Super Mario Bros 3 - Hidden Secrets and King Messages

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I've actually only got them a cpl times lol

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Bsmoove88 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody welcome to a brand new episode today i got a special episode for you i'm gonna be showing you hidden items in the game super mario bros 3. now unlike my binding of isaac i uh episode that i did with rare items this is going very unscripted so i apologize if i kind of stumble over my words or anything i've already got some pre-recorded video footage all put together i'm going to be watching it and as i'm watching it i'm going to be commentating on it so this is definitely post commentary but i thought this was the best way to do it rather than trying to record commentary while doing all this because i knew that i wouldn't get every every try perfect pretty much and it would take me several attempts on some of these items that i'm about to show you now some of the items such as the anchor are pretty much like very uh have a lot of lore behind them because as a kid back in the 90s and when this game was released in 1990 there was no internet i mean we relied on nintendo power and i don't even know if nintendo power actually produced an article or anything like that that tells you how to get these anchors people just kind of found them but i never found one when i was a kid and when i got a little bit older i got the game on the game boy advance and i found them there's three in the game and that's just one of those special items that isn't really helpful but it's everybody just wants to get it you know it's like so you can say that you found that item anyways that's one of them and of course there's hammer brothers suits there's tanooki suits uh there's frog suits which are common and crap but all these are going to be played in today into our video now i've also got a very special bonus if you watch at the end all the way to the end of the video if you defeat the the bosses at the end of each world the koopaling kids wearing either a frog suit a tanooki suit or a hammer brother suit the king will actually give you different messages in the same jargon that it gives you any other time so anyways without further ado let's go ahead and get this started get it rolling let me go ahead and get this video going and uh yeah let's do this so our first item is the very well-known flute uh the first whistle it's in level one three and it's probably the most well-known uh secret hidden item in the game it's very easy to get uh as you can see i'm just kind of ripping through here but it's you you duck on this white block and for some reason the white blocks in this game have a special ability to let you fall behind the scene and all you do is you run behind and bam you run into this toad gives you a whistle of course i'm i'm sure the nintendo power probably had something to do with this one because i don't know how anybody else would actually be able to find that back in the day our next item is uh in level one four you have to get uh i believe it's 44 coins in this level now it can be kind of difficult because some of the coins are actually hidden but if you get if you beat this level and uh you collect 44 coins throughout also show you the two places where there's some hidden one-ups but you get the 44 coins you beat the level a white mushroom house will appear now every world has one of these white mushroom houses and uh the odd world numbers odd number worlds you get pea wings in the mushroom house and then even numbers so two four and six you get anchors so and everywhere like i said every world has one of these i came really close right there but as you can see right here some of the hidden coins and you gotta pretty much get every single coin in this level to be able to um i think there's only 44 coins in that level there might be 45 so you might be able to get away with missing one but i'm not real sure i don't quite remember either way i got all the coins in that were in the level so we qualified and there you go it's actually kind of looks like this is the super mario all-stars version of super mario bros 3 so the graphics are very much enhanced as well as this house doesn't look white but it looks more blue and there we got our p wing and i'm like screw it i'm not even a cut i'm going straight for the fortress for probably the uh second most well-known hidden item i don't even know if you can call it hidden anymore because it's so well known but this is again uh some i was shown how to get the two whistles when i was very young back in about 90 1990 or 91 right around that era from a cousin of mine so anyways you just flip above and then when you get to the edge you just press up because it's a door and voila there's a whistle now those two whistles are very well known and now we're in level two two and this is another one of the levels where you have to collect every coin well every coin but one you have to collect i believe 22 coins in this one or 24 or something like that and uh this level has one more than what you need to collect and it's kind of a this is this is an easy level actually to do this in it can be a little frustrating it's easy if you have the raccoon suit so but as you can see i have the you have to actually have to uh backtrack here so you can hit this uh p switch and so i should watch you gotta be quick though i hit it a little too early there but if you can wait and then you can get these because even though you got those there's