DallasCon 2019 Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki FULL Main Panel Supernatural

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not one single thing unless you get this crowd to a fever pitch Robert what's ballast and show them the energy you had all weekend long let's rock [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] - will become to Jetsons hometown [Music] the caveat there working on gypsum son [Music] rock singer the MCU an SM lengthen them the song [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice I saw the backstage chicken wings and stuff good how they spell toka they still after all these years despite the Chickenwing severe smelling cold [Music] [Music] this Jetson got fit for one of these things dollars in ear monitor it's perfectly your ear [Music] take a knee fault teardrop eyes eyes that's perfect get out of ever sink [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies loudly swim buddy Bob oh here we just stood about 15 minutes of income during a journey song talking about your girly stuff eagerly there's your ear canal bit where you also do it you know yet how much no I'm simply walking on the stage but then we covered a lot of ground I got to know the audience each everyone there was a lot of kudos well done and appreciate that moment this is not about prosthetic something I'm gonna make this official video right now good people of Plano Texas Dallas Texas and all the surrounding counties please I want a big ass welcome [Applause] thanks mate pigby all right all right all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] just so you guys are like I thought we were nervous nope just so we're very clear this was a gift from a dear friend who works on the show I did something wrong with it hi guys apologies at time we're a little embarrassed we both wore our beards today wait and watch thanks mom sister cousin Virginia girlfriend show yourself warned after the show me what does it mean these taxes and this says ain't Texas what's interesting is is up here these mountain ranges yeah the Rockies and the Appalachians right there and now I need a bath you know I have regrets Raiders [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] what you said to your times tables down is that the only thing you learned in school for five minutes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all right there people standing up on what are they talking about I have a question so let's start with my side which is always the strong side mountains I know and their words piggy Lovato's sorry not sorry [Applause] where is that oh hi by the way so please be kind the the og mr. mrs. Echolls and mr. mrs. padalecki are here right now [Applause] that's so thank you from one person so kudos what do wrong actually they're thinking right now they're like well two out of three in bed hey you know so weirdly we we wear a little words without world tour and I found out that I was afraid of elevators so now I'm taking this actual avoid them [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] your bad jokes have reached new heights nice steps to avoid them okay I want to select that get no respect [Laughter] I understand I understand I'm sorry if he's usually much better he's nervous about his mom and dad but he brought his mountains Paulo's series is over and who do you think'll win take it easy race the impalas well I'll tell you who will win whoever wins is the person sitting behind the steering wheel the one with a 502 there's only one that has a big-block v8 so I'm fairly certain that's the one that that'll win however when we would we do quickly escape with him show's over and get him down to uh to Austin there is a there's a little horse out there called Circuit of the Americas maybe we'll go get very test [Applause] all right fine first off thank you both for just existing [Applause] you can thank those people over there [Applause] you know what you're welcome my question is so you both have your bar your brewery what made you guys decide to open those establishments beer what made you feel like you know what that's the one we appreciate it trust me we do mom dad shut your ears your ears when I was not 21 yet and I had my fake ID I never had a fake guy I had a real ID that said Eric that was my buddies who looked like me who was over 21 they really well down to profit margins and investment at that time there was there was a real need for that in the marketplace and so we really kind of broke it down to what it was going to be from a capital investment standpoint and then it just really the numbers made sense for that but to get good of an anything it could've been toilet paper but it just did because the margins weren't there but again looking back at those numbers really crunching them Doug really it just happened that was that was the one thing that that had that really stood out to both of us and there's a law that prohibits one manufacturer owning a retail space so you can't have it's a free to system you can't have that it was only one that could be a manufacturer to the beach trigger here and there can be retail space he decided to take one I decided together we're just looking for the third Winchester to get it distributed [Applause] that what happened thank you he said some balance of his own country [Applause] you guys too much on the spot but what would you say is the most influential thing that your parents taught you that you're passing on to your children you will take this firstly I'll take this let me take this would be good you know week stall a little bit I'm a very lucky dude I'm very lucky guy and on the very lucky husband and father but I think outside that the exterior aspects that make me lucky you know I was born tall and white and male and I mean like there are things obviously like I had some good fortune being born the world we live in is the country we live in is made for all white guys yeah and I'm very grateful and aware that pull up [Applause] whatever like my parents sacrificed a lot during the room so this weird answer question is their awakening but they gave everything they gave everything bad they