Superbook - Elisha and the Syrians - Season 3 Episode 9 - Full Episode (Official HD Version)

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[Music] Elisha the prophets have told you Elijah will be leaving us soon what are you doing master what did the prophets tell you in Jericho Elijah Master they told me that soon you would be taken away the Lord wants me to go to the Jordan River but you must stay here I swear by The Living Lord and by your own life that I will never leave you [Music] look he is part of the river it is a miracle [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Lord will soon take me away what can I do for you before that happens [Music] please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me you have asked a hard thing nevertheless if you see me when I am taken from you it shall be so for you but if not it shall not be so laughs [Music] [Music] that's real and it's Horsemen [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign where is the Lord God of Elijah foreign [Music] Spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] check it out kiss a three-pointer all day oh just a little high hey hey Joy why are you hiding in there I'm hiding so no one will see me that is the motive for over 90 of hiding okay and why don't you want anybody to see you because it's too embarrassing look at this oh birthday party last year I dared you to do that so what's the big deal a girl named Barbara got this video and morphed the cake into a bunch of other food look guys it's not funny no it is not that funny last night she uploaded it for the whole world to see please Joy what are the chances that would go viral my data scanner indicates there are already over 17 000 downloads oh I mean foreign you checking inside those boxes for leftover food [Laughter] see you later video star oh that does it I'm getting even with Barbara right now I have a video of her too pep rally practiced three weeks ago Barbara was on top of the world [Music] I'm posting this one as cheerleader gets trashed Joy are you sure you know Mercy Superbook [Music] I am taking you to meet a man who did all God asked while showing Mercy to his enemies do an infoscan and find out where we are it is according to my geosensors we have landed at the Jordan River and the year is approximately 8 48 BC wow the Jordan River Lumberjack Club sure is busy today I wonder what they're gonna build Hey sir are you resting Elisha I don't know what to say I was chopping down this tree here when the ax had flew off the handle and landed in the river oh perhaps I can help using my stone energy what it means is uh hello I'm Chris this is joy and he's Gizmo I am Elisha Asaf and the others are helping cut wood to build a new dwelling ah it appears you won't be doing any more chopping with this my friend uh we over we overheard us hey you lost gas entire riverbed in the vicinity I cannot find the missing ax head and the cost of a new ax head it is far too much for me oh sir it was a borrowed ax where did it fall [Music] foreign what's he doing oh the old tosser stick find an ax routine never gonna work I saw no accident down there trust me trust my Sonar [Music] [Music] iron does not float Master now get it you have found it it floated to the top oh thank you I will repair it and return it just as I borrowed it thank you master how did he do that Sperry ax had Rose from the river when I thought it was lost forever and you know you're in good company Aces even the king of Israel himself has been aided by the double portion of power Elijah bestowed on my master what has Elisha done for the king we all know the syrians have been raiding our land stealing our grain cattle when the king of Israel King jehara marched against them they laid ambushes for his army but Elisha warned the king each time and he avoided their attacks it is as if my master knows everything the Syrian King says even in his own room all right tell your king what you told me my Lord I have discovered who is telling the Israelites all of your battle plans who is it it is an Israelite named Elisha he is a prophet he can tell his King everything even what you say in your own room find out where he is he and his followers are on their way to the town of Dothan but their God can see us our army will never be able to silence I will find this man Elisha and take him myself if I must kill everyone else in the city of Dothan to do it and you will be there to see it Joy are you still obsessing over that video I need to do something to make it even more embarrassing maybe it needs a catchy song I'm cheering way up in the sky feeling like I really could fly to duper than my team got weak now I looked like a geek probably get a big rash from sitting in this trash and now I what are you really gonna put that on the internet when we get back hey she did it to me first I've got a right to get even no sounds like you have an enemy yeah and what she did to me is unforgivable so I'm getting back at her an eye for an eye exactly and she deserves everything I'm gonna give her sometimes enemies are merciless right attack Elijah were being attacked attack attack hear my words send out the prophet called Elijah or I will storm the walls and single-handedly destroy him sir what are we going to do not fear for those who are with us are more than those who are with them Lord please help him to see [Music] I see the master get ready men have no mercy destroyed [Applause] strike these people I pray with blindness what is happening I cannot see they're all blind do not retrieve man stand your ground Victory will be ours all right [Music] who's there speaker I'll cut you down the way nor is this the follow me and I will bring you to the man whom you seek Stay Together hold on to the man in front of you I want to bet he's gonna get even with them now Joy I don't know about that well that's what I would do [Applause] [Music] thank you the syrians dare to come here look Elisha is with them blinded our enemies [Music] why have we stopped where are we told you he was gonna get even with them come on Lord now let them see again [Applause] outside should I kill them [Music] of course not do we kill prisoners of War give them food and drink and send them home again to their master hahaha [Applause] [Applause] they steal cattle and Grain and now you have me give our food to them these are our enemies we came here to capture Elijah because he helped the enemies of our King through the power of His God we were struck blind and helpless but he showed us mercy and opened our eyes no mercy he showed Mercy from this day we will no longer raid the land of Israel foreign [Music] [Applause] it's nice to be home again and according to my atomic clock we have only been gone a few minutes great hi I'm Joy [Laughter] I've got a video of you Barbara [Music] oh that's not a bunny how would you feel if I uploaded that for the world to see oh you you didn't do it no I don't have to do something bad to you just because you did something bad to me uh Joy I'm I'm sorry about what I did with that video of you I won't do anything like that again okay thanks I'll see you around then do you think she means a joy do you think she'll never post another video like that I don't know but I'm glad I didn't post her video I think I learned my lesson [Music] Jesus you died upon a cross and rose again to save the Lost forgive me now of all my sin come be my savior your lord and Friends [Music] me Jesus you died upon a cross and rose again to save the Lost forgive me now of all my sin come be my savior Lord and Friends change my life [Music] [Applause] help me Lord to live for you [Music] it's the new Superbook Bible app it's packed with games activities and Superbook episodes that you can watch for free [Music] there's trivia a fun Daily Devotional and answers to your Bible questions plus an easy to understand Bible the whole family will enjoy you can even create your own Superbook characters it's the new Superbook Bible app where you download on iTunes Google Play and Amazon [Music] flying high on a journey within a mystery [Music] that shines [Applause] [Music] Adventures [Music] [Music]
Channel: Superbook
Views: 1,549,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6320498386112, sb_309, superbook, superbookyoutube
Id: 53Gd-5x6xFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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