Dispelling Myths about 3D Printing (Play on Tabletop Response)

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all told we would need to print about 70 Space Marines before we saw any savings here and that's 70 Space Marines of the exact same five poses ah okay yeah so that yeah no dude like that's fair enough do the exact same poses with the kit that you bought there's so many kits that you could have got like I'm going to find some and put and show you here like you could have got this one this video is kindly sponsored by Sall 3D more on them soon okay this is reacting to play on Top's most recent video hosted by Nick uh does 3D printing actually saving you money are companies like GW in danger from 3D printing I obviously have some thoughts on this as a 3D printing Miniatures uh YouTube channel and uh I think it' be fun to address this one so this is obviously something a bit different for the channel uh I'm thinking of this as a low effort production that's not going to take me 2 months to make a bit of a pallet cleanser if you will and you can let me know down below what you thought of this did you like it should I do this more often when the opportunity presents itself curious to know all right let's react so big question does 3D printing your own Miniatures actually save you money yes game Workshop makes Incredible models I don't think anyone would argue that point they're sculpting and tooling is literally some of the most advanced in the world but can they compete with simply printing your own Miniatures for a fraction of the price it's 2020 it's really it depends on the the customer you know it's like everyone's going to have their own different PR PR ities um some people aren't really going to give a [ __ ] about where their models come from and so for them 3D printing it's like it's a perfect opportunity because well they can save a bunch of money they can exercise some creativity some freedom and choices if you're like a really big fan of Warhammer 40K and you want that exact thing and you want to just keep it within that ecosystem or whatever and you're happy to pay that premium yeah go GW all the way 3D printing is just like a really nice alternative that if you happen to not mind you know things being a little bit more Hands-On then it's great for you you and and if you want to save a bunch of money which you absolutely will then yeah but anyway I'm I'm getting in real early here let's let's let's let you speak I'm sorry three now and anyone who's been on the hobby long has heard about 3D printing you can buy an fdm printer or resin printers for insanely cheap prices these days this is true yeah like recently I did that video on the the mono 2 the any cuic mono 2 which is aing amazing printer like if you think about what it what it is or how much printer you get for your money I think it's like $200 maybe 300 a it's 4k on a you know like a 6in LCD so the quality of the prints is really really good I think it's it's sub 35 Micron maybe maybe maybe it is 35 33 to 35 Micron so you can't tell when you look at it with the naked eye basically it's you know with anti-aliasing on these are some really nice looking prints it's yeah it's so cheap it's got the calibration feature like it's amazing it it's 200 bucks it's amazing like you should buy that printer there's a link in the description you should buy that printer buy that printer buy that sorry actually while we're talking about buying 3D printers what if you need a filament printer for all that terrain that you want to print huh 2023 has been kind of a wild year for filament printers actually and there's one company in particular I don't think gets enough love when it comes to highspeed clippered hot noodle Printing and that's today's sponsor Sall so if you could please just pay attention for the love of God don't skip ahead hear me out if you could just click that link down below for Sall and take a look at this sv7 plus 3D printer and if you're not in the market for a filament printer right now but you still want to help out then just leave a comment saying man Sall 3D printers sure are tempting or damn soall 3D printers are seriously underrated and help me get this message out to more people because soall are paying today's bills and we love soal for that so let me tell you more about the soo sv7 plus like check out this deal Soo is putting down on the table for you guys they're practically throwing these printers away I mean just look at this the sv7 it's it's it's this much money I don't actually know yet I'm going to put it on screen it's so much printer for this much money it's wild for a big printer like this with all the bells and whistles like Fast Printing up to 500 mm a second Clipper so you can pretend you know what the [ __ ] you're doing built-in Wireless so you can just eff you can just effort effort effortless I can't say this word effortlessly send print jobs to this thing remotely the flexi pii cated bed thingy that's great for strong print adhesion yet easy part removal Auto mesh bed leveling and it can even automatically tram itself for this much money that's wild soille are also running great deals on all of these other soall 3D printers so don't miss out please buy a Soo and help keep this channel alive Soo 3D link down below thank you very much also what the [ __ ] you get a free svo6 if the cumulative order amount of filaments exceeds $500 that's insane and they've gotten much better and much more commonplace I would ha to Guess that everyone at least knows someone who has a 3D printer even if they have't dabbled in it themselves definitely yeah it's definitely I think it's reached that point of um ubiquity is that the word where yeah enough people have bought one now cuz yeah you can buy like a so sv7 Plus or yeah like the mono 2 for 200 bucks or whatever there's even resin printers for $1 $150 uh I haven't tried them but you know they're out there so yeah you you can that's the thing like the barrier to entry just keeps getting