I Flew Emirates FIRST Class & It Cost £_____ (World’s BEST First Class?)

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- So, if you can't afford to fly private you'll probably find yourself in a first class flight. Luckily for you guys, I've saved you all the money and booked a first class flight with Emirates from Dubai to London to see whether or not it's actually worth it. Stick around till the end if you want to find out how much I actually paid. I know I probably won't make the money back in this video. So please, please come and get 50,000 likes and I won't cry myself to sleep tonight. So it's actually, my last night in Dubai right now, I was filming another video while here. If you haven't seen it yet, go watch it. If it's not my channel then I haven't uploaded it and it's coming soon. I just went onto the Emirates booking page to check my booking, make sure everything was okay. It said on the website, "Book your free chauffer to the airport," and also from London airport back to my flat. As you can see, here's my booking at 5:40, which is four hours before my flight really, really early. But I want to check out the lounges, obviously. I am so excited. The last time I filmed a video like this about a year ago when I went to New York, that was one of the best experiences I've had in my whole life. I just can't believe I'm actually about to do this. I don't know how I've got to a position where I can do stuff like this. I would never, ever fly first class if it wasn't to make a video. You know I'm doing this for the channel. Hopefully it pays off, probably won't. But if we can hit 50,000 likes then I'll be happy. Tomorrow morning at 5:40 AM, I'm getting picked up by the chauffer. We're going to Dubai International Airport. I'm getting on a Boeing 777. First-class suite, all the way back to London, Heathrow. I bought a car the other week which costs less than this flight. Can you believe that a car versus a flight? I looked in the website, it says the first class lounge isn't actually open right now, which is kind of a bummer. We'll have to settle for the business lounge. It is what it is. First world problems like, this sounds so petty. It's 11:00 PM. I'll probably get about six hours sleep. And then we're flying back to London. I cannot wait. Let's do this. (beeping) (engine rumbles) (gentle music) 5:47 AM right now. I'm so ridiculously tired. It's going to be very worth it. (upbeat music) Thank you so much sir, have a good day. Hi there, how are you? (indistinct) So just checked in my luggage, I'm now on my way to go through security and then we're going to go to the lounge, eat a bunch of food, check out what it's saying. I am just so excited. This is going to be such an insane experience. (upbeat music) And as you can see, the first class lounge is actually closed. So instead we're going to go to the business lounge. Morning, how are you? - [Woman] I am good sir, how about you? - I'm good, not bad, thank you. Tired. I do find it slightly weird when you got to sit down in your seat, and they pull out your chair for you. Or like when you're getting out of the car and they open the door, I don't know. I'm not used to it. I don't feel like you get other people to do that stuff for you, but it is what it is. Like, I guess a lot of people in first class expect that. So I just tried to load the menu of the QR code right there. And Vodafone apparently thinks it's blocked content. I'm just trying to order my breakfast. I'm not trying to do anything bad. So this is actually the full breakfast menu. I ordered (indistinct) I think you say it. It doesn't look that good, but it actually was amazing. I was actually in the first class section of the business class lounge. (upbeat music) (lock clicking) Okay, so very, very sad news. I've just been told that my plane doesn't actually have showers on it. I thought it did. I was so, so excited to have a shower on the plane. However, they do still have showers, as you can see. I'm about to freshen myself up for the flight. (shoe dropping) (water splashing) Goodbye business class lounge, until next time. And maybe next time, first-class lounge. Also, they said the reasoning for the first class lounge not being open is because there's not enough customers for it at the moment. I don't know, you would have thought with people paying that much they'd have it open, but can't complain. I'm just telling you guys, I want to inform you, but yeah. All right. We're on our way to the lounge. No, the gate, B31. (gentle music) I would be lying if my flight didn't say final call. I did not realise I was late, but we're here now. It's all good. I made it through the security check off. They swapped me like a hundred times. First class and business class Emirates. Apparently, the best first class in the world. We're going to find out today. I don't really have much to compare it to. This is going to be an extremely fun flight. I'm so, so excited. Hi there, how are you? - [Man] Morning. - You okay? (indistinct chatter) Wow, look at this. Oh my God. