Sega Genesis vs Super Nintendo - SNES vs GENESIS

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/CheesyCharliesPizza 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2022 🗫︎ replies
Super Nintendo versus Sega Genesis there's no better pair of things that the word vs. has ever come between it's truly a nostalgic battle we were talking about 20 years ago and we're still talking about it today so ever since I started doing the nerd series I always felt like it would make a great subject for a video but I've always held back because I felt the whole thing is so much bigger than I am how could I do it justice to really do a proper analysis of both systems would take months and months of concentrating on just that so the only thing I can give is an opinion so I figured I might as well take the approach of just taking you back to the past because that's what I do best and there's no better way to go back to the past than to hear it from my past self at age 11 that's right I already made a video about this topic I might as well just sit back Nintendo vs. Genesis and the commercials they say that Genesis is better than Nintendo where am i what you see this is Nintendo 8-bit I can't see a damn thing I'll turn them on kill one thank you all right now so Genesis always always brags about how good it is as you can tell I'm talking about the Genesis commercials I'm sure everybody's seen them by now but if you haven't here's a refresher 16-bit are does 16-bit sports section don't die 16 victory Nintendo not you can't do this on Nintendo this is genesis does what Nintendo doesn't see even as a kid I couldn't bring myself to say Nintendo but in hindsight it was a great commercial just the fact that we're talking about it now means it really left an impression it worked I'm sure that commercial alone sold many Genesis's is genocide mega drives but back then that commercial was the bane of my existence how dare you talk about Nintendo like that they took a cheap shot I took it personal as if one of my best friends just got bullied so there I am pissed off making a video about it I guess nothing's changed so Little Jimmy tell us why the Nintendo brand is better than Sega it has more games like wait a minute wait we read there okay well I'm some pocket videogames I mean really actually this is from Tiger but it got the ideas off of Nintendo Simon quest and they got the way wait wait wait if we're talking about great classic games made by Nintendo how about Super Mario Brothers 3 or something like that but no the Tiger handheld version of Simon's quest I still have it Nintendo has posters like uh here's a Nintendo poster ah take that Sega Nintendo's got posters and E Nintendo has guidebooks do you mean strategy guy you see an intent of guidebooks or Nintendo Power these were made from these are Nintendo characters these awesome leaders for the control I still have those and they are awesome the power gonna allow you to shoot at characters on the intended screen that's the zapper but they should have called it the power gun like the power glove and the power pad well Calvin yeah you got control okay you got that reasons why Nintendo is better than Sega Tiger handheld Simon's quest posters guide books characters controller stickers power gun and Power Pad boom in your face Sega obviously I was showing a lot of faith to the Nintendo brand I was what you might call a fanboy but in truth I was envious over the 16-bit glory the Genesis the graphics they showed in that commercial you couldn't do that all Nintendo eat wrong you can do that on Nintendo oh yeah they invented a superintendent with 16-bit graphics now that's what we're talking about the Super Nintendo felt like Nintendo's answer to Sega but did the battle stop there nope it only started any of the commercials they keep bragging about Genesis they said that Genesis is even better than the Super Nintendo but they're both 16-bit Sega had a point before but now it's like a bully who's gonna pick on an even bigger kid the Sega Genesis has blast processing Super Nintendo doesn't sowhat's blast proccesing do it was ingenious blast proccesing every kid who saw that commercial remembered that term Sega fanboys now had some new ammunition to use so Sega's marketing team was like feeding all these arguments in the school cafeteria with like all these new words to use I remember being on the school bus trying to tell one of my friends Super Nintendo is better and he kept saying blast proccesing it worked the term caught on like wildfire it worked so well that even to this day we're still talking about it the Internet is a new playground to continue all these old arguments it picked up just like before with everyone debating whether or not blast proccesing is real or not I've seen it on message boards it's real it's not real it's real it's not real what's the story well I looked into it according to the technical specs the genesis is faster I can't find many great side-by-side comparisons to really demonstrate it the Sonic the Hedgehog games seem to be the classic example the term blast proccesing was made up for the commercial because that sounds way cooler than just pointing out the facts