Super Mario Maker 2: Endless Challenge + World Records!!

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today we play endless mode in Super Mario Maker 2 and there are some really cool levels in this video we see some of my favorite levels that I've ever seen in records thank you so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed this video our first level today is on hold on the phone short and sweet technical level from an American Creator uh what do we do wait that's it okay this first level might look very normal but you guys have to see how this ends this is actually absurd I've never seen an ending like this before wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what's going on hold on why is the level not ending is this going to crash my game oh yeah oh okay that was so strange why did it take so long to do that what in the world is going on okay we've got a bunch of letters over here like someone was mashing a keyboard okay and this should be a speed run level so let's see what do we do let's run I'm just gonna ignore that Yoshi I'm just gonna run over here we're gonna get a world record in this level wait is it just keep running through the right whoa oh oh it looks like we need something let's get one of these power-ups over here and that's enough that's all we need all we need is this one and we'll be good now we'll be ready to get the world record and wait how many times can I use this boost oh you don't go as fast you look you actually go quite slow oh I didn't realize that you'd be going slower with the propeller oh that's so sad I should have just damaged boosted through it then we could have maybe got the world record over here that's so sad why is there a door down there the world record is one second what in the world was there an exit was there a secret exit somewhere that I wasn't aware of how in the world can you complete that level in one second and yes we've got a Japanese level over here multiplayer versus and art are the tags oh yes yes yes I like this let's go let's go and where do we want to go that is the question let's just oh lots of flames look out Bowser because I'm coming here oh wait uh I'm not gonna die I'm gonna come right here I got you guys all right that's cool there are a few Bowsers over there that's nice you can just fly through I remember back when I played Super Mario World as a kid I would very often get that Cape power up and just try and fly through a lot of the level I get the Kate power up at a Yoshi if a level was too difficult I'd just try and fly past it like that okay next level oh and we're still in the top 69 000 we're almost in the top 68 000. okay Standard Auto Mario does that mean we don't have to move okay the level is called patience so do we have to be very patient for the simple weight what in the world wait hold on is this level what I think it is wait let's try going through the door oh my goodness no no this is so silly something that I wanted to ask you guys was can you play through an entire world of custom levels in this game is there something like course worlds or super worlds or something I'm guessing it'd be called a super world okay but at least we get a one up over here that's fine oh that actually didn't take as long as I thought it would I thought that would take a lot longer but yeah you guys give me amazing comments and suggestions whenever I post a video like on the okay and this is a Japanese level over here art and single player on my video where I played Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for the first time ever man you guys left amazing comments you gave so many great tips and I learned so much about the game also okay wait let's uh ground pound through here okay we've got another one of these levels up here oh boy and it keeps slowing down because we keep getting different power-ups over here all right what's our time how's our time over here let's see you got the pal block lots of stuff coming up on this screen over here this is everyone's favorite kind of level over here you know let's just come on down wait boom boom's right here it's not gonna hurt me is he oh no I got the star power up so he can't hurt us okay where are we going let's go like this come on let's go let's get ready to do some driving okay lots of stuff on the screen okay this one at least it's not just going straight down there's actually some stuff happening over here and that's pretty cool a lot happening and we're gonna get boosted up here and get pushed down oh and it says things that's so nice wait and we're just standing in the lava how come we're standing in the lavender we're not getting burned that's so strange less than 0.1 seconds away from the world record that was so close I wonder if we're going to get any world records today because the last time that we did this I played for about an hour and on the very final level of the video we got a world record which was crazy okay this is Auto Mario and boss battle is it really Auto Mario it can't be Auto Mario and we probably could have gone a bit faster there go through the door where does this door bring us in here are we just stuck now bro we're just stuck down oh wait oh we gonna exit with the door oh my goodness that was so silly me I'm like no we are stuck but it's like obviously we could uh take the okay where do we want to go do we want to go over what if I just go over let's go over oh and then you can just skip to the end like that okay well that's easy yeah after seeing that the first star was just a distraction I thought you know maybe let's not try these other doors okay so what's the next level oh my goodness 134 levels complete guys will we ever reach a thousand okay technical and shooter level let's see what we're gonna do okay we gotta jump in here to start I guess you don't see a lot of levels in this style oh interesting interesting okay we actually have to uh whoa I didn't think that I could jump all the way up there that was quite nice now oh and there's the end awesome okay that was pretty cool oh that's so funny that we didn't take the flagpole all the way down what do we got now Larry's snowball fort by IBO 34 multiplayer versus and themed are the tags whoa give me those yeah let's oh boost through them good job now go get up here oh it's such a cool level wait it's not just gonna keep repeating forever is it rod oh run through them oh no don't die don't die don't die give me more mushrooms give me no hey the world record is about 27 seconds for this I would like to get the world record because it looks like it is not a super short level so let's go I thought that we'd be able to bounce off that guy I guess not okay let's see come on now come on now oh no we're little give me a mushroom someone give me a mushroom give me a mushroom give me a mushroom give me a mushroom where can we get a mushroom on give me the mushroom give me that okay go through him go through him come on no we have do we have to defeat the guy I'm guessing we have to defeat this guy let's go come on come on now there we go come on now okay get him there we go we got the key we got the key let's go ah it's already over 27 seconds oh that's so sad not world record how in the world is world record so fast oh my goodness that took me about 31 seconds well I guess we're about four seconds slower man that is a surprisingly efficient world record then oh we're about three seconds slower I thought we were about four seconds slower man people are so good at this game am I ever going to get good at this game hey you've got a Japanese made level over here no tags the me looks like a doctor a little bit where are we going okay let's