four more coins right over here and i got three of them but that was fine because like i said you can miss one coin in this level and this will take us to another white mushroom house or in this case it'll be blue but in the nes version it's definitely white and there it is and friends this is one of the uh very rare anchors such a cool item it really is uh it stops the ship from moving if you die on a ship so let's see where we're going next nope we're gonna find a uh a secret area in world 2 contains a mushroom house which always gives you a frog suit which we will be keeping for way later and there's a hammer brothers and now these hammer brothers actually spit out fireballs and you'll see them you have to use a hammer to get over in this section but this also was a pretty well known uh i mean pretty much all the whistles were pretty well known and everybody knew how to get them so it's kind of cool and here we are in world three seven now this is one i did not know existed until just recently uh i thought it was a kind of a cool little thing i don't know why i didn't know this didn't exist but up here there's like a set of clouds that you can bounce off of or you can land on and there's like a hidden music box that takes you to the sky now these are in different areas of different levels but they take you up to these like the sky where you can get coins but then you fall back down to the level and you can finish out the level well this one is a little bit different because it actually at the end of it gives you a treasure chest with an item in it and like i said i didn't know this until just recently and it gives you a cloud which comes in handy for level seven four which i hate that level and now we're gonna be heading on to level three eight now this is another one of those levels where you have to get all the coins the thing is about this level it's a little bit more difficult because of the fact that stupid fish there uh is just it's a very it's a very annoying fish it responds so quickly and i gotta be very careful so it's best to come to this level when with like uh firepower or something like that so here i am i'm making trying to make quick haste of it most your coins are going to be at the end of the level the ones that you uh that you see i mean there are i don't think there's like any actual hitting coins uh you just got to collect what you can but most the thing is about this level most people aren't going to go for the coins because of the fish the people just want to get this level over with and so which is understandable especially where the last bit of coins are i mean people aren't going to risk being swallowed you know to get a few coins but if they knew the risk you know the reward from the risk then they might have actually tried to attempt it as you can see now the next area goes under water so that fish can easily get you and you gotta jump make sure you jump over first and pick those coins up so you can get out and there you go and that is all the coins i believe you gotta get 44 coins in that too i don't quite remember the coin count i apologize i will have it in the description though um i know like the next one is like 76 or something crazy in world six rather and there's our blue house our blue house will contain if you remember what i said at the beginning odd numbered worlds contain p wings there we go so we're off to world 42 now here we go and this is another one of those levels where you have to uh get all the coins so oh just i got hit there uh this one can be kind of annoying because uh there are flying fish everywhere and i'm pretty sure you have to get every coin in this level as well my my suggestion is to come over here and get this this block which contains a star makes uh hitting the fish a little bit easier you know at least you don't have to really avoid them but right there those are all the coins that you have to get for the block the p-switch trying to avoid the fish i didn't really care i just wanted to get out of there and there's not a whole lot of coins there but it that one's actually took a couple tries because it started getting really exciting on my nerves but anyways yep there we go got all the coins there and we'll get another white mushroom house which will give us an anchor i spoiled it for you guys there you go though that's our second anchor i still haven't even used the first anchor because i don't really feel like the need to anyways we're now heading to world five one five one is a a different world a different kind of secret uh it's best to get this with a p wing we have several the spare anyway so might as well right you don't have to use a p-wing but it's easier to do it with one so you're going to come up you're going to find this hidden pipe now you can go down and around and it'll take you to a different part of the level but if you can fly up here while ducking and then uh you stand up like i did there face in the left you'll slide all the way over and you can get a music box so yeah there we go and it finishes the level now we're gonna be heading to level five six i believe or five five level five five and this is another level where we have to get all of the coins and in this level i believe you do have to get 44 coins again like i said i'll be posting the amount actually in the the uh the description area you have to get these coins here right there and on top of that you get a tanooki suit which is awesome but you do have to get those coins so then we have to do a little bit of backtracking and a little bit of a tricky jump in here