Supa Strikas Full Episode Compilation | The Determinator | Soccer Cartoons for Kids

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match day and it's one-way traffic at strikaland hi brenda only 30 minutes gone and super strikers are already in the drive-in seat hey shakes nice goal for the number two striker yeah i suppose it was pretty good compared to your easy tap in that's it whoever scores the most [Applause] wade goals [Applause] [Laughter] it's the 85th minute and el matador and shakes both have a hat trick [Music] sorry dude but it's time to end this and that is [Applause] that's what you think what is think something i'm very good at and something i'm teaching you to do paul [Music] so how's phase one going paul what is paul that's you positioned apparatus for understanding likely move i see what is positioned apparatus for understanding likely move oh you have hours of shakes and el matador game footage stored on your hard drive you can analyze their every gesture predict their every move and bring victory to technicality [Music] tony are you in there oh great they get so touchy when i bend the rules [Music] yes well tony we're playing super strikers in a week and we were wondering if you wanna you know practice i think benedict b bradley is a little worried about facing shakes and el matador what is practice not now paul hey who's that um your new teammate a talented uh goalkeeper [Applause] [Music] paul hey what's his full name paul pig bod buddy i don't have time for this now go do whatever it is you do around here [Music] hmm [Music] i need to get the new guy super league card i've got you benedict bradley thaddeus farrington the third and ten of my own cards pretty lucky hey oh come on more john jay johnson juniors what a con there are like five of them in every pack virgo all right boys technicality this weekend so coach do you really need all of us at practice these guys are going to be scoring all the goals anyway just because they're in good form doesn't mean the rest of you can slack off block and north shaw no last minute lucky shot is going to save you this weekend shakes if you really want to score as many goals as me i can teach you how to do the knuckleball ah i don't need to learn your stupid flashy unstoppable move i've got plenty of my own all right all right you two i don't mind some healthy rivalry just try not to get carried away [Music] [Music] ah [Music] i got you now dude you'll never attack me you guys are unbelievable a circle circle miku-chan passing 86 pretty good but not as good as rihanno 89. [Music] all right my turn el matador attack 94 koblam you hear that shakes my super league card has an attack score out of shakes what how can this be [Music] knuckleball just because tony doesn't want to practice doesn't mean we can't yeah so we're gonna get on the pitch yeah and no matter what we're gonna be ready for super strikers [Music] okay paul let's get to work tony's having a private practice with paul [Music] there you are paul one brand new state-of-the-art synthetic eye so how do you like the view what is the view oh shut down while i work on the next phase what is shut down [Music] uh john j johnson jr attack 35. ah hey where's the shakes card blogger [Music] one point one point and it's all because of that stupid knuckle ball [Music] ah huh [Music] [Music] hello tony all right paul time to test the final phase of my plan [Music] the magnetic field is stable oh what's that one of john j johnson's stupid cars that snoopy snooper has been snooping around hmm oh paul [Music] identifying target target shakes yes it works what works oh shush you're ruining my moment [Applause] gonna beat super strikers win the super league practice for all not just paul practice for all not just paul what on earth are you love doing we've had it with you giving paul preferential treatment tony practice you wrong idiots paulie's paul is a what paulie's uh uh very sick he's gone cold turned gray and he's not moving so uh tony i guess that means i'm up it's what paul would want in fact you should wear his lucky gloves [Music] now get out there and win this [Music] let's do it guys [Music] not so fast john jay johnson jr i found this on the pitch last night what were you doing out there what did you see you saw nothing got it a shakes card wow those are super rare so you're denying you left it there i know you're into these things it wasn't me tony i'd never lose a super league card hmm [Music] can i have it yeah sure whatever [Music] all right nobody move oh our shakes card is officially missing black and goggles are don't look at me the only things i collect are records and i definitely don't need the shakes card all right it was me oh i came here last night to practice and might have dropped it on the pitch what were you practicing not the knuckleball shakes oh yeah then why did you take my card because just seeing you fills me with the righteous anger i need to stay motivated come on dude maybe the card's still out there [Music] hey where'd you get that card tony gave it to me hate to break it to you dude but i think that's ours can you prove it uh no circle tell you what i'll swap it for a paul card a who card paw or new goalie [Music] what does he look like well he uh uh i i don't know spends all this time hanging out in tony's lab lucky how about you trade us the shakes card for say 20 john j johnson