go into this pipe to start oh we're not dying are we that's so cool you can have the spine he's going through the pipe where are they going wait a minute how in the world are we gonna get in there like that that's a lot of one-ups everyone's all defeated over there okay that's probably not world record because I did a big jump if you probably just run off to this side that's probably the fastest way yeah we're pretty slow over there that's all right but that's cool that you could have the spine he's going through the pipe like that I don't know if you can make spinies go through pipes in Super Mario 3D World okay this is a speedrun and short and sweet level I'm a Japanese Creator over here okay let's go nice and fast over here got all these mushrooms of those lava bubbles coming here okay let's do jumps like that oh I want to just slide down through you guys and that's nice that we were able to finish the level like that but I think as you oh and they boost me over this way I think as you're walking up a hill it's a bit slow in this game so you probably want to jump past that part so I don't think we have the world record here yeah we're about a second too slow that was a cool level though man I hope we ain't got a world record I'm getting addicted to trying to get World Records now in Endless easy got a Korean level over here Jordan sweet multiplayer versus let's see what's it gonna be whoa hey oh boy that thing was blocking it I can see where we have to go wait where do we have to go wait oh I thought this was Yoshi for some reason but no this is just a Koopa over here wait how do we get past here what in the world do we do to get past there is there some kind of power up oh okay give me that let's go okay that's fine now just boost through and oh boy okay uh probably not world record now but wait what in the world there's so much more to this than I thought there would be that's a checkpoint why are there so many enemies on these blocks here oh Oh I thought that we'd be starting from the beginning for some reason but no we're starting from here and yeah there's actually so much more to this level than I thought there would be but there we go we finally made it to the end oh yeah Mario Time next level is a Japanese level standard short and sweet we're having a lot of Japanese levels today where oh where do we want to go wait it's not just gonna be run to the right is it let's see oh my goodness it is just right to the right okay I like the tags easy be careful wow all right DJs fight Bowser Jr something we actually have to fight someone wait do we want to go up this way whoa don't throw your hammers at me bro wait where's the that's not the end wait I wonder where that pipe takes you let's see where this pipe takes us oh you can get a power up if you want and you can get a fire Yoshi that's pretty cool okay so let's get that let's go back now maybe that'll make this fight maybe that'll make this fight a little bit easier oh yeah it looks like we actually do have to do this fight let's see put back on the Yoshi hey give me back my Yoshi and oh and you just have a whoa that's so funny you can just keep doing that you don't really take damage there we go now you're Deputy okay now we can get through here and finish the level right yeah there we go lovely okay yeah it's so funny when you take damage on the Yoshi's just your Yoshi runs away but you don't actually take damage and you can just get back on your Yoshi oh man that reminds me back when I played Super Mario World as a kid I remember when you take damage and you lose your Yoshi and you see the Yoshi running away and you think no Yoshi come back okay got another Japanese level over here short and sweet and themed wait did it say defeat 73 Goombas 76 Goombas oh my gosh wait oh I am a fool I am a fool let's try again and go let's get them all now where's the goal where's the goal where's the goal pull you gonna be over here whoa okay good we got it okay there's moving but wait where is that I didn't even see where the other warp box was where can that more box take you I have so many questions about this pinball this level name sounds promising wait Jimmy 877 we already saw level by this person today let's go in here we're going into the first door and we're running along ah we can't jump up there oh I get why it's called pinball because down here these bounce you around like pinball oh now do we go right or left let's go right come on up oh boy I was wondering if we could go up is there another round of pinball here now can we go over here it looks like we can't skip past that they did a good job of making it so you can't skip past okay let's see oh then you just bounce around like that good thing that we landed there because if you landed at the wrong spot then you could oh boy let me down let me down let me down let me down let me down you can get squished there and there's only one X over there so we're probably the only person that died there oh my goodness hey we can do this we can do it Gary let's do it Gary wait what's the world record 19 seconds okay let's see come on now move move let me down hey come on get up there go good here's the next set come on let me down good and now just come on over now or should I try and go through the center or what come on move move Bros move Bros oh that actually worked great now do I have to oh We're not gonna let that happen again let's go baby there we are wait you know what I'm wondering something right now you know what I wonder I wonder if when you create a level if you can see where and how many people have died in your level okay got a Japanese level over here reach the goal as flying squirrel Mario okay let's just take this wait can you go through this door no guessing we can't because it's in the air like that let's see where is the goal wait what the oh yeah yeah [Music] how in the world how in the world are we supposed to reach that hold on wait we can't just go up like this can we oh my goodness you can just do that that oh man oh man I thought the door is floating there's no way we could go into the door then Mario Just crouches one screen cleared today not a bad time not a bad time at all not even 20 minutes and one screen cleared the playground of Fun by shadow guy themed and Art Level let's see what it's gonna be oh absolutely lovely music playing here wait okay that's not where we have to go how about we try going down the pipe instead right there there we go we went down the pipe now where okay let's go Oh Long jumps are a lot slower than I thought they'd be oh that's a lot of stars down there I didn't realize uh these are all stars over here wait let me go through this door now okay we made it through the door okay that just lets us come up uh so what wait what's the point of all this gear Let's uh bounce up I guess yeah but we can't get a bit wait unless we go like oh we could almost reach throw that box away I thought that we would jump up higher actually let's just go like this let me up nice we made it up here and we're climbing up really high but I don't know if that's what we have to do because yeah it looks like you can get quite high but so what okay then we could get to here oh that's a lot of coins over there I should probably go for those coins to get some extra lives you know what yeah let's do that why not oh those are just scooting out coins to go oh nice one-ups over here too wait how high do we how do I get that high how do I get that high there's no way we could get that height well we could almost get that high actually oh wait looks like you can just head up here yeah this is the way that we have to go okay what's here it was