lower and lower I feel like the manufacturers are getting better and better at figuring out what works and what doesn't work maybe quality control is always going to be questionable at a certain end of the the uh the budget but generally speaking the the stuff coming out of China now is pretty good pretty [ __ ] good they can be incredible tools I've 3D printed countless customizations for my Army and even 3D printed whole models I love the options it gives me I want my Army to feel like mine my Miniatures to feel like my own and I'm not a sculptor so this allows me to choose bits print them and make whatever I'm building my own at the studio we have buckets of terrain that are 3D printed yeah yeah it's a really good point like that's 3D printing can absolutely be something that just enhances your existing 40K or Miniatures hobby you don't have to print just Miniatures you you can you can use it for as just purely a customization Tool uh funny story actually one of the things like one of the reasons reasons I told myself when I was justifying the the expense of my first 3D printer was I told myself I'll only use it for customization just to like cuz I really wanted to get into gas LS I'll only use it to print like cool little weapons and spikes and stuff to put on on Hot Wheels cars and Matchbox cars but you know within 5 minutes of having a resin 3D printer you're downloading Space Marines and printing Space Marines I think that's just a fact of life there's there's no way around that and and I'm sure Nick's done it sure he's printed some Space Marines and I really enjoy the fact that I can press a button and have custom terrain yeah and terrain Terrain a huge one like especially for your fdm even resin now like I think it makes sense like if you don't mind getting the really cheap nasty resin uh the stuff where it's like 20 25 bucks a liter you can just print it in resin and then like yeah just don't drop it or bits for whatever project I'm trying to work on there are whole companies out there dedicated to making original terrain and models like War scenery War scenery sure check out uh forbidden Prince that guy is incredible the thing I love about forbidden Prince is all of his stuff is sculpted in such a way that there's no like extreme overhangs or islands and so it can just be printed without supports it's absolutely brilliant um and The Styling as well is just is on point for like w I'm a 40K check out forbidden Prince on my minifactory and patreon I believe forbidden Prince sponsor me they've made some great stuff for us in the past and unique customization like shooting effects like these ones right here from deadly Prince Studios they've been a sponsor of this channel for a while and I can't recommend their stuff aree or printables and then there are webites and patrons and kickstarters dedicated to creators that sell you digital files for you to print yourselves op we currently have four generally speaking the the free options aren't good like thingy verse printables and that um you're not really going to find depends what you're doing I mean if if you're wargaming you want to play 40K you want to find proxies or whatever these sites are going to be a struggle for you if you're just like an RPG guy you might have a a much easier time with like thingy verse maybe principles as well but really your best options are like my minory Colts 3D uh even just going on patreon and searching for tabletop Miniatures you'll find a bunch of great ones that way uh there's printed War Games it used to be called Comics games and things but now it's called printed war games a lot of creators are moving there so that's another place worth checking out and then of course uh where it gets tricky is a lot of creators as well will just foro all these uh aggregating websites and just make their own website and distribute that way like um I think arch villain games is one hive mind minis is another so yeah that can be tricky then because then you kind of you got to know about them already you can't really find them and yeah yes can it's uh yeah is that what you're talking about it's hard to find STL files or there's just options sorry printers at our studio two fdm printers for mostly printing terrain and two resin ones for printing bits like like this and it's the resin ones that honestly are the ones that give people pause that make people say well this might be changing the industry and it might I bought an igu Mars a couple years ago no it's definitely changing the industry because now it's giving people the the option to do this you've now got thousands actually I wonder I would love to know how many like thousands what's the actual number of people in the world right now who are just classified as hobbyists uh who are they're not pro humors they're just they're just hobbyists who have bought resin 3D printers and are 3D printing Miniatures and terrain and gaming pieces and stuff specifically for tabletop gaming like what's that number it's got to be tens of thousands is it hundreds of thousands I wonder no surely not but it could be it could be so that's that's that's a lot of people spending their money on 3D printers on resin on the supplies associated with that STL files and and blah blah blah this is money that's not going to Games Workshop or Wizards of the Coast or who whoever else um what's that big one uh Hasbro whoever you know Disney for me personally it was money that I wouldn't have spent on Games Workshop you know cuz like it was so expensive I look at the price and be like well I'm just not going to buy that I'll just play some other game like gaslands I was looking at that I was like well if I can't play Warhammer cuz it's too expensive we'll play gaslands that looks like fun cuz really at the end of the day it's just like I need something to get together with my friends and just you know have some beers and talk [ __ ] and roll dice it's just supposed to be fun um doesn't have to be Warhammer but Warhammer is