Super Nintendo Hidden Factoids - SNESdrunk

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[Music] best drunk I've been doing this channel project thing for almost 10 years now and in that time I have accumulated a lot a lot of random trivial knowledge about various Super Nintendo games some of it is useful and some of it isn't so I decided to make something where I cram as much of that trivia as I can into one 10 minute video These could be things I learned while playing things I learned while going through a guide or an instruction manual or just something I stumbled upon somehow while doing research but for whatever reason didn't fit into any other video until now some of what I'll go over here is interesting but to be honest some of it is pretty boring either way this information has no place else to go you ever see those videos where it's like 10 minutes of random facts well this is that but it's all about Super Nintendo games you've heard of hidden gems now let's talk some hidden factoids I'll start by giving an example of something potentially useful with Secret of Mana my older brother owned this game when I was a kid so naturally he never let me play it I had to wait until he left the house but when he did I remember spending a lot of time screwing around with all the options if you go into the controller edit you actually have the option of uh flipping the controller upside down huh what's with that well it's kind of a makeshift way of allowing the controller to play left-handed where you use the d-pad for your right thumb and the face buttons for your left there's a surprising number of games that have this option Top Gear has it here at the menu before you race and even games like kid clown and crazy Chase have it so if you ever wished you could switch thumbs and use your right thumb for the d-pad then you might find these options useful now to give some examples of some trivial stuff that's not as useful and oh man do I have tons of that like in Paperboy 2 if you're used to Paperboy on NES like I am it can be frustrating to try and wrap your brain around throwing papers to both sides of the street it turns out you can just use lnr huh or check this out in run saber you can pause the game at any time and press the select button to switch your character's color scheme how about that huh huh a red wing Commander the flying can be pretty stilted in this game but you can use l and r on the second controller to do a barrel roll which is a big help toward avoiding enemy fire okay that one is actually kind of cool and it comes in handy but hey did you know that both NFL quarterback Club games can support up to five players all you gotta do is use the multi-tap along with another controller in the second controller Port the real trick is to find four other people that would actually want to play a football game that's nearly 30 years old there's also some stuff out there that's just not very well known and speaks to the depth of certain games like in Link to the Past in kakarika Village there's a house in the northwest corner you'll pick up a pot and underneath will be a chicken huh the hell is this guy doing here well if you've got the magic powder sprinkle a bit and the chicken will turn into a woman a woman that doesn't seem to like you very much because uh you've been making fun of her chicken friends I guess or maybe she's referring to you hacking at them with your sword for 20 straight minutes anyway she wants to go back to being a chicken and that's all she has to say and you can't talk to her again and if you leave and come back she's a chicken again so hey everything works out one really useful mechanic that's shown up in a few games is an option called couple mode and it's most prominently featured in the game pop and twin B which only saw releases in Japan and in pal regions this is a multiplayer game mode and when couple mode is turned on that will focus most of the enemy fire on player one's ship so if you're playing with a second player who's less experienced this is perfect for them yeah the game is still crazy and chaotic with stuff flying around everywhere but couple mode definitely eases the difficulty a bit for a second player which is a really nice feature to have I wish more games had this and if you happen to know any other 16-bit games that have this feature let me know in the comments here's a really handy tip on the game uniracers that's buried in the instruction manual for many folks this game can be tough to get the hang of because things happen so quickly and it can be tough to know when to try a trick to build up speed because you're constantly reacting to the track changing well there's an easier way to approach this game it's a simple matter of paying attention to the colors of the track when you're writing on a section that's made up of blue and green that's considered a normal track section where you can feel free to do flips and other stuff to try and go faster when you start to see red that's a signal that the track is about to change so don't pull any tricks and be ready to adjust and head into another Direction yellow means a shortcut is available and that usually means a well-timed jump can place you further ahead on the track there's lots of other colors too which signify all sorts of other tricks you can do like these 180 Loops where you hold the L button and tap left or right to do a twist in midair I found all this stuff to be extremely useful uniracers is a lot more fun once you learn to read the tracks here's another weird bit of game trivia this time involving Star Fox and this game has tons of weird stuff I've talked about the slot machine and the black hole in past videos I've Loved this game since I was a kid but I was always curious about how wing damage worked each Wing can take a certain amount of damage before breaking apart and it made me wonder does each Wing have its own energy meter so to speak I asked this on Twitter and I got a response from kando want to otherwise known as the person who has dedicated a ton of time into Star Fox ROM hacks over the years including the excellent Star Fox ex hack and they said yes and that the wing