but nothing nothing too difficult at all and uh then i think there's only one more coin left that we have to get and i lost my tanuki suit i was really sad i was really trying hard to keep it the right there's the one coin that we needed don't worry if you miss that leaf there's one right there all right oh so anyways yeah not a real that one really isn't that hard uh these are a lot easier than i remember them being uh you know a few years back when i was going for him on the gameboy advance but still nonetheless there's our blue slash white uh mushroom house and this one will give us this is five so p wing should be yeah a p wing so we got p wings out the wazoo because we've only used one so anyways now we're going to be going to world six five this level is of kind of a legendary level i believe in super mario bros 3 because it's a very difficult level it's i mean for youngsters as an adult it's not so hard you'll see i finish this level rather quickly but it requires some flying technique where you have to fly with an item in your hand and you'll see that and the reason why i wanted to show this is because if you actually beat this level it gives you a really good item i mean an item actually worth having so uh right here i'm waiting for that turtle the turtle despawned for some reason so but it'll come back don't worry there it is and you can also use blocks i guess but you're going to want to fly up here now that room that i i was in that i hit the block and there was a leaf uh that room continuously respawns that that coin block with the leaf in it so if you get hit and you lose your flying ability you can always go back in there they give you 400 seconds to finish that level which is plenty of time all right and i should go ahead and show you i go into the house i'm pretty sure this mushroom house always gives you a hammer brothers too now as you can see i already have another hammer brothers too i got that from the first mushroom house in this world which i didn't know you could get it from there i had no idea so i was a little surprised now we're heading on to level seven of world six this level is a little bit more difficult to get the coins because you're you've got to get 67 coins or 74 coins or something crazy like that and i think it's like all the coins in the level so it's best to go ahead and make sure you kill that guy because it's just gonna get in your way come in here with uh you can come in here with a raccoon tail or something like that but um the thing is is you when you come across the fire flower which is right up here you have to take it so which makes the jumping around a little bit harder because you're gonna need this for a little bit later and you'll see why as you can see it's a moving level and these tricky jumps don't make it any easier right here i started getting scared i was like oh no i'm gonna die some very uh and right here gotta be really careful not to hit that guy but it just kind of zooms in on you but now we're not done here this is the end of the moving section of the level but now we fall you'll see all these coins and ice and you have to have the firepower to be able to get these coins now i originally made it my first try or actually wasn't my first first try but uh the first time i got to this area without uh with getting all the other coins there's a hidden coin right there i don't know if you need that one or not but um probably two but anyways you get to this area i got to this area but i didn't have firepower and i was like oh you've got to be kidding me i gotta do that all over again so anyways we got all the coins i'm here looking just in case because i didn't want to have to redo it again but there we go and yeah this will take us to another white mushroom house as you can see appeared over there in the corner and this will give us our last and final anchor our third and final i said last and final saying that's just that's just stupid i shouldn't i should have said third and final anchor again haven't used any but anyways now we are off to world 610 610 i am showing because this is i didn't figure this out until uh about a year ago maybe two years about two years ago i guess but there's actually a very well hidden hammer brothers suit in this level so yeah if you get that firepower to do it but uh there's some firepower there that'll you know if you need it which i do so i have to go back and grab it or you can come to this level with firepower you know whatever works anyways what you'll do there's a pipe here and i didn't ever think there was a way to get past into that pipe i thought it was just kind of a taunting kind of pipe but what you do is you go and you unfreeze those things and then right here well there we go right here's a vine and i'm having a lot of difficulty for some reason you can see mario's butt crack there they never even noticed that but there's a p switch here and this p switch will turn blocks into the coins but it also turns these things these unfrozen ones into coins and so now you can get down to this pipe and there is a hammer brothers suit here which is so awesome because i didn't know this for the longest time i thought the hammer brother suit is so rare and this is our third one that we've already come across and there's also a couple more in the next world and uh on but on top of all that the hammer brothers 2 is pretty powerful so anyways now often to the last and final level 7 2 this one took me forever i hate this one this one is not worth your time but for entertainment purposes i am showing it to you and for completion