cool we all love Warhammer go as an entry-level printer to try it out and to be honest I was impressed with the results yeah and from a distance and certain angles you actually can't tell the difference yeah that's a 4K printer I believe on like a 9 10 in LCD so yeah that'll be pretty good quality that should be like 50 microns thereabouts which I've always been really impressed with anything like 50 microns or less to my eye just looks really really good so yeah of course you'd be happy with that and you can improve it more even if you turn on anti-aliasing like you probably wouldn't even notice at all but yeah that's that's good looking good looking miniature there difference between plastic and resin print not too long ago we actually needed to print some bigger files for some videos we were doing like such as this one right here and ilu was kind enough to send us a bigger Saturn s with a bigger print volume and higher resolution screen transparency note igu did send us this printer for free but we are under no obligation of what to say about it I want to get that out of the way because to be frankly I'm actually really impressed by the quality I'm seeing here I've had zero issues so far printing anything from this machine I've been able to print effects and bits super straightforward relatively easily nice yeah and my experience with L machines has been the same they are really just they just work they're very generally speaking it's hard to say something just works cuz obviously there's some percentage of people who get a machine that has some Factory some Factory problem you know maybe uh it's funny I haven't had it happen with an elu machine yet but I've had two any cubic machines that have had issues that have needed replacement parts or even straight up modification uh to get working again so or to even to get working consistently so yeah quality control that's the thing I'm talking about yeah quality control generally speaking I think is very good most people have a good experience but yeah there are going to be these edge cases where just something's [ __ ] and if you're brand new to 3D printing and you buy something and it doesn't work out of the box that's and and you're not the kind of person who can easily troubleshoot think through problems and and research and if that just doesn't appeal to you then you're not going to have a good time if you're one of those Edge case people and you know unfortunately unfortunately that is a thing all right anyway the fact that I can get a digital file press print and hours later have a model that would be tough to distinguish from across the table is still kind of mind-blowing yeah anybody can do this and I can find digital files or proxies of even some of Gil's most recent models why would I purchase models from companies such as Games Workshop atomic mass games and others yeah it's a good question because like so everyone again is going to have their own their own values or whatever their own motivations um for some people it's going to be yeah absolutely I want to save money and so they'll go with 3D printing because they look at how much it'll cost to build their army or whatever or to to to get into the game and it's like well damn that's really expensive is it worth it just to have the official models like to spend that much money when I could do this other thing but then another angle is well 3D printing obviously gives you a great deal more flexibility you don't have to have your Space Marines look like everyone else's Space Marines or your dark Elder look like everyone else's duari because in the world of of um of 3D printing suddenly what you have open to you now is this huge Marketplace of of artists who are reinterpreting this universe that we all know and love in their own unique ways and they're all bring their own their own they each bring their own artistic uh flare and creativity to it and so with 3D printing you can almost express your yourself in a in a much wider array of ways than you could with just the Games Workshop ecosystem a great example of that is I recently just did thousand suns uh on on my previous video and I did these guys from uh DMG Minis and I highly recommend watching that video um because these are absolutely incredible he Chad is one of these guys who walks this line perfectly of you know what it is when you see it it's thousand Sons but it's completely original and distinct and uniquely DMG Minis and I just absolutely love love love love what he does just incredible his Zango too just amazing so like yeah it's like 3D printing allows you to express your love of of whatever faction you're really into in a much broader way than than if it was just the the 40K universe and yeah I I think that's just that's just bloody awesome like cuz if if you're just living in the world of plastic and what Games Workshop sells you then you're kind of limited to Kit bashing and the way you paint it whereas yeah 3D printing can be this whole extra layer of self-expression and and artistic whatever so yeah it's yeah so basically depends on the person do they want to save money do they want to express themselves a bit differently are they a bit more relaxed about if their models are official or not is that something that's really important to them because obviously to some people that is going to be super important that their the Miniatures on the tabletop are the official uh and exact Miniatures that they're supposed to be and not even necessarily for like tournament reasons or like official gaming reasons but just for their own mental peace of mind or whatever it's like they love 40K so much that maybe in their mind to stray away from the official sculpts into third party is is like heresy you know it's like how dare you do that they could never do that maybe they maybe they don't even they're not even offended if other people do that just for them personally it's like no I just I really want AIS to be official Games Workshop or studies or or whatever