strats restart themselves when collecting the laser upgrade so yeah when you collect one of those upgrades they can not only repair damaged wings but they can restore Wing Health even if you don't have damaged wings and even if your laser upgrades are maxed out the point is it's always a good idea to grab a laser upgrade because at the very least they protect your wings here's a truly pointless bit of trivia about final fight Guy this is an interesting title since on the surface it appears that this is just the original Super Nintendo Port of final fight just with guy as a playable character instead of Cody but the game has cleaned up significantly The Slowdown has been reduced big time and guy can wall jump yes that's right he could bounce off of walls to do a flying kick never mind that there is only a handful of walls in this entire game where you can take advantage of this but guy is the only character in the game that can pull this off so uh hooray this doesn't really add to anything in the game but I thought it was interesting enough to point out sticking with Capcom here's a really useful tip for Street Fighter Alpha 2. if you're like me you like to remap the buttons and fighting games like to put Hard Punch and hard kick on Y and B respectively so when I first played Street Fighter Alpha 2 on Super Nintendo after I was done gawking at how this game was somehow able to exist in any form on the SNES I was a bit miffed to find that the options menu didn't let you map the buttons how you wanted but I was able to find out later that you can pause the game at any point during a fight press select and Bam there's your button map menu you can do this with any character at any time during any fight and in case you didn't know this option was there then here you go let's talk some f-zero and for me this is one of those embarrassing things that I didn't know about until years later now typically when you go over a jump in this game you'll crash against the ground and lose as much as 70 kilometers per hour from your current speed however if you hold down during your jump you will land more gently and if you do it right you won't lose any speed and your ship will make kind of a goofy noise again I want to reiterate I was an idiot for not knowing this all along and it makes a huge difference on tracks like Port town where there's a lot of jumps [Music] going from something really obvious to something really weird let's check out Family Feud this is one of those games that hasn't aged all that well because in order to get a correct answer you have to slowly type it in with a 45 second time limit it gets old pretty quickly but the way the game is programmed brings about some funny stuff for some reason when you put in an answer the game doesn't look for the correct matching word it only looks for the correct letters in the correct order here's an example the question is name something you bring on a camping trip I know the number one answer is tent but I can type in an answer like trusting elephant and the game will still see it as tent name something you usually forget to bring on vacation well I always forget my rancid zebra Orcs uh I mean Razer name something wives do to annoy their husbands well they sprout tentacles daily or spend I guess this is a fun thing to play around with just to see the kind of ridiculous crap you can come up with for answers brawl Brothers is a solidly okay beat em up a decent game that's ruined a bit by some absurd difficulty spikes but thankfully there is a cheat code that allows you to play through the game in the much easier Japanese version right when you start the game as the screen turns white press b-a-x-y over and over in that order until the jalico logo disappears if you did it right the screen should stay black at that point Enter start and then down three times and start again then you exit and you see the Japanese title screen where the game is known as rushing beat ran here's kind of an odd one for the game Legend it's an average beat-em-up that's very much on the slow side the American version of this game isn't all that great you can find much better if you're looking for a weapon based beat em up like this but when this game was released in pal regions it came with a special turbo option that you can turn on no code necessary just go to the options and turn it on and you'll see a difference right away it's not a massive upgrade but it's enough to significantly pick up the pace and make this game more than just a boring slog if for whatever reason you get a hankering to play a legend these days make sure it's the pal version with the turbo mode [Music] finally let's end with a really weird one Metal Warriors is a fantastic game where you fly around as a Mech and blow stuff up similar to cybernader but there are two key differences between those two games the obvious is that Metal Warriors has a one-on-one multiplayer mode but the other is that it has an unlockable basketball mode to access this start up the game and wait for the Konami logo to show up and at that point on controller 1 hold the L and A buttons along with left on the d-pad and on controller 2 you hold y select R and up on the d-pad you'll see a new Option made up of question marks you select that and suddenly you're uh I'm not even sure how to describe this the ballistic is the top half of the screen and it looks like a basketball and inside of it is some guy's head who shoots projectiles okay this other guy down here is a Nitro but made out to be a basketball player and you gotta find the hoop and score points I guess the controls are pretty much the same it's just different Graphics you can even blow up people that happen to be standing around visually and conceptually this mode is goofy as hell but it does work so if you're into Metal Warriors you should check it out and all right that's all for now and I want to thank you for watching and I hope you have a great rest of your day [Music] foreign
Channel: SNES drunk
Views: 116,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sWfLAk5Dw3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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