Supa Strikas | Game Over! | Season 7 Full Episode Compilation | Soccer Cartoons for Kids!

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only two minutes left in this semi-final and technicali are in total control oh it's a surprise tackle from twisting tiger giving super strikers their first chance to score but shakes blows it he really has struggled towards the end of the season mac he just looks finished well now so is his team because technicalities winning streak takes them all the way to the super league final tony you're a genius you gotta admit technicality and the trophy are a perfect fit we're in the final game over let's move what's this super league agents are swarming the pitch mr burns technically is officially disqualified for using performance-enhancing nanotechnology oh please i don't know what you're talking about tiny bots in your boy's brains improving all-round athletic ability but how did you find out an anonymous tip huh some snooping busy buddy snitched on me super strikers fc wins by default but why did we have to play the whole game lab results only came in 20 minutes ago super league rule 7.94 never interrupt a match report to the vice next week for the super league finals oh yes all that training paid i thought we were out for sure hooray can't wait [Music] super league fighter here we come you said it block but coach you think we're ready for iron tank yeah some of us haven't been playing our best lately i know you mean me and i know i've been sucking lately but why does it even matter uh what are we actually playing for we play for the teams the fans the thrill of winning the lucrative endorsement deals okay sure those things used to work for me too but now that i'm playing so badly i can't think of a single reason to keep going ah court man maybe shakes should sit this one out the pressure's too much for him it is the final after all we have to face fact the dude just can't hack it listen guys we're not going to bench shakes just because he's not playing well he's been with us every step of the way this season and now we need to support him so he'll be in the starting lineup this weekend and all we have to do for the final is apply the four fundamentals of football skills training strategy and teamwork so get out there and play your hearts out together [Music] you'll get through this shakes just keep moving forward thanks coach i'll do my best but i think this will be my last game i entained kev fought hard for their place in the finals and super strikers look ready for an epic clash it's the stuff of dreams fantastic interplay from super strikers [Applause] something's up with shakes maybe he just needs a new cheer shakes shakes he's got what it takes chase shakes he's got working tapes shapes shakes he's got what it takes shapes shapes he's got plenty dance [Applause] look who's awake hey man you had us worried there buddy glad you're back shakes did we win uh we lost dude but don't worry about that yeah you got bigger problems just relax chicks problems what are you talking about tiger huh handcuffs when the doctors scanned your head after the concussion they found performance-enhancing nanotechnology like technicality dude maybe you did it by accident yeah someone could have put it in his food did you eat or drink anything weird before the finals guys how could anyone think my performance was enhanced my game's been so off lately people are saying that's the reason you cheated so what now you'll stand trial before the super league disciplinary board if they find you guilty you'll be banned for life sheesh but i'm innocent so we'll figure it out right guys um i don't know man the evidence is pretty overwhelming shakes mine hey this patient needs rest get out of here all of you [Music] now just take it easy mr shakes watch some tv relax i always knew that loser was faking the good guy stick we all trusted him i just feel so betrayed super league take a hit with no shakespeare super striker's musical now with all new songs about shakes tragic fall from grace but how do we know shakes is guilty dr tony verona we scanned his brain here at athletic labs and the results are irrefutable lina it seems shakes will retire young and describe tonya verona looks a lot like tony vern maybe he thinks i ratted him out and this is some kind of weird payback 4am front entrance status report all clear boss rear fire escape all clear interior lockdown the birdie is in the cage hey guys can you keep it down i'm trying to escape here forget it shakes there's no way out [Music] the birdie has taken flight repeat the birdie has taken flight carving grind accidental 360. try the pudding cup it's delicious oh ow huh all right we've got him cornered south stairwell game over shakes [Music] sorry to disappoint you but the game's just getting started the birdie has flown the coop you better get that cleaned out before the boss sees you hmm it is delicious all right here's what we know our fugitive has a two-hour head start he's fast fit and we're in his hometown but shakes isn't just another athlete who crossed the line he's one of