it is you know that's fine like every like everyone is going to have different reasons and what was the topic of this video again um are companies like GW in danger from 3D printing oh right yeah so yeah I don't think it puts GW in danger at all I mean they're a company like worth billions of dollars right like they're fine they sell books they sell subscriptions they sell Miniatures they sell paints they still whatever like yeah they'll be fine um I think they'll definitely feel they will feel 3D printing uh maybe they even are a little bit already but yeah anyway man I'm a [ __ ] motor mouth let's keep going is this the end of gamees Workshop is this the end of Miniatures in general and inly will this damage the hobby that we love oh no so yeah it's like it's it's not the end of Miniatures it's just it's a new chapter isn't it where now suddenly we can all make Miniatures ourselves at home so the barrier to entry is is much lower I guess of well probably not yeah see I've been printing for about five plus years now both fdm and resin and I will be the first to admit that I'm not an expert but I do know enough to diagnose issues do repairs on the machines and generally get good results but all that took time and work and research and uh fiddling let's go into the work that takes yeah this is true but but I would say everything I know about 3D printing I probably learned in like a month you know like just you get a 3D printer you go hard for a month you like printing absolutely everything under the sun U when I got into it that it was the case that a lot of the files out there were really bad like in terms of if you bought something presup cuz everyone was advertising is oh our files are presup but then no one knew how to [ __ ] support a model uh very few people did know how to do it properly I think that's less the case now today there's a lot there's a lot more higher quality files out there thankfully but you're right yeah there's a few things you you got to learn but really not much you got to learn how to level your build plate learn how to respond appropriately to failures you know cleaning the vet and and that sort of thing sometimes if you want to learn how to do supports I think it's kind of optional definitely I definitely recommend it um because if you learn how to do your own supports you can then 3D print anything and it's not that hard you'll learn it in an afternoon like put a few hours in and then get the fundamentals of supports in your brain and then you just do a bunch of prints have a bunch of failures correct for the failures turn them into successes with reprints and before you know it you will understand that element very very well uh and then really at that point it's kind of just maybe something random goes wrong like your build plate goes out of level you know a couple of months down the line and then suddenly you're having print failures and you got to figure that out or maybe uh suddenly your prints start looking really [ __ ] and you don't know why and all you got to do is just go on Reddit or Facebook group and be like hey why do my prints look like this and then someone's going to be like oh just take your vat out and you know run a detection so the LCD comes on and and take a a photo and their LCDs are all garbled and [ __ ] because LCDs are consumable and and you know sooner or later everyone who has a resin 3D printer learns that the LCD dies and then you have to remove it and put a new one in like this it's not there's not a lot to learn honestly I don't think not really yeah not really fdm yes yes there's a lot to learn with fdm uh resin uh disagree print a single miniature for instance first I have to find the model that I want to print which can be a mountain in it there are free options of course out there but they tend to be lower quality and there's tons of paid options out there finding it can all honestly be tough the right one I've spent hours just looking through websites to find the exact piece I'm looking yeah it can be a real pain especially because my minifactory uh and Colts 3D both don't really have great search features I think Colts is better than my minifactory my minifactory is just absolutely garbage for search but yeah Colts 3D I think what's happening there is they they' they've got got to walk this tight RPP of dmca requests from Games Workshop or whatever so they have to filter out all these keywords so if you want to search for something on Cults 3D you can't search for the thing you want to search for because those Search terms are blacklisted so everything has been named in sort of clever cheeky ways so it can it can yeah it can be kind of tricky to uh to navigate and find exactly what you're looking for and this is where Community really comes in handy so like the the uh the once in a six side Discord Community which you can access via the link below in the membership area yes it costs money thank you very much I need all the support I can get um thank you thank you thank you um yeah so communities if not my Discord server someone else's like there there's heaps you know you've got options there's there's Reddit groups there's telegram groups although there's rampant piracy on telegram please don't pirate STL files they don't cost much support the artists um but having said that telegram can be a fantastic way to find what you're looking for because you don't have that limitation on the the file names you can like just search for aati or you know you can search for Space Marine whatever like what's what's a popular miniature like like an intercessor incursor or whatever the [ __ ] you can search for that and find all the available options on the telegram group just don't download it on there go support the artist figure out what it is and then go pay for it it's not expensive probably as much as I've spent printing them I have terabytes of files and I've spent hundreds of dollars on kickstarters for Miniatures that I probably won't print most of them does