Superbook Classic - Samson - Season 1 Episode 11

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[Music] I saw the [Music] [Music] Oh you know I wanna [Music] superbook sound real to me [Music] today's story muscle man the story of Samson at the house just down the street and around the corner our friend Chris is taking up a new sport Oh what's Christopher up to today huh think I could make the Olympics hmm not exactly but if you keep practicing until you're up to a hundred you might now then see if you can do ten more okay 11 1234 56789 20 there fantastic see if you can't do it another 10 more time son hmm why do I go on lifting it as long as I can see if I can't make it to a hundred I'll be cheering you on that ought to help you 50 if he succeeds I'll raise his allowance one more yep I can do it you can raising your thanks okay by me I didn't know you were so strong do you like to practice a lot huh huh barbell is a fake it's only a toy yeah you're a fake too ha ha you come back here that rascal where are you ruffles huh we've gotta have a serious conversation hey Chris joy oh I'm very annoyed with you Chris well I'm annoyed with ruffles go away now Fred she lost me money super park another adventure [Applause] who's that man Superbook that Samson is a real strong man Chris come with me to the city of Gaza we'll learn more about him ready let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] for 40 years the Israelites had been in the hands of their enemies the Philistines but now God had sent a man named Samson to save his people god bless Samson with great power he subdued fierce lions he tore up the huge gates of Gaza the Philistine City and carried them off on his shoulders hey what's happening Terral Philistines are going after the Israelites to get even with Samson when he do he practically tore apart the whole city of Gaza that's what seems like he's trying to smash the Philistines single-handedly oh there's only one problem what the army can't get Samson so instead they're taking their revenge against all people I see take my advice and be off the sooner the better ah we just arrived here we come [Music] no mass Sampson really did tailor their city apart Shh someone's hair who sire I say an Israelite stop you kids get out of the way on your own sighs watch your tongue children should be seen and not heard come on come on oh yeah who says oh are you all right it's safe now the soldiers are gone oh thanks so much do children live hereabouts no ma'am we're strangers hmm so hmm why do you ask would you do something for me a special favor I want to reach my son Samson do you mean your mmm-hmm I'm in hiding because the Philistines would be sure to kill me if they discovered that the great Samson is my son he is great tell us about him uh well my son Samson was dedicated to work for God even before he was born what you mean well when I was young I had no children but one day the angel of the Lord appeared to me behold I come from the Lord God soon you shall have a son a special son he shall be a servant of God chosen by him to begin the rescue of Israel from the Philistines praise the Lord the Lord will bless your son with strength and power but beware of one danger I must warn you of never cut his hair for without his hair he will lose the power to save Israel thank you Lord for the honor of bearing your chosen you see my son was special even from birth where's he now tell us what to do to help you please go and tell him that he's in grave trouble he's so strong don't worry so much that's what he claims himself he's proud of his strength so proud of it that he's apt to forget to use his head come on man let's move Samson's hiding find him I know that put him to death huh but jira will run ahead warning the enemy soldiers are coming his way yes and we'll remind him to use his head Oh figs go to the valley of Sorek Samson is in hiding out there in the home of a woman named Delilah she's very beautiful and I'm afraid my son has fallen in love with her [Music] Dalila you're delightful you too my darling Samson that's the sweetest wine I've ever tasted and you're the sweetest girl I've ever met mm-hmm well you're the strongest fellow that I've ever met big boy excuse me wait where are you going the right back don't you know that I can't stay away from you hmm I think I'll start practicing weightlifting as soon as I get back I'm gonna get strong like Samson oh you're not gonna get very strong by lifting those weights you have hmm forget about that we enjoy are you a forgetting that we're in a hurry let's go okay oh no no hurry okay empty over here Delilah Shh what's taking her so long can't you get Samson to fall in love with you he's in love with me all right that was the easy part have you found out anything well that's the hard part he admitted to me that there's one thing that can destroy his strength but I haven't found out what it is yet I'll make it worth your while to learn Samson secret really well that's not enough I want 1,100 pieces of silver well it's worth a price to catch Samson if you can discover a secret I'll pay you your money yeah [Music] hmm where have you been sweetheart oh I got some more wine for you darling Thank You Samson hmm do you really love me darling mm-hmm well then why won't you tell me the secret of your strength