DC Super Hero Girls | Daddy's Little Girl | @dckids

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[Music] when daddy and i first started out we traveled the country trying to get our act off the ground [Music] i didn't know anything about stage makeup in those days most of the time we didn't even have a stage [Music] no matter how hard it was no matter how small the crowds [Music] we were happy [Music] because we were together [Music] forgetting something never across the land across the sea together our hearts will always be our act wasn't the greatest and we didn't have much money but we always had each other i never wanted anything to change barbara what are you doing here it's okay honey oh this is all my fault i never should have agreed to work in such a horrible crime-ridden place someday i'm gonna get you out of here barbara gotham city has no place for a family [Music] how did robin get to be batman's sidekick he's not even on theme so after that i worked and practiced and studied improving my skills to get batman to notice me but then we moved away before it could happen and now and now you have us and a girl's night out at sweet justice oh man you two go without me mom's working late and in this house that means princess pumpkin pants aries to the ground she's got a green and sucker oops i forgot the popcorn can't have daddy-daughter date night without popcorn no it's okay dad [Music] oh and jeepers is that the backbone dead dead ah commissioner gordon here what's shaking batman oh could you repeat that batman i'm all old and stuff and my hearing's not so good batman says there's a big time villain how did you wait a gotham villain capisce at the metropolis pesticide plan you're gonna give us back up for what you want butter on your popcorn pumpkin pants no thanks what was that uh that was me i call myself pumpkin patch sometimes and you gotta go there so your dad's nice he's trying what do you mean he's been gone most of my life it's only in the last year so he's really tried to reconnect that's why i'm here make up for last time huh that's really sweet reserved ladies seriously babs don't worry about impressing him he's totally harmless so do you always wear your shoes on other people's carpet daddy it's really good do you hear that rosie the shaped fennel and asparagus salad is really good daddy please you're being rude am i all right tell me something about yourself babs uh well i'm a leaver and my dog is called ace and i like physics and gym class best and i have every batman comic effort my dad used to be police commissioner or gotham city gotham city your father was police commissioner in gotham city uh until we moved here now he like brushes his teeth and watches tv and stuff he's super good at watching tv perhaps of course short for barbara barbara gordon the gotham city police commissioner's daughter babs that's me that's gordon that's the name me hey everything all right in there see open the door jay are you all right hmm i'm so proud of you i didn't know if you were going to have magical powers i kept my own a secret because i didn't want to hurt your feelings magical powers but now we're both magical isn't that amazing oh i've been carrying this everywhere waiting for the day when your powers might appear this belonged to my grandfather luigi zatara who gave it to me when i got my powers and now it's yours you mean all this stuff that's been happening to me is magic real magic that's right here this book will teach you everything you need to know to control what's inside you repeat after me dear rich patch no [Music] you just learned your first spell it's also clear now and that's just chapter one don't worry about all the changes you've been going through change can be a very good thing see come and do the act with me i need you i've always needed you this is our show okay daddy in that moment we were the same team we'd always been though it felt like nothing had changed everything had changed [Applause] for the better daddy uh it's not what it looks like you promised you wouldn't try to assassinate my friends anymore i am very disappointed in you daddy what am i supposed to do it's my job i should have known you wouldn't change just when i was starting to trust you you do this i'm sorry rosie you mean more to me than anything if you don't want me to do this job i won't you have my word i won't bother you or your father again i'm sorry rosie please don't be mad shake hands i already said i was sorry shake pants [Music] dad hey sweetie ready to go yup i uh won't you come in we were just about to sample those delightful donuts your daughter brought well i'd never say no to a donut excellent you're right this way buddy old pal tonight we're gonna show batman what we've got tonight we cannot be denied tonight we join popcorn time [Music] gosh i'm hooped all of a sudden i might turn in early but what about daddy-daughter date night it was a game tonight but you love princess pumpkin pants [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you talking about all right but hurry up i've got dishes to do [Music] [Applause] if we pull this off at night i see big opportunities in our future i see glory i see dad communicating with your teenage daughter chapter one so your little girl is growing up does it seem like she's avoiding you look around she may be closer than you think [Music] [Music] it's quite common for your teenage daughter to look for ways to avoid you [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the end she'll find her way back chapter two [Music] oh come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry dad i love you but you're totally smothering me you
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 1,990,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Justice League Animation, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, DC Super Hero Girls, Wonder Woman, Fathers Day, DCSHG, DC Super Hero Girls theme song, Bat Girl, Babs, Barbra Gordon, Zee, Zee Zatara, Zatanna, Abracadabrapalooza, Fom Bat To Worse, Dinner For Five, Deathstroke, Mr Gordon, Metropolis High School, Batman, Robin, Bat Phone, Rose Wilson, Mr Zatara, Super Hero High, DC Super Hero Girls Full Episodes, DC Super Hero Girls TV Series, Posion Ivy, Gotham city
Id: o9zvsCVNSK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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