this sound familiar next I have to bring the model into yeah yeah for me it wasn't kickstarters it was just patreons I would just find like a new patreon every day and like oh my God look at that I can have that I could print that wow subscribe it's a very real addiction if you get into 3D printing just be wary of that slicer program if I'm lucky the model maker has pre-done supports for a resin print if not a little bit of experimentation back and forth to make sure I have the correct supports if I've done them incorrectly or if the model maker has done a poor job of the supports then the print fails and I'm back we have a community project project um surrounding this it's called Uh mini Raider and you can check it out at this link below basically if you're into 3D printing and you've been printing Miniatures please take advantage of minior and help out the community just let people know hey these supports were good these supports were [ __ ] and then everyone wins so yeah do take advantage of minir RA square one I got to reprint and I've wasted all that time I've wasted all that resin and uh it's a big mess after waiting hours for the print I then need to manage the well toxic resin clean it about 10 to 20 minutes then cure it and you could do that with a sun but the easiest way is with a separate cleaner machine yeah I agree it's it's yeah you can do this with like a little UV lamp or you can use the sun uh and you can like hand wash it with a glove on in a in a tub of alcohol but after doing that for like over a year and then using wash and cure machines I highly highly highly recommend you just spend the 100 150 bucks and buy yourself a wash and cure it will make your life so much easier just just do it they're so worth it that you have to purchase and use after drying it the sports need to come off like a regular miniature and you need to be careful here as resin is brittle and it shatters easily oh I mean it can be there's oh my god there are so many options now um I recently just used this resin where is it this is okay here we go J abs like I haven't got one handy but also the elu ABS like is really good I'd say the elu ABS like 2.0 is the best one uh then I mean in terms of what I've got here on the table and then these two are pretty much par on par with each other I like the color of this one better just cuz looks like GW plastic or whatever but this stuff you can drop it and it won't explode and shatter everywhere uh yeah actually since recording this uh I have done a drop test with the J stuff and it is actually very brittle uh so I don't recommend that the any cubic one is definitely better but then the elu is the best and uh conja sculpt if you can find that from chichu systems is also excellent I'll leave links down below and it'll be much more forgiving when you take away the supports and it doesn't break the bank either so like you know there are options um elu AB s like any cubic abs like J abs like basically any abs like resin is going to be a significant improvement over a standard resin yeah not always actually so yeah highly recommend get these instead links down below of course yeah now you can finally assemble it and paint it yes now that's a considerable amount of work headache expense and time there's lots no I disagree actually so you find your files maybe that takes you 10 minutes and you buy them you download them another 5 minutes unless you downloading from my minifactory which has horrible servers then yeah okay it's going to take an hour to download [ __ ] you my minifactory like like really you guys run ads on your site you charge the people who are selling files to be able to have the privilege of selling files on your store and then you have the audacity to run ads on your on your end users as well and not pay for like faster hosting like come on what are you doing my mini Factory sorry I'm off I'm off topic what are we we talking about oh yeah so like yeah so generally speaking these days I don't have an issue finding files I don't spend too long doing it I reckon if you ask me to find something I'll find it really quickly and I can have those files on my hard drive depending on where they're coming from really quickly I can get them into the slicer if they've been well presup which a lot of files today have been thankfully then all I got to do is just slice it with my profile that ideally and likely is already calibrated because I put in that work up front which by the way if you're getting into resin 3D printing do look up how to calibrate your resin and your settings specifically your exposure setting get that dialed in uh you can use cones of calibration from the table flip Foundry or you can use aabs town uh I'll link some videos down below that you will find helpful if you are going to go down this road uh but yeah basically if you've already got your setup dialed in whatever then you just drag your files in Click slice save it to USB or maybe you've got like a fancy Wi-Fi remote thing send it to your printer hit print and then go do something else with your day because that's all you have to do and then when it comes to postprocess seeing yeah like you said it's maybe like 10 20 minutes a lot closer to 10 minutes I would say if you've got a wash and cure machine literally just going to pull your stuff off the printer knock the prints off the build plate put the build plate back on the printer tighten it up okay that took 2 minutes not even now put these parts in the wash machine wash it for 5 minutes okay done take them out pull them off the supports that took another what uh 5 minutes so where are we at I've lost track but it's not much maybe like 10 minutes and then kill them so like Hey we're done now we can put it together it's really not much time so yeah 10 10 15 maybe 20 minutes plus the what did we do we had to download them and whatever so ah so maybe we're at like a half hour oh no opinions you'll find on the internet saying that 3D printing will be the end of model