SUPERHUMAN Training With ICEMAN Wim Hof & Yes Theory - behind the scenes!

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I wanna meat cute girls who are into these kinds of things :)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/waywardsheepp ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What's this man going to do!? :O He's going to unleash the potential of humanity! :O Omigosh! :D

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/djt789 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
I'm currently hiking out the tallest mountain in the Czech Republic on the border of Poland in a snowstorm wearing nothing but shorts and a sports bra I'm the only female amongst a group of nine men the wind is whipping and piercing against my exposed skin all I'm focused on is my breath but how did I find myself in the seemingly dangerous situation this is that story it's like all these deep fears but stuck with every person so long I can't avoid it anymore we are going to prove to the world that all we need is right in you in me it is Saturday morning and today I am going to the wim HOF experience at wanderlust in Hollywood I have been wanting to learn the wim HOF method for a long time and then I saw that this was happening and I thought what better way to learn it them to go to an event taught by wim HOF himself people like wim HOF fascinate me because they truly have mastered the art of mind power like what he does barely make sense wim HOF aka the Iceman the Dutch daredevil who holds the most world records for withstanding extreme weather conditions including the longest ice bath the longest swim under ice running a marathon in the desert without drinking water and climbing past the Death Zone on Mount Everest wearing nothing but shorts woman's been shocking the world for years by completing seemingly impossible feats and he's even subjected himself to scientific scrutiny paving the way for groundbreaking research that is challenging our current understanding of the mind-body connection but women's more than just a crazy outlier he claims that anyone can learn to do what he does and is changing millions of people's lives all over the world through his teachable method it's called the wim HOF method and consists of three parts meditation and concentration techniques breathing exercises and colds therapy I first discovered wim HOF in 2016 when I watched a vice documentary where a reporter went to Poland to train with him and hiked up a snowy mountain wearing nothing but shorts and as much as I hate the cold for some reason I told myself that someday I wanted to do that too so when I saw that when was doing a workshop here in Los Angeles I knew that I needed to go you own your soul your freedom your mind the power of your mind is your choice little did I know that through pure luck I'd somehow find myself at a dinner that night with a group of wimp HOF instructors wimps family and the Iceman himself I was invited by one of the instructors who I met at the workshop and despite my fear of intruding I went anyways I had no idea at the time but that one yes would lead to a wild journey I never expected over the coming months we all kept in touch and I became friends with annum Hoth winds son who runs the business behind the wim HOF method I learned that enum has been instrumental in his dad's message being able to reach millions of people I just tried to make things as successful as possible for him to be able to spread his message instead of raising the amount which I could raise it easily and what we do is raise the amount of people and having instructors to support my dad to make to keep it accessible for everyone who wants to since attending the wim HOF workshop in 2017 I've been dabbling in the technique here and there every time I take an ice bath it's really hard for me but every time I make it through that three minutes in the ice I feel like I've overcome a major mental barrier every time I do an ice bath I feel pure gratitude I feel like I overcame something around this time I make a conscious decision to start doing more things that challenge and scare me I start my youtube channel Sky life as a way to follow my curiosity of exploring the world of health and wellness and making the videos that I want to make and then I found this channel called yes theory yes there is motto is seek discomfort encouraging their viewers to get out of their comfort zones step into fear and say yes to life I binge watch their videos and I knew that these were the careers I wanted to surround myself with and hopefully work with someday so I write down a lofty goal in my journal to meet yes theory and collaborate with them on a project at the time I didn't know how it would happen but the power of intention is spooky because just a few weeks later I somehow end up at a meet-up at the yes theory house we connected through our mutual passion for health and wellness and developed a friendship over the coming months I even helped them produce a video worm at fasted for a week I knew I wanted to make a video about wim HOF and I knew I wanted to collaborate with the S theory then one day it clicked okay I have a crazy idea and something tells me this is what I really need to pursue and make happen what if I asked yes theory if they would want to come to Poland with me to train with wim HOF that would actually be a dream come true the timing of both of us meeting and like where we're all at right now and what their mission is what mine is what Wims trying to share it all just makes perfect sense it all fits together and I need to make this happen though I took a chance and pitch the idea - yes theory am and wim in somehow they both said yes let's just say from now on I am a full believer in the power of manifestation I [Music] still can't believe this is actually happening and the way this all has unfolded it just blows my mind and the fact that I'm about to go to Poland with yes clearing my youtube heroes to train with wim HOF himself that is unfathomable - I can't even believe it's actually happening I have a million thoughts racing through my head well how this is gonna go and about how the facts that I brought this to the table somehow holds me responsible for anything that could happen while we're there and I am just nervous I'm really really nervous so I'm gonna try my best not to worry my face off about