Super Metroid Video Walkthrough
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: SaikyoMog
Views: 1,208,756
Rating: 4.7861171 out of 5
Keywords: Super, Metroid, スーパーメトロイド, SNES, Famicom, Nintendo, Game, Samus, Mother, Brain, Ridley, Kraid, Crocmire, Phantoon, Bowtoon, Draygon, Missiles, Bombs, X-Ray, Morph, Ball, Jump, ice, beam, screw, attack, energy, tank, reserve, Varia, Gravity, Suit, Grappling, Beam, Charge, Wave, Spazer, Let's, Play, Let's play, Longplay, long play, action, adventure, exploring, speed, run, of, sorts, spelunking, video game
Id: 8RHV8bud6fE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 43sec (7903 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2011
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