imagine if the commercial said the Sega Genesis has a 7.6 megahertz processor the Super Nintendo only three point six that's not as catchy commercials aren't about stating the facts they're about just what are people going to remember say blast proccesing and every kid is going to start using it even if they don't know what it means like I used to say bits all the time and I never knew what that meant and it's hilarious that if you look at the rest of the specs the Super Nintendo outshines the Genesis in almost every other detail but they found that one thing to exploit and that's the nature of marketing one time I had a playful argument about chocolate milk and this is two grown adults I might add I was working at a convenience store and every day I drink this milk mixed with a chocolate mix and my friend would always drink the regular chocolate milk out of the bottle I told him mine was better so we compared nutrition facts and turns out mine had less sugar more vitamins and was better in just about every way butthis had a little more vitamin D in it so every day then he would come into work sipping his chocolate milk and go love that vitamin D yeah we got bored at work a lot also notice the game they chose to make fun of was Super Mario Kart and what if you don't have blast glasses have you played Super Mario Kart that's a great fun game so they're comparing it to Sonic just to show how much faster the genesis is but what are we comparing here vertical speed versus straight on racing it doesn't scrolls fast because it's a totally different kind of game I'm looking into it way too deep but the point is it's another marketing strategy make your product look as cool as possible and make the competitor look like crap it's easy I'm gonna make my own Genesis commercial right now hey kid you still play in that Super Nintendo look at what Sega Genesis has got Super Nintendo has got this so what's the choice I got that was fun you see you can make anything look as good or as crappy as you want and I think as a kid I saw that in the commercials and I felt that these commercials were brainwashing other kids and that's what pissed me off I felt like it was just manipulating other kids to think whatever they want them to think the whole blast proccesing thing was almost like an act of desperation from Sega just trying to get through the point that the genesis was better and using any tactics they could almost like me as a kid trying to defend the NES because of stickers on the controllers so I was just trying to speak up how I felt and didn't really know how to remember when you play Nintendo you're playing with power when you play game boys if you're playing with portable power when you play super in and yes you're playing with ultra power I'm Genesis no powers well there you go now you got yourself a slogan needs a little work but you're thinking I'm still thinking yeah I've come a long way and being able to articulate myself and I've never thought about it till now but I think those Sega commercials played a part in teaching me how to edit how to make videos because when I'm doing a nerd video for example and I'm trying to tell you how bad the game is I'm going to be selecting all the parts that are bad to show you and if it's awesome I'm going to show you all the parts that are that are good so unless you see the original product for yourself you can't really take an objective view because that's the way the media is it's always through someone's opinion so who am I to make a judgement of Super Nintendo versus Sega Genesis have I really played enough of both console to really make a fair assessment but hey it's an opinion and I got to give you what you want you click on a video that says Super Nintendo versus Sega Genesis you're expecting a throwdown so let the throwdown begin let's start with the most obvious the look of the console the Genesis has a more modern shape it looks cool the Super Nintendo looks like a blocky kid's toy with purple switches and for some reason lots of Super NES consoles turn yellow over time I don't know why maybe everyone pisses on them I don't piss on mine and it's one of the best aged super Nintendo's I've ever seen the Genesis looks more slick not counting all the different models and all that crap that gets attached to it just the original winner Genesis the genesis controller is straightforward and simple for buttons if you can't start Super Nintendo eight buttons if you count start and select that makes it way easier to play fighting games like Mortal Kombat on Genesis there is not enough buttons you have to use start to block and both high punch and low punch are on the a button with games like Street fire that requires six buttons you have to hit start to select between punches and kicks or get another controller but we're comparing the basic controllers that came with the console the Super Nintendo has all the buttons you need in all the right places I can easily press L or R and my thumbs are still free in a Mario type game I can hold down Y to run and push the rest of my thumb onto B to jump it helps that the buttons are all on an angle on Genesis they're all in a straight line I have