Super fun email scam dating sim! - RE: Prince of Nigeria

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The song at 23:19 is a remixed Chrono Trigger song:

Just thought it was interesting.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Lexsonn 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

I didn’t know Light was Apara Kachinpopgorn, Prince of Nigeria

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Despair_Head 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Who comes up with this stuff!? This is hilarious!

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/OneBigCatterpillar 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ah Arin is using his girl voice this time. Shakin' things up I see. Variety is truly the spice of life

Edit: ok this one is pretty fucking funny

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/aniforprez 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

I think I love this game.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Patiently hoping that they eventually play It Takes Two.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/wjhubbard3 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

I hope they never stop playing these

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/zekecheek 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

oh... another dating sim/ visual novel...

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/PretendCasual 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

I can barely hear Arin

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/GigaBowserNS 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey i'm grump i'm not sue gruff and we're the game grumps hello everybody welcome to game grumps my friends oh my god aaron i have a question for you yeah uh the name of this game is re colin prince of nigeria do you pronounce the ra when you see it like that as re or rey re okay because it's like a type it's a reply yes i i've been saying rey my entire life or my entire adult life when email came into it and uh starting to realize that uh i might have been wrong well might have been a jackass this whole time i understand you being wrong it happens all the time never with me but always with you okay and so i just want to explain what's going on with this game first of all the [ __ ] music fantastic yeah chiptune killing it really jamming on this so you might be wondering what the hell is a game called re prince of nigeria about i'll tell you this is this is a we're on a dating sim kick so um this game is a dating sim and the the story goes and i don't think i'm giving it too much away like [ __ ] whole impetus okay is that we are dating what like one of the scam emails like the prince of nigeria scam emails where it's like if you deposit a hundred thousand dollars in bank account i will give you a million dollars because i need more to put my money or whatever so i can't believe that's worked oh my god it worked all the time why do you think they still do it ugh yikes if it didn't work they'd be like ah try something else yeah i guess you're right all right let's do this compose mail that's how you start this game warning so you have some prior knowledge of nigerian scams to some extent to the very least i think you just gave everyone the necessary nigerian scam knowledge there you go this game is only for those age zero and above where it contains instances of deliberately horrible grammar and spelling as whereas caps lock spam okay like this you have been warned great all right yeah terrific i like a game that's up front to begin your registration please key in your preferred username owen hula wow that's not that's not your style garbage man really really you're gonna stick with that one sorry sorry sorry garbage boy i'm the garbage boy i'm the one who stinks you have successfully registered for the account wait okay great at you'd think what is your name my first name is garbage oh my god welcome guard welcome garbage you are now logging into your inbox should i do that to you should i do anime for tag voice or should i do girl voice now you can actually see her i i think girl voice okay ah that nostalgia that comes with the login screen this is one memory which i will never forget a memory from years ago on a cold winter night when i was having a cup of coffee with my ex-boyfriend zach that guy sucked this is zach he's been my best friend for a long time now [Music] also i really like ham sung yeah me too he was a decent young fellow still is except maybe not that young now that our relationship just couldn't work out my screen is 95 pork it didn't work out on account of the he's a computer and i'm a human but i am glad that we're still able to remain best friends even after the whole ordeal with my mom damn there's so much backstory already an incredible amount of lore right off the bat i bet the re-prince of nigeria wiki is just [ __ ] brimming back yeah yeah bursting and so that day i booted zach up and decided to check my email that was when i met him i opened my html account into my pleasant surprise saw inbox one written at the top left-hand corner oh is that is that a pleasant surprise for some people to me it's i dread i dress it's a spike of anxiety and fear oh god who wants something for me now [Music] i clicked on it to see a strangely titled email appear in my inbox subject urgent reply needed from prince of nigeria at to garbageboy somebody needs an urgent response from me i was instantly frantic i decided to proceed with my reading dear