Super Cool Typography Text Animation in Filmora 12 | Filmora 12 Tutorial

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[Music] yo what is going on guys welcome back to another video and in this tutorial I'm going to be showing you guys how to create this cool text animation using filmora 12. this is so simple to create so let's jump into filmora and get started thank you okay first we need to add text so I add the default title to the timeline then I customize it like this [Music] okay now we need to create a stroke text layer so I take a copy of this layer and paste it here then hide this layer then select this layer and go to the advanced settings then disable the fill on this text layer and enable the outline section then I change the outline color to white and thickness to three after that click apply button okay now we need to add animation to this so go to the animation Tab and select the in then apply this updoor insert animation okay now it looks like this [Music] after that export this video then we need to create our second animation so go to the in and apply this down dirt insert animation okay then we need to export this video too after that I added my exported videos to filmora then delete the old text layer we don't need that then unhide this text layer and bring it to seventh layer [Music] okay then I add this text animation to the timeline [Music] adjust this stroke text layer so go to the video Tab and move this text layer a little bit up then go to the mask Tab and select the rectangle mask and adjust the settings like this [Music] so now we need to add two more text layers so I add it like this [Music] thank you [Music] okay then I add the second text animation and do the same thing as before [Music] [Music] thank you okay guys our main part is done and here's what it looks like [Music] so now we need to add a background to this so go to the stock media and I use this color for my background [Music] then we need to remove this black area for that go to the effects Tab and search remove black background then add it to all these text layers like this foreign [Music] so first I select this text layer and go to the advanced settings then enable the Shadow and change opacity to 50. blur to 10. and distance to zero [Music] okay now we need to add Shadows for our stroke text layers too so I add it like this [Music] [Music] thank you okay guys now it looks like this so now we need to adjust the animation so go to the start and go to the 10 frames forward and drag the layers like this okay now it looks great after that I like to change the duration so go to the two seconds foreign then select all these layers except this text layer in background then split it all and delete it after that take a copy of these stroke text layers and paste it here then change these all to reverse speed [Music] after that adjust these layers like this [Music] okay guys our text animation is done here's the result [Music] so that's pretty much it guys thanks for watching this tutorial I hope you enjoy this and please leave a like this video and be sure to subscribe to my channel and leave a comment about this video and what tutorial you like next so let's meet up the next video take care and peace [Music]
Channel: Creative Graphicz
Views: 2,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmora 12, Super Cool Typography Text Animation in Filmora 12 | Filmora 12 Tutorial, Filmora 12 Tutorial, Typography Text Animation in Filmora 12, Typography Text Animation, Typography, Title Animation in filmora 12, text animation, text animation in filmora 12, filmora text animation, filmora text effects, text effects filmora, edit like a pro, best free editing softwares, ai, ai tools for editing, learn editing, creative graphicz, editing for beginners, free editing course
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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