just an enemy that kills us at the head all been super friendly stuff while you play but then suddenly one of the last pipes that just kills you that would have been surprising okay we get some more lives that's nice we're getting closer and closer to 99 lives okay and next up we've got another Japanese level over here wait are we supposed to go down there how do you go down though wait what do you mean why is there an arrow pointing down over here what the how do you get down it looked like there was something over to the right over here oh oh I see it's right here right there's the ax let's start over because yeah if you can jump to there then the blocks will go down low enough and you'll be able to step on the ax and then you clear the level right away let's go like this oh man that was good that was good that was great I don't know if that's world record or not but that's pretty good we jumped at a nice time there let's see how's that we tied world record okay that's good that is something that's something I'm glad that I chose start over so that we could do that it was worth checking that was definitely a unique level we haven't seen one like that before okay now you've got a Spanish level short and sweet and single player are the tags let's see oh I probably want those I probably want those power-ups we can probably go somewhere nice see oh Goombas are coming down oh okay they got me they got me okay let's get this one now wait how does this power up work go blast through them hey why did you stop oh no hold on go get him get up okay that's not world record but the level is done so that's [Music] that on shout out yes Mario you get a shout out I know that that comment on the level wasn't directed to me because who could have expected that I would be watching that but there we go oh I remember I used to actually get that uh comment so often people used to always say can I get a shout out can I get a shout out but nobody asks that anymore maybe people realize that getting a shout out doesn't do anything whoa okay let's climb on up here and whoa whoa okay oh could have been nice if we were up there let's make our way across come on now Mario and just bounce on up don't fall hey not the top of the gopal but hey we completed the level that's fine world record what I did not expect world record in this level over here I was just thinking there's so much that we did inefficiently there and I was just thinking about how people redo levels very often to keep getting better and better times but okay sure I'll take the first world record of the day donut block desert Speed Run short and sweet what's this gonna be are there going to be donut blocks in this okay let's see we're running to the right and go whoa okay gotta be careful there and there also is going to be a travard up ahead so you want to be careful with that too okay let's go and there's the end okay probably not world record but hey I wonder if you could just keep going right could you jump over the chardvark maybe you can easy level 3000 from a German Creator here the tags are short and sweet let's see how easy it is after all okay whoa whoa what's that coming there and why I'm getting punched oh boy I thought that we'd have to keep okay okay this is okay whoa you guys are scary okay I wasn't sure if we should go into that pipe or keep going to the right oh Stars hello there stars oh we're going quite fast now and come on there we go okay level complete all right it really was quite the easy level it was just mostly running to the right and we get three one-ups which is very nice and soon we might find out if 99 is the max lives you can have wow one world record today so far I'm probably gonna get notifications when I open up this game next and it's gonna say notifications your world record was taken but I think we have one world record that is actually unbeatable which is pretty cool okay so let's come down here okay oh hello there chumpy friends hey are you shooting Fireballs at me fire holes away from me whoa whoa whoa oh I'm actually surprised how many people died here you know this is actually a really cool idea for a level the way that this is made because over here I don't know if we can avoid this first one so you know what let's just damage boost through and come on come on come on and come on come on give me that I don't know if we need another Power oh Yoshi kick Yoshi bam and come on baby bounce off that guy and come on come up here okay goodbye Yoshi I'm gonna take you with me Yoshi sorry Yoshi we have a level to complete over here let's see whoa you know let's go for the top just swing Anna hey that's not the top oh boy I was hoping that we could get a one-up at least that was a pretty cool level I liked that it was a nice and simple level and it was an enjoyable level let's see what's next puzzle solving speedrun reached the goal after defeating all one pom pom okay where's the oh nice nice thank you for that oh boy we got hurt already that's not good you know where are you Pom-Pom which one oh that's not the one I'm almost dead I might die there's a good chance that we will die let's see come on can I jump up you can't jump like that stop jumping that's illegal let's give this another shot go there I swiped at you how you like that how you like that huh huh I got you there we go okay that's nice it looks like this is a good strategy hopefully this is good let's see go now let me in there [Music] okay there we go probably not world record you could probably do that more efficiently especially the second hit that I had on pom pom could have been more efficient short and sweet another Japanese level is up next and it's actually funny how many people died here even though there are a bunch of stars right at the start of the level let's try this again jump bro bro my Mario brother please thank you okay now just run through everybody okay good good running through everybody hey oh oh I was wondering why are we getting pushed back but it's because of that guy's ball over there oh and goodbye to them too is the blue on Ludwig or is this like Ludwig or does Ludwig have blue hair over his head I don't know if that's the same guy but that's just the Retro form you were from sidwood Auto scrolling music are the tags hey I need this all right let's make our way down oh hello there beautiful fishy oh Yoshi's are coming don't fire your laser at me what's in the red one oh red Oh I thought it'd be a bigger Yoshi for some reason because it was a really big egg I expected it to be a bigger Yoshi oh and the end's just right here that's so easy very nice okay we'll just take that one up you can probably just run over to the right and jump if you want to complete this level very quickly we are in the top 60 000 now oh my goodness okay this level is called Nicholas It Is by cuscus a German Creator puzzle and art okay so let's see what's the puzzle that we have to solve over here oh okay there's quite a few things that you can do here oh we'll move like this and I'm holding the trampoline it's actually so cool that you could hold the trampoline while you're like this oh wait there's the oh the sun was right there I thought the sun would attack us but we just finished level oh that Circle how we bounced on the trampoline there we put that down at the perfect spot I wonder if we're gonna make it into the top 50 000 today okay Ubi gur another Japanese made level here oh I probably wanted that mushroom didn't I wait because now yeah we're not big enough to break that [Music] hey come to me mushroom there we are now come down and now we can wrap up now we can ground pound here okay blast through these over here oh