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hi. How are you? - (indistinct) Thank you. I'm good. Thank you, not bad. Best thing ever when getting on a flight, taking off your shoes. Wow. What a nice feeling. And I've just been given my pyjamas. Very, very useful, indeed. They can go down there. Just been given the menu. There's a wine list. I don't actually like wine, so I'm not going to be having any of that. However, did someone say Dom Perignon? (upbeat music) (indistinct talking) So I'm going to probably show you guys everything I see in a bit. Yeah. They keep talking as they are right now. Thank you very much. I am the only person in first-class on this whole flight. I don't know if that's a good thing, but I've got seat number 1A, and I had the exact same seat the last time I flew (indistinct). I've just been sat here for the past 10 minutes, like so confused. It's just ridiculous. Like, this first class is insane. I can't get over it. I think I might've accidentally booked the wrong one. This was supposed to get the new first class on the 777, 300ER, it's called. But I've now realised that route doesn't go to London. And when I was booking the flights I saw the London one was 777 but obviously this is an older one. But look at it. I have my own room. Like, I can fully close this door. No one can see me. It's insane. And I mean, no one's going to see me anyways because there is absolutely nobody in first class. It is crazy. We are taxiing on the runway now, about to takeoff. I believe the flight is six hours and 51 minutes. Not that long as you can see that is our route right there and it's 34 degrees outside right now. I'm going to wait until we're in the air to actually show you guys everything properly. But for now I'm going to film the takeoff. I was about say I can't drink much because I need to drive home, but I don't. I have a chauffer home, which is amazing. Emirates, you guys are great. If you want to pass me a little free flight sometime, let me know, slide in the DMs. (upbeat music) So I was just told to make sure I only filmed myself inside my cabin because I'm not allowed to film outside it. I feel bad. They've opened the whole bottle of Dom Perignon for myself. I'm going to have to finish it, right? I have to. Yeah, that's good. That's really good. Thank you so much. - (inaudible) this is garlic bread. - Dude, we have the first bit of food on the flight. Caviar and a little bit more champagne. Thank you so much. I'm pretty sure I Googled what caviar was last time. I can't remember if that fish eggs or something else. I don't know. I really should not be on first class flights. I don't know how I've got here. I've also got some extra little bits. I don't know what they are though. And I've got a tonne of bread. Is that enough? Like why does it do that? I could have just used my arms and my hands while turning to the side. This is so fun. Okay, enough (indistinct). Guys, I now have some privacy. It's just me and you. I don't know how well you guys will be able to hear me. Hopefully the mic's working well. It's got a whole knife on the plane. I swear that's not allowed. I swear they're not allowed to give proper size knives on planes. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm probably wrong. You can tell I don't eat caviar. I don't have a clue what I'm doing right now. (cracker crunches) Not as nice as I last remember it to be, but it's not bad. Might be a sign of drinking a little bit too much 'cause I need to go to the toilet now. (lock clicks) Would you just look at that view? How beautiful. Can you see that canal going right through the middle? Just there? I don't know if I'm drunk or tired, but I literally just fell asleep when the lady was trying to figure out why my wifi wasn't working. I think I'm going to have a quick nap, just so I feel a little bit more energised and then straightaway I'm going to show you guys every single little bit in this cabin. (gentle music) That was such a good nap. The bed is so comfy. Pillow is so comfy, the duvet is so soft. I did however find it extremely hard to wake up because I wanted to sleep for the rest of the flight. Anyways, now I'm going to give you guys a proper tour of my cabin, everything it has to offer. This is your main shelf area, I guess you could say. I have a little bottle of water that came with my caviar. So in here you have a mirror. A mirror with lights on and there is also some toiletries. What do we have there? We have some facial toner, eye cream, sleep oil, and some pillow mist. You then have your very lovely lamp. You have a flower and another lamp. You can turn this lamp on here with these buttons. You can press these buttons. And as you can see, that light is now on. There's also a light behind there. Let me just close my blinds to actually demonstrate that. As you can see, that is all the lighting. This is actually really cute. On the right side, we have a drawer. What are we going to have in here? Oh, hey, we have a Emirates notebook. That is actually really cool to be fair. And we also have a pen, very useful if you have a notebook. Down here we have a pair of headphones. I don't think I'm allowed to steal these headphones. I think this is a really, really good headphone company to be fair, not really much point stealing these because I wouldn't even be able to use them. They can actually go back because I have a pair of my own headphones. Safety instructions and a sick bag. I don't actually think I'm going to be sick in this seat, you know? I'm sick of the price though, hell. There is some seatbelts. I don't know what these are for, you know. Some lovely USB ports. There is also, if I can actually open this flap, a plug socket. I think this is a plug that you plug your toothbrush charger in. This one is a good one. This is the drinks drawer. If I press the button. Oh wow, that is impressive. You have got a Pepsi Max, two waters, a glass, a sparkling water, a 7Up and a Diet Pepsi. That has a pretty average lineup. Only good ones there are Pepsi and sparkling water. And of course, Evian. We then have this tablet device which honestly looks like one of those kids Vtech toy things. It also doesn't come out. I don't know how I'm supposed to get it out. I then have my menu down here. I will actually show you this in a moment. And of course you have your eating desk slash just desk desk. I don't even know I'm chatting about, but it works. And it's good. Here we have (indistinct) number one, you can just twist this to turn it on. And another one to the top right of me. So I've showed you these buttons. We have not done this button yet. I don't actually know what this does. (button clicks) Oh, okay. So that's how you release that iPad. This is to request service. If you need any help, want to order food or drink, anything like that. And all of these buttons control how the blinds work. The vibes in here right now, though, immaculate. I could honestly live in this room. I don't know how I've only just noticed but there is literally stars in the roof. Like, look at this plane. That is actually beautiful. In here I have my pillow. Down there is my duvet. And this is, I don't know, another blanket? A little storage compartment to store any goods you may travel with. This button is to make my seat upright and also open the doors. And this button over here, that is the magical bed button. If you hold that down, like I did a moment ago, your chair gets transformed into a bed. And this one simply opens the doors. So for the meals, we have a choice of pan fried beef tenderloin. I don't actually eat meat so, that one's off the card. The second option has chicken (indistinct) which is also off the card. Pan fried salmon and trout. I'm a hundred percent ordering that, I love salmon. I think I might also get another appetiser of Arabic dips, which is hummus and Baba ganoush. Okay, so time to see how quick they actually respond to the service button, you ready? In three, two, one. (bell chimes) Okay, it's been pressed. (gentle music) Hi, would I be able to order some food, if possible? - [Woman] Yes, of course. - Could I get the Arabic dips and the pan fried salmon trout, if that's okay? Maybe a bit more champagne if that's okay. And the food has arrived. Look how good that is. I've got the dips, I've got the bread, I've got the pitas, I think they're pitas. The salmon, the potatoes, the asparagus, we've got a salad here. That salmon is a solid 10 out of 10, unreal. Wow, that is so good. Cheers to that everyone. (glass clinks) I am so full, I can't even (indistinct) that right now. However, you get (indistinct), think it's a dark orange praline. This one is also another dark orange praline. So as you can see, I've made the chair into a bed. I've closed the blind. I'm going to try and get a bit of sleep. We are currently over Germany, I recon there's probably about an hour left of the flight, I'm not a hundred percent. It's not completely finished yet, but what an amazing experience this has been. Like honestly, the price point is undoubtedly ridiculous. But if you're able to somehow save up points and book a flight using the points to make it cheaper, I used to watch Casey Neistat's videos a few years ago, thinking I would never, ever, ever be in a position to do something like this. And here I am on my way back from Dubai. As always guys, thank you so much for the support. I can't say it enough. You guys are nonstop with the comments, the likes, the views, everything. I'm now going to have a small nap, and I will see you guys when I wake up. (gentle music) And just like that, we have landed back at London Heathrow. What an amazing flight, what an amazing experience. Typically the weather here is absolutely dreadful. Goodbye, seat, you will be missed a lot. So I didn't actually book the chauffeur back to my flat, I was planning to do it on the plane. However, there was literally no wifi connection the whole flight. They're trying to sort it out now to see if they have any drivers available, but I might have to order a 45 pound taxi when I was supposed to be getting a free chauffeur. About to go through good old border control, pick up my bag and hopefully I'll get a call from the lady saying there's a car available. (gentle music) (wheels squeaking) (door clicks) And finally, after such an insane week in Dubai and also the most amazing experience of first class with Emirates, I'm back in London at my flat. And I'm finally going to tell you guys how much the flight actually cost me. It wasn't cheap. I didn't use someone to try find a cheap fare. Financially I don't think this was a very smart idea to actually book this. Maybe if we somehow manage to get millions of views then I might break even, but obviously I make money from my channel, it goes into my business, so then use that money to spend, to make more videos. I want you to comment down below whether you think it's worth it, whether you think if you had the money you would actually spend it on something like that. Anyways, I'm just going to tell you guys the flight cost me 3,174 pounds. Which includes the economy flight on the way to Dubai. Please guys, make sure you smash 50,000 likes. Subscribe if you did enjoy the video. Comment something down below and I will see you guys very soon with another video, probably next week. Goodbye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Ben Morris
Views: 2,636,833
Rating: 4.9509039 out of 5
Keywords: Ben Morris, BenMorrisVids8, First class review, flight review, first class dubai to london, emirates first class, singapore airlines, cathay pacific business class, the best first class in the world, the cheapest first class, how to get cheap first class tickets, casey neistat, casey neistat first class, casey neistat plane, $21000 first class, most expensive first class, singapore airlines first class, best business class, cheapest business class, boeing 777, dubai to london
Id: W8FyilDVOoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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