How to Create a Viral SPEED RAMP Edit in Filmora 12

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foreign [Music] yo what is going on guys welcome back to another video and in this tutorial I'm going to be showing you guys how to create a speed ramp car edit using filmora 12. this is so simple to create so let's jump into filmora and get started [Music] okay guys you can see I already added my clips and audio to the timeline here I added some markers to match the beads and you can see these clips moving in the same direction so if you want to change it select the clip you want and change it to reverse speed so I like to create this edit moving in the same direction so I keep it default okay now we need to create this motion so let's see how to do it so first I select my first clip then we need to match this clip's length to these markers so go to the speed ramping and select customize [Music] then select the speed graph bring the start point to up and also the end point then bring to little bit down this Middle Point like this then I use these points to adjust the clip length so I bring a little bit up this second point and it needs to be a smooth curve like this then I bring this point up and it needs to be a little bit sharp curve like this foreign okay I take my second clip and I add the same speed graph to this [Music] okay now it looks like this so now we need to apply this speed ramping to other Clips too so here I apply the speed ramping to my all other clips [Music] so now I like to add some blur between these clips it gives a smooth look when switching to the next clip so go to the effects tab select video effect select basic then select Direction blur [Music] and add it to the timeline then I get 10 frames long part of this layer [Music] and I change the direction to 90 degrees and blur length to zero and create a keyframe then go to the middle of this layer and change the blur to something 20 then go to the few seconds forward and change this to zero and also drag this keyframe to the end like this okay then I apply this blur effect to my other Clips too okay now we need to add transitions to these clips so first I like to add transitions between these clips so I add this slow flips transition to this and I change this to 15 milliseconds [Music] okay it's give great start for this edit so then I use this dissolve transition for my other clips with the 10 milliseconds duration so here I add dissolved transition for my all other clips and let's see how to create this logo effect so first I drag all these layers to third layer [Music] take a copy of this start clip and paste it here then I add my logo to the second layer [Music] so now we need to create a mask around this so I select this layer select the pen tool and draw the mask like this okay then I adjust my logo scale and position after that track our mask using keyframes like this [Music] okay then I like to add a little Zoom look to our logo so I create a keyframe on start then go to the end and change the scale to something like 90. okay now it looks perfect so now we need to create the logo animation so go to the mask and select a rectangle mask then I increase the mask width and adjust the blur you like so I change it to something 50. then we need to create our animation using this y-axis so I create it like this [Music] foreign okay guys our logo animation is done so now we need to add this color grading effect so let's see how to do it so first we need to add an adjustment layer [Music] then go to the effects tab select video effects then select Luma sharp effect and add it to our adjustment layer then go to the effects settings and you can adjust the intensity you like so I keep the default settings here then we need to add another Effect called dual booster [Music] so I add it to this adjustment layer it gives a great look to our edit so go to the effects settings and I increase the value of colors on both dark and light settings so guys now our edit is complete here's the result [Music] also finally I recommend using the rsmb effect on After Effects it gives a super smooth look for your edits so I will bring a quick video about that soon so that's pretty much it guys thanks for watching this tutorial I hope you enjoy this and please leave a like this video and be sure to subscribe to my channel and leave a comment about this video and what tutorial you like next so let's meet up the next video take care and peace [Music] thank you
Channel: Creative Graphicz
Views: 6,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Create a Viral SPEED RAMP Edit in Filmora 12, filmora 12, filmora 12 speed ramp, Viral SPEED RAMP Edit in Filmora 12, speed ramping, speed ramping filmora 12, speed ramp, speed ramping video tutorial, speed ramping in capcut, speed ramp transition filmora 12, speed ramping reels, car edit filmora, viral edits, free editing course, edit like a pro, best free editing softwares, ai, ai tools for editing, learn editing, creative graphicz, editing for beginners, filmora
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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