this and really just get prepared so I've really been diving into the research reading every single scientific paper that exists on one puff and trying to really fully understand this method and what we're about to do I want to know what is happening in my body and why when I'm being put through this crazy physical and mental challenge we'll be diving into the breathing techniques the meditation techniques I'm understanding how these all work I've dabbled in this space before the only thing that's scaring me is the cold exposure but I feel like we're gonna be learning the techniques in order to withstand that there are so many things to be worried about but you know what that's life all we can really do is just do the damn thing so let's do it my journey begins in the Netherlands where I'll spend a few days capturing the essence of Wims homeland I make a trip to Radboud University Medical Center to interview a scientist researching wim in his method I also visit the village of Blair I come and talked to a local blacksmith named Hank Vandenberg who says his rheumatoid arthritis was cured using the wim HOF method once a sceptic Hanks miraculous recovery inspired him to share the method with his local community every year Hank hosts an event where hundreds of locals gather to take a nice bath together in the lake our original plan was to leave for Poland on January 5th but women cysts that he must attend this event to support his community I get to experience this local tradition as soon as the event concludes wim Anam and i all hop in the car for an eight-hour road trip to the mountains of Poland where we will meet yes theory and begin our training we want to make it a great great documentary and everybody is understanding the gravity Aubert little did I know what wim had in store for us [Music] for this week I got planned specifically for this group to use the power of the monitor this week we're gonna do things I've never done because I've been a guinea pig all my life and I changed the books now I'm going to do that with yes theory I think we're about to do call this merciless but righteous humanity yes alienated so much from nature the cold is very able to bring our mind and body back into our inner nature the way it was supposed to be in harmony with the nature outside control [Applause] [Music] every person has the capacity innate capacity to reconnect with the physiology in the death that makes them able to be in control over their happiness strength in health there's no doubt about it just put your mind for a moment over there and get into your power walking into your fear and facing your fear it's the only way we ever overcome anything in life one step another one another one and then we reach it talk [Music] we are built to be happy strong and melty we got all the tools but they are not awakened but who is going to wake them up that's us by now you're probably really curious to know what actually happened during our time in Poland training with win and for that story you'll need to go watch yes theories documentary frozen alive now this is the first time yes theory has made a documentary and it means so much to me that I was a part of it and that I helped to make it happen I'm so grateful for the entire experience and it truly was a dream project for me it was also the most physically and mentally challenging thing that I have ever done so I'm about to get very real about my experience in Poland and what I was feeling along the way the challenges that I had to overcome and then what I've really learned from it for me I felt like there was a lot at stake here I am feeling self-doubt I am questioning so many things right now it was both my relationship with wim and a numb Hoth and my relationship with the S theory and feeling like I just wanted this to be an overwhelmingly positive experience for everyone involved there high six involved here really very high stakes what are the high stakes the thermia blankets ready just in case I wanted this video to be amazing and I wanted Wims message to be able to get out there into the world I had all these expectations in my minds for what this experience was going to be and what I wanted it to be and when those expectations were shattered I had to learn how to adapt I didn't know what to expect coming into this but I can say I did not expect this I had prepared so much for this experience I've been reviewing the research again and it's just so fascinating and groundbreaking and blows my mind that I'm gonna be experiencing this in real life I am going to be releasing a video that is dedicated solely to the science and research behind the wim HOF method and really break it down for anyone who's interested in that for me that was something that was really important to understand and also important for Wims message that this is space in science after having done all that research and feeling like I have a good grasp on the method I had practice with it for the past year pretty much I felt prepared but then when we get to Poland and start the training none of my preparations really mattered we have no idea what is happening or why what women decided to do with us is something that he has never done with any group before don't do this at home directly like copying don't do it these guys are experienced and he wanted to really challenge us and force us to step right up against fear and discomfort in the most intense way you guys already have experience in going into discomfort with that you got a different mindset that's the mindset I need for when this was the perfect opportunity to take this group and really use us as guinea pigs for some of what his new emerging research is saying that a lot of this is just all in the mind he wanted to put that to the test knowing in his intuition that this group was the group that could handle it I can feel what you guys are capable of he had a method behind his madness and it took us a little while to reflect on that to understand that what he put us through was for a reason the method is a organic growing thing and every time it asks for adaptation adaptation is the power so on day one of the training women tells us that the first thing we're gonna do is jump into a freezing cold water fall off of a 20-foot jump without any training this is [ __ ] what do we do I've never jumped in cold water why are we doing a cliff jump we