The 2020 Super Luxury Private Jet Flying Experience

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- Once a lifetime opportunity. Today I'm going to take you guys to fly inside this private 767 BBJ Sky Lady, let's fly together. (upbeat music) - Good morning. - Good morning, Mr Chui. Welcome onboard the new cabin of the Sky Lady. It's a pleasure to have you on board. (gentle music) Let me give you a tour in our Sky Lady. Follow me, Mr. Chui. - Private passage going inside the plane? Amazing. - Welcome to our master's suite. This is the biggest bed in here. (upbeat music) - Look at the size of that bed. You know, I'll try to take a picture and a bed is huge. It doesn't even feed the frame of the camera. This is our in suite bathroom with a full shower. (upbeat music) Mr. Chui, can I invite you to come to your private lounge where you're going to enjoy a glass of champagne? This is your private lounge. - Wow, wow. Amazing, It feels like a private home in the plane. - Mr, Chui, here's your welcome champagne. - Thanks very much. - Please enjoy. - Oh, you have flowers for me as well. - Yes. Would you like me to put it your later? - Like this? (laughs) - Perfect. - Wow. This is incredible. I'm in a room here, I'm in a house. - You're in your own palace. - I'm in the palace like you said, right? - We have an onboard cinema that you can use later. (upbeat music) - So I heard I don't have to use a mask on this flight. Is that right? - This is right. So we're very proud. And we're one of the first aircraft to have installed an ionisation technology. So we sterilise these all surfaces, and neutralises all pathogens. (upbeat music) - Good morning, Sam. - Welcome on board the flight deck on this Boeing business jet. Effectually known as Sky Lady. My name's Mark. I'm your captain today. And my colleague, Angel will be assisting me during the flight. We intend to take you on a sightseeing tour around Switzerland and Northern Italy. Flight time will be one hour and 29 minutes, cruising at 32,000 feet with a speed of about 450 miles an hour over the ground. You may well see the metaphor horn on out of the left hand side initially. We'll then make a bit of a right hand turn down towards Torino, then South toward the Mediterranean sea, coasting out just to the West of Genoa. Left turn back in past Pisa up towards Milan, Lake Como Lake Majori. And hopefully it should be fairly smooth most of the way. And we enjoy-- That you enjoy the fight. - I'm Stewart, I'm the aircraft engineer on board, and I'm going to be doing a preflight inspection. (gentle music) I'm checking the oil level on the IDG. The generator on the aircraft. So the aircraft in great shape, sir. We're ready to fly. (gentle upbeat music) (aeroplane engine roaring) (indistinct) (aeroplane engine roaring) (indistinct) (aeroplane engine roaring) (indistinct) (gentle music) - Guys, I found something in the bookcase, pretty amazing. They have a copy of my new book, Air 747, on this plane. I'm super impressed. They found out what I like and they even have my book. (gentle upbeat music) - Sam, would you like to have lunch? Please, follow me to the dining room. - Let's go. I can't wait. (gentle upbeat music) A proper dining room in the sky. Sam, here is the wine menu with all the wines we have selected for you. - Thank you very much. - Here you go. We have some (indistinct) ready for you. - Thank you very much. (gentle upbeat music) - We are preparing the lunch for Mr. Chui. Today we'll have some (speaks foreign language) and duck breast. A very aggressive dish, French dish. - Small duck breast with (indistinct) - Thank you so much. - See you later. I think we're not counting calories today, right? (speaks in foreign language) and duck breasts, classic French dish. (gentle upbeat music) - And for the main course, We will have some (speaks in foreign language) with lemon garlic sauce. (gentle music) - This is amazing dish, Chef. - Enjoy your meal. (gentle upbeat music) - Lobster with garlic butter. This meal is for a King. Cheese and (speaks in foreign language) What do you prefer after the lobster? Do you have wifi on this plane? - It's the fastest that you can get. - Fastest wifi? (indistinct) - Hey. - Good morning, Sam. (speaks in foreign language) And your aeroplane bellissima. The wifi works so good, now I can call all my friends. I can stream YouTube video on the plane. Fantastic. Okay. I'm going to enjoy my flight now. Ciao, Andrea. Ciao. - Ciao. - This is really amazing. They have these 2 KU band connectivity. - Now I'd like to give you tour of the rest of the plane. This is very large. Here is our executive area. - I can sleep here. This is like a first class airline seats where I'm very used too. (gentle upbeat music) - Of course, most of our VIPs travel with entourage. So this is where they seat. Very comfortable premium economy seats in our guest area. - So do you have a cool rest area on this plane as well? - Yes, this is the cool rest. - Oh, this is the cool rest? Wow. It's actual nice. You have the window view and the seats. - Yes. Sam, would you like to get changed and get comfortable to have a quick nap? - Yeah, show me please. - Come here. (gentle upbeat music) - Feel free to have a shower. You have the only robe. You're the first one using it. It's brand new. It's just like a regular shower. Just up in the sky. - Oh, just like... Oh, this reminded me one very famous airline shower. - Sam, would you like to have a nap now? - My God. This bed is so beautiful. I think it's not only the biggest I've see in the plane, this is probably the biggest one I've seen on the ground. I have it all to myself. I feel terrible to tarnish the beautiful bedding here. - Since this is a short flight, we converted the lounge for you to take a rest. Welcome to your rest room. - Wow, the lounge has changed. They convert into a bed here. So there's not only one bedroom, there's a second bedroom here. I guess this is right because that one seems like for overnight, but this one is like take a short nap before we land. Oh, I'm tucked in, so nice. (gentle upbeat music) Beautiful flying over Switzerland and this is the high life. (gentle upbeat music) (aeroplane engine roaring) - 50 40 30 20 10 (indistinct) (gentle upbeat music) - Sam? Sam, we have landed. - Oh, we landed? - Yes. - What? - The flight is over? - Yes. - I didn't hear anything, it was so quiet. Beautiful, just like a dream on board. I don't have to wear the mask, thanks for the ionisation, the wellbeing, the beautiful connectivity. And the most important thing, the comfort and luxury. Well, thank you, Captain. Thank you for flying me. - Thank you very much indeed. - Thank you. - Thank you very much for flying with us on the flying business say. - Wish you many more happy landing on this beautiful jet. - Thank you.
Channel: Sam Chui
Views: 1,635,681
Rating: 4.8849783 out of 5
Keywords: Comlux, Comlux Aviation, Private Jet, 767 BBJ SkyLady, Comlux Completion, Luxurious Flying, Private Jet Experience
Id: TOT58Rco3ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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