making oh that's me can I print it before GW ship it I don't think I've ever said that though that I i' I've never been one of these people who says that 3D printing will be the end of um Games Workshop I I I think it's just it's an alternative it's a it's another option you know something else that we can do oh one of the rabbits is chewing on cardboard in the background Pippen is that you Pippen he go back to sleep yeah it's like 3D printing is just another another Avenue for us to enjoy the miniature hobby it's not going to replace Games Workshop Games Workshop was certainly under no threat from uh 3D printing if you're I hope you're not saying hang on I'm going to replay this bit now that's a considerable amount of work headache expense and time there's lots of opinions you'll find on the internet saying that 3D printing will be the end of model Mak companies yeah I've never said that I don't think well for example books home paper printers have been around for a while and bookstores are still a thing you can still buy physical book the convenience of being able to buy a box set and clip it out without fiddling with files supports chemicals it's always going to have a plus yeah oh you know what that's interesting yeah so you're absolutely right it's uh it's so convenient being able to buy a box of uh Space Marines or whatever for your 40K hobby however so we put a half hour in to getting to the point where our models were ready to assemble and paint I think it takes significantly longer to get there with plastic models for example so like this right when I did cata fracti Terminators this took bloody ages just to get all these parts off the spru and then you know cleaned up and ready to ready to glue together and paint that took so bloody long like that was hours of work versus 30 minutes tops with 3D printing yeah I think 3D printing is definitely the faster option but I know I do know some people really enjoy the process of sitting down and clipping sprws and and and and all that I personally do not like it at all I find it incredibly tedious but that's that's just me that's not to say 3D printing won't impact model makers as the technology gets better and better yeah but GW isn't in quite the danger that online opinions will have you believe in my opinion let's compare just costs of what it takes to print a model versus just buying a set of models open first let's find an equivalent Space Marine model buy models from the company puppets War a website that sells and physical Miniatures which I would consider good sculpts and come pre- supported and I can trust that the supports have been done properly run about €20 which is about $21 USD okay this is a proxy unit so it's meant to be evocative and be about the same size a unit of primaris intercessors that's 10 models $60 USD from qcks y now there are free models out there you might say yes I can find free models but their quality varies and you can get discounts on GW prices in various places so I'm going to call that a wash so to print a single Space Marine sized miniature cost me in resin about 20 cents 20 25 cents which agreed is almost nothing and works out to be an extra two and a half dollars so 60 versus 2350 yeah but we're not done yet this printer has about $250 wa wait wait wa wait wait but you are going to mention the fact that we can then print those as many times as we want right and you brought okay you picked a pack of monop POS Miniatures which is interesting I fair enough but that's not really oh but then is is the intercessor box monopose if you get 10 monopose intercessor for 60 bucks and you're getting five monopose proxies for 20 bucks but then you can print them as many times as you want maybe it's similar I don't know hang on let me let me let you continue Amazon right now and a washer and curing machine which I recommend runs about 130 bucks USD now you don't strictly need this but as I said I highly recommend it and if you use ISO alcohol to clean it that's another 40 bucks to fill the tank yeah but then how do you yeah this is one of those expenses these little expenses are hard to sort of uh fraction out or or work out you know what they are per miniature you know or whatever cuz it really depends like you're going to print and wash a crapload of stuff before you end up swapping out that alcohol so really is it expensive maybe it feels expensive when you first Buy $40 worth of alcohol but then you know when it's months and months later and you've printed so much stuff maybe it doesn't feel so expensive anymore when it comes time to change it yeah you use it in a ventilated area so you either need to purchase an separate enclosure or keep it in a high ventilated area like the garage it's not really good for a residential home environment so all told we need to print about 70 Space Marines before we saw any savings here and that's 70 Space Marines of the exact same five poses ah okay yeah so that yeah no dude like that's fair enough do the exact same poses with the kit that you bought um but dude there's so many kits that you could have got like I'm going to find some and put and show you here like you could have got this one um which would have let you which would have given you as much if not more customization as if you had bought a model kit on spru but the advantage now is it's digital files and you can print off essentially the equivalent of that model kit on spru as many times as you want and so you could print that 70 Space Marines and they'd all be uniquely posed and and outfitted exactly however you wanted them so yeah just exercise better judgment when you're purchasing your files you know really think about do I want to print 70 Space Marines am I building a giant arm here that I need 70 intercessors for or whatever because if that's the case you wouldn't buy the the puppets War kit it's just too limiting maybe you would buy it for like some to use as like special characters or whatever cuz they are really cool sculpts but you