friend happy new year i know that this message will come to you as a surprise i am the next heir to the throne in nigeria the crown prince aparra catching popcorn i hope that i hope that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that i am about to repose on you for the mutual benefit of our families i need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of usd 20 million dollars to your account within 10 to 14 banking days this money has been dormant for years in our bank without claim i want the bank to release the money to you as my father the king of nigeria had recently died and my greedy siblings are trying to get the money for themselves i don't want the money to get taken by my greedy siblings oh no who would want that i am sorry to involve you in such serious politics but i am desperate yes i am willing to send the money to your bank account upon which you can have 40 percent of the money wait why did they like scratch out the email address on the right when they like showed it in big bold text in the center of the screen i am unclear i guess they wanted to protect apparel catcher popcorns email address so this is the reason why i contacted you please i would like you to keep this proposal as a top secret and delete it if you are not interested upon receipt of your reply i will give you full details on how the business will be executed and also note that you will have 40 of the above mentioned sum if you agree to handle this business with me [Music] and 10 will be set aside for any expenses that warrant on the process before the fund get into your bank account such as telephone calls bills etc best regard prince opera catching popcorn oh just to an email and i was hurt my first emotion was sheer intrigue as half a billion and five questions that's half a billion and five for those who read questions i see it through my mind like a truck into an abandoned scooter who is this person uh it's apparel catching popcorn duh of the catching popcorn dynasty why is his story so touchingly sad king catching popcorn has died yeah he died and the other princes of catching popcorn wanted the money all for their yeah the greedy siblings god just retain a little information [Music] why is his story so touchingly sad why is he emailing me out of all people most importantly which absolutely brilliant breathlessly amazing person types of [ __ ] i absolutely must find out my mind was not in the money at all i am not that kind of girl after all it [Music] this is a great idea for a game i know my heart began something seriously in my chest like an apple core in a moving garbage truck sure that's a metaphor i always heard growing up because my dad was a garbage man i vo that's why i'm garbage boy stop like my dad the garbage man i decided to respond to that he was forced to go to a pigeon school [Music] he grew up severely stunted i decided to respond to that email immediately with trembling fingers that began typing up my response after clicking on the easily miscible compose button where is it there it is object re urgent reply needed from to princess nigeria's your majesty it is truly an honor to be speaking with you i have recently received your email and i am greatly touched and intrigued by your most respondent usage of capital letters i feel myself highly enchanted by your words please do not misunderstand i am not responding to you with this email because i desire your money would you mind so terribly if i wanted to get to know you better sincerely awaiting your response garbage okay with sweaty palms and a tremulous index finger i press down the send button i nearly missed and clicked on the side advertisement for what i believe to be gay porn filled with sushi i breathed the sigh of relief i clicked on disappointment it would have been help for me if i had accidentally redirected the page and lost my hard-crafted email immediately subject oh oh subject re-urgent reply needed from prince of nigeria at zmail to garbage boy at hmail dear garbage yes i am in dead the prince of nigeria thank you for responding i suppose you accept my terms and conditions for the 20 million to be sent to you please reply me to this email best regard prince apra catching popcorn my eyes watered with happiness when i saw the knees reply me so she's crying i'm literally crying he seemed like a sincere man [Laughter] oh my god and rich too for him to have such a lack of understanding of proper grammar and spelling but still try so hard i whipped my tears away my chest filling with emotions my cursor slowly moving towards the gay porn hard work i thought backstories are a plus and i felt my slowly start falling miraculously especially gay porn hard-working guys they work hard and they play hard subject glad to meet you from garbage boy to prince of nigeria dear prince of para think of me what you will but i can't help but feel that you are a sweet and sincere young man i can feel myself opening up to you would you like to talk more or would you leave i would like to get to know you better but do you it appears that you would disappear the moment i fulfill your wish would you be so cold-hearted or would you stay with me principara i may not have ever met you but please be sure that my feelings are genuine regards garbage have the popcorn that you are so viciously trying to catch him popcorn oh sorry please forgive me i slumped back on my swivel chair dreaming of his response did i manage to touch his heart he must have been online or he responded almost instantly what a guy really glad to meet you