the world's most recognizable stars which makes hiding hard and public transport not an option so he'll need help people he can trust super strikers they're like his brothers we'll stake him out but he won't go there first too obvious um rule 43.6 all agents wear black suits sorry boss i had a dry clean this morning left it in my car and it's gone so our fugitive is wearing a black suit freshly dry cleaned and about two sizes too small what you waiting for a formal invitation get out of here go go go go find him i didn't want to point out the obvious but why doesn't he wear a black suit special agent john hackett always gets his man and when you're that good you make your own rules [Music] shakes his innocence dandy check shakes his innocent online petition check shakes his innocent snack supply trouble sure shakes his innocent period buddy shakes i thought you would have left town by now i've been framed and i'm pretty sure dr tonya verona or should i say tony verne has something to do with it cheating and technology it's gotta be tony super league agents okay uh i need you to sneak into aflatech prove the evidence is fake and call me when you unmask tony vern call you i wanna see tony's face when you catch him you have three seconds to open this door well you won't have a door one two three we're looking for shakes the shakes here in my little old place unlikely well um yes he was here [Music] sorry i'm a fan move move [Music] dude you're blocking my awesome getaway shakes [Music] [Music] the birdie is not in the vehicle [Music] after a dramatic hospital escape shakes is on the run with agent john hackett in hot pursuit hey vanessa isn't that our house oh please don't be such a doofus terry [Music] the secret to a great barbecue is never take your eyes off coming through my chicken is tony vern's nanotech making shakes faster hard to say but he's certainly staying ahead in this foot chase hey you there yes you didn't get your visitors passes without these babies you wouldn't have access to all the labs thanks wait a second each pass is valid for a free cappuccino at the cafeteria i always forget that part [Music] end of the line shakes come on i could really use that proof now you won't believe what we got shakes what spins what free cappuccino gotta admit you're pretty fast kid but now everyone gets to see us take you in come on cheeks they've really got them now but it is better if they bring him in right at least he'll be out of danger what this is a joke to you we've got you surrounded you're not from around here are you well this is where i grew up my elementary school is right around that corner and the field where my dad taught me the bicycle kick just two blocks from here that's real sweet kid you're missing the point home ground advantage and old jimmy the school bus driver he's a real stickler for punctuality no [Music] johnson kowalski shakes here it is oh right and the scans clear jakes is innocent oh hello tonya verona oh it's showtime well well well famous soccer star still trying to get a free ride don't ever let them keep you down shakes thanks jimmy ah just in time for the main event dr verona or so you claim you can call me tonya how can i help by telling the truth tony oh no we are so sorry you're not tony vern in disguise you sound disappointed i assume it has something to do with shake scans well yeah why'd you tell the super league shakes has nanotech in his brain when the scan is obviously clear you must remember it is nanotech the bots find their way to the medulla footballada where they enhance all-round athletic ability you got them out right yep and handed them over to the super league as evidence i'm sorry buddy we're we're not giving up shakes thanks guys you've you've done everything you can come home shakes we're worried come home shakes we're worried come home shakes we're worried any activity nope just the saddest barbecue i ever spied on guys imagine how he feels out there all alone he needs us coach i know as his team we have to support him and the best way to do that is to help the authorities bring him in safely he'll have a fair trial and i'll make sure he doesn't get hurt hey why are there two twisting tigers shakes you all betrayed me no shakesman it's not like that this is for your safety there's no point running nice one sick move yeah go shakes the brother still got it my bike huh he stole my keys [Music] [Music] huh [Music] so [Music] [Music] your nanobots from dr verona now turn this thing around but i'm innocent i don't want to fight you then you should have stayed in bed [Music] [Music] [Music] hold it shakes i can keep chasing you for the rest of your life but you gotta ask yourself what are you running from from you duh you know what i mean you tried nanotech but no tiny gizmo's gonna replace what you've lost you've lost your love of the game a classic case of burnout maybe it's time you move on get a commentating game march day at strykerland we could even get you a job at super league headquarters the birdie is on the team you'd make one heck of an agent kid me with your football skills you've