all right I'll tell you the way to destroy my strength if I were tied up with seven row-level ropes I would become as weak as anyone else [Music] who is it it's the film state say nobody can catch me you fools [Laughter] I sure this plan is gonna work are we waiting here for nothing Delilah we'll find out same since secret if it takes all night if we're gonna be here all night how do you expect us to stay awake hmm that's the house for Samson's hiding I'm sure hmm Samson I can't believe it are you teasing me hmm you mean it you really can't get away I am helpless look when my hair's caught in a loom I have no strength Samson listen sorry I brought your loom Delilah oh you treat me again liar oh it was just a joke we gotta talk to you Samson what about you're in terrible danger from the enemy here because this house is surrounded by soldiers hmm look you'd better get rid of those children because they might be spies right we're not spies whoops gray you've gotta listen to me Samson yeah outside [Music] back again are you you fools can you fix them first day after moving to safety oh come on be careful that Philistine army is a flock of sheep what's the matter don't touch me don't get near me why are you crying have I done something wrong you don't love me you don't care a thing about me do you yes if you did you wouldn't lie to me the way you do I don't lie to you oh yes you do lie to me you don't love me do you don't Dalila to prove I love you I'm going to tell you the secret of my secret good as new see if you could walk is mom I think I can I think I can I think I can I can two three four sorry to be so much trouble well that's what friends are for dismal I think we'd better go back to Samson's house because he's still in danger mm-hmm watch out for Philistines now stay still sweetheart time for a haircut [Music] not that I know you have real secret a little here a little there and you are finished Samsung what you late your friend seems to have lost all his hair somehow by the way I've got a feeling he's lost all his muscle as well captain Oh God you again how many times what's happened I feel so weak who's the fool now Samson you are right you've let a woman make a fool out of you if you're missing something big boy I happen to have it right here what's that Oh No Oh Oh could you well it was profitable right captain you betrayed me yeah you don't love me you used me you should have used your head you you traitor see you wait Delilah take him away now [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] no Samson poor Samson he looks so tired I'd say mushy knees pushing around I think it's used for grinding grain he's in Chains just like a slave besides her panties do you think that means he's blind baby poor Samson now he knows that his mother was right when she said that he loses strength if his hair was ever cut off right mmm maybe he'll be strong again when his hair grows back I hope so Oh God forgive me for my sins please give me one more chance to free my people from the Philistines hope you learn what happens to him me too it looks to me like we're in the same place same place different time that's right it must be a year later of course look at Samson his hair is growing long again yeah it looks to me as though Samson's no stronger than before hello Samson I know you'll love it in here but how would you like to go to a party today we're celebrating the festival of our God taken all our people are at the temple and they're calling for you everybody wants to get a look at that famous strong man Samson [Applause] [Music] they wanna see you make a fool of yourself will you place my hands against two pillars please any - what why two pillars because I'm tired I have to rest against something rest against something listen to this everybody he Samson the strongest man in the world says he needs a rest he's tired [Applause] he's mean to do that yes awful hello Samson Samson hmm oh you tried to help me I remember Oh Lord forgive me you gave me a special strength that I used it unwisely i disobeyed your commands but give me one more chance give me the strength to destroy the Philistines and let me die with them children get out of here get away from the temple do as I say run as fast as you can and forget about me go I suggest that we use our heads and do as he says right cuz I same Shenzen will remember you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sampson the temple fell on all the people inside destroying three thousand Philistines Samsa died with them but those enemies he killed at the moment of his death were more than all those he had killed during his entire lifetime thus did Sampson fulfill the Lord's command to begin to deliver Israel out of the hands of the Philistines Oh Chris wouldn't it be wonderful if you could be as strong as Samson when you grow up yes of course it would but I guess it's more important to obey God right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the light begins ages that leads to places far so you just believe your eyes [Music] Oshin came it's alright as we all go [Music] time don't you know Jean [Music]
Channel: Superbook
Views: 437,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rnDKNO0--dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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