junior cards [Music] sucker suckers okay you ready to take on shakespeare matador paul yes really yes i am ready no questions at all no i'm good now witness the power of this fully operational paul [Applause] [Music] great start from the men in yellow but block cuts out the danger [Music] you can do this benedict tony's relying on you paul believes in you twisting tiger sent to the cross shanks is there target shakes determining move [Music] moves scorpion kick knuckle ball bicycle kick move identified bicycle kick [Music] what a shot [Applause] [Music] these really are lucky gloves sheesh this is gonna be harder than we thought yeah keep telling yourself that shakes i'll be busy scoring the goals [Music] ugh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i suppose it's time to knuckle down and score a goal el matador i don't need your move shakes or your puns [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the chips are down your teammates have failed especially shakes there's only one thing to do another ball no [Music] cheeks picks up the rebound but there's the halftime whistle bradley what shut down shut down did you guys see that benedict's goalie gloves i i think i saw them move by themselves are you dude serious cheeks brother maybe you're just making excuses cause you couldn't score uh neither could you totally besides the point a circle's like a blogger yeah they need to update benedict b bradley's super league card that dude should have a way higher score i don't know why tony vern bothered hiring a new goalie what new goalie yeah some guy called paul well he can't be very good if he didn't even make the bench apparently he only hangs out in tony's lab [Music] hello paul you here what is here uh in this room my core hardware is located here paul yes are you a computer [Music] my designation is positioned apparatus for understanding likely move that's it [Music] what is it so you're saying bradley's being controlled by his gloves kind of it's all linked up to a super computer that can predict our moves why didn't the computer predict my knock elbow bradley was frozen on the spot that's because it's not your move it's not the knuckle ball it's the knock l ball totally different think about it paul predicted me doing my moves you doing your moves but it didn't predict el matador doing your move exactly so the solution is simple shakes teaches on matador the knuckleball ain't gonna happen come on do it for the team the fans the badge do it because it's your one chance to be chicks [Music] the second half is underway and super strikers are on the attack shaves lines up his shot but bradley has stopped everything they've thrown at him today all yours dude oh but it's actually an assist el matador comes running into the box and identifying target target el matador no moves rainbow el toro he'll kick [Music] predict this [Music] [Applause] of course i did nice one dude you totally win this round actually i said the draw sometimes the assist makes the goal all that money wasted on a stupid annoying machine inventing failure impulsive decisions i'm going to turn you into a vacuum cleaner you stupid bucket of boats course of action self defense [Music] [Music] ellen to global orbiter approaching satellite dish this is global orbiter reading you loud and clear seven degrees left oh no three degrees right a little bit left now a tiny bit right that's it perfect i'll be right in game's well underway and scores are tied but if anyone can break the deadlock it's kojo yep the king of spin has been terrorizing barca with his crosses and there's the new one [Music] [Applause] unbelievable [Music] couldn't agree more [Music] cool joe crosses into the box it's sorry ellen this is a space station not a football pitch it's bad enough that you're using state-of-the-art monitoring equipment to watch a super striker's game oh come on i can practically see the broadcast satellite out the window it'd be a waste not to use it 237 is within range let's get to work hey did you guys see this meme ages ago close a long time ago what about this fail vid check this out [Music] i bet you guys haven't seen this [Music] hmm a blurry potato no el matador it's a massive asteroid called 237 and it's coming right past earth next week well you guys are gonna be too busy looking down at your phones to look up at the asteroid seriously cool joe why you so anti-technology dude takes old school to the next level yeah old university and what's wrong with that besides i have a phone [Applause] what it's not bad old came with a fax machine attachment and everything [Laughter] hello hello this is the 21st century you should join us here sometime hmm message from coach what's it say the orion game's been pushed back two days ah man that's the same time the asteroid's coming past [Music] cool joe's new phone charger sold separately classic posting that on nata immediately all right all right which one of you guys did this shakes you're being suspiciously quiet oh he's just angry that he's not gonna see the giant space potato up close i really don't get why coach black moved the game he's more into astronomy than anyone [Music] ah super strikers welcome to this soccer sphere hello so coach black why did you move the game to the exact time asteroid 237 passes oh so great to have another astronomy aficionado in the super league imagine shakes as the astral giant