of this so i get this coin there there's one coin there's you can only do this with a frog suit that's why i saved that frog suit from world two you can only get this with a frog suit grab all these coins and then you wanna hit the switch and you gotta move like crazy to get this you gotta be perfect because you mess it up you ain't getting it because the time is so oh my goodness my heart was beating so fast i there's that time limit is so short that i mean you've got to you've got to get it quick anyways now we can lose this you can lose the frog suit and thing is i mean how many frog suits is a person gonna have going into that level you know basic most people are probably gonna have one maybe two shots because that's all they have on them you can't get that without a frog suit because the frog suit makes it a little bit easier for you to swim in the uh you know in the water but otherwise i mean i don't see how it's possible without a frog suit so again not really worth the time and the effort i hated that one that took me for freaking ever to do i was so glad when i finally got it and it's i mean it gives you a really good item because like i said this is an odd number world so we get a p wing and the white mushroom house but we've already got a boatload of p wings and i think you get two more in this world alone uh from like uh like they're not really hammer brothers like bonus levels i guess you can say you get one from a bonus level i think you get more from maybe something else i don't remember i know you get at least one but anyways i'm gonna go ahead and i show you my inventory nope wait we got i guess we gotta go to the uh mushroom house and bam and our next big wing and then i'm gonna get ready to show you my inventory here of what i have what i've collected over this game took about two hours not bad lots of clouds lots of p wings a couple anchors no tanooki suit a couple hammer brothers suit that's a pretty s that is a pretty stacked a couple whistles i mean that's a pretty stacked uh inventory right there pretty balling if you ask me and then i of course i use a whistle i just go to the warp area which by the way if you look at where it says world it says world nine and now we're gonna actually switch over to some battles and our first battle is gonna be with the frog suit we are facing uh world four boss so who is this iggy iggy or larry i don't remember but anyway this is pretty much for the purpose of showing you the different messages that if you beat these bosses my dog if you beat these bosses um these coupling kids and these specific suits you get different messages so i'm gonna go ahead and i'll show you uh what the first message is in the frog suit and that king actually in the nes version has nipples and it's hilarious oh me oh my you've been transformed shall i change you back with this wand and then the next one i believe is rory which is uh world five we have the tanooki suit and accidentally turned into a statue there and bam that didn't take very long at all actually i think that took only two tries to get that one done get that one right the frog suit took forever because the frog suit sucks i mean the water it's a great item great suit for water don't get me wrong but man on land especially trying to fight a uh cooping a coupling kid with it it just sucked and let's see what he has to say thank you kind raccoon please tell me your name that's kind of a lame one uh the next one that was a hammer brother suit and we went and faced iggy the hammers don't do anything against them i tried as you can see and i did not realize or think it through rather that um i was going to be fighting facing an enemy that's going to be thrown all these balls around and whatnot and made it a little bit more difficult for dodging but i only took one try so i mean i had that going for me i was pretty proud of myself there now this message is pretty cool i really like this message and uh here we go this is world six hey you how about lending me your clothes no dice what a drag that's that's a pretty cool message i really like that one well guys that's it thanks for watching this very special episode maybe you learned a little bit something about super mario brothers 3 i know i learned a couple things at least one thing that was that cloud that i was talking to you about and level what 37 or whatever uh which i just learned recently so that's pretty cool but maybe you guys learned uh you know some how to get some items that you always wondered how to get them or you know maybe beat someone beat that one level that you never really could figure out we know world 6'5 or whatever but anyways guys thanks for watching i might do some more of these in the future i don't know uh there's somebody i've been watching playing this game i just really wanted to do this so uh yeah i'll catch you all around you
Channel: Davers
Views: 1,382,739
Rating: 4.5769901 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Bros. 3 (Video Game), smb3, super, mario, bros, brothers, nes, nintendo, entertainment, system, all, stars, snes, white, mushroom, house, pwing, p-wing, anchor, warp, whistle, wistle, flute, toot, hammer, suit, world, six, ice, level, five, impossible, hidden, secret, spot, how, do, you, get, coins, many, Super Mario Bros. (Video Game), Video Game (Industry), guide, tips, secrets, well, hard, music, box, frog, tanooki, help, one, two, three, four, seven, eight, bowser, messages, koopalings
Id: W-__opsGBNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2014
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