that was much faster than some of the other ones that we've seen before Oh Oh but we have another one of these oh and the gold Bull's right over there okay I'm actually surprised that the golf ball was right there and two one-ups for that not bad ly closer and closer to 99 lives even though sometimes we get to a level where we lose a bunch of lives ago our next level is from an American Creator called Minecraft the tower I like Minecraft wait okay cool we're getting a sword okay so we are now linked but wait wait what's the Minecraft reference is there going to be any Minecraft to this wait what in the world okay there are a bunch of Swords coming by there these guys that are like little Goomba tomatoes so do you want to climb up high here what do we want to do oh wait okay we can jump that high oh nice and there's one of these and we get a one-up oh we didn't even really need that because we can jump that high should I get these coins get the coins and run out before it blasts fire at us okay we're safe okay whoa it's so cool how you jump in you use this sword to take these guys out I this makes me want to play some Zelda I want to go play The Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening right now oh and you can jump off of that while you're climbing wait oh maybe there's something hidden there but let's just go through this door first this is actually a really creative level with a lot of work put into it at least from what we can see so far yeah look at this it must have taken forever to make something like this okay that's moving now what Oh that's oh wait wait wait wait wait will that's turned us into big link or will it turn us back into Mario oh it just gives us uh yeah neither it just gave us some points okay and here's some donut blocks and I uh charge through these like wait that's not how you charge you go like this to charge oh I can't blast through those either like that wow that's kind of surprising hey how are we going to get up you know what I kind of like these levels where you have to try and climb like this we're doing some climbing oh and here's the end hooray not the top of the gopal but we do get two more one-ups which is great side brings us up to 81 lives that was a really neat level our next level is a standard single player level from a Japanese Creator and let's see what the level is going to be okay oh oh that actually worked okay good now there's a boom boom and some enemies there to the right oh boy is it going to be one of these wait how long is it going to be this one oh man that went by quite slowly there's a Bowser that was exploding to our right oh another one of these oh now listen we have a boomerang power up okay let's come through here and now what is it going to be oh we've got to start and we're going on the car it's always fun when you're driving through enemies in your car oh oh and we have to actually break our car so we can go through this pipe and then we just go through another pipe in this area and there's the tropical bulk okay a nice finish and we get a one-up that's probably one of the nicest things and these trampolines who's this whoa that's whoa oh there's probably ice underneath that's why we're sliding and it says go that was really cool 30 second speed run is the name of the level from an American Creator called amoga smiley face with a square bracket instead of a parenthesis a parenthesis world how are we going to do this oh boy oh boy am I too slow now hopefully we're not too slow oh oh you can just walk up like that okay I'm charged up I'm ready to blast got a blast hey let's see where you guys going oh how in the world did that work hey you guys are all up here and give me that that's not even the top of the golf ball that's so sad so sad but that was a neat level that was a neat little Speed Run it's different from other speedrun levels we've seen he's seen a toad does that mean like swimming pool okay it's boss battling single player are the tags okay we can take this and this oh there we can get you now we can probably blast through all the oh boy I was hoping that we'd be able to fire a shot that's strong enough to blast through all them but maybe not hey well I guess we can just shoot repeatedly like this and we can probably get this guy okay we got rid of him oh we probably could have used him to bounce up can we do this though to be here I was thinking that maybe there'd be something cool here wait what does this say oh what does it say down there he's Cena oh wait is this Toad's swimming pool here yes I guess this is Toad swing pool here wait why is there a question or not a question mark why is there a light bulb here what does that mean guys what does this light bulb mean foreign I don't know what that light bulb means if we can probably blast through here I don't really want that oh it's a Triforce oh we need a key huh well how are we gonna get a key there's a locked door there oh I guess you just have to collect all these and you use this to collect a key if you go like that oh it doesn't collect the key if you're a bullet from this or well I guess your little Cannonball shot that actually doesn't collect these you actually have to collect them yourself that's interesting because in Super Mario 3D World if you shoot at those key pieces wait when the world is going on we've got a key but I guess the key oh oh okay there we go we do have the key the key is for that door I was a bit confused oh do we get lots of money and one of that then that's beautiful yeah and Super Mario 3D World if you shoot at a key piece with that with that Cannon box head power up you actually can collect the keys the world record for that is 12 seconds there must be some crazy shortcut you can do and we are done one more screen so let's go to another screen we've got a japanese-made level over here no tags what is the level going to be oh next we get boosted like this and let's just get running get running ready to run run and oh no I was hoping that we'd be able to jump right into the gold ball perfectly wow look at how the colors were changing there oh and it says thanks on the right that's very nice next up we have a Mexican level reach the goal after defeating all one Spike so we have to defeat the spike in this level where is this am I the only person that ever died there so don't run to the right immediately just wait for a moment so that you can get the mushroom that's what you want to do to start off oh and there's Spike hey he's got a spiky thing on him I've gotta come here look out my Bros hi why did I ball jump there so now I know you don't want to run to the right immediately you want to get this and then we can come on over oh boy let's go ah bro so now I know that you don't want to hold to the right right at the start of the level okay but you can go like this get that guy come on up come on up come on over bounce out with them come on over and there we go okay that was pretty good that took me quite a few attempts because I was trying to do it really smoothly and flawlessly like that that ended up being okay I'm happy with that and it's the world record okay okay that can probably be improved I was kind of hoping that I would get the world record there because that took me maybe more than 10 lives I don't know how many lives that took but that was an incredibly fun one that was actually one of my favorite custom levels I've ever played in this game even though it's a nice short one like that and I also did get the world record it's one of my favorite levels I've played in this game okay we've got a japanese-made level over here standard and speedrunner are the tags so let's just make our