passes overhead two super league giants clash on the pitch a fitting tribute no yeah i suppose and what's in there that facility will help us um understand more about the asteroid cool can i check it out i'm sorry shakes even the slightest interference could affect the readings no one is allowed in dome 237 shakes practice hey over here coming at you dude great stuff guys forwards to me coach black has his side tactically astute and defensively organized breaking them down is gonna be tough but we've got something that no amount of planning can stop el matador's brilliant shooting of course my mistake it's my dribbling oh he's talking about the corkscrew big head cool joe's crossing can't win games you need a brilliant striker to score the want to goals [Music] let's give this a spin [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you see how matador with the corkscrew even a dummy can score or one of those guys hey dude that was amazing how do you know exactly where the ball is going to spin practice practice uh what's that other thing oh yeah practice [Music] [Music] a roslyn just uh killing some time till 237 gets here and let me guess the natter satellites right outside our window it would be a waste not to use it there's still a lot of prep to be done we've got to be ready to analyze the composition velocity age and trajectory of 237 as well as the electromagnetic and gravitational effects it will have as it passes because we're less affected by earth's gravity up here an object as large as 237 should have some unusual effects on us [Music] all right guys good practice ha yeah you've earned it now here's the story about a guy i know whose skill is out to sight his funky defenders all the prizes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] match night at the soccer sphere orion host super strikers oh anyone got reception nope not me the asteroid might be causing electromagnetic interference said so on the global orbiter natterfeed well where will i have reception yeah that's because your phone is coal-powered forget your phone reception just make sure your attack is at full strength and we're off neat possession from super strikers dancing rasta sends the ball to the left wing and you know what that means i the king of spin is about to lead on a royal decree [Music] and there it is [Applause] [Music] so close early warning signs for orion aye but coach black doesn't look very wittied [Music] so [Music] and once again dancing rasta finds cool joe [Music] huh what was that uh who joe did the orion defender's job for them so unlike him to miss the target [Music] another terrible cross [Music] and that was even worse [Music] what is wrong with cool joe's crossing hmm [Music] hey roslyn do you think the gravitational pull of the asteroid could affect objects on earth perhaps but only on a very small scale like a spinning soccer ball i need to warn super strikers uh for research purposes of course it might be a little difficult to get hold of them with 237 interrupting the phone signal analog frequencies should be immune to the effects but i don't think anyone still uses phones that old come on you can do this cujo sends the ball straight to the opposition and now ryan can counter my ball [Music] the cross [Applause] and it all started with cool joe giving the ball away yep in the space of one game the king of spin has completely lost his touch [Applause] this is rash irresponsible and downright dangerous come on there's an old communication satellite right outside and it would be a waste not to use it do you have any idea how many asteroid fragments are flying around out there if one of them hit you i have to warn super strikers [Music] i really don't know what happened out there coach i placed all those crosses perfectly it didn't look like it can you please turn that off i i don't know how yeah they haven't invented the reject call button when that phone was made wait really yes it doesn't have one huh fine answer it uh listen i can't really talk with all right which one of you is behind this they say they're calling from a space station that's pretty good if it was me i totally claim it who is this cool joe this is ellen thrace from the global orbiter i hate to be pushy but you need to listen now this connection's dangerously unstable asteroid 237 is interfering with hello [Music] i'm coming in like right now do you guys have any idea what that was about she said the asteroid is interfering with something our phones i'm pretty sure she didn't call us from space to tell us we can't use natter well what else isn't working i hate to say it but cool joe's crossing would explain why the ball's spinning all over the place but can an asteroid do that bet we could find out in coach black's research facility uh but it's off limits to everyone uh no it ain't i saw the whole orion team come out of that place last night [Music] [Music] huh whoa so what's this gotta do with the asteroid let's find out it's working i don't get it when in doubt push the big button gravitational reverse commencing huh [Music] [Music] whoa coach black created a way to reverse the spin of the ball not emulated asteroid 237 is messing with your crossing and coach black trained his guys in here so they'd be ready you think you can adjust i don't know brother i've been practicing the corkscrew so much it's instinct i can't just switch it on and off hmm