to hop my thumb back and forth the Super Nintendo feels more comfortable that rounded dog-bone shape fits in your hands perfectly I guess one plus about the Genesis is that you can plug in an Atari controller that's pretty cool right winner superintendent this may seem like a minor thing but isn't it nice to have something to put your game in the Super Nintendo games have the standard cardboard boxes but the Genesis boxes weren't boxes at all they were plastic cases that snap open that's a good idea in retrospect it's great for collecting - it's much easier to find a Genesis game complete in the box with the Super Nintendo the boxes just got in the way so most people threw them out the Genesis cases were progressive and it's now what every game console uses winner Genesis being able to play your old games on your new console is a great feature to have the Super Nintendo had the super Gameboy which allowed you to play your Game Boy games the Genesis had no such adapter for the game gear although it did have the power base converter which was for playing Sega Master System games this was an official contraption from Sega but Super Nintendo had an unlicensed version of the same thing called the Super eight which played NES and Super Famicom games that makes things pretty even but thanks to the super Gameboy the winner is super nintendo graphics is a hard one I've already mentioned the Super Nintendo is technically superior with a greater color palette and all that and it makes sense to me that a newer console would be more advanced but look at them they both look pretty good to me it really depends on which games you're comparing alright Jimmy so help us out with the graphics the superintendent you think it's perfect look at these graphics and rotation like in here and like an f-zero you curve around the racing turns and because this it feels like they're really moving and it has smooth animation like like suppose someone waving their hand in imagination it moves it just a knotch just the knotch take 16 notches to move aaand another 60 notch to move it up that means it's smooth animation scaling I'm talking about scaling I for instance a car racing away it shrinks superinten has great as great on shrinks as it falls and it had great fries all you H eyes Rizal you Asians all uation is a very impressive 512 times 448 that's twice the Rizal uation of other 16-bit video games : big characters and big multi-coat scrolling backgrounds whoa whoa whoa I think my younger self just went way over my head so how does it all stack up today well I think both systems are very comparable but the Super Nintendo impresses me still just a little bit more I say the 16-bit Super Nintendo is a bit better than Genesis hah get it a bit better one thing to help push it over the line was the FX chip used in games like doom and starfox which helped to render three-dimensional shapes this was a new achievement later in the super Nintendos lifespan which made it exciting that our 16-bit console could improve itself the Genesis on the other hand was on life support using hardware add-ons like the Sega CD and the 32x just to accomplish the same thing the Super Nintendo already could hey you still don't have a Sega CD what are you waiting for Nintendo to make one there is no Nintendo CD I never understood the purpose you have to own a Genesis to play a Sega CD or a 32x winner superintendent when it comes to sound there's no question about it the sound effects on the Super Nintendo were far superior and the music on the Super Nintendo just got me so pumped up it is fair to say that they're both two different things that each console both have their own distinct style I will say as much as I love the orchestral cinematic sound in the Super Nintendo I also love the gritty heavy metal sound of Genesis 2 games like earthworm jim sounded better on the Genesis so there are exceptions but most of the time the Super Nintendo rocks the competition it's the first console ever heard where it crossed the line of video game music and just start to sound like real music the Super Nintendo has some of the greatest video game themes ever winner Super Nintendo both consoles had a great library of games Genesis had altered beast Moonwalker the shinobi game Strider toejam and Earl and the best version of Ghostbusters that existed back then Super Nintendo had pilot wings the Mega Man X Games and the best version of SimCity around a lot of the same games that crossed over to both consoles came out almost the same and are hard to compare Aladdin is an example where both versions are completely different from each other in this case the genesis version is way better all the Konami games are different such as Ninja Turtles Genesis got the hyperstone heist and Super Nintendo got Turtles in time these games are similar but you can't beat turtles in time Genesis got contra hard cores while Super Nintendo got contra 3 again both are similar but on the Genesis version you can choose to play as different characters including a wolf and it didn't have that annoying overhead stage like in the Super Nintendo version what were they thinking Genesis got Castlevania bloodlines while Super