Dolphin - All Scenes Powers | "Young Justice" Season 3

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i use magic as a catalyst to activate the meta gene and kidnap teenagers you can't breathe [Music] need your help girl [Music] i am sorry since surface languages were not designed to be spoken underwater i know being understood has been difficult and i imagine the last few weeks trapped in this tank have been worse than difficult still are you certain you want to go [Music] has it worked my translation magic is quite rusty did you just speak hindi or am i speaking english we are both speaking atlantean but i do not speak it like wait i can talk and and you can understand me thank you [Music] king oren of atlantis allow me to introduce you to you never did tell us your name no and i will not now it is all right child you begin a new life in atlantis you may choose a new name when the time is right thank you um your majesty if i might ask why did you stop being aquaman ruling atlantis is more than enough responsibility for any one person it was always my intent for kaldaram to become the aquaman when he was ready and he most certainly is ready you honor me my king your work with the justice league honors all of atlantis news of your outsiders has reached us here in poseidon us the queen and i were very impressed particularly with their defeat of professor ivo yes they did admirable work under difficult circumstances but apologies my king i must take our new friend to a promised rendezvous of course godspeed calderon [Music] these are my parents shalena and calvin durham we are very pleased you will be staying with us child and i think i can help you adjust i'm from the surface world myself san diego california thank you but would you mind if i had a moment alone with your son of course not take your time are you unhappy with this arrangement no no i'm so grateful for their hospitality it is more than i ever received up there but aquaman please call me calderon or simply calder all right calder i think you are the one who is unhappy i know you lied to king oren i i do not know what the lie was about or why it mattered and i am certain your king did not suspect you think lying makes you a bad man but i have known bad men and bad men do not feel bad when they lie you are a good man kalduram [Music] uh [Music] be
Channel: Explore Wh!te
Views: 1,280,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Young Justice, Dophin Powers, Young Justice Season 3, Atlantis, Aquaman Young Justice, Young Justice Aqualad, Klarion Powers
Id: 1IAfyuxKjmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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