Super Cleaning a NEGLECTED Honda CRV! | NASTY Grimy Kid-Trashed Car Detailing Transformation!

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hey what's going on guys and welcome to the video now the vehicle that i'll be working on today is a 2014 honda crv that has been hammered by wet mucky roads and the owner's kids so let's take a look around all right so starting with the exterior and pretty well every inch of the vehicle is covered in dirt so the pressure washer is going to get a good workout today especially in the carpeted wheel wheels and on the back end where it's turning a nice shade of brown and then of course the wheels and tires are a filthy mess too but moving inside and this is where the fun starts as there is some sort of grimy mess everywhere you look from the front cup holders to the gross and super sticky back seats every inch of the interior needs some serious deep cleaning but just before we dive into this mess take a second and make sure you're subscribed to the channel so you never miss out on a future video and consider becoming a channel member for exclusive behind the scenes and sneak peeks of new videos alright guys well i am looking forward to getting the crv looking brand new again inside and out so sit back relax and enjoy the transformation all right starting on the pre-wash rinse and i figured i would answer a question that i get asked all the time and that's about what pressure washer i use so the pressure washer i use is a 110 volt electric bertollini pressure washer that pushes 1900 psi at two gallons a minute and if you guys have been watching the channel for a while you know that i switched to it a little over a year ago from a gas powered honda gc 160 so either gas or electric is fine the biggest tip i can give to anyone looking to buy a pressure washer is to look at the psi and the gpm of the unit it's not always just about the psi but looking at them both will tell you what the cleaning power is of the unit and as a rule of thumb you don't want to get any closer to the paint than you could your own skin so if you're using a wide angle tip like i do you can absolutely safely use higher psi machines on vehicles with no issue [Music] do [Music] now like i mentioned before spraying out the wheel wells is really important especially the inner lip where salt will collect over the winter so i always make sure to spray that out really well as that's typically one of the first places a vehicle would start to rust and with these carpeted liners holding onto everything that touches them it's even more important [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now as i finish up the pre-wash rinse here i figured i'd mention again just in case you missed mike's cameo at the end of last week's video that you can now become a member of the channel which if you decide to join gets you exclusive access to the members only community tab where i'll post sneak peeks and behind the scenes stuff among other things and you can also get to use some cool emojis including the one of mike [Music] [Music] now getting some wheel and tire cleaner sprayed on these dirty wheels i'll then grab my detail geek contour tire brush to agitate and will also use my soft wheel brush for the rim face as well and if you've been wondering where you can get either of these brushes well they're available on my website at detailgeek where worldwide shipping is available [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now starting on these rubber floor mats and the process here is super simple i'll start by just spraying them off and will then spray on some apc diluted about four to one hit them with my medium green drill brush and then just blast them clean [Music] all right so while i go get the vehicle off the driveway you can probably tell here that it's cold outside again and winter hasn't quite let up yet although there's definitely light at the end of the tunnel and spring is coming as we've had a few nice days recently but starting on the inside now and the first step here is to remove all the garbage and then any of the owners personal belongings [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so with the front seats out we can get a quick peek at what was hiding underneath them looks like a big rock and a milk phone so getting that quickly removed and then i'll get the vacuum plugged in [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] working my way around with the vacuum and if you're wondering about the quality of this crv's carpet well i have to say i was pleasantly surprised as i was expecting it to be on the cheaper side like a lot of hondas are but this carpet was definitely nicer than that so i'd put it somewhere in the mid-grade level which made it relatively easy to vacuum [Music] [Music] all right so starting on all the trim now and i'll work my way around the vehicle top down and start with a boar's hair detail brush as it's a bit stiffer and makes quick work of any dirt or debris that's hiding down in the cracks and crevices around the vents the door handles switches cup holders basically anywhere that you can't easily use the vacuum on and then for any of the more sensitive plastics that are more prone to scratches i'll switch over to the ultra soft brush [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right so starting on extracting the carpet now and i figured i'd give you a little bit of context as to how this vehicle ended up so dirty so when the owner dropped it off she mentioned that she went through some pretty difficult personal and health issues last year and unfortunately the vehicle was neglected during that time so knowing that it definitely made this detail a little bit more special knowing i was able to help out and relieve a little bit of stress and anxiety from her life with a clean vehicle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] now for any of you out there who have a vehicle with dirty carpets and want to tackle it yourselves the combo i use of chemical guys lightning fast my detail geek drill brushes and then the bissell spot clean professional to extract works really really well so i would highly recommend all of them especially the bissell i have used mine significantly more than the average person would and it's still working perfectly so if you guys are curious i've got the links to them down in the description along with nearly every other product and tool that i use and i should also note that my soft white detail geek drill brushes are now back in stock on my website at and again the link is down in the description for you [Music] so my [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] here's all the dirty and smelly water pulled from the crb and the nice layer of sludge at the bottom gross all right so two weeks in a row now and i'm opting to steam the leather seats as they are completely covered in sticky grime so fortunately the steamer can make super quick work of that with the brush attachment on and then i'll simply just wipe them dry with a microfiber towel [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] so [Music] now for this passenger seat here where there was a bunch of gums stuck to the seat the steamer is going to be the best bet here as it will have that taken care of in under a minute and if any of you out there have seen me use this for a while and thought to yourselves man that looks like a ton of fun well i can assure you it really is and it will make super quick work of any dirt or grime you can throw at it whether that's in your vehicle or your house so if you're curious the link to the mcculloch mc1375 unit that i use is down in the description for you [Music] happy [Music] [Music] okay with the leather condition i'll get to work on dressing and uv protecting all the interior trim with 303's aerospace protectant which is going to leave everything with a non-greasy matte finish when it dries that will last for about four to six [Music] weeks [Music] moving back outside and to really make this paint shine i'm applying a layer of sealant with my polisher and a black foam finishing pad and after it's hazed over in about 10 minutes i'll remove it with a couple of different 420 gsm microfiber towels [Music] second last step here is to once again apply aerospace protectant to all the black exterior plastic on the crv to really make it pop and look incredible [Music] all right guys and 11 hours later and the reset button has been hit on the crv it is back to looking brand new again now if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you hit the thumbs up button subscribe to the channel so you never miss out on a future video enjoy the guitar outro and i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] do you
Channel: The Detail Geek
Views: 854,419
Rating: 4.9420338 out of 5
Keywords: dirty car detailing, filthy car detailing, car cleaning, car detailing, interior car cleaning, interior car detailing, car interior cleaning, auto detailing, the detail geek, detail geek, interior cleaning, asmr, carpet cleaning, deep cleaning, disaster detail, nastiest car ever, dirtiest car ever, dirtiest detail ever, dirtest car ever, nastiest detail ever, detailing transformation, super clean car, super cleaning, nasty extractions, honda detailing, honda crv
Id: MzSkU9WXaT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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