got the four fundamentals down cold crazy skills committed training smart strategic moves and teamwork they were just trying to protect you kid now come on let's get you a new start thanks but if i'm not playing the game i want nothing to do with it just saying it out loud feels good i'm done [Music] seems there's not a whole lot left for you at strykerland yeah even coach and the guys don't believe me hey what if i tell folks i never caught you that you didn't make it okay on condition you disappear never play soccer again deal just make sure big bow gets his bike back all right you got it kid [Music] ow hey if you're not too busy how about a little help dad huh you used to play soccer right i gave that up a long time ago but you always tell me to never give up fine pass me the ball [Music] all right i forgot how much fun this is dad the bicycle oh yeah jump off your kicking foot you've got just one chance to make it good whoa [Music] oh you should watch where you're going pipsqueak you all right brother you you guys didn't abandon me what you talking about jake's mom you took a mighty knock there dude pupils responding normally do you have a headache feeling dizzy nauseous never felt better great no concussion you're sure you don't want to go off i'm good i just remembered what i'm playing for the fifth fundamental of football fifth yeah fun with the score tied iron tank's defense is sitting deep holding on for the penalty shootout captain to me but shakes is making a cheeky run he's in the worst form of his career but he's smiling like it's his birthday whoa skills training [Applause] [Music] strategy in spectacular style you really turned things around shakes brother it doesn't matter shakes he's back looks like i was wrong shakes dude turns out you can hack it after all pack it you still think this will be your last game not a chance but you were burnt out yeah shakes you were like i'm over this soccer thing we thought you were going to quit come on guys why would i quit i'm playing the game i've loved since i was a little kid it's in my blood nothing else matters [Music] what [Applause] [Music] so uh who is gavin brinkley and why is he making a musical about us yeah football and music don't go together huh all depends how you play brother sir gavin brinkley can turn anything into a musical haven't you seen fizzleboom the musical sir gavin says some extensively researching his subject faster faster can we get on with this well excuse us ah super strikers so glad you could join us for our final dress rehearsal sure no problem looking forward to the show hoping isn't boring oh we had the press here last night and they loved it another brinkly hit [Music] [Music] [Music] i run fast and then i kick it at last that isn't cricket slam dunk we gotta get a hold in one [Music] that shakes is important he's the reason that we were [Applause] [Music] at least it's over uh-oh but to understand the winning we must start from the beginning you ready son yup huh how about you nothing dropped that you couldn't catch and never stop never missed a match you're the kind of guy who always sees things true and i'll always be right here for you now see here fellows i'm glad we won but let's not rest on our laurels yay i'm still in the show and i'm gone again they all want a piece of me they won't quit and this guy smells like cheese trophies fame and scoring goals i'll admit i want all of these but the truth is the most fun i've ever had was barefoot in the backyard playing soccer with my dad [Laughter] you ready yep [Music] how about you you got me dad and i've got you shakes so beautiful i feel joy rising up inside me i feel something rising up inside me too my lunch that was the worst even i was bad how dare you i'm sorry sir brinkley it's just not us man it's definitely not me you got some pretty basic stuff wrong no slam dunks in football dude yeah you need to do your research who cares what you think uh sir gavin you care what they think without their consent you're legally barred from using their lives in a theatrical production i need their approval listen up boys let sir gavin do his thing we have an invincible united match to prepare for i agree with the man in last year's suit you should do what he says no way never gonna happen we're shutting it down this show's just wrong it's not like you could do any better oh yes that's genius super strikers should tell their own story they're the ones who've been on the field scoring runs slamming dunks and whatnot i'll write the music of course but the lyrics must be theirs interesting would be good to get the story straight oh and make the songs a little more mega out of the question come on coach do you really want to be portrayed by that guy listen up boys hmm could be better ah lend me your ears fellows okay but you must get someone else to play me cedric you're fine no gavin this was meant to be my breakout wrong that's showbiz vince check it out super strikers are going to be so busy whistling show tunes and signing autographs for old ladies we'll destroy them perhaps but the extra attention could boost