Nintendo got Castlevania 4 both are great but Castlevania 4 blows my mind with its smooth control and creepy graphics one of my favorite games of all time Adventures of Batman and Robin both versions have awesome graphics that resemble the animated TV series that it's based on but the genesis version just nails at this time it has the cutscenes that the Super Nintendo versions missing and the stage graphics have a lot of three-dimensional depth there seems to be a myth that Genesis is more of an adult console that may be true that Nintendo seems to target younger audiences but it's not all rainbows and flowers all the hubbub comes from the first Mortal Kombat game the Super Nintendo took out the blood and altered some of the fatalities the genesis version also didn't have applaud until you turn it on with a secret code starting with Mortal Kombat 2 Super Nintendo brought the blood back full long so now it's a moot point ah Super Nintendo had blood and doom troopers and in doom so there's no way you can say it's just a kiddie console even Nintendo's own branded games Super Metroid was dark and tone and overall badass both had their share of fighting games but killer instinct come on it wasn't the same as the arcade but it's still the best exclusive 16-bit fighter by far the beat'em up genre Genesis had the Golden Axe games alien storm and Streets of Rage everyone always talks about Streets of Rage but super nintendo had the final fight games the first one didn't have a two-player option like the arcade but they rectify that with the sequels I don't know what it is but beat em up games always feel more fun on the Super Nintendo on the Genesis they're a little bit clunky on Super Nintendo the action is smooth and it just feels right when you hit people Genesis had more sports games I'll give you that any day you can keep your sports game so if that's your thing your console is Genesis the RPG Department Super Nintendo just kills it Final Fantasy 3 which is actually 6 is one of the best games ever made you can't compete with that and that's not to say Genesis didn't have its share of RPGs there is the fantasy star games of course but superintended Chrono Trigger another masterpiece that's a one-two punch and also their Super Mario RPG may seem gimmicky to make an RPG just to include Nintendo characters but it's a really fun game and much better than what most people may expect both consoles had their share of bad games Super Nintendo had Wizard of Oz Genesis had action 52 and both consoles were unfortunate enough to have Shaq foo then of course there's Sonic Hedgehog and Super Mario World which is better it's all a matter of preference I will say sonic 2 was the game that made me biogenesis but even with all the sonic games I still could never live without Super Mario World it may not have the fast speed action but it has lots of power-ups fun challenge and an incredible world to explore after all it is Super Mario World I love Sonic but I feel with a good Mario game there's just a little bit more to it if there's one platformer that can top Super Mario World it's the Donkey Kong Country Games they're so addicting that just trying to record the footage here I had trouble turning it off I wanted to keep playing between the Super Nintendo and Genesis it all depends on what kind of games are your favorite possibly my favorite game of all time is Legend of Zelda a link to the past the puzzle solving the storyline and the action that goes on in that game is so phenomenal I'm at loss for words it never gets old I can still play it any day I think this game just nukes the entire competition if you ask me why do you like Super Nintendo better my answer is Link to the Past and if that's not enough Super Metroid I recommend it hardcore this is a must play game it's a giant maze that you can't stop playing until it's finished it has a foreboding atmosphere that keeps you tense the whole time running around blowing stuff up has never been so much fun take your pick but the winner for me is Super Nintendo there you have it Nintendo wins it will take centuries to invent something that'll top that give it a few years Jimmy so I just wanted to bring you back to a simpler time when there wasn't a care in the world other than defending your favorite console there's always problems going on the world and political issues and whatnot but back then all we cared about was what's better Sega Genesis or Super Nintendo and one thing I do know the world wouldn't be complete without both of them long live the 16 bits you
Channel: Cinemassacre Clips
Views: 2,593,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Video Game Platform), Sega Mega Drive (Video Game Platform), Sega (Video Game Developer), Nintendo (Video Game Developer), Platform Game (Video Game Genre), Video Game Culture, Mortal Kombat (Video Game Series), Doom (Video Game), Sonic The Hedgehog (Video Game Series), Super Mario Kart (Video Game), Streets Of Rage (Video Game), Streets Of Rage 2 (Video Game), The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past (Video Game)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2015
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