even have the money I have they didn't have the good fortune I have within a thousand plus people looking at me but they gave more to me and to world to my brother and my sister and my sister and me and I hope to do as much of a similar job for lying for children sergeant attorney like I said ladies and gentlemen looks like we will be landing ahead of the schedule I will I could I could give you a laundry list of things that I hope to emulate to my children that was thrust upon me as a child and a young adult I was I will just pick one from that very long list and that is a gift of laughter that was there were there were always jokes I'll be it not good ones but but there was always there was constant laughter in the house and I hope to raise my children in a house of equal laughter I'm sure this Tom he wishes so my question is what do you guys realize that acting was the career for you because someone is about to go into university it's something that I wonder if I'm sure about right now what do you guys realize that this is something that you want to produce utilize that's a great question I've thought about this before I this sounds strange I don't recommend acting as a career I recommend it I don't I recommend as a passion as a vocation as a hobby and it starts out as something that you love and you need and turns into a career than great but there are actors and actresses out there who have changed my life and my career that you couldn't you wouldn't know the name of in any sort I say follow your passion you know there goes a obviously but just because we have 307 episodes of television under our belts together and we'll have three m37 episodes of television together doesn't mean that good better actors or you know active X's in somebody in this audience so maybe somebody chooses to be either maybe the new commercial with voiceovers the video movies but they do nothing and they tell stories to the kids and their kids friends behind the campfire I feel like it needs to be a passion and a vocation first and then if there's a way to pay your bills with it right but you know I ain't prominent through several years back there was a career because it wasn't a career yet it was still my hobby my passion my drive so for me and apples has his own opinion as well for me acting was always what I needed to do I just happened to be lucky enough and fortunate enough and blessed enough to get paid for it I think figuring out what it is yeah I think I think we're out what it is about that the industry that really speaks to you that you really that you really love because nowadays in this in this day and age the industry is completely different than not completely but it's wildly different than when we first started out you know for us it was movies or television and that was that level or theater if you wanted to be an actor were spaces those three mediums now you've got YouTube channels and you've got you've got different film festivals and you've got you get yeah there's so many different platforms and and mediums that you can utilize to tell stories and if it's telling stories for or writing stories or performing certain characters then figure out a way to do that and like Jarrett said do it if you love it don't do it because you think you're gonna you should get paid for it I think as soon as you start going like I want to be famous or I want to get paid that you start losing focus of what you're really doing it for so figure out what that is focus on that find a way to do it and if you get paid for it [Music] [Applause] my questions actually Genesis sorry galactic yes Jared was and this is okay thanks so I loved your voiceover work as Jason Todd and under the red clay to go back and figure it and Rick trying to remember that it was I mean do something in that in that medium again here's a completely different go back to that or the question here's something completely different you know do voiceovers you know my my father's had had a career in voiceover work and that kind of stuff took quite quite a long time he's a man of many talents but that certainly is one of one of his his great ones and he does very well with it and I think him for whatever he taught me or whatever I got from him that gave me the the ability or even the confidence to go and do a job like under the Red Hood that being said totally different process than what we do on supernatural or what most people do it in television or film I mean this is being a recording booth just reading the lines with no other actor there to play opposite not hearing somebody else appreciate the other lines literally I just don't line by line recording it three different ways now that's really quicker where you come from some button from from a set where you're rehearsing scenes and you're trying to make them as realistic as possible that's hard yeah and so I remember you know do exclusive like those long speeches and just using my personal you know life moments to kind of pull from and use that to give me emotion or direction on how I wanted to perform it but again it was it was interesting because you couldn't really get into a scene or get into a rhythm with with the character or the other characters because that there was no one there it was just you alone in a booth I will say though that as hot as it was I have done a few more that aren't out yet so I was wondering if somebody where you sit down and watch the show from start to finish what's one thing or is leave I want them to take away from the show Texas Kansas [Applause] [Music] always keep 3.14159265 ate like chair tears I feel like the I talked about so earlier my my proud angry and I feel like one of the things that I learned or not learned from the show but was sort of reinforced from my time on the show which isn't over yet is that these guys did the best they could it's almost the same I just talked about my folks or they are somewhere over there they just did the best job that code what they had you know they're just you want to be perfect there's no such thing as perfect just do the best you can do work hard be true be honest loyal sacrifice and just do the best you can and