their confidence well the brinkley company has sent us tickets to opening night maybe we can find a way to ruin it for them i don't mind getting our story straight with brinkley but let's make sure we're also match ready for invincible united absolutely you gotta use it to my ears don't worry nanny garcia will get it sir gavin brinkley heavens a gold piano oh it's like the books display purposes only until now the shakes why don't you start where did i go wrong with your story well firstly how could my dad be at all my games he went missing on mount kilimanjaro when i was a little kid oh i see jomo vince and i all played footy together back then jomo was by far the most talented but he disappeared before he could reach his full potential he spent a lot of time playing soccer with shakes though didn't he teach you the bicycle kick yep taught me everything i knew at least till i was six ah yes that's good he taught me everything i knew till i was six years old yes like how to run and tie my shoe not just that i got the bicycle down cold jump off your kicking foot just one chance to make it good [Music] but i've had lots of things to do since i was six years old i moved on and added to some things you can't control way to go shakes yeah maybe we could actually do this we can totally do it all right guys you see that's how it works we make it up as we go we improvise all right dude let's do it fantastic who's next i uh i once bought a giant octopus see now you're catching on to this when tiger spins the fans rejoice and cool joe's got a golden voice bravo our captain surfed the submarine what battled his twin machine i'm that guy who loves the strudel and inyo tried to fry my noodles spike and big boo have an ancient feud shakes is young but a legend dude you guys push hard but you pull together one two three [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm nicely done just a couple more songs to go i must say i can never get my actors to work this hard oh we're used to it listen up boys get up for practice we leave for striker land in ten i see what you mean [Music] uh shakes all right all right i'm on my way there's someone here to see you it's been a long time shakes oh hi and uh you are i'm shakes's father [Music] so uh jomo how'd you find us yesterday i was reading the paper when i came across a review of your musical three stars from the arty farty they'll give us five when they hear the new songs it mentions shakes childhood sure a lot of it's wrong but as i read it it started flooding back you see i had an accident that affected my memory mount kilimanjaro shake said that's where you disappear the last thing i remember is a loud crack and a rock fall by the time i woke up i was buried in snow and hypothermia had set in you survived that legendary i must have clawed my way up to reach the surface at least that's what i was told by the guy who found me shakes i'm sorry i couldn't remember anything but i remember now so you uh call this strategy the funnel yep and we build slowly by controlling the midfield using the entire width of the pitch accurate passing is key the wings hang wide then sprint and field finally one of them tips it over to shakes it all funnels to him the bicycle you know who taught him that right hardly air dude and a smooth finish it is a lot of pressure though shakes think you can handle that in a match sure no problem ha that's my boy [Music] classic through the legs you mean nutmeg some of the game's terminology has set your mind kilo but one thing no footballer ever forgets is how to handle a ball come on show us what you can do jomo hey what is this you want me to perform like i'm some circus sideshow you don't have to do anything you've been through enough truth is i haven't been able to play quite the same since a lion attack when i was a game ranger you fought off a ravenous life nah she was protecting her cubs all i did was get the tourists back in the jeep man fractured my ankle in the process you saved those people that's pretty cool got any other stories that's enough back to practice and the power grows [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that might not be quite right but let's keep improvising [Music] dinner is ready what i like the little squares okay it's weird dude yeah even icings that's weird and what's with the sippy cup in that old blanket my blankie is for sleepy time and if i don't have my sippy cup i might spill the apple juice hey jomo how about another one of your adventure stories yeah sure but this is more of a funny dentist story than an adventure it all started when shakes ran off to me one day shouting dad dad my tooth is loose oh you should have seen that smile he was oh please just stop what i don't know who you are but i think you should leave hey i i know i'm probably getting in your way so i'm happy to go if shakes is cool with that i uh [Music] please excuse me i'll see if he's all right ten oh mr matador doesn't do endorsements for less than 20. mm-hmm uh-huh don't give me that garbage deal run the numbers again but i want to speak to all the sun i've never