way across where are we going oh got some of those there whoa boy oh man that's so tricky right at the end there I think the hardest part of this is probably going to be the ending let's go and come on come on come on come on come on just let me throw these ah man I'm just stuck there oh man I wonder if you have to do that or if there's a faster way can you make it through without falling in there but at least we got some more one-ups because I did use up a lot of lives here trying to do that quickly yeah the world record is a bit faster I've got to see that that was another incredible level that was too super cool levels that we just had in a row e-run is the name of this level from an American Creator cc1983 short and sweet and single player are the tags oh why did I do that okay so I guess the way that this works is you probably have to wait what do you do probably have to step on a p-switch right go like this and let's go okay and what do I want to get up there how in the world do we do that let's go oh no oh no that should be so easy to do but I'm messing it up doesn't this just seem like it's supposed to be easy I don't know to me this just seems like it should be super easy but I'm so used to the Cat Mario movement in Super Mario 3D World I have to get used to the Cat Mario movement in this game wait what in the world oh oh there's that wait a minute how does that door get you there where's the door oh and maybe you could also just run across after stepping on a p-switch maybe you could run all the way to the goal pole okay this level is called one two three from an American Creator called Pro builds tags are standard and puzzle solving oh nice it is old school Super Mario Bros okay I guess we want to go down that pipe maybe we actually wanted to continue to the right okay this is a little tricky what are these wait what's the point of coming here am I supposed to jump up any of these no I don't think we have to go here do we maybe there'll be some kind of hidden block or something there possibly but what's going to be here and if you go this way oh oh and then the level just ends here you know what let's start over let's do start over and let's try for a speed run of this that was a little tricky because I would have thought that we would have to go into that pipe there but you actually don't Neville and how's this jump going to work oh boy that's not world record there's no way that that's world record it might be a that's probably gonna be looking off but oh man that's a cool level I like that jump that you have to do at the end there that's interesting about 0.2 seconds slower than world record I wonder if I could get world record in this if I tried some more finish cool Diaz West from a German Creator standard and single player are the tags hey let's just pop into this clear pipe and then go down this green pipe the green pipe brings us to here we jump through here okay that brings us to another pipe I'm seeing a bit of a trend in this level okay then we go through a clear pipe to this green pipe and then we come through here all right now we're going through another one of these wait wait what if this is actually just rip oh never mind I was thinking that maybe it would just be repeating and I actually have to go somewhere else to beat the level okay so we jump to there that boost us up over here that boost I said we've run across the lava like this oh and here's the level or at least oh and we run right up to that spiky block that needle block all right we've got another Japanese level over here standard and multiplayer versus are the tags so let's just make our way swimming across you don't see a lot of water levels you don't see water levels super often whoa there's a giant cheap Chomp in the background I wonder if that'll actually uh reach us or anything okay wait let's get this power up because sure why not sometimes these Goombas that are underwater that swim toward you sometimes they give a bit of trouble no why not swim along uh you know I'll get these coins sure thank you for the coins I don't care for those coins wait have I seen this level before because I've seen the level that's similar to this before where there were some sections where you could go for coins and there were other sections with Goombas okay do I need that oh I need that I could have sworn that I've had this level before have I had this level before great let's grab that and you're a troublemaker stay back stay back I'd like to come down go like this tap on that okay let's go down wait I can't go down the pipe oh my goodness oh my goodness the pipe was just decoration okay let's at least get the top of the goal pole there we are we got one more light for that okay it is the same character over and over again and the tags are puzzle solving and speedrun okay okay what's going to be going on over here it looks like we are going this way wait is there anything that we have to do or are we just going to oh we probably have to go and get that don't we and that one we actually have to go and collect those things oh because this level looks quite wild there's a lot happening here wait is it just going to be going through this clear pipe the whole time and then that's going to bring us to the goal because this is kind of wacky there's a lot going on wait I wonder can you set the time for how long a level is when you're making a level in Super Mario maker 2. and can you add items that give you extra time because I wonder what the longest clear pipe in the level would be because I made a video a little while ago about the longest possible or sorry the longest clear pipe in Super Mario 3D World I spent a while working on that that was fun boy how long is this going to be we're going through this clear pipe for so long already this is such a long level wait I thought that that was the goal pull already but nope that's not the gold bowl okay we've got a lot of those it'd be so sad if something just killed us as we came out and we had to react quickly because otherwise we'd have to react very very quickly and sit through all this again if we want to clear this level I wonder what the clear percentage is on this level I wonder what the speedrun world record is it's probably whoever can get into the first clear pipe the fastest because look at how long this is Mario's going along in this clear pipe for so long I'm looking at how much time is left we've got about 200 seconds left okay there's the goal Pole is it just going to drop us down on the gopal or do we have to hold left maybe we have to hold left I'm going to hold to the left over here it would be so sad if I accidentally held down and that we went back but that was a nice cool level it must take a lot of effort to make something like that oh nice and we did tie the world record of course of course very nice short and sweet technical from a French Creator Mathis okay we got we are fast we are fast we're moving very very quickly okay is there anything else we have to do or no let's see okay how long is it going to be this for okay there we go that's the end oh nice that's a great way to get some more one-ups well the one-ups Fly Away wait where the flying away one-ups also spelling thanks and another world record tied Toto typica Firepower from Colton 1225 an American Creator Technical and single player are the tags wait oh man great start I'm going to try something different let's go like that and go and go and go and go and come on okay how is that how's that I don't know if that's world record but that was a super cool level I like that a luck that's so simple of an idea but it's incredibly fun and I think that'd be fun to do