prince of nigeria garbage boy dear garbage yes i am very sincere man i will definitely fulfill my part of bargain you just have to give me information please garbage we have not much time that you for responding do you accept i just need to know thanks best regard prince abraham catching popcorn my eyes watered every time principal responded it felt as though the franken panty friend japanese i bloomed in my stomach every time he typed my name i could feel myself melting like an iron power in an iron casting factory oh my god that's what my dad became after he was a garbage man a smelter he always came home and i was like how was your day and he was like whoever smelled it dealt it and i left my heart slept in the air my heart left into the air it didn't sleep it was very awake at the speed of an apple core thrown from a tall building again he died very young in a smelting accident [Music] where he fell off thanks for bringing it up yeah that was the extent of my feelings right now i quickly rubbed the tears through my eyes and pursed my lips i have decided i would tell him how i felt hastily i began composing my response subject call me presh impulsive from garbage boy to prince of nigeria dear prince aparra i am fresh impulsive but i know that my feelings for you right now are true when you sent me that first email my love for you fell like a giant fuchsia hibiscus blooming in the spring breeze it was like a what was it called a friend a friend japanese a rancher party but when i thought about it it was more like a giant fruit shy that time i thought how come this prince didn't have the beautiful halo and wings and angels should have i guess you must have left them in your mother's stomach what before i never had the courage to tell you but now it is different if i were the scammer i would actually be like getting concerned right now okay maybe yeah i don't think this is worth the 20 million do you believe in faith because you sure are entangled in mine now tasted merely a few lines but it was so hard to write out please principal tell me do you feel the same for me achingly in love oh dear oh dear oh dear after sending that email i broke out in a cold sweat i was sick from all the apple corers i was eating every second in front of zach was an eternity principal was probably looking at that email right now it's brilliant black eyes because i assume they're black must be surveying my words and this delicate mouth whispering each word to himself what would he do was his heart smelting just like my father's heart was smelting when he fell into the vat of smelt it smelled the fat of smelt [Music] no we left the top off the smell of that what do you think me strange like an apple core rumbling around in a van fish like an apple corer falling off of a building after all i did not even mention about the money would he just abandon me then selfishly i began to dream will he feel the same for me across the plain countenance of this computer scheme as i talked to him on my boyfriend zack ex-boyfriend if i said yes to his request to send me that 20 million dollars would he listen to mine ah being in love truly hurt oh boy i couldn't help but feel a thinking feeling in my heart just like my father sunk in that battle when i noticed that even though after my heart told email from earlier nothing was on his mind but his insistence on giving me the money even if he said he felt the same way how can i believe him what if all he wanted what if all he ever wanted to accomplish was to pass me that money and nothing else could i trust him as those thoughts zoom through my mind like a paper airplane through a classroom his response came subject re call me brash impulsive from prince of nigeria to garbage boy dear brash impulsive when you have the money usd 20 million you can buy all the fuchsia hibiscus blooming you want just think about it yes i am indeed real prince if you do not believe me attached is document with my identity card my mother is dead brash impulsive tell me if you want to agree to the deal so we can proceed to next step i guarantee that i am 100 trustworth plays reply prince opera catching popcorn i felt butterflies and my face burned when i saw that he did pay attention to my mention of the fuchsia hibiscus it was sad however to hear that his mother had died attached was indeed prince of nigeria id.jpg which must be a scant copy of his identity card wow that's it's an unusual looking nigerian prince body type yeah nationality nigerian i'm not sure i dressed seven yami roshio street tokyo japan nigeria good people great nation [Music] oh my god oh my god dark hair and dark pulse fries but his true visage looked even better than i'd hoped for i was utterly mesmerized to think that he was part of the nigerian football federation that was certainly unexpected my feelings were intensified when i noticed the communist insignia on his identity i had always admired comrade stalin and chairman mao with their ideals did you they killed so many millions of people [Music] we truly are tied by the red string of communism the [ __ ] tears of joy rolled down my cheek i truly got over zack my laptop boyfriend nigeria truly is good people good nation just like the logo said no it was a great nation not a good nation that looked like the baja fresh logo good people great drink i mean great quesadillas however i must not be tricked oh she's on to him oh no i must tell him how despite his strong bonds of love between us we must find a way to make this relationship work she's not onto him otherwise