played a soccer game that you were there to see i'm not saying you're to blame but you weren't there for me [Music] son i know that things have changed i've been away so long let's just face it this is strange can't fix it with a song i've missed a lot of birthday cakes i waited for you every year this is how a promise breaks i've had enough i'm out of here i'll do whatever it takes come on don't leave me hanging shakes can't we pick it up from here remember how i let you steer got my license just last year i taught you how to ride a bike there's another bicycle i like ah jump off your kicking foot just one chance to make it good so your memory's kicking up a gear so we're picking it up from here we're picking it up from here we're picking it up we're picking it up from here [Music] you've got some mad guitar skills and you're not bad on piano maybe it runs in the family i'm gonna head out but i'll see you at opening night right wouldn't miss it for the world shakes looks like he's about to cry sounds like you really made an impact well the background info you gave me was spot on you and shakes dad must have been good mates eh you know what they say keep your friends close and your rivals closer anyway i gotta get down there don't want to miss the start of the show you're not watching the show you're taking the money and leaving town but i told shakes i'd be there promises promises wait okay [Music] now listen up boys [Music] [Applause] we actually pulled this off all thanks to gavin sir gavin brinkley i feel inspired yeah makes me want to play football can't wait to crush invincible united tomorrow right shakes oh [Applause] oh poor shakes did daddy let you down just wait till he sees the score in the match tomorrow now that'll be a real disappointment all according [Music] [Applause] and the stage is set for an epic showdown they may be the subject of a new musical but can super strike us play in harmony today [Applause] oh and the wings find the perfect rhythm up the middle but he doesn't have the elevations but his signature moves [Applause] anything we can do for you sir taxi to the airport thanks of course i can charge room 514. this arrived for you earlier it's a ticket for today's game shake sent it himself we can still pick it up from here uh this isn't for me your name isn't jomo just the taxi thanks [Music] coach please you gotta sub me i'm blowing this i'm sorry you have to keep trying shakes shakes mom [Applause] can't hit the high notes say shakes duma to me are you sure about this coach he's really struggling out there shakes struggle is with confidence taking them off will only make it one [Applause] dude if you're not feeling up to it you're never gonna get up to it but it's okay shakes we understand yeah we're sorry your dad didn't show up he's not my dad my dad would have been there right i even sent him a ticket to the game so stupid shakes you have a visitor you you got my message wait i'm sorry shakes i'm not your dad what what dude you better start talking fast or i'm kind i'm just an actor someone hired me to play the role who hired you the the invincible united guys they told me everything about john i should have guessed the only person who knew jomo better than me was vince whoa i pushed hard oh hi and uh you are he's no one klaus and he's leaving look i know i'm just some random actor guy but if i was your dad i'd be really proud it's too bad was kind of hoping i'd inherited your guitar skills ah i know a couple chords just improvised you know sir gavin would approve you know we can improvise too right guys um block rock a beat oh i see where you're going with this i push hard but we pull together i push hard but we go together [Applause] [Music] jump off your kicking foot just one chance to make it good all three of you not much time before the final curtain and the scores are tied does either team have anything left for a big finish [Applause] so predictable he's got the air but he's also got company leaving el matador completely unmarked [Applause] what kind of bicycle is that sometimes you gotta improvise bro yeah look who is back in the show i can see it now el matador the musical how about nanny garcia the musical has a nice ring to it i'm already tearing up interesting make it 60 and we talk promises promises right hey thanks for what you said about my dad if only he could see you now yeah i guess it's time i let go he's not coming back poor jump you'll never see his dad again well sometimes you want your rivals close and other times very very far away you know where shakes dad is right all my latest invention needs now is a little fine-tuning oh [Music] ah you clumsy clutches you hapless hippopotamus tony this is really hard hard you know what's hard being a genius surrounded by idiots seriously how can we play football and we can't stay on our feet yeah tony i just feel kind of out of control that's it my device will work i just need a test subject who can handle being out of control nope but no pretty close but uh we have a winner and by winner i mean loser [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] you