have no choice but to just do it and the purpose of that initiation was to throw us right into the fear and take a leap of faith and trust that your body is gonna know what to do there's so much fear so much he doesn't wake up let's go and then the next day we expect to start the morning with breath work and really dive in to the technique the wim HOF method everything that we are going to need to know in order to climb this mountain on the final day of the week wim has different plans he tells us that instead of doing any of the training he had plans that he wants us to go straight into a ten-minute ice bath in the freezing cold river hold breath keep your hands on the time when you get in when you sit in the water and swim the guys tight normally they don't start anyone with more than two minutes in the ice water I'm afraid of how this is going to turn out I'm afraid of what everybody's thinking I'm afraid of what we're about to do I couldn't dwell on all of my fears for how it was all unfolding I had to just shut off the mines and get into my body in order to survive so we go into the river together and I truly at that point just had to turn off my thinking brain and just get into my body and really just be present with my breath my breath saved me during this experience I was doing it and I was even feeling grateful to just be there it's when we got out of the ice water I started to freak out a little bit we run back to the sauna trying to warm up for probably five minutes and I still couldn't feel warm I still felt freezing's I thought I was getting hypothermia I thought that my body wouldn't be able to warm up and that it was shutting down but women shared me in the sauna he said it's gonna come back with feelings gonna come back just stay with your breath and I just kept moving and my body started to warm up it was burning and it hurts so bad but I just stayed with my breath and just stayed with the pain and eventually the feeling came back and when that happens I was hit with so much emotion and I think that I was just holding in so much because we were forced to face this real challenge in nature it just cracked me open and the emotion came rushing out in life we are taught to be strong and to be positive and we're really not taught to be vulnerable and to let emotion express itself and the way it needs to and when I had to really face all of my fears in nature all of the mental and emotional fears that I was going through just had to come out it's like all my fears about being kind of not being strong enough all of that is like bubbling up to the surface and coming out an emotion and it's good because it's something I suppress and I think that that was really healthy for me to just let it out and then on our second day of training wim reveals to us that instead of hiking the mountain on day 4 like we thought tomorrow it's going to happen we were going to be hiking the mountain the following day day three with barely any training that was a total shock for all of us in a minute we're about to be in our source and Sports Bra for me hiking up a mountain for over two hours so as I'm worrying about all the things that feel like just a complete disaster at the time I then have to make a decision I had to choose to not listen to those thoughts and to step into my true power for myself and for the group that I was with I was going to be hiking and mountain with these people and we all needed each other so I needed to shift my mindset into that of faith that we were gonna do this together and we were gonna get through it and feel so accomplished afterwards and that's all that I could do in that moment was learned to adapt just the way wim was trying to teach us to do for the first time ever I'm doing this cold exposure I feel the heat within my body and I've never felt this before like actually being able to separate myself from the cold is the first time I'm feeling it I'm just really cool now looking back that was the purpose all along was him just pushing us so far to the point where we just had to do it we had to turn off our mind and just do the damn thing and that's what we did the most important thing that I learned from this whole experience is that life is always gonna throw us unexpected challenges and we have a choice in those moments as to how we react and respond to those challenges and we can either stay fearful and worry and be frustrated about them or we can flip our mindset and look at these challenges as a way to grow and expand and get stronger and now after having experienced everything that we did I feel so strong like I can take on anything when believes that all of us have this untapped power and potential within us and that's why he wants to share his mission with millions of people and teach them to do the things that he's been able to do if there is one thing I want you to take out of this it's to believe the power of your beautiful mind and after having spent this time with him and training with him I feel like I believe in that so strongly now more than ever and I want you to know that you have that within you too and you don't need to do something as Extreme as hiking a mountain in the snow and your shorts to find that simply by doing things on a regular basis that really challenge you and scare you you're going to begin to open up so much within yourself that you never even knew was there and that is where we can access truly who we are and step into everything that we are I want to thank you so much for watching and remind you that you have the power to thrive you have the power to live your best life ever it's all within you everything that you need I will see you on Thursday [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Sky Life
Views: 558,091
Rating: 4.9215055 out of 5
Keywords: wim hof, wim hof method, wim hof breathing technique, yes theory, frozen alive, yes theory wim hof, wim hof vice, meditation, wim hof meditation, mindfulness, cold therapy, cold showers, wim hof breathing, wim hof iceman, the iceman wim hof, 30 days of cold showers, ice bath, rich roll wim hof, lewis howes wim hof, wim hof science, wim hof joe rogan, the iceman, iceman, wim hof breathing method, wim hof speech, wim hof advice, wim hof cold shower, meditation technique
Id: E0e10oDgxEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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