Super Metroid - Boss Rush (All Boss Fights, No Damage)
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Channel: Nintendo Unity
Views: 1,369,663
Rating: 4.8226752 out of 5
Keywords: smash, 3ds, kirby, link, metroid, cutscenes, ds, hd, any, 100%, fire, punch, zelda, battle, funny, animal, yoshi, 3d, games, crossing, music, score, mii, fox, advance, glitch, 720p, kart, trick, how, mario, every, achievement, highest, wii, quality, fight, speedrun, country, bros, melee, earthbound, game, boss, rush, donkey, boy, pikmin, wario, icarus, pokemon, star, all, brawl, super, awesome, minigames, gameplay, full, luigi, emblem, kong, english, walkthrough, tutorial, playthrough, zero, 1080p, nintendo, 64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 26 2014
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Wow. The first Ridley fight is unironically the hardest one to not take any damage, you don't have room to maneuver yourself! Impressive!
I love the little "should I" pause for getting the animals. Nice touch.