boys are on top form take the rest of the day off yeah all right see you back here on monday wow guys wasn't that like the hottest you've ever got at practice yeah even my sweat is sweating it would be nice to cool off oh imagine someone had a new swimming pool with waterfall feature infinity edge and enclosed spiral water slide that's the one i'll race you guys there not so fast okay i'll let my limited edition el matacoin decide heads we swim ponytails you lose heads hey bruno you miss me home time [Music] bruno are you okay did they hurt you radical yo it's croco stylist ha ha seriously shakes crocky the smilo die i borrowed it from klaus had it since i was five looks like you haven't ridden it since then either yeah i never progressed past beginner so i switched to two wheels instead of dissing my board how about teaching me some moves of course i could show you some gnarly tricks only if you can keep up yes shove it carving first time thought i wouldn't catch up huh not bad shakes but we gotta go back to the basics and for that there's no place better than the gnarly ollie skate shop huh an original crocky short cruiser gnarly really no tried to tell you shakes so let's get him a new deck some decent trucks 52 mil wheels and the rest of the grommet starter kit grommet come on tell me i'm past grommet um hold that thought mr shah this is he whoa that's actually pretty cool the what the los angeles academy of magnetic electro technology we need you to help us develop a new electromagnetic shoe nah dude i'm not the shoe endorsement guy seriously you're the only person with the rad bad skill combo we need skateboarding and uh uh skateboarding and uh just skateboarding so what about it deck trucks beginner wheels helmet pads and shove it magazine no way that's impossible look dude if you want to pass on skateboarding's most bodacious breakthrough since the wheel i guess we could call liquido got a rain check on that lesson shakes dude but uh check out shove it's triple page spread on moves every grommet should know i'm in great it's gonna be the gnarliest thing i've ever done may i [Music] i just can't get enough of this pool sure but what about the old pool drained it i'm deciding whether to turn it into a parking garage or fill it with el mata coins so i can swim in there fill it with almaty coins i thought you said they were limited edition there it is a parking garage six months you'll join us brother you gonna escape or be shot out of a cannon very funny with norcha oh he had to head out of town something about the gnarliest thing he's ever done classic northshore i bet it's a hydrofoil siphon nah nah i gotta be stratospheric base jumping ha it's stratosphere stratos the second one moves every grommet should know start with the basics ugh boring wow [Music] mr shaw welcome to the los angeles academy of magnetic electrotechnology thanks you do know that spells lame and i don't mean to bust your chops but did you fly me all the way out to los angeles just to ride a half pipe [Music] whoa so you weren't yanking my chain reels free technology the next level of skateboarding is here actually not quite yet mr shaw the academy has failed to fine-tune the maglev ratio due to trial subjects inability to maintain equal weight distribution we need a skater with the radical skills to balance how the magnets in the surface help control the metal in the shoes well then i'm your guy let's do this time to shred [Music] yes sorry dude maybe you should call the quito actually my recalibration seems to have worked you should be able to do it now i don't think i could take another fall i've got a game against technicality next week huh it should be working now mr shaw [Music] first time bull rider start with a low arch [Music] [Music] [Applause] one last thing all this gnarly stuff is highly classified sign here your secret's safe with me and that's the final whistle sealing a massive upset for the home team at the hub i've never seen technicality move with such grace and speed neither has scar on that that is what technicality did to invincible united in la this week and if the boys in yellow beat us we lose our place at the top of the table all right coach what's the plan how do we beat something i prepared some intensive training for you we work on speed passing and communication testing thermal vision goggles for night skiing give it a break i even signed a non-disclosure agreement what you what what leave him alone guys he's had enough of our constant questions is it an anti-gravity champion spider-silk wings dudes i'm not saying anything not what not who and not where we'll still be touching down at lax welcome to los angeles super strikers and welcome back mr shaw not where huh just stop asking questions all right you'll have plenty of time for guessing games at the hotel because you're all on lockdown [Music] [Music] can i get you a ride sir no thanks got my own wheels dude [Music] huh come on wanted to have another little run at it a little run of what exactly ah now you're following me around nah i'm just here for my skateboard lesson yeah right