wouldn't use them to to build out an army with you'd go find something else like this you know so that's not fair to to do that that's not a lot of customization or variety on these not to mention on the GW spru come with countless bits and customization you can you can have all that with 3D printing you just shop differently serly hard to convert as it shatters easily and unless you buy a really high-end machine you will still see layer lines on a close-up inspection especially at certain angles yes I agree you okay there's a lot there you just said um you said it's brittle again just get a better resin it's not going to cost you that much more in terms of a high-end machine I don't know dude like a 4k on like a 6 in LCD cuz obviously with 3D printing the smaller the screen and the higher the resolution the tighter the pixel density is so if you have like a 4K screen that's this big and a 4K screen that's this big the pixel density of the one that's this big is much higher therefore to the eye realistically under the microscope the layer lines are going to be much more noticeable however at least get something that's 4K don't worry too much about the screen size if it's big or small just make sure it's at least 4K and turn on anti-aliasing and you'll be right there'll only be a couple of spots where maybe you can see layer lines like on the top of uh round uh surfaces and things like this but generally speaking you're not going to notice no one's going to notice like who the hell is looking at Miniatures so close like you're not going to see it it's fine um yeah what else are you saying you can print whole armies for much cheaper than you can buy them but in my opinion this is not replacing buying plastic Miniatures or working with plastic Miniatures anytime soon model companies do need to keep an eye on the technology as it has the potential to impact their business for sure and of course throughout history companies that are able to embrace changes in technology will benefit from it but don't expect companies like Games Workshop atomic mass games Parabellum and others to suddenly fold because of 3D printers it's a great tool it's not a doom Bell please don't think I don't like 3D printers yeah I I agree completely um I don't know is anyone actually saying that the Games Workshop and these other companies are doomed in the face of 3D printing becoming popular I feel like that's just something we would say as a joke on like a a Discord or something it's not actually do people actually believe that I I can't imagine them going out out of business in fact I think they will adapt in some way like I could I could picture a Games Workshop branded 3D printer that has the most like butt clenching no has the most like strict DRM built into it uh maybe something where like you have an app on the computer that is the GW web store and then you buy like a maybe like one print of Space Marines or whatever like whatever unit you want you buy the amount of prints you want or you buy them like one print at a time you print it and then maybe it has like a how would they verify it you take a photo or something or maybe they run the printers in their stores uh and the staff do it for you so that way they can still have a bit of quality control [Music] and and limit any uh any latitude that the end user may have to take advantage of that system yeah gw's going to be fine they will be totally fine I would love if they would sell STL files for discontinued models how cool would that be that would make everyone happy everyone loved that the personalization the pure options that comes with 3D printing yeah but I highly recommend don't get into 3D printing just because you want to save a buck it really is a hobby in itself not the most difficult hobby sure but it does require time learning and expenses can it be worth it oh yeah but there's nothing quite like the smell of fresh plastic in the morning I'd love to hear your thoughts where you think 3D printing is going and especially how it relates to our hobby yeah okay there's nothing quite like the smell of uh fresh voc's in the morning cracking open the printer for to see the latest print um yeah yeah I've said on this channel before that 3D printing is not a hobby I think fdm is is a hobby but resin printing doesn't really feel like a hobby resin printing just kind of feels like lawn mowing I don't know you have a thing that you have to put Petrol in and a couple of drops of oil and then you pull the thing and then it goes and it works and then you pull the th like it's a tool it's like it's like airbrushing right like airbrushing I don't feel like is a hobby there are people who airbrushing is a hobby right they paint cars or whatever they do like really intense artwork but then for most people airbrushing like is just a tool uh and 3D printing for me is very much the same it's like once you know how to level a build plate once you know how to spot a few failure points like or rather just once you know how to do a couple of Maintenance things you know like then it kind of is just it's not even a hobby at all it's just like a click this press that turn this it it's pour that it's so like simple there's nothing to it there's nothing creative or crafty about it it's just interacting with a machine to make the machine operate so I I'm sorry I don't think I don't think it's a hobby and I will die on that Hill maybe it can be a hobby there's a guy I remember seeing this post ages ago who he like he disassembled his uh Photon s LCD and like removed the glass layer from the top so that the LCD layer would be even closer to the build plate which would decrease the amount of light bleed and lead in sharper prints and he actually he had like photos of before and after prints and you could see the sharpness had actually improved like okay at that point you're going in hardcore and you're modifying it like how people who are really into cars go in and modify their cars like yeah that's a hobby and fdm printer