maybe i don't have to [Music] the second half is underway can supa strike us find a way back into this game keep it on the ground guys short passes [Applause] [Music] so you think cool joe got the message i really hope so [Music] but then where is oh look cool joe switched sides with twisting tiger well he can't do much worse than he did in his normal position you're sure this is gonna work not at all [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but [Applause] so does this mean you're okay with us watching soccer on the state-of-the-art monitoring equipment no this is research into the effects of the asteroid on a soccer game uh hello is this thing working reading you loud and clear wow i can't believe i'm talking to a super striker i can't believe i'm talking to an astronaut who knew it would be so easy to get cujo into technology yeah all he needed was the right motivation do you guys mind huh yeah seriously can we get some space please how much more space do you need [Music] [Music] [Music] come on come on come on okay hey watch it el matador dude we're here for three days what do you even have in all those bags kit bag casual wear bag smart wear bag toiletry bag hair dryer bags fan mail bag and spare bag bag you have a bag to keep a spare bag in uh you don't welcome welcome super strikers i trust you'll enjoy your stay in our wonderful city thanks i'm sure we will mine yep especially when we kick cosmos butts and shakes where is the rest of your luggage this is it you don't even have a spare bag bag are we in some kind of alternate reality no tiger man we're in las vegas [Music] oh wow amazing how can brock sleep through this that dude can sleep anywhere well he better wake up soon or he's going to miss the greatest city in the world [Music] i can't believe buddy watkins has a giant sign of himself talk about over the top ah you guys just don't get this town vegas is all about the showmanship hand luxury and five-star cuisine apparently they have the world's most expensive dessert here the 24 carat golden sunday woohoo yeah amazing megan las vegas does not have a good effect on bring it on [Music] good stuff klaus [Music] great composure shakes [Music] el matador keep it simple come on coach this is vegas we need to put on a show just ask them [Music] man cosmos are pulling out all the stops for the half-time show well if they interrupt our next practice there will be fireworks hmm [Music] i'm calling it for today we can't train with all these distractions especially you almighty huh where is he el matador your away form is amazing three goals in four games what's your secret well it's all about doing the right preparation lina i stay in the best accommodation eat the best food and train in the best facilities then i score the best goals that's it we're getting away from this madness will you stop that how can coach be so cruel denying el matador last little luxuries what you thinking mr watkins well ninja i'm gonna give el matador exactly what he wants [Music] [Music] this has got to be some kind of sick joke [Music] ah and this room is the punchline oh not even block could sleep on this pitiful excuse for a mattress chill out dude it's just two nights yeah yeah hello reception hey can i please get a 6 a.m wake-up call why don't you set your alarm ah can i at least get some room service what do you want a 24-karat golden sundae with extra golden sprinkles [Music] golden sundae i think not ah seriously what's in this thing [Music] hmm al matador pull yourself together how can i coach we're in vegas and you're subjecting us to bad food bad training facilities and the worst accommodations in the world the only bad thing around here is your attitude keep it up and you'll be doing your sulking on the bench i don't ask these things for myself coach i need the best to play my best i'm doing it for my team oh yeah you want to eat the world's most expensive dessert for our sake what a hero [Music] hey l ponytail el matador yeah whatever you got a package [Music] dear el matador this message is for your eyes only do you mind [Music] i see now that you really do need the best to play your best so here it is he understands yes don't tell the others i don't want them to think i'm playing favorites no problem coach [Music] shakes where's your roommate uh not actually sure coach haven't seen him since practice hmm hello you've reached el matador professional footballer and all-around try checking the nearest luxury hotel wherever he is he can stay there come on coach el matador may be a little self-involved okay extremely self-involved but there's no way he'd put anything ahead of a game fine go find him and make it quick kickoff is at 3 30. hey man what's the fanciest hotel in vegas you're standing in it okay the fanciest place in town has got to be [Music] hello hello mr matador buckingham palace hotel front desk here this is your 9 a.m wake-up call is there anything else we can do for you sir hmm i've got the best accommodation and the best training facilities so all i need is 124 karat golden sunday with extra golden sprinkles please excellent choice sir it will be with you shortly yeah i'm such a big shot in this town i can even decide what time it is [Music] what shakes make sure he doesn't find out el matador's here hi i'm looking for a friend who might be staying here uh his name is i'm sorry sir but here at buckingham palace