sheesh i bet you could fit an indoor skydiving wind tunnel in this warehouse nice try dude or even a fake mountain for base jumping i ain't biting how about hey yep that's a positive idea come on let's get em for that lesson shakes dude [Music] first up yes [Music] hey this isn't a skatepark [Music] [Music] [Music] time [Music] shakes dude yup just like you said one with a mop of hair and the other you're right i don't think there is a name for that skating is not a crime officers it's for back to the you right now [Applause] pop shove it into a 50-50 grind with a late flip on the landing yeah sick move telling everyone about the warehouse jerk move sorry north i thought giving them more info would calm them down but it only made us want to know more and into a wave pool for kiteboarding spider-silk suits hot air balloons maybe it's a massive high-tech distraction before an important game technicality are on form but with your speed and agility you can close down their passing options with our speed and agility there's no way they can stop us sorry we ever doubted you tony your new technique's a total game changer for us all right all right now get out there and show them what you got [Applause] and by what you've got i mean what i've given you ah this isn't so hard yeah how could invincible united lose to these guys yeah now to me what it's john jay johnson jr like a bolt of blue lightning whoa i kind of look like a shove it too much skating north shop [Applause] [Music] carving [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first half is almost over and nothing can stop these three-footed men in blue and yellow [Music] dude what have i done okay dudes i'm ready to tell you about you know the thing finally now your timing is whack brother was it the spider silk wing suit gotta be the amphibious jet ski enough i'm settling this with a flip the truth is i wasn't snow kiting wingsuiting highlighting anything i was asked to help calibrate a wheels-free half-pipe a skateboard ramp with no skateboard using magnets and metal shoes so that's what was in the warehouse any chance we could try it out yeah where's the skate ramp now oh yeah it's right here it's the hub who did you say you helped some guy who said he was running a tech startup okay the technicality startup you helped our opposition develop technology that allows him to move like ghosts we're getting thrashed because of you sorry dudes i can't believe i got suckered in like that hey it only happened because you're such a ripping footballer and skater hmm if only you had metal boots north [Music] hey don't matter dude how many of those coins do you have only the one north they're sold out obvi el matador special edition el mata coins anyone only one million ever made oh right oh what are you doing oh the grotesque injustice nope this is how the grom and i huh grom okay intermediate skater and i are gonna serve justice to technicality and we're back for the second half let's hope super strikers have a new strategy [Music] super league disciplinary boy yes i'd like to report a pitch with some [Applause] irregularities super strikers are defending in numbers while shakes pushes up with a new strike partner north shaw plainly unorthodox brenda but an orthodox could be just what superstitions need [Applause] i've got you dude we can do this [Applause] such graceful football now from both teams what how did they get metal boots no matter [Applause] north shaw just gives it away [Applause] and he steals it right back finally super strikers are pulling off some epic moves [Applause] but now the style of football has gone from graceful to disgraceful [Music] too much mag left power shakes dude let's lose some coins way ahead of you [Music] intermediate no more shakes dude time for the luge dude [Music] [Applause] with a phenomenal comeback [Applause] [Music] sorry coach only a regular thing we found is your boys filled their shoes with coins highly unusual but not illegal poor party at my place ha ponytails it is that coin was in shake shoes i thought i told you to burn the infected ones nah you keep them they smell like feet get ready for practice but tony we never practice just after a game please put us down why this is the closest you fools will ever get to being on top in the super league ah changed my mind
Channel: The Supa Strikas - Kids Soccer Cartoon
Views: 3,192,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supa strikas, super strikas, super strikers, supa strikas season 6, super estrikas, super strikers in english, supa strikas in english, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, cartoons, football, soccer, soccer anime, anime, cartoon anime, supa strikas in hindi, super striker, kids tv series, disney, kids tv shows, american soccer, football compilations, soccer goals, best football team, shakes, funny cartoon, Compilation, Animation, Classic Cartoon, super league, supa league
Id: mjj6jhtUuXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 10sec (3730 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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