speed runs of also whoa world record is quite a bit faster I'm guessing probably the ending can be a lot faster fun we've got a Mexican level here from BF Sans let's see how fun this level will be oh guys we've got some hammers here no I will I will swing at you with my hammer doesn't even defeat them oh wait people are telling me if you hold like up you can make blocks like this I've never seen these blocks before I don't think I've seen these blocks before are they useful for anything oh look at how we bounce around oh we can bounce along this way hello there friends I'm just gonna come over here oh and there's the end of the level okay that was pretty fun nice and simple level okay this level is called 12 by Lord bowesee from Spain though we can bounce around on these little guys these little what are what would you even call these oh wait whoa boy wait oh oh right there there's an ax that I have to touch right there oh man that's scary because if you missed it you fall into the lava that's quite scary but that's a nice ending I'm glad that we got that and we didn't die next up is a level called all question marks by just two game one an American Creator I didn't see the tags but I think one of them were short and sweet I I I I don't want to try and run through there I probably have to get that power up first let's go like that get that can I blast through you guys for next I could jump over them hello there friends whoa look at Bros okay I'm coming through here now oh lots of Hammer Bros here too oh and we got one of these oh you know what I actually want to try and speed run this what's the speed run time 9.6 seconds we're going to try this one more time but it looks like oh through there uh it's probably faster to jump up than to take this right right yeah it's definitely faster wait that's nine point something seconds world record was 9.6 something so I don't know but yeah it looks like they probably did this quite efficiently that's a fun level that'd be fun to come back and try and do better oh man look at that about point three seconds fast 0.4 seconds faster that's a cool one people are so good at this game okay and we are almost done another screen we're in the top 59 000 right now and we've got a Japanese little short and sweet single player let's just oh that's a lot of stuff there that's a lot of stuff there's so much happening here what's going on here go jump off Yoshi yeah how cool is that oh man I'm so glad that that worked I just took a leap of faith there instead of riding along those snake blogs I'm so glad that that worked it's so cool when you can jump off Yoshi to finish a level like that but it's so sad because it's like you're sacrificing Yoshi oh we've got a British level over here reach the goal after defeating at least one Bowser Jr and wait what was the level called The Great Fire of Goomba land what if I don't go into your pipe What if I okay I guess we died okay I tried jumping past the pipe but that didn't work so let's go into the pipe instead as intended ah where do we want to go lots of goombas around oh I guess we just go into the next pipe okay that brings us here okay lots of fireballs boy we want to defeat a Bowser Jr right there that's about how in the world can go to Bowser Jr oh wait can we just do that oh this actually looks like it's gonna be quite the easy fight because we could just go like this okay now just come over here get ready like that there we go you [Music] know he just did the goal right there we are okay and we get a one up that's nice it's nice that we are getting more lives cool neat little level and it is the last level of this screen before we go to the next screen we're getting close to 200 total levels complete we've got a Japanese level reach the goal without taking damage it's a puzzle solving level according to the tags so what are we going to do that's a lot of Koopa troopas hello there Koopa troopas hey if we just run along oh and it's just right here I didn't expect it to be there with the tide puzzle solving I thought that there'd be some more thinking required to solve it so that is one more screen completed let's make our way over to the next screen in the top 58 000 now so after we finish this screen we will be at almost 200 levels complete that is what I wonder what the record is for most levels ever completed okay we've got an American Creator here short and sweet single player are the tags where do we want to go I'm gonna job oh that wasn't a jump oh was I the only person that ever died there because that was all the eggs there okay I guess we do have to go down that pipe so let's just jump up here and go down this pipe okay good start and now where are we going let's see whoa bum and we got a mushroom so now we're big wait how do I get that oh this is so cool how you can come down like that that's really cool okay now we can come here we want to come up is that a Yoshi Yoshi give me the Yoshi oh no you can't climb while you have Yoshi that's so sad wait wait but but but oh I wanted to jump out of the ocean go on to the platform there wait people were telling me that you could eat whoa whoa this Yoshi spits fire I thought that you had to eat a shell to Spitfire but I guess you could just always spit fire with this Yoshi that's quite wild wait but now where do we want to go now that we're up here foreign [Music] wait is there something here oh because when I spit oh boy oh boy there Bob Bob's there there was there so many bombs are here oh okay now we can see over there okay so let's go like that and wow that was kind of surprising okay wait what if we just go here wait get up there oh wait no I can go through a door with Yoshi I don't have to get off Yoshi go like that oh man that's funny how the camera didn't move over that way but now let's see oh oh now you can just come up here right all right and where does that take us oh and the end of the level is just right there that was a cool level the way that you had to hit those ball bombs that were hiding to get through that was a little sneaky next up is Noreen course part two from Iron Man m in Canada the tags are short and sweet and wait did the Mii character actually look like Iron Man there I think it might have okay so what if we jump to there oh oh water's coming on up okay so is that a mushroom course lovely we've got a mushroom okay here are some of these Goomba whoa whoa we're up here wait a minute is this like a shortcut did I accidentally skip through some of the level oh oh but we didn't go up there okay let's come on up oh and there's that let's I wanted to get the top of the gold Ball but that was nowhere near I guess it's not even a goal pull but yeah okay that's a pretty cool level next up we have another American Creator don't move if you move you lose is the name of the level okay let's not move wait what if we move I'm gonna run to the right right away I move to the right wait well I'm holding a fig oh boy okay all right this is pretty cool okay but we were moving at this start but we were told to not move so what if we do this whoa whoa okay I'm not holding the jump button oh no oh okay there we do finish it there okay so the world record speed run of that they probably jump instead of going into the warp box there and where's Mario going oh and then he runs this way and Falls up that's so cool how they do stuff like that to end the level okay next we have a Japanese level over here and the tags are Auto Mario so will this go by itself I remember we had a level a little while ago oh my goodness and we are just moving like that oh wow there's a pal block that you could wear on your head and I guess it has three hits