hotel our guest's privacy is of the utmost importance to us okay thanks anyway shakes shakes can i please get your autograph totally of course what's your name the 24 karat golden sunday [Music] yes uh how about i give you my jersey instead throw in your boots and you got a deal [Music] the things i do for football [Music] el matador sir your 24 karat golden sunday with extra gold sprinkles just leave it there thanks i'm on a roll here [Music] delicious hmm how did you get over here [Music] what happened to you i think i know where el matador is buckingham palace hotel told ya and you know how security is in those places but i did send a message up to him ah you shouldn't have bothered the only way he's getting anywhere near a football pitch is if he's mowing the lawn [Music] it's march night in the city of lights mac we spoke about the singing ah come on brenda we're in las vegas and i'm gonna commentate my way well we may be in a city known for its big shows but we've got a no show in the game die lanky is on for the missing el matador the super striker's number 20 hasn't even made the bench very strange [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh this looks promising [Music] but an equally impressive safe well we have a clear pattern in this game super striker's attack and cosmos defend it's going to take something special for the men in red to break through [Music] oh [Music] watch out cosmos el matador is going to have the perfect [Music] game huh check the time you're going to miss the game shakes what we're well into the first half and it's been one-way traffic yep but every attack has hit a dead end oh here's a chance perfectly placed shot but once again cosmos escaped unscathed [Music] come on come on come on where's my kit bag [Music] stupid private elevator why'd you hate me [Music] mr matador how can i help you huh mr matador hello the wake-up call the elevator i've been set up [Music] ooh comfy but i cannot rest now my team needs me escape plan [Music] oh come on stupid extra smooth silk sheets huh hello reception can you please send up another golden sundae we're almost at the end of the first half and super strikers are getting desperate yep they may have had all the possession but haven't been able to find their way through [Music] ninja gets the clearance and he doesn't waste any time the counter-attack is on [Music] casual stylish gold by the cosmos star and he knows it but it's all gone wrong for super strikers despite controlling the first half they've missed that little bit of extra magic up front mr matador your 24 karat golden sundae i'll just leave it here then very good sir [Music] this is not how a football superstar leaves the building [Applause] coach i can explain at the hotel you booked me into they betrayed me locked me in the room the hotel i booked you into are you serious look i know you said in the letter that you didn't want the other guys to know so now i sent you a letter of course you think i'd make this up well then let's see the proof brother it's in one of my other bags let me guess your imaginary letters bag listen i love the best food the best hotels and the best training facilities but nothing is more important to me than super strikers the best team in the world all right guys bring it in one two three you're on the bench you guys gotta believe me i was set up oh yeah bye who please give a warm round of applause for buddy watkins impalas dancers [Music] it's buddy's hotel maybe you were set up el matador coach you gotta let me get back at that guy please put me on you've had the best food accommodation and training facilities so get out there and put on a show of vegas proportions [Music] what how'd he get here [Music] the missing el matador has returned but he has his work cut out for him cosmos are set up even more defensively than in the first half looks like buddy watkins is holding out for a one-nil victory any ideas get the ball to me in the box i know how to catch them by surprise [Music] [Applause] somehow shakes has threaded it through but el matador still has plenty to do here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] crap [Applause] [Music] mr wardmans thanks [Applause] a night in the best hotel in town seems to have really helped el matador's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] game you're fired oh man [Applause] [Music] for our last night in vegas buddy has kindly offered us five-star accommodation on the house more like on the palace 24-karat golden sundays all around booyah well you guys deserve it even you well matter again really yeah where is that deserter he says he's had enough luxury for a while um [Music] try again guys
Channel: The Supa Strikas - Kids Soccer Cartoon
Views: 5,901,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supa strikas, super strikas, super strikers, supa strikas season 6, super strikas capitulo 1, super estrikas, super strikers in english, supa strikas in english, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, cartoons, football, soccer, soccer anime, anime, cartoon anime, supa strikas in hindi, super striker, kids tv series, disney, kids tv shows, american soccer, football compilations, soccer goals, best football team
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 39sec (3699 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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