guys do this more commonly where they go in and they they upgrade 50 different things about their fdm printer but resin machines nah dude like we're just buying these things we're turning them on we're leveling them and we're sending files to them like there's no hobby here I'm sorry but I highly recommend don't get into 3D printing just because you want to save a buck yeah um H actually don't know that I agree with that no I think I think it's a totally valid reason to get into it just to save money if nothing else the fact that you save so much money 3D printing is incredible and in today's economy uh if you live in Australia or the UK or Canada or Ireland or where wherever else is like feeling intense inflation right now Europe Germany France you guys doing okay um cuz here in Australia we're drowning right now so you know and and what do you what do you want to do when you're drowning you want to like play some [ __ ] silly games with your mates have some beers and laugh about who's Space Marine is is you know whose miniature comes out on top in in close in a nail biting close combat encounter so how do we get there without breaking the bank maybe maybe maybe just maybe 3D printing is the answer and can be the one and only reason you need to take up this not hobby okay what else it really is a hobby in itself no not the most difficult hobby sure but it does require time learning and expenses be worth it I'll give you that yeah a little bit of time little bit of learning little bit of expenses maybe a yeah it's it's one of those things where it's up front it's expensive but then you have the stuff and then it's no longer expensive then it's just a little bit of expenses to continue going oh yeah but there's nothing quite like the smell of fresh plastic in the morning I'd love to hear your thoughts on where you think 3D printing is going and especially how it relates to our hobby okay where's 3D printing going I think it's just going to keep going where it's been going more and more people are going to start doing it the printers are just going to get better and better manufacturers are going to figure out what the best features are and lean into those more and get and just yeah uh one thing I do worry about is uh sort of closed printing ecosystems uh stuff that sort of ties you into their machine kind like think about like what happened with desktop inkjet or laser printers you know the the where they're so locked down you have to use their resin and their machine and like you know if you do anything it has a sensor to know that you did something and then it just locks you out at every step of the way I worry a great deal about that and some of you right now are thinking that why did you do that video you did recently well I got to pay the bills all right um but yeah uh that's that is one thing that worries me about the future of 3D printing but generally I think the future is very very positive I think uh the chemistry of resins will continue to improve as more creativity uh and brain power goes into that companies will figure out better ways to make lower odor more durable more cost effective more environmentally friendly and more Health friendly resins so that's going to be great to see printers I think will continue to improve I think the I think 3D is here to stay I think it's going to continue to grow I think more and more people are going to adopt it I don't yeah I don't think it's going to hurt GW or any of these other Miniatures companies but I think they they might feel it a little bit and they might be wise to integrate 3D printing in the future into their business model at least on some level if you rolled up to your local game store and the Army sitting across of you was completely 3D printed would you care would you mind would yeah this is going to be highly personal for each individual for me I'd be stoked about it I'd be so thrilled I'd want to see what you picked for every single unit but other people I you know I'm not a game store or event gamer I'm just a with my friends gamer so this is a an area that I'm really interested in what people have to say here as well because yeah for me this is not something that I've ever had to really worry about or concern myself with so yeah curious about that too would it make a difference to you if those Miniatures sitting across from you were direct IP ripoffs or Custom Creations that were unique to the person that made them 3D printing has come along with way and I'm here for it I like it I enjoy it and I can't wait to see what's coming up thank you once again to igu for sending us this printer it's been really helpful cool all right well this was fun thank you uh Nick I guess for making that video cuz that gave me something to do with my Friday afternoon so that was fun I uh love your channel love what you guys are doing I'm going to 3D print something soon that you know about that we spoke in my comments section do you recall do you remember that that's happening real soon do you want to get involved with that somehow hm that would be fun wouldn't it yeah maybe we can do something together I'll message you all right everyone thanks for watching hope you've enjoyed this one thank you so all 3D for sponsoring this video do please check out their soille sv7 plus 3D printer as well as all the rest of their 3D printers which are going for amazing prices right now and of course if you want to support this channel directly head to buyme your coffee.com in the6 side and buy me a coffee please really thirsty and out of energy I need all the coffee I can get all right that'll do it for this one see you byebye
Channel: Once in a Six Side
Views: 128,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Play on tabletop, Nick, 3D printing, Warhammer 40k, Games Workshop, Resin 3D printing
Id: t_miOrNw2GY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 25sec (2605 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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