that's kind of what the boys went a bit too far maybe sometimes you know I mean I've seen that Jared doesn't want to be Lucifer I think like the boys did the boys meet the we just force which I guess I'm one always did the best job they could I feel like that's what I would want to live with them that's all yeah it is it's a good fight I think that's a big you know through line with this with this show is he's these brothers they they fight for each other and they fight for what they believe is right and it's uh and I do love that message in fact since you're here and dad you may not remember her telling me this but when I left when I moved out at the age of 18 and moved to California there was a great piece of advice one of them was make sure you stand for something is if you don't fall for anything and I believe that the brothers the Winchester brothers they they fight to stand or something and I love that about the story in this world in these characters they they fight when they leave thank you hi hi my niece Tiffany that's a voucher hi Darren this is my Jensen ifes doing pickups minute once over bone danger so we saw the end of last season that Chuck kind of undid a lot of what Sam and Dean have done over the last 14 years what would be the most difficult thing emotionally or physically for the boys to face again if they had to and why I think the most difficult thing that the boys wanna face is keeping their viewers off-camera and they'll say you know what is the most what is the thing that the voice is the most difficult thing that they'll have to face it is I think you just repeat the question into the camera that'd be great if you did that just now something's like hey what's the scariest thing the boys and face and I say it could be peanut butter as well that was the fake so just finished season 14 on March 3 sets in Vancouver we have couple weeks with our wives kids and family friends and homes and jump in and be with around Europe and then around Australia who all around to buy that Australia in WebEx in Los Angeles and have a several hour meeting with our producers and writers and sometimes directors and so Jensen hi know how the shows here and write this down [Applause] [Music] I feel like a magnet I'm not gonna spoil in the show it means too much to me it's been too long I'm not gonna go into I will write down but I also miss out he forgot so I I will say that the last scene of supernatural [Music] [Music] uh-huh I've been buckle your seatbelt show your tray tables we're not big experiences chocolates there's some I would not like to deal with the Leviathans anymore I think happy that we put those to bed I hope those don't come back for how many years many what would be you know I would like that and another cracker cook man yeah the almond sort of event for an oral story of our episode of a man no honest story was we shot the pilot we shot wendi-go and then we shot cook man so nothing into area supernatural that not aired and there were some things they wanted to tie up as a hook man was the third filmed episode of Supernatural they would air busy eight separate because way to go back and reshoot a bunch of stuff now I feel that Washington's good good episode like I think it's one of those they're trying to show picked up and so we have to shoot that's a good job both man was one of my favorite episodes to watch because one of those stories that I tell and enjoy being told you know and that recovering camp are something but it was a funny situation way back in the day which is Wednesday yeah actually this ability like you know be nice to kill the otherwise again or [Applause] [Music] it's fine we'll just take the tap gorgeous yeah I'll just tap out at agent that's great thanks seriously we're going I think she said Looby the cafeteria fine we're good just [Laughter] good size good size the I would say if there was one thing that we dealt with in all of the 307 episodes of supernatural that we have filmed that there was one thing that I would really love to not have to deal with again that would be the bees [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] and this is coming from somebody who when you killed the hellhound and at that it was like you were laying in your back so I slowed the up yeah yeah you did you know what there's you know whose gesture are you the question where we're talking about we come close to answering it even all of your clip was it was the question [Laughter] hi how are you thank you um so mission is yesterday I asked Misha what's one thing that can make him so happy he gets sent into the MIT and he said Sarah Jean seemed like they miss him will you say that first sentence one more time for me you asked me sure and that's the intent I was wondering if like visitors every gene would do anything that would you know make me make me happy like City mr. Merz chosen type of gratitude for all the things that he's done perhaps one of the things that I enjoy most about supernatural unfortunately is that I feel like if I'm saying this if Castiel were to pass away again I guess and go to the empty I feel like the way we would show Castiel's attitude would be to keep doing what we're doing you know I don't think it's something I think the way the Winchester brothers have where has been you know if you lose somebody you keep on fighting the fight keep on during the best can there's been time to breathe I don't think it's a good I highly recommend it for a human being that lives on the planet Earth outside of television but I feel like there's not a lot of grieving for the Winchester brothers it's sort of like the cry for 20 seconds and you get up and you move forward and I feel like that's the way Sam and Dean Winchester to show their gratitude is by continuing to risk their lives and work hard to make the world safer to make to keep doing what you think and make them the proudest you know what is it they say get busy living or get busy dying so I don't think I don't think the brothers have a give up mentality or a wealth since we lost Cass what's the point mentality I think they've had their ups and downs but I think it would it come what it really comes