because right now the first letter is empty oh my goodness look at how we're jumping on these trampolines that's so cool okay now where is this going to take us oh and that pushes you over that is so creative this is done so cool but wait wait did we not use up another hit of our pal block as I was assuming that this would have three hits okay if you hit that oh and there goes our power block we don't have that anymore okay now we have a key oh now we're blasting through these guys oh now we use that up we go through this warpups this is such a cool Auto Mario level man the auto Mario levels that some people make are so cool okay now we pull through there oh man that's so cool how you go through the same section multiple times like that and there's the end of the level that was incredible the reason that I was moving in the past level was because there's this one level where if you did move then Mario actually would get defeated but in that previous level if you did move it's not that you get defeated it's that you could just clear it anyway man that previous level was so good okay now we've got another Japanese level here standard and short and sweet are the tags that let's see what we're going to want to do oh boy oh yeah so man that was amazing that went so well I'm actually so surprised that worked on the first try that was great I'm super happy about how that went and we got the world record let's go baby oh man that is awesome I'm so happy with how that went I was kind of hoping that that would be the world record because I just started off by running to the right and then we did jumps oh man that was so cool Redland Auto Mario short and sweet are the tags okay there are some items here oh and some of these wait do we want to go down there do we want to go across this way okay we are invincible right now right oh I guess we probably want these oh and they're just four wait do we even need to collect those key coins because all you have to do is just run to the right that was very unexpected I thought there would be a lot more to the level I noticed okay yeah we gotta collect these key coins 50 likes is the name of the level from a UK Creator short and sweet are the tags okay 50. wait is it gonna spell out 50 likes is that it 50 likes and there we go okay so there's nothing to this level no obstacles or anything I'm guessing we probably tie the world record here yes we tied the world record very nice man it's cool when you can get the world record in a level like that because nobody can ever steal the world record from you Mario Vino Cinema usala DJ from a Brazilian Creator here sorry for my poor Portuguese accent okay let's go through the door where is this taking us why is everybody laughing over here stop laughing stop laughing you laughing Mouse hey there's a locked door there wait what in the world okay this is locked also hold on there's so many locked doors around here what's going on hey let's go through this door then I guess we need a bunch of keys where can we get some keys oh there's a key right there there we go we got a key doesn't look like we can get up there wait unless we do this and we can get up here oh lots of money for us that's lovely Now where's this going to go oh there's some coins to get up there let's go like there's just a door up here also man this is a bit of a wild level oh wait that's not what I wanted to do there's something else that I wanted to do oh nice that I'm able to jump back here okay well I wonder where that one's going to move okay I want to jump in there wait no but if we jump in there then we'll just fall in I was thinking that maybe we could jump through there actually maybe you can land on that Green platform and get that money jumping through there would be so difficult actually maybe you need to use that snake block to reach it because look right yeah how do you reach that that's a tricky jump okay we do have our key wait I wonder if uh some of these doors if uh you get lucky oh what are we gonna want to do here now hey if you go like that it makes some noise are we taking the right path or are we taking a bad path wait what are those little doggy things that came out there it looks like something from nut undertale what's that another one called Delta root or was it undertale I can't remember hey now we're just riding along like this did we take the right path or something what's going on hey lots of enemies being defeated up there oh I got Mario runs here that's funny how Mario just keeps playing that animation very quickly okay now we're going to get pushed over here and now we should be able to yeah now we can just run this okay there's a door to go into and it is the end of the level wait there's a there's a door at the castle there so what happens oh Mario actually opens the door that's so cool I didn't know that he would do that next we have a Japanese level the tags are speed run and themed and the me looked like Princess Peach though let's step on this oh does that door only appear on the timer of a p-switch wait what do we do now wait what if we lock ourselves in here lock me in here actually I don't want to do that I don't oh what it didn't come back oh oh because that's not on a timer I see okay so we can get all this money here which is quite nice but the money doesn't really matter to us but where do we want to go oh and the end of the level's just right there that's quite easy and we get a one-up okay getting the one up is very nice because we are getting our lives up because sometimes if there's a nice level that I want to spend a few attempts on to get a nice Speed Run of and sometimes we waste some lives this level is called Mmm from an American Creator speedrun and single player are the tags whenever the tag is speedrun I think I should just hold to the right oh boy wait wait wait wait wait I could have sworn that we just saw a level like this one not too long ago we saw a level just like this one just like this one not very long ago this one guys what in the world am I losing my losing my mind I could have sworn that we just had this not very not long ago maybe three or six levels ago we just had a level just like this one that is actually so strange find the difference one by Silverman TM puzzle solving in single player are the tags you know I really do like some find the difference levels or Spot the Difference levels whatever they're called so this one should be interesting okay let's see so there's a spiny a cloud that thing's doing oh this Center one over here the Koopa Troopa is red that's the difference okay so let's come on up here yeah we picked the right one we didn't jump into the spike okay that was cool how that worked hey what next let's see what's different here okay the Goomba mask oh this one on the right over here he's got a cloud behind the trampoline Chompy guy so this is the right one yep and we didn't jump into the spiky spiky oh there's 30 coins up there that we could have grabbed hey what's different now wait the difference is just that one of them shoots out bullet bills no that one also shoots out bullet bills oh I see the difference okay pause the video if you want to find the difference yourself the difference is this one doesn't have a power block the other two they have power blocks in the bottom left Corners this is really cool how this works I like this one a lot these levels are great Spot the Difference is very fun oh nice checkpoint flag that's very nice oh and I guess now we want to go through this pipe okay now that wait wait which door do we go into do we go into a door do we have to go up one of these okay that's got a Bullet Bill that one also