Super Boy X Miss Martian Moments Season 2 Part 1

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welcome home angelfish thank you a gun I'm hitting the showers no oh oh what was that be careful hey sis remember that time you and Superboy Byzantine garage he picked flowers that were really poison sumac was a long time ago God no need but you remember right Superboy how much farther Ilana we're close enough now latane base again be careful you too Connor so how long were you and she together all my life you want to talk about it no oh can she hear us doesn't work that way translations basically automatic she's not conscious of what we say out loud well then talk I live light-years away so you'll never see me again makes me the perfect confidant it's complicated and weird hey I have a crush on an alien from another planet Who am I to judge you asked for it see I'm a clone force grown in the span of a few months to look like this began somehow so I could be more than the weapon I was created to be complicated but sweet go on McGann's a shape-shifter to her looks are clothing for the mind inside easy to change but I'm the opposite it's become clear the processes used to create me had a side effect I don't visibly aged at all now I'm not immortal I'm aging internally but I'll always look this good standard blessing and curse seems like a shape-shifter would be the perfect match for someone suffering from your condition I used to think so anyway she's with Lagaan no he's kind of a jerk but he's good to her what's obvious she still has feelings for you perhaps you regret leaving you for him she didn't I dumped her she left me no choice Connor hey still join capture us or is it just a bitter revenge thing now either way we discourage them game me I'm big game let's take care of her what else not souvenir sweet where did that come macam what did you never we have to get back to earth I know what the Justice League did on rim poor I know what happened ders the Corolla tans have an emergency rendezvous point and have standing orders in case of discovery to evacuate there the base inside a volcano on Malina Island so back to movie night angelfish tag you're it whoa whoa whoa card you need to fake the power flight you're welcome Connor you know we have to maintain the illusion that Superman Manhunter and the other leaguers who went into space are still on earth we can't let our enemies know how shorthanded the Justice League is right now hate monkey suits so now we're never talking again gee you read my mind I don't have to read your mind to know how you feel Connor but the break-up was your idea don't pretend you don't know why I know I know you disapprove of how I use my psychic powers you mean how you abuse them ripping Intel from the minds of your victims with no concern for what it does to their psyches victims they're the bad guys that information is helping the team to leave the entire planet and leaving your victims in a catatonic state it's not right McGann you're behaving no better than Simon if you feel that strongly why not tell Nightwing boy the league I was hoping I mattered enough to you to make you stop I didn't think you try to tamper with my mind trying to make me forget I was upset with you Connor I'm so sorry about that sorry you did it we're sorry you got caught after all we've been through how could you think I wouldn't recognize your touch inside my mind didn't you know what that touch meant to me and to have you perverted like that because I was kidding myself I mean how replaceable was I two minutes after I ended you're dating the rebound guy from the Black Lagoon look on is not my rebound guy well lucky Lagaan we'll find look on hey there birthday boy no hey hey Wendy so how old are you today six I mean 22 I I turned 22 at 6 p.m. exactly well it either age you look exactly the same as the day we met that's a compliment to be goof although even now out through wearing the Superman t-shirts when he turned 18 huh well I'm not big on change for surprises right that's how I remember your birthday there's no way I could forget not with the huge surprise parties Megan threw for you year after year I hated those parties I don't buy it you Conner Kent just pretended to hate them it made Megan happy to throw them for you so secretly you loved it you know me pretty well so any parties this year no this year you're the only one who remembered its Connors birthday today he's never had a birthday when I haven't thrown him a party that's not really her job anymore McGann and with Cal's are holding McGann casteth I can't focus on parties think she's still basking in the glow of victory she totally nailed all collide you should have seen it well actually it didn't look like much I'm sure was very cool inside their heads
Channel: Yoshihirokira
Views: 1,180,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Superboy, Miss Martian, Young Justice, DC Nation, DC Comics, Cartoon Network, Supermartian, Wally West, Beast Boy, Nightwing, Blue Bettle, Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman
Id: qROlff3PCCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2012
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