down to it the best way that they can make sure that the lives that they have lost along the way weren't lost in vain is to continue fighting what we were all fighting for [Applause] earlier yeah don't you know all right so my question for you guys as if you had the chance to change anything about the show like a little detail and episode a character even an entire season what would it be it would be set normal wear watch your mouth that I mean it's a small detail but I always wished my brother wasn't so short we do this thing sometimes when we'll get this boat legs and string them out and he's my constant is a bit like and he's here all straightness let down again [Music] make more trips to the barbershop [Applause] it's it's it's like having a sheepdog in a car there's not a shopback out there that can get it all up first or good time what was Norway in thank you [Applause] watch go after your top what is it how do you say thank you juicy Chuck don't do that don't say that you really gonna go wash my mouth out with soap now goostin talking to Saddam do some time thanks for coming all the way from Norwegian I really thought you mr. jereth weren't there she's like I came over from Norway I so but you missed it you missed him so I took [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi are you I'm good how are you I would want to know who use I stand boy over I didn't understand that question my blank this person she's dead [Music] yeah I mean I'd see him actually like the the cool just evaporated from heaven it was so fast I didn't know what happened and then I rather I realize he was talking any better and I had I had to remove him from the situation just knowing how embarrassed he was going to be after I told him what it was funky there's the actual story I'm gonna say it I mean I'm not a z' we've gone to a charity event and a veteran played with himself so Avengers over I'm talking to I think I don't salmon's there we had no business being there or we were really not famous I have to be at this event but there we were and any beggar comes up to talk to whomever I'm talking to like there was like Sandler and another person who maybe it was David Spade or something and he doesn't quite say hi with his buddies I happened to be in the group and he's been he's smoking a cigarette and I'm like play go play go play hey is that real [Music] huh I'm standing next to him and I'm like what did you see there's a group and I think there was it was like it was like a vapor cloud of just of just anything cool that was I didn't share his body just left I was just looking at the shell of a person man you can keep it true story and this is what I've been dead I'm like that's good and he was totally cool too like he could have been cooler bad news is like and then just watch this poor person with something that he's never used before thanks for letting me borrow your smoke bro he was like just kind of smiled you know man yeah thank you very much I fortunately have not I don't thing had a moment like that that I can think of because I avoid them like the plague if I see somebody that that I would that I admire that I you know think I might act anything close to what he did [Music] I won't approach them in fact I have this thing like people off oh you know what are some actors are some musicians that you really admire and I'll maybe list couple they're like whoa they wanted you could probably meet them I'm like I don't want to for two reasons one I might act like a fool to they might act like a fool [Applause] you're stronger than I am no I just I don't I also don't want that my perception of them tarnished you know and you never know you never know what you're gonna get you know if you guys scored with us thank you so much for your question [Music] we're gonna stay cold and I'm gonna sell her out right now everybody she says to me I want to sit down too short welcome to some it's somehow your character is to take over your body and both would be the most wonderful noticeable difference and will be the first person to notice again number two is literally what do you consider your sexiest moves [Applause] [Music] I've got one other move that doesn't there's a drink this one over the top [Music] [Applause] [Music] go down that road I was taking over my routine I learned it for me probably voice and anybody who talked to me I don't think I would talk so much because Jarrod talks a lot we saw me eat [Applause] [Laughter] yeah yeah so I feel like if anybody talked to me or some bees they'd be like wait you're not eating as much or you see my Chester hey you're not talking as much you're not you're like wait a minute you're not sweating as much are you spit Winchester do you have a team of people telling you off between takes true story yes he does Nicole thank you very much thank you to go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well done Ellis and I read you are really clearly reading your sentence it's after the panel you should stampede for the exits I'm saving but roommate earlier I went to the doors earlier in the weekend I thought that that was the bathroom and I kept thinking why are so many people going to the bathroom there's 400 euros guys we're gonna take a little break over and then we're gonna come back and have a panel of the young youngster named Richie speak junior yes did you see too much of I know maybe so wonder back get a breather hurt each other we'll see you nervous [Applause]
Channel: SPNConGirl
Views: 82,505
Rating: 4.9597988 out of 5
Keywords: jensen ackles, jared padalecki, jared padalecki and jensen ackles, jensen ackles (tv actor), jared padalecki (tv actor), genevieve padalecki, jared padalecki & jensen ackles, jensen ackles supernatural dallas 2019, jensen ackles saturday night special, jared and jensen, jensen ackles heaven, jensen, jensen ackles supernatural, jensen ackles supernatural dallas, jensen ackles singing supernatural dallas, dallascon 2019, main, full, pane;, panel
Id: gF1Rzv4wjHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 28sec (4048 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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