shoots does this one also shoot yeah that one also shoots so what's the difference over here what do these doors do let's check these doors wait does one door just bring you to the other suspicious this is slightly suspicious [Music] let's see wait over here yeah I really don't know what the difference is what if you go through here because this is the only one with doors oh I don't know if that's what we had to do oh my goodness I got it by a fluke again because that Bullet Bill launcher is apparently shorter then so often and Spot the Difference oh that's okay wait am I gonna get pushed to the left now oh that's so cool oh then Mario falls off that's very funny so often in Spot the Difference when I don't Spot the Difference I end up picking the right one just by a fluke because I think that the answer is something else Ripple jump in the sky standard and speedrunner the tags from Amar 7 a UK Creator oh let's see let's make our way across here wait oh I'm gonna die okay that's all right I wanted to restart to try and do a speed run but let's see oh a lot of people died on this one so best case scenario we'd probably tie the world record I don't think we can set a new world record here can we let's see go go go go go and there we go okay that was nice that was nice we got that without any problems at all nice short and sweet level and it was fun to jump across those little platforms and of course we did tie the world record ratcher Land by gift XD an American Creator standard and speedrunner the tags whenever I see Speedo and I just think let's run to the side I'm probably the only person that ever died at those Goombas this seems like it would be a really satisfying one to do quickly let's go and come on come on get me there okay oh and then what up okay I don't know if that's the world record wait no I think the world record was six point something seconds so he didn't even get it even though he did a cool triple jump there yeah how in the world is world record so fast for this man people are good at this game I even used up quite a few lives on that one there I think we were at 80 or so lives before but man I kept messing up that jump okay now I've got a Japanese made level over here no tags wait why does it say to go right there what's there wait wait what in the world oh man oh man that's so cool how he just ran to the right oh man that was really unexpected why was the screen shaking and what was that sound there okay only two more levels on this screen and then we are done this screen and here's the second last level it's called 777. oh oh oh oh boy that was kind of scary uh what should I do if I come up here do I go through the door what do all these do oh we got a boomerang power up now and stuff oh boy if I want to get in there do I go through here let's go through this door [Music] okay uh looks like that is not the correct Choice what in the world do we have to do then do we take this hold on hold on how does this power-up work what if we there we go let's fly across is this what we have to do come on no that's not what we have to do apparently what in the world could we have to do here maybe we have to go above all the swamps maybe that's what we have to do hold on if we get these okay there are a few power-ups but if we go like this oh boy hold on hold on hold on let's go here oh boy no no I think we probably have to do something around here hold on maybe if we go like that didn't work as intended wait I just thought of something hold on hold on if we get all these power-ups and then we get this one after can I uh oh that also didn't work how I thought it would I thought that I'd be able to just blast through those guys oh I could just throw a boomerang at that and then that takes care of them wait how do I get up here this is actually such a tricky jump I know this looks so simple this is actually so tricky okay let's come on up why can I not get up there and I was able to get up there earlier go there we are okay now get up here there we are now we can probably go across weight I don't have that is this anymore okay let's go here watch out for that no I can't get up there how in the world are we going to make it by oh I want to go down here no I don't want to go down there this is actually so tricky we have to think we have to use our Noggin here let's do this we'll come up like this we can throw a boomerang at wait no you can't throw the boomerang while you're wearing this let's go like that oh oh you can just get up here okay that's fine now we can probably go like this make it to here but so what that's not going to help us with these guys [Music] what in the world do we want to do okay you're trying to come down there what if I go in here okay you can squish him then I can defeat you okay so these guys are all defeated but does that help us with anything yeah where do we want to go next if we come here can I go like this and like use my pow block or something if I ground pound on them is there a certain button combination that I can press that'll defeat these guys oh don't want to long jump off but still if I take that one door then the door I'll just bring me to them those guys will crush me I don't know if defeating this guy really does anything to help us oh maybe now we can take this and go I need to get up there but I don't want to get that pal block bring me here good good good good good we made it to here now let's go like this can I just jump off of this guy and fly across now he did you guys get out of the way let me down there let me down there I see that the goal pole is there yes bring me down bring it up yes yes okay that's how you finish the level that was a super cool ending actually this might have been one of the trickiest levels we've had to do because I don't really know how that Bullet Bill power up works I guess if you press I don't know if it's if you press the a button or if you press the R button I don't know if you have to jump to use it or if you could use it at any time but here's the last level of the screen Super Boom short and sweet and art are the tags so let's see anything nice in here mushroom oh and a one-up sure I'll take the one up what if we could just jump to the right and reach the gopal oh and wait is it just one of these levels is this it they're going to be more oh nice more power-ups and come on tell me what happens okay we're falling for quite a while over here this is one of the longest ones that we've had you don't normally Boom for this long oh and then just those donut blocks let us go down we go into the pipe oh there we go wait wait let's see how it ends is it gonna oh it just pushes this off and then Mario falls off and we get three extra lives I really recommend you watch my video where we play robot 64. it is my favorite Roblox game ever and it is inspired by Super Mario 64. thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody foreign [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 416,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker, super mario maker 2, smm2, mario, mario odyssey, super mario odyssey, super mario, bowser, evil mario, funny mario, funny mario videos, mario full movie, full movie mario, super mario movie, mario movie, bowser jr odyssey, zxmany, zxmany mario, zxmany mario odyssey, mario odyssey zxmany, full game, mario odyssey full game, all power moons, all bosses, mario all bosses, mario mods, funny super mario, gaming, game, game game, nintendo, nintendo switch, 1 hour
Id: wrYlkrpBotA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 1sec (3661 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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