we would regret it forever determined i wiped my chair stained hands on my skirt and start typing again subject [Music] from garbage participants of nigeria dear prince aparra this money you offer me certainly is gracious i cannot help but feel as if it is going to be the only basis of our relationship do you truly want our newly discovered feelings for each other to revolve around money [Music] i sure do not think so play zapara let us abandon all those thoughts of meek or cash and instead continue to dream of the fruits of our deepest darkest emotions first like apples that you eat down to the apple core and fall off this building there is truly an utterly garbage i clicked on the stand but faster than he's catching popcorn waiting patiently for a response from prince catching popcorn subject ray we have to talk from prince of nigeria to garbage boy garbage dearest friend we have no time the money needs to go to you extremely soon this 20 million dollars for your bank account all you have to do is send me your bank account number name credit card number and social security number etc thanks please reply to me this email best regard prince of power catch a popcorn my heart saved as i surveyed his last year i have fallen deeply irreversibly in love with him why must he treat me this way i think it's time for the restraining order our relationship should not revolve around fighting even then i have fallen too deep i could no longer return i would do anything for him now i am merely a pile of burned ash bones just like my father was in this melting pot oh should i or should i not fulfill his fish oh oh man this is crucial what do you want to do oh my gosh i don't know this is so much pressure i guess it really comes down to the question of do you believe in love aaron i do give the prince my bank account number credit card number etc such a kind-hearted tasteful man how could i say no to his wishes i could do anything for him if he needed my bank details to further our relationship i had to do it and so i keyed in my name my credit card number my social security number everything he needed i would test him if he still stayed with me after giving me the money it would mean he truly loved me but i feared that if he left simply after i fulfilled his own wish without thinking about mine then what would i do in the end i decided that i would trust him i swallowed heavily my mind was blank with confusion over my overwhelming emotions in the end with trembling fingers i clicked on the scent [Music] not necessarily in that order i have finally stopped sobbing a few days ago after that last email i sent him with my personal details he stopped contacting me entirely i know what must have happened to him after all he wasn't and he has plenty of enemies certainly he must have tragically perished in a political assassination it's so sad i have tried my utmost best to dig up newspapers but found nothing the media sure was good at hushing things up i will never forget we are like romeo mother's doing my fate but i will never forget him i prayed every day to see him again and then god granted my wish oh my god finally touched me again through those special numbers i've given him months ago every day i would check my bank account online and watch the balance lovingly prince de para may have left this world but he will never leave my heart every time [Laughter] oh oh my god that was so funny oh man all right holy [ __ ] i got it i love that the entire game is that one choice yes bonus music the image gallery oh sweet cg fan art other art oh he's the first to sign of her eye before she got a name wow adorable this is the original good end image which i drew crappily before i officially got another artist i still kind of like it it was the first image i drew for nothing i'd like to show off on deviantart though bro do you do you want to go to uh [Music] um [ __ ] yes yeah yeah see how the other thing works out okay uh this doesn't matter no i gotta make it's garbage it's got it's gotta be garbage boy okay garbage. okay garbage [Music] don't do it no i wish i could give him i thought i would not give in i don't know where you got i wish this must be his tried and tested method of testing my competence to mend our relationship i would not feel his test subject of roses and broken dreams from garbage boy to prince of nigeria i am a little hesitant our relationship as passionate and romantic as it may be with our deep and fruitful email exchanges is starting to feel a little predatory i cannot help but realize that you seem more interested in disposing of that cash than my existence i do notice that it is of great importance to you but i would very much appreciate it if you try to understand my feelings very good boundaries wow she's growing mm-hmm my fair maiden's heart is getting torn by your insinuation your current behavior is like a hammer breaking in my heart i will it will never be mended heartfully yours garbage wow he must have been online where he responded almost instantly subject we have roses and broken dreams from prince of nigeria to garbage boy dear garbage i am glad to be your friend and i hope we can have wonderful relationship of great together [Music] but first i need your help i hear you say you want cash so i here to help you i have good heart so i give you cash garbage i am 100 trustworth worry not this 20 million dollars for your bank account all you have to do is send me your bank account number name credit card number and social security number etc thanks a bunch a lot reply me with