valuable feedback to improve the tolerances and make everything fit together that bit better so thank you very much Ashby your chainsaw is looking sick man and I can't wait to see how you paint yours up and look at the fit on these parts [Music] and while we test fit these revised Parts together I want to also thank all the latest supporters of the channel here as well so massive massive thank you to David bresson Boko Julian Putnam big crazy gamer politovsky roberam Baden kernel colossal desk engineer thumb Duggar Whalen fate and keep fighting cute fat and cute ashbrock Nathan L Cameron Dent Brandon Wheaton Josh hillcock Jeremy Borowski Delta frazzledad Captain Morgan Ian Frost's Den Frost why is that hard to say boffman and Gilbert you guys inspire me wait how's this for a happy accident if you take the very end piece blade three and the very first piece blade one so I'm still waiting for Blade Two to print which is the one that goes in the middle but because they use the same joint if you want you can actually put this thing together in a tactical uh short chainsaw configuration oh that is so cool while I didn't hit all of my design goals I'm still really happy with the way these files have turned out everything snapped together wonderfully using those open lock Clips only one part needed gluing which was the little hose thing that sits on the top and I just use super glue for that the only thing I did notice is the little clip that goes into the end of the pommel to lock it in place with the guard was a weak point and even a little bit of play in it here made the whole handle feel kinda loose gluing that hem Together made this thing feel a thousand times stronger foreign [Music] the weather has been pretty wet and humid lately so I couldn't use this primer I've been enjoying on the last couple of projects so spinal res it is I began by base coating all the parts in Black followed by doing all the metallics this was a good chance to try out more of those Army painter air paints that they had sent me I used plate mail for all the teeth guard pommel this little energy cell or heatsink looking thing the exhausts and the end of this pipe then masking off the Silver bits with some painters tape I used true copper to go over the Eagle at the end of The Sword and the motor housing cover thing at the back near the grip and for the red casing on the blade sections I used and Carmine red both of the metallics covered nicely through the airbrush same as the red so I'm pretty happy about that but I did have a couple of jamming issues with this silver but thankfully was able to resolve that pretty quickly so no major roadblocks here the thumb Duggar on the Discord pointed out to me after watching the behind the scenes video on this build that this may have been the culprit here after removing all the masking there were some places that needed quick touch-ups but otherwise it's looking like it's off to a good start here next up it was time to go in with the brush to hit those decorative filigree which Adorn the sides of the teeth of Terror rather than using the true copper air paint for this I decided to use Liquid copper which is an absolutely amazing if a little fiddly metallic enamel from Vallejo this stuff covers like a dream and flows very well but the trick is to really shake and mix it well and definitely transfer a small amount to a palette as the pigment will quickly settle again in the bottle this stuff will also murder your brushes so definitely use one you do not care about and to wash your brush use alcohol not water because otherwise you're going to end up with a horrible gummy mess after touching up a couple of spots of overspray and color bleed it was now time to finish off this fine blade I want to grunge the absolute hell out of it with a nice filthy oil wash but before I do that I need to Varnish it for two reasons one the steinle res doesn't appear to have the best hold on the pla filament and I did have to touch it up in a few areas so avarnish should hopefully lock that in place and second when I go to remove the excess oil wash with Spirits the enamel copper paint will be stripped away so that's definitely going to be sealed in as well it is the holiest of sacred oils oh it's been sitting a while it's gone all weird oh I hope it's still usable hang on let's have a look here oh my God gross oh yeah oh yes it's beautiful all right here we go oh yes God 's so good oh look at that look at that color come up the layer line pattern that's glorious look at that man look how good that looks holy [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] man I am stoked that this thing is done and it's honestly so satisfying the way it goes together and it feels nice and sturdy with that handle glued up but I can still if I want to quickly remove the middle blade section and convert this thing into a tactical chainsaw that just feels great in the hand I'm gonna have to make a little warm out for this thing and throw that up with the files as well because this is honestly just so sick and I want to put it on display the total weight of the chainsawed if you're curious comes to almost exactly 800 grams so you could easily print this off with a single spool assuming you have no failures and again you can get these files right now over at buy me a forward slash once in a six sign along with a bunch of other cool and interesting stls for your 3D printing enjoyment access to a bloody awesome easy going Discord server and hours of additional behind the scenes video and commentary right so the servo sv06 let's talk about this printer for a minute I like it it seems like a great printer but for me it's hard to recommend and not because I had issues with it that's part of the chance we take when ordering any 3D printer but simply because if you're like me and you're a miniature wargamer or cosplayer interested in getting a 3D printer for your terrain or props the Neptune 3 Pro is undoubtedly the better buy here because from what I can tell the only selling point of the sovol that it has over the Neptune is the all metal hotend with print temperatures up to 300 degrees C which let's be real we don't need for our pla the Neptune 3 pro shares similar features like automatic bed leveling a magnetic Pei coated Flex sheet for easy print removal and dual Z Motors but the Neptune 3 also comes with a filament run out sensor which will save your ass I promise you that it's definitely saved mine a couple of times it also has a much nicer user interface for the touch screen that's quick and effortless to navigate and use comes in less parts so the assembly is quicker and to top it off it's cheaper it's also easier to load filament into the Neptune 3 Pro a small thing that's easy to take for granted but with the servo it can be pretty fiddly plus the Neptune has a sweet light bulb in it how do you beat that thank you to all the channel supporters for helping me on this journey and thank you to raid Shadow Legends for sponsoring this video I'll see you guys hopefully in about a month with a print of Titanic proportions yes we're doing a Titan and another 3D printer review so I do look forward to that finally just some housekeeping for those of you who have stuck it through to the end you absolute Legends thank you for your viewership I have so far gathered together many different brands and types of resin that the Shelf I'm storing them on is sagging pretty badly under the weight of it all I don't even know what the total count is but it's a lot and there's still more to come for that resin calibration video so do look forward to that it is absolutely going to happen this year I will also be sure to cover magnetic Flex plates at some point as well what I like about them what to look out for and how to have a great printing experience with them also mini radar is getting a small update soon too which I'm excited for it's going to be a lot cleaner and easier to digest finally I've decided I will not create a dedicated review video on the master 3 Pro given that I essentially already covered everything I needed to in the previous video the only things left to comment on I'll tell you right now carbon filter works surprisingly well there's still no exposure range finding function or even plans to make one from either elegu or chitu systems who make the main board and it can be kind of a messy printer when removing large prints because the vat isn't really wide enough to catch all the little spills that will naturally happen otherwise I absolutely love it and it's been my go-to printer since so big thumbs up from me for the master 3 Pro definitely pick one up if you've been interested in dipping your toes into 3D printing right housekeeping adjourned see you all back here soon ish other hand oh it's going oh my God really apparently it doesn't have little switches to know when it hits the end instead it relies on knowing when the motor's bottom again it's just a yeah shut up all right let's just do a benchy I can't I am I will not get used to that foreign
Channel: Once in a Six Side
Views: 65,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, 3d printing, cosplay, chainsword, sovol sv06
Id: k3aJtoGI0cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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