Super Amazing Result With Axolotl| Found Axolotl Black and White Colorful Japanese Koi Oranda Betta
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Channel: Marady Fish Fighter
Views: 20,930,642
Rating: 4.343451 out of 5
Keywords: Marady Fish Fighter, Wow luckily! Catch up KOI and many colorful fish never seen before, Dexter's World, Survival with Emma, lifestyle phylin mouth watering NRG FISHING рыбалка, RealLife, ACE Fishing, Super Amazing Result With Axolotl| Found Axolotl Black and White Colorful Japanese Koi Oranda Betta, Super, Amazing, Result, With, Axolotl, Found, Axolotl Black, and, White, Colorful, Japanese, Koi, Oranda, Betta
Id: meNVTgyOBio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
No there aren’t any golden axolotls in the wild, and no they aren’t native to Japan. They come from a small place in Mexico and are critically endangered. Also that tiny container those axolotls and fish are being put in is making me nervous. There’s not going to be enough oxygen to support all of them for any time at all.
They are native to mexico right
This guys whole channel is utter bullshit. With axolotl being eaten in Japan they are probably a dime a dozen.