this email best regard prince apparel catching popcorn again a similar message with the same capstock that i fell in love with my heart with its four chambers and aorta think even deeper into my stomach pits even though his curious misspellings and questionable texts had always been part of one of his charm he has become increasingly difficult to understand he was no longer the empire i knew oh my god what should i do now no don't do it don't do it i would not give in i would fight to keep our relationship again but first i must make him experience guilt for his insensitive actions subject parallels to popular media do you repair my darling do you remember the day we first met oh my god we met eyes and you pressed a little [Music] since then we've gotten closer do you remember that day we went to the beach together even building sand castles then which i found extremely childish became something i love yet those days are crumbling away and so our relationship it's always our relationship and i want to mend it have you ever watched twilight good movie i am starting to feel as if our relationship mirrors that of edward and bella in that show [Music] edward forced bill had to take all his money and bella felt pressured that's what is that what happened twilight i don't know i do not know no i have never watched the show i just presumed it crazy garbage oh i waited for half a minute and his response parallels came popular media prince of nigeria garbage boy dear brash impulsive in nigeria we watch different shows lick dictator by kim jong-il that's all right but i have no time to talk about that now do you want 20 million dollars for your bank account all you have to do is send me your bank account number name credit card number and social security number etc thanks for being good friend to me brash impulsive please reply me to this email prince abraha catching popcorn my stomach began to churn and tears started filling my eyes out of all his emails 75 was more [Laughter] focused [Music] after all i talked about with twilight and the lake i was utterly indignant yeah [Music] no no no over my dead body dude my brain is melting i burst my lips and began typing again this isn't healthy i told myself between tears i had to tell them how i felt about this subject a para we really have to talk from garbage point to person do you repair my sweet cucumber despite your insistence i cannot do this i cannot help but feel that this relationship is unequal therefore i want to ask you if you want to end this one night stand before it is too late i truly love you prince but i cannot sense that you feel the same about me please tell me this is true faithfully earth heartbroken brush and impulsive garbage that email took me an hour to compose before i clicked on set it's just let's survive 15 seconds later subject we really have to talk prince of nigeria garbage boy dear heartbroken brash impulsive garbage glad to be your friend no problem you can do anything you want happy to have you as a friend thanks wish you will be happy in your life best regard prince apparent catch of popcorn [Music] my fingers slackened horrified my mouth was a jar would this be how our relationship ends in silence and painful goodbyes with this what i've been fighting so hard for i began to tremble like an apple corer in a trash truck in a smelting accident oh good love how could it [Music] [Laughter] later conversation with my insensitive mother no whoa sorrow dear what my boyfriend dumped me okay well it's time for dinner so you better come down well anyways i was saying parents cause this had broken my heart what it would never amend again i would never love another man if only it were so easy to see goodbye a parrot had forgotten all those times we spent together and just like that we were separated oh my god i wonder had i ever meant anything to him bad ending wow it's so sad still i wish him best of luck i hope this is fun fulfillment elsewhere exchanging emails with a more understanding girl or gotten him so flattened under his steamroller that's good too wow what an insane game i can't believe the good ending is where you get taken for all your money well clearly she's delusional so yes yes what was that last line every time i see 5 000 disappear from my account i think of him or something like that it's so funny how is there more there's more content that we missed out on how we oh maybe there's different things if you like say no at first and then say yes wow yeah but either way i we got the good ending and that's that's truly all that matters that was amazing aaron that was truly sensational i really enjoyed that experience um yeah i guess next time on gabriel something a little different something completely different holy crap okay goodbye for now bye everyone enjoy good life please reply this to email respectfully yours prince a pair of cats
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 328,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, prince of nigeria, romance, bank fraud, money transfer, western union, nigerian prince, advance-fee scam, nigerian prince scammer, nigerian prince movies, nigerian prince song, nigerian scammer caught, nigerian scammer caught in usa, nigerian scammer arrested, nigerian scammer gets scammed, nigerian scammer arrested in dubai, nigerian